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LTTP: Prey "Underrated Game Of The Decade Edition"


underrated game of the decade is Titanfall 1 due to it's exclusivity, it pisses me the fuck off how people who say they "Played" it and that it was a flop and a bad game, but when Titanfall 2 came out on PS4, they finally tried it and said it was a Masterpiece even though it was much MUCH worse than the first game, i'm talking about the MP of course
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Amazing game. The only thing that bothered me was the shitty flashlight. Not only it had an ugly rectangular shape, it also lacked dynamic lighting making the game look like something from 2001 while exploring dark rooms with it. Funny thing is most other light sources (if not all) did cast shadows (as expected from any game released the last 10 years). You could even carry some of these light sources with you and use them to lit dark places and these looked way better than your flashlight.
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Apparently the combat is not very satisfying. Something about the uninspired enemy creature design.


Apparently the combat is not very satisfying. Something about the uninspired enemy creature design.

Apparently? So you've not played it yet?

I actually enjoyed the combat, and the different combinations of weapons and powers allowed different ways of tackling each enemy. There's quite a few different types of enemy each with different abilities.
Apparently the combat is not very satisfying. Something about the uninspired enemy creature design.

I thought that the enemy creature design came across as a little uninspired too, initially. But after consuming more media on Prey, I've grown to love them. I can't wait to beat them to death with a space hammer / wrench.

I'm just waiting on the announcement of an Xbox One X patch before buying my copy. I'm still waiting Arkane!

Also, for anyone that hasn't seen it yet, the latest noclip video interview with two of the designers of Prey is fantastic (if a little too short):



Love this game. Finished it on PC and PS4 Pro.
I would probably re-buy if they gave it the XB1X treatment.
My biggest issue is that the game screams for a new game plus to try different power builds.
After beating it, there is very little reason to replay.
I was hoping since they gave Dishonored 2 a new game plus but it looks like they may have closed the door on any future updates.


Apparently the combat is not very satisfying. Something about the uninspired enemy creature design.

No, no, and no.
Like the Bioshock games, combat is what you make it to be.
You can run and gun with a shotgun.
You can force enemies to fight for you.
You can slow down time.
You can set traps.
You can use Alien powers.

Ammo is very limited so you have to plan for most attacks.


I think the aiming always felt off to me even after all the updates.

That's because the crosshair isn't centered, it's actually below the center. I found it really weird at first too but then eventually got used to it. I don't remember exactly what prompted this design decision but I think one of old classics (maybe System Shock?) had it as well.

Incredible game overall and I hope Arkane is allowed to continue to make immersive sims.


That's because the crosshair isn't centered, it's actually below the center. I found it really weird at first too but then eventually got used to it. I don't remember exactly what prompted this design decision but I think one of old classics (maybe System Shock?) had it as well.

Incredible game overall and I hope Arkane is allowed to continue to make immersive sims.
I hope Arkane is allowed to make SS3.

The System Shock remaster looks good, but after playing Prey I'm convinced nobody could do better.


As a huge Deus Ex: Human Revolution fan, I keep hearing good things about this game. I'm replaying Gravity Rush 2 now (online ends in a week!), but might drop it for this later on.

One question for the OP and others: will this game inspire me about humanity's future? Playing DEHR and doing everything "right", and feeling like I had successfully averted the horrible future of the original Deus Ex, was the thing that made me really love that game. (They built Mankind Divided off one of the worst and most dispiriting endings... but it was still fun to play; just not inspiring like HR.)


Neighbours from Hell
It's a great game. One of the biggest surprises of 2017 and even beyond that. With all that said, I thought by the end of the game
it was very noticeable in the lack of enemy variety it had and it started to get repetitive with all the backtracking, but luckily once the game starts to just outstay its welcome, you finish it. So it wasn't really a huge flaw. I still had a blast with it.


I hope Arkane is allowed to make SS3.

The System Shock remaster looks good, but after playing Prey I'm convinced nobody could do better.

Aren't there two SS games in development? One by Ultima Underworld (?) team with Warren Spector and another by the company that's remastering the first one?

In any case, Arkane definitely has that magic touch that makes these games so good - they have great level designers, and more importantly, people who know how to balance and pace the game.


Aren't there two SS games in development? One by Ultima Underworld (?) team with Warren Spector and another by the company that's remastering the first one?

In any case, Arkane definitely has that magic touch that makes these games so good - they have great level designers, and more importantly, people who know how to balance and pace the game.

Yes. Spector's team is working on SS3 while Nightdive is working on a SS1 reboot. It was originally going to be a remake (basically a remaster with completely new assets) but they decided to be more creative and make more significant changes.


