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Madden Online Details Revealed


The PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions of Madden NFL 2005 will sport a very similar feature set.

Electronic Arts has revealed its plans for the online side of its upcoming football game, Madden NFL 2005. The game, online on both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, will feature similar sets of features on both platforms, bringing tournaments, enhanced messaging abilities, and a reputation rating to keep players in check.

As soon as you log in to Madden's online area, you'll see a customizable live ticker, which can communicate real-life sports scores to you, as well as updates on what your online friends are up to. You'll be able to set up tournaments either in the game itself or on your PC through a web-based interface. Tournament alerts and messages from other players can be sent your way via an upgraded EA messenger function, which can be set to forward text messages to you via e-mail or to your cell phone via SMS when you're not online.

The game has always kept track of some statistics, but this year's game will take it a little deeper, allowing you to essentially look at scouting reports that should give you some insight into how other players play the game. One of the new statistics will be a reputation rating. This sounds like it will use a lot of the same options as Xbox Live's feedback system, letting you rat out foulmouthed cheaters while pointing out sportsman-like players. That rating will have an impact on how you find players. You can search for players with high rep ratings in an attempt to ensure a fair game. Players with higher reputations will also gain access to special, "elite" lobbies, where only players that have been deemed to be trustworthy can play. That rep will carry over to other online EA Sports games. Players will also earn trophies and medals, which will be on display in an online trophy case.

Aside from the standard head-to-head gameplay, EA is introducing online minigames to all of its sports games this year, in an attempt to offer something to players that might not have a full 30 minutes or more to devote to an actual game. Madden's minigame is called Rushing Attack, and it's a five-minute arcade-style football game where the ball switches possession after every minute. NCAA Football is said to have one called Overtime Drill, but further detail isn't available at this time.

On top of all that, EA is also planning to insert some cheating countermeasures into the online game, which has been plagued by cheats over the past few years. The team plans to roll out anywhere from three to five roster updates for the game during the football season, though that number could grow or shrink, depending on how drastically the rosters and player ratings shift as the NFL season gets going.

Madden NFL 2005 is currently scheduled to hit store shelves on August 11.


No leagues? Ugh.

Oh well, I guess Madden will be for Franchise Mode and ESPN will be for online leagues.


This sounds like it will use a lot of the same options as Xbox Live's feedback system, letting you rat out foulmouthed cheaters while pointing out sportsman-like players. That rating will have an impact on how you find players. You can search for players with high rep ratings in an attempt to ensure a fair game. Players with higher reputations will also gain access to special, "elite" lobbies, where only players that have been deemed to be trustworthy can play. That rep will carry over to other online EA Sports games. Players will also earn trophies and medals, which will be on display in an online trophy case.

Someone has listened to my requests!!

Seriously, such a simple system will do soooo much to counteract cheap players, man, as long as they make sure the system can't be abused then Madden online will be the true standard. I don't even LIKE football games either, it's just that this rep system has been sorely needed for a LONG-ass time. MS has been absolutely retarded by not incorporating its feedback system into actual player ratings.


As soon as you log in to Madden's online area, you'll see a customizable live ticker, which can communicate real-life sports scores to you,
Yes, because we all play on sunday afternoons...

I want leagues dammit!


rastex said:
Someone has listened to my requests!!

Seriously, such a simple system will do soooo much to counteract cheap players, man, as long as they make sure the system can't be abused then Madden online will be the true standard. I don't even LIKE football games either, it's just that this rep system has been sorely needed for a LONG-ass time. MS has been absolutely retarded by not incorporating its feedback system into actual player ratings.

can't sore losers/assholes just report whoever they want to as a cheap player, therefore hurting everyone they play?


Well, I'll be getting the PS2 version. I imagine it might eliminate me from GA tournaments, but it's the version I've had before, it's the version any friends will be getting and there's really no guarantee I'll have enough incentive to get Xbox Live. Live for one game just doesn't seem worth it.

i like some of their online ideas..
but $50... thats so 2003... these days, you pay $20 for a top of the line football game with xbox specific graphics.. aka ESPN 2k5!!!
wtf!!! no EA has made me look like a jackass... no online leagues is unbelieveable... today is a slap in the face from EA. but, lets all calm down and wait until EA's official site reveals the online features...


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
There still might be hope for online leagues in Madden:

But that's not all. You see, EA didn't want to reveal all of their online plans just yet and have promised to unveil yet even more online features come July.

