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LTTP: Wolfenstein The New Order/Old Blood


Gold Member
Just played through Wolfenstein the New Order and about halfway through the Old Blood. I'm really enjoying both games. I would say they're probably some of the better FPS games I've played in recent memory, and I would attribute a large part of that to being able to take different approaches to gunfights (especially in the Old Blood). Most of the locations are neat, and I feel like there's enough character yo each location that it's memorable and the notes left behind aren't too excessive. The gunplay is great, and I LOVE the lean in ability and bring able to have pretty much full control in the X and Y direction (i.e. you can lean left and right, BUT you can also lean at an able and stretch upward). Works really well for a FPS game.

I will say the only thing I have a gripe about is the performance on PC, though I'm not sure how much of that can be attributed to me playing it on Gamepass PC. That and the graphics aren't stellar, and some of the assets look downright bad. I think of the two games, the New Order is the stronger of the two (though that makes sense, since it probably had a bigger budget). The Old Blood relies on the same gameplay loop a bit too often unfortunately.

All said and done, I would give the New Order and 8.5/10 and the Old Blood a 8/10.
They were both great games and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them! New Order is definitely a better game but I enjoyed Old Blood for how short and sweet it was. I loved how crazy New Order got towards the end of the campaign when you had levels in space and whatnot.

Sadly, the next two titles (New Colossus and Youngblood) did not live up to the standard of New Order and Old Blood. New Colossus was decent but Youngblood is legitimately a bad game and I'd advise against playing it, even if it's free on game pass.
Played the New Order some time ago.

Was very enjoyable. The game had good level design and a lot of variety. Felt fresh throughout and never got boring.

And Nazi characters were lot of fun to watch.


I loved them both, NO is definitely better but OB is really fun as others have said, it gives good RTCW/Wolf'09 vibes.

If you do play New Colossus next you can make it more tolerable by getting so intoxicated you can't even think and just look at the visuals, its much better that way. If you don't consume drugs then just have your partner/flatmate/family member hit you in the head with a comically-oversized frying pan every 15-30 mins and that'll do the trick too.

Think of the story like you are watching a <X>sploitation movie, its just piffle compared to the first game, like a child writing fanfiction based on New Order. Just enjoy the silly visuals and what ever you do DON'T. THINK.

kim walker heathers GIF

One of the only story bits I liked was when the fat nazi girl slapped the black woman in the face for being a constant cunt to her.
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I platinumed both back in the day and remember enjoying them immensely. Sadly, I played through about 1/3 of New Colossus and couldn’t continue, it just wasn’t striking the same chord with me (plus its trophy list is brutal).
Same with me. I only got 1/3 the way and it never clicked like the other two. The other two I couldn't put down but colossus I don't know what happened.


The texture/mip map roughness comes from the old megatexture crap doesn't it? That + the engine being deferred but having no temporal AA, means its a blocky, crusty piece even at native 4K, its a shame because the game can basically never be played later with better PC HW and be completely clean. There just isn't an effective way to AA the edges unless you are playing at 16K or some nonsense (ie not in the realm of reality for ~10+ years at least).

It needs a port over to the NC engine at least, but I don't know if they'd pay for that?

I really enjoyed the variety of levels/content and upgrading tech/secrets in the game, closest game to feeling like HL2 since that came out for me.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Annoying part onp pc was that the games didn't easily run above 60fps due to the engine. I think it was possible with a mod but for some reason it messed up other things IIRC

Besides that both were great. I wasn't enjoying old blood as much but the twist I did not see coming and it gave great momentum until the end of the game.
Annoying part onp pc was that the games didn't easily run above 60fps due to the engine. I think it was possible with a mod but for some reason it messed up other things IIRC

Besides that both were great. I wasn't enjoying old blood as much but the twist I did not see coming and it gave great momentum until the end of the game.
It def. felt inconsistent. G-sync mitigated some of the issues, but even then, for what's on-screen, it does seem like it should run better. Def. not the best looking game, but it had cool art direction and it's tongue-in-cheek humor really worked for me. Still haven't finished Young Blood as it just feels.....meh. Not terrible by any stretch but New Colossus was better, and if I don't have a buddy to play through Young Blood with, I'd just rather not play it.