Gold Member
The music was awesome. The retro sci-fi feeling fit the moment. Plus the environments were fun to explore. I had a lot of fun with Prey. The design of the game made me want to interact with the environment and unlock locked doors.


Prey was really good, almost great. Felt a bit rushed in the end. Story was super interesting and I liked the characters and gameplay. Some of Gordons work was also incredible.
My second favorite game of the year, only behind Cuphead.


Apparently? So you've not played it yet?

I actually enjoyed the combat, and the different combinations of weapons and powers allowed different ways of tackling each enemy. There's quite a few different types of enemy each with different abilities.
Played the demo and
bought it this on sale. But got caught up on other games so it’s now on my backlog. I was reading the reviews that were criticising the enemy creatures for being boring to fight.


Agree with most. Prey is a wonderful game. It deserved much more credit. With a publisher like ea or ubi i guess it would have rocketed. And this is sad in any possible way.
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Absolutely wonderful thread! You completely convinced me to try the game out. I've never played system shock, only Bioshock and Deus Ex Human Revolution on release and really enjoyed them but never delved any further into Immersive sins before. I downloaded the Prey demo because of your glowing recommendation and after 15 minutes immediately quit. I didn't need to experience more. What I saw/felt in those few minutes of the demo, I haven't felt in years. I couldn't contain my sense of wonder and enthusiasm to explore, it really is a testament to Arkane's ability to craft an Immersive/atmospheric world.

Sadly money is tight for me right now so can't buy the game yet, but in a better world I'd totally pay full price for it, the developers and this game deserve better than a discount sale.

I have the Dishonored GOTY edition in my Steam library so I think I'm going to delve into Arkane's back catalogue in the mean time as I hear they have just as excellent level design and I like the idea of having multiple approaches.

If only you'd did a similar thread for Dishonored 1/2 ;)

Thanks again!


Absolutely wonderful thread! You completely convinced me to try the game out. I've never played system shock, only Bioshock and Deus Ex Human Revolution on release and really enjoyed them but never delved any further into Immersive sins before. I downloaded the Prey demo because of your glowing recommendation and after 15 minutes immediately quit. I didn't need to experience more. What I saw/felt in those few minutes of the demo, I haven't felt in years. I couldn't contain my sense of wonder and enthusiasm to explore, it really is a testament to Arkane's ability to craft an Immersive/atmospheric world.

Sadly money is tight for me right now so can't buy the game yet, but in a better world I'd totally pay full price for it, the developers and this game deserve better than a discount sale.

I have the Dishonored GOTY edition in my Steam library so I think I'm going to delve into Arkane's back catalogue in the mean time as I hear they have just as excellent level design and I like the idea of having multiple approaches.

If only you'd did a similar thread for Dishonored 1/2 ;)

Thanks again!

If you're on the PC then you have to try out the older immersive sim classics - System Shock 2 (SS1 has been modernized too, but the graphics are quite distinct), Deus Ex, Arx Fatalis, maybe even Thief I and II, STALKER series, to name a few.


The game has lots of character and style! Very cool visual design and music. The main problem is that it is too long. No matter how good the writting is, a story driven game with more that 20hrs gets repetitive. With some cuts, 20%-30% less, it would have much more focus and novelties.

Another thing is that unlike the last of us, prey is afraid of the calm moments, while the last of us completely embraces them. This makes a difference because both games dont have much enemy variety, but at least TLOU also has human enemies. The coolest enemy in prey, the shapeshifting mimic loses its relevance as you get more powerful. That is why prey would benefit from having human enemies.

Do you know what would be cool? If prey had more deeper interaction with the other human characters, like making you bond with a tough cougar scientist, adding sexual tension to the story and some dirty sex scenes, as an emotional pressure release for the characters, while you just hope there are no lurking mimics around. From there, the writers could even make you go from friends with benefits, to enemies trying to kill each other, where the good guy and the bad guy are not really aparent.

Imagine if naughty dog had the balls to do the same thing to TLOU2! A horny ellie with an electra complex seduces Joel against his wishes, marking her passage to adulthood. From there we would see the rise of ellie and the decline of joel, where after several turns of events, she ends to be the one that kills him or leads him to his death. TLOU meets The Last Tango in Paris! Now that would be a feminist story!


It's a great game. I particularly enjoyed the ending. Not only did it caught me by surprise, there were some interesting consequences to my actions during the game, which I was not expecting at all.

A lot of the backlash came from people having very different expectations. Giving the game the Prey title, when the original Prey was a much more action-focused shooter, sent the wrong message.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Prey is an outstanding game that suffered the misfortune of being released in the same year as BotW and HZD.
That’s irrelevant. Both of those games came months outside Preys release.