Let the rumor mill continue.

Here, I'll get you started: Will there be leagues? Will Madden online feature living rosters?

I can go on forever.

Luckily, all will be known in less than a month.

Tick, tick, tick…



Drey1082 said:
can't sore losers/assholes just report whoever they want to as a cheap player, therefore hurting everyone they play?

That's what I was talking about with making it so that people won't abuse it. Despite there being quite a few jerks online, there are also a ton of really cool people to play with as well. Personally, I'd say the cool people outnumber the jerks by a pretty significant margin actually. So what that means is that things will work themselves out naturally over time. The system that I envision is one such that the people with lower reps won't have their feedback weighted as much, and people that have awesome reps will have more weight.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
But that's not all. You see, EA didn't want to reveal all of their online plans just yet and have promised to unveil yet even more online features come July.

Let the rumor mill continue.

Here, I'll get you started: Will there be leagues? Will Madden online feature living rosters?

I can go on forever.

Luckily, all will be known in less than a month.

Tick, tick, tick…
I can't believe I was in the same theatre with the fine, upstanding man who wrote this.


EA guy that we like
pilonv1 said:
Where is the PAL online play? :(

No, there will not be PAL online play for Madden this year.

And all the people who love leagues, remember this: within two weeks of the launch of ESPN 2k4 last year, 80% of their leagues had been abandoned. A few weeks later, Sega scrapped the whole thing. Likewise, XSN was a failure as well, unable to keep leagues going because the few people who bought Fever didn't keep up their leagues.

This isn't a reflection on the str8 ballers in this thread, but leagues are bitch to implement, are only used by 10% of the online population (which in turn is roughly 10% of the population who bought your game), and is played by guys who don't bother showing up to play their games once they realize they will have a losing season. In short, leagues suck from a developer's perspective. There is a very small group of vocal players who cry out for them every year, but it the grand scheme of things, it is probably less than 2% of Madden's entire audience.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
NCAA's mini-game is the Overtime Challenge where each gamer picks a school, then compete in an overtime situation that you'd see in any tied-up college game.

Great idea.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Galaron said:
And all the people who love leagues, remember this: within two weeks of the launch of ESPN 2k4 last year, 80% of their leagues had been abandoned. A few weeks later, Sega scrapped the whole thing. Likewise, XSN was a failure as well, unable to keep leagues going because the few people who bought Fever didn't keep up their leagues.

This isn't a reflection on the str8 ballers in this thread, but leagues are bitch to implement, are only used by 10% of the online population (which in turn is roughly 10% of the population who bought your game), and is played by guys who don't bother showing up to play their games once they realize they will have a losing season. In short, leagues suck from a developer's perspective. There is a very small group of vocal players who cry out for them every year, but it the grand scheme of things, it is probably less than 2% of Madden's entire audience.

That has been my point all along. The number of peope who would actually use online leagues is so small, why take the time and money to implement? As long as it has online tournaments, I am happy.


At an old message board i used to visit, we just made up our own madden league. We just recruited 16 guys, made four divisions. It was cordinated through a pretty cool website made by one of the players that kept track of stats, losses, had a message board for league news, game recaps and highlights and general trash talking. We played for about 3 months (1 game a week, 10 games , then playoffs). I think only one guy quit (and he quit pretty early so we got a replacement). It was really fun. I wish i could get in something like that again. While it would be cool to have a league feature built in, it's really not to hard to set up a league if you are interested. With a good online community (like this one) it's pretty easy to find people who will play their games and be dedicated, even with losing records.


I would absolutely love to be part of something like that, provided that we only have 1 or 2 games a week and they are scheduled in advance.


Slo said:
I would absolutely love to be part of something like that, provided that we only have 1 or 2 games a week and they are scheduled in advance.

Yeah, our league captain wrote out the whole schedule in advance. It was so fun trash talking all week until gameday. It got pretty heated. I wish i still had a link to the website to give you an idea of what i'm talking about. For some useless nostalgia, I lost the division championship game with the ball on the 2 yard line and 2 seconds to go. The guy i was playing was undefeated. I had just completed a qb sneak for a first down to the two yard line. Down by 6, I rush to the line and get the ball hiked with 2 seconds left on the clock, i think about sneaking it again to the left, but see a defender right on me. So i pass to my halfback running a hook..... pass intercepted in the endzone, game over..... season over.....


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
There are a lot of active PC leagues, but I guess it hasn't really caught on with console owners yet.
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