Annoying part onp pc was that the games didn't easily run above 60fps due to the engine. I think it was possible with a mod but for some reason it messed up other things IIRC

Besides that both were great. I wasn't enjoying old blood as much but the twist I did not see coming and it gave great momentum until the end of the game.
It def. felt inconsistent. G-sync mitigated some of the issues, but even then, for what's on-screen, it does seem like it should run better. Def. not the best looking game, but it had cool art direction and it's tongue-in-cheek humor really worked for me. Still haven't finished Young Blood as it just feels.....meh. Not terrible by any stretch but New Colossus was better, and if I don't have a buddy to play through Young Blood with, I'd just rather not play it.

This was back before I knew how to mitigate stutters with fps caps & normal external/fast/adaptive/scan-line sync but I remember being annoyed at how hard it was to keep 60fps when panning the camera, like a single area would be 35 fps looking in one direction and locked 60 the other and I don't mean looking at the sky or the like.

New Colossus was on the new iteration of the engine that cleared most of that up I believe, so that was much better aye.

Trying to get it running at 60+?:

I just mean to link the ending of that vid, in case the timestamp doesn't work properly lol I'm not saying you are an idiot ofc.
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Such a great pair of games! I still remember dying over and over again trying to get through one stealth-kill section in the sewer part - think it was Old Blood - and finally nailed it! That and the scenes you would replay to get trophies were standout to me. It was very challenging, yet not frustrating; it hit that sweet spot that kept me going until I platted both. Looking back, this is my favorite FPS this gen, better than Doom! Ok now I gotta go reinstall that shit and play it again ;)


DGrayson DGrayson While you are here can I ask you if you can ask Palliasso Palliasso if he saw my post in the "Neogaf 2.2 update" thread about linebreaks not working properly after youtube/image links, I made the post here but I got no answer and I can't PM him/you/mods to ask directly:

You can see I tagged him some time later but no reply. Sorry if you aren't the right guy to contact, just point me in the right direction please.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
DGrayson DGrayson While you are here can I ask you if you can ask Palliasso Palliasso if he saw my post in the "Neogaf 2.2 update" thread about linebreaks not working properly after youtube/image links, I made the post here but I got no answer and I can't PM him/you/mods to ask directly:

You can see I tagged him some time later but no reply. Sorry if you aren't the right guy to contact, just point me in the right direction please.

I'll check


Gold Member
They were both great games and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed them! New Order is definitely a better game but I enjoyed Old Blood for how short and sweet it was. I loved how crazy New Order got towards the end of the campaign when you had levels in space and whatnot.

Sadly, the next two titles (New Colossus and Youngblood) did not live up to the standard of New Order and Old Blood. New Colossus was decent but Youngblood is legitimately a bad game and I'd advise against playing it, even if it's free on game pass.

You are right as rain.

I beat the New Colossus and enjoyed it. Just downloaded Youngblood today, played the first level, and I'm going to uninstall it.

I enjoy the Wolfenstein gameplay loop... but having to level your character up in Youngblood seems out of place.

If there's one saving grace, I guess it would be being able to play it co-op.


Both are great FPS with solid stories. Sitting on the New Colossus right now, going to play it soon on my Series X.


The texture/mip map roughness comes from the old megatexture crap doesn't it? That + the engine being deferred but having no temporal AA, means its a blocky, crusty piece even at native 4K, its a shame because the game can basically never be played later with better PC HW and be completely clean. There just isn't an effective way to AA the edges unless you are playing at 16K or some nonsense (ie not in the realm of reality for ~10+ years at least).

It needs a port over to the NC engine at least, but I don't know if they'd pay for that?

I really enjoyed the variety of levels/content and upgrading tech/secrets in the game, closest game to feeling like HL2 since that came out for me.
Not quite.

You can use ReShade and stack SMAA + FXAA which does clean up the jaggies significantly. Using FidelityFX CAS also bumps up the overall image sharpness/general appeal significantly. The in-game AA doesn't seem to do much past 2x or 4x. Tried 16/32/64 and it's the same thing as 2x more or less.