It’s misfortune was that Bethesda didn’t promote it.
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If you're on the PC then you have to try out the older immersive sim classics - System Shock 2 (SS1 has been modernized too, but the graphics are quite distinct), Deus Ex, Arx Fatalis, maybe even Thief I and II, STALKER series, to name a few.

I've actually been thinking about doing that. I'm definitely going to check System Shock out after I'm done with Prey. While I wait for those, I will go through Dishonored and Deus Ex: HR in the mean time.

What excites me the most though is the reward for exploring. Most games barely reward you for going off the beaten bath(If you even can) and you either get nothing or a little bit of currency or a useless item. The rewards seem plenty here but for the first time, it isn't about physical rewards, but being rewarded with worldbuidling, scraps of lore that will slowly untangle or expand on the mystery which is even more inciting! I'm normally not into reading computer terminals and notes but premise/setting really excites me. I love the premise of an abandoned space station or underwater city (Dead Space/Bioshock), so this is right up my alley and the mystery is so inviting that I can't help but want to find out more, not only about the mystery but the people involved/behind it.


Gold Member
This ot and the comments have made me add this game to my wishlist for sure. All I remember at release was that it lacked ps4 pro support and then the patch wasn't actually good, so it dropped from my radar real quick.


Thank you, friends. I played through Prey a total of three times. I don't know the last time I did that for a game in the past several generations.

I will add my voice to those who have stated:
1) If you've enjoyed this game you owe it to yourself to play System Shock 2 and Thief.
2) Bethesda made an enormous mistake in not promoting this game- it is to the detriment of many gamers who likely dismissed it since it, on the surface, looks like a generic shooter.


Fully agree with OP. One of the best games ever made. It is interesting because the original Prey is also one of my favorite games, and I didn't really like that this has the same title while there is no real sequel for the original game yet. I wasn't even interested initially, but the demo sold it for me and then I fell in love with the full game. :)
Thank you, friends. I played through Prey a total of three times. I don't know the last time I did that for a game in the past several generations.

I will add my voice to those who have stated:
1) If you've enjoyed this game you owe it to yourself to play System Shock 2 and Thief.
2) Bethesda made an enormous mistake in not promoting this game- it is to the detriment of many gamers who likely dismissed it since it, on the surface, looks like a generic shooter.

I'd totally be interested if you made a similar thread for other games you're passionate about. I've mostly been away from gaming for around 10 years now, so I've missed so many gems and this is a good way for me to not only be exposed to new games but underselling gems as well(so far, Prey, Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2 and Wolfenstien 2) which makes me very enthusiastic about playing them. I hate when someone recommends games, but fails to mention WHY. Its also very infectious when someone talks about a game passionately.

Just my 2c anyway.


I'd totally be interested if you made a similar thread for other games you're passionate about. I've mostly been away from gaming for around 10 years now, so I've missed so many gems and this is a good way for me to not only be exposed to new games but underselling gems as well(so far, Prey, Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2 and Wolfenstien 2) which makes me very enthusiastic about playing them. I hate when someone recommends games, but fails to mention WHY. Its also very infectious when someone talks about a game passionately.

Just my 2c anyway.
Thank you so much!

I am actually writing a post on why I personally believe that "Epistle 3" was the best way to end the Half Life series. On the backburner, I'm writing a little something about Metroid Prime 2.
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I have literally just installed this on PS4 last night ready to make a start on (since I just finished South Park and Edith Finch) so am looking forward to it a bit more now...

All I have heard is negative, but it looked like my sort of game so will see!


I just started playing this for the first time... how did I miss the Bioshock 4 is Prey quotes? I feel a great Bioshock/System Shock 2 vibe from this game.


This is a marvel of a thread. Wonderful read OP. This thread should get bumped as often as possible. People must know about Prey and what they’re missing.


This release of Prey needed a cleanup crew like the soldiers in the first Half Life where their goal is to wipeout the alien lifeforms, you and anything else. It got old fighting a very limited roster of foes.


I know that this will be unpopular here, but on a free weekend on Xbox, I tried this game out, as I was led to believe that this was a sci-fi shooter (i.e. right up my alley of Halo, Destiny, Metroid Prime, and TitanFall). After 1 hour, I was both bored and frustrated, having only a wrench and absolutely no clue what to do and where to go. If you can't convince me to want to play your game after an hour, you have failed miserably. Dropped the game and never looked back. I do not understand the adoration of this meandering, aimless endeavor of a game.


Neo Member
Finished last month. Took me about 30 hours, i loved the game. Played on Hard/Survival, the early game was brutal, i was forced to learn to deal with every enemy the most eficcient manner possible, it was a amazing experience, every phantom was like a mini-boss. Easily my favourite game of 2017 (didn't played Zelda yet)
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