All in all, you're not off though. Using higher internal rez + in-game 2x AA + ReShade SMAA/FXAA/Sharpen is the way, a few years from now, when we'll hopefully have a fully functional translation layer from OpenGL to Vulkan as well.


I remember when TNO was first announced and during all it's pre-release in France "NoFrag" a FPS only website the whole staff were super skeptic about it.
Game came out, they praised the story and ambiance, but they complained about the gameplay, see the main problem with the game is that you stay behind cover all the time, you're pretty much forced to do so in higher difficulty settings, but what surprised me the most was the conclusion

: "Le gameplay est peu innovant, mais pas désagréable pour autant. Il comporte tout de même de nombreux défauts, notamment lorsqu’on joue en difficulté maximale où l’on est obligé de jouer de façon très statique en restant à couvert et en tirant sur les têtes qui dépassent. Pour éviter ça, il aurait fallu que les développeurs ajoute une mécanique incitant le joueur à rester en mouvement : la faculté de récupérer de la vie au corps à corps (NecroVision), du bullet time (FEAR), des ennemis qui vous agressent au corps à corps (Serious Sam), etc. Mais dans Wolfenstein, rien de tout cela, et la difficulté über rime avec campeur, ce qui est d’autant plus grave que le lean basé sur une seule touche est désagréable à utiliser. Heureusement, l’ambiance vient rattraper le coup grâce à une histoire ultra badass avec des bases lunaires nazies, des camps de concentration nazis, des exosquelettes nazis et… de la technologie Alien juive ! Chapeau aux scénaristes et aux artistes qui ont réalisé un superbe travail." Dr loser 2014

" there's plenty of flaws, on the hardest mode we're forced to stay behind cover most of the time, leaning to do headshots, to avoid this the devs should had include a mechanic that reward/forced the player to be mobile instead : regain health while melee ennemies (NecroVision), maybe add Bullet Time (FEAR) or add more rushing ennemies that would melee you instead (Serious Sam) "

See that ? It's Doom 2016 whole gameplay principle described 2 years before, which is funny too because we've seen the same level of skepticism for that game too before release.


The New Order is a great game. Don't really remember much about old blood. The New Colossus I enjoyed for how insane the story was lol the killer of young blood for me was the way the fast travel system worked not being able to leave am area because of alarms was bullshit and then going through the same areas over and over got annoying not to mention the game was buggy as hell even months after launch atleast on xbox


Great games, but they look a bit rough now!
I would actually say both games visually hold up just fine. It's making them run at their best that's the problem. While textures are occasionally iffy, they're VASTLY more higher rez, less compressed and with less artefacts than in RAGE. Things actually look like they're supposed to here, all the time, as opposed to just some of the time, like in RAGE. This might sound silly, but the general textures and geometry feels very much "current-gen" in the first 2 Wolfenstein games, a generation apart from RAGE.

It also has effects RAGE didn't have or simply improved effects. A ton of shadows that don't look baked in, even if they probably are. I can't tell most of the time and that's great. High rez character shadows. Great looking water, both above and under it. Great geometric complexity in spots. Felt like tons of parallax/bump mapping. The screen space reflections effect is subtle, but neat. Depth of Field, HDR and skin subsurface scattering are chef's kiss in implementation in TNO and TOB.

If only we could play these in 4K, maxed out, 16K textures, uncompressed, with MSAA at unlocked fps.


I loved these games a lot. But I didn't care for the puzzle parts of the game, and I also don't like how the map empties out if you play 'all guns blazing' then the map is empty until you move on to the next part.

I didn't use the stealth much because it seems too OP. I just want to kill some Nazis. And arguably my favorite part of all the newer Wolfenstein games is the first couple levels in Deathshead castle, and I wish that part was more fleshed out. The part when you scale up the side of the building was so good. I guess I wish it was a more traditional Wolfenstein game. I'm one of the handful of people that really liked the single-player part of the 2010 Wolfenstein game. And RTCW is the goat but it hasn't aged very well. Because I tried to play it recently. But the music is still great.
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