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Mary Kay Letourneau, convicted child rapist, wants to teach again

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Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Not with a sex offender tag.

welp sometimes crimes have consequences and I got to reiterate this again she went and had sex with a child while on bail for having sex with a child....... I don't see where she deserves any sympathy

Anyhow Its not like she can't make money in other ways


to teach kids? I can't co-sign that. If she could be hired to teach adults fine but no way should she be around young boys all day. This woman if I remember went and hooked up with her teenage lover on bail and became pregnant the second time. She obviously has some self control issues.
I'm not saying she should be granted a job, just that her sentence should be over and her rights restored. I doubt any schools would want to hire her, but getting off the registry might let her teach at Community Colleges.

She hasn't relapsed in 12 years, she even teaches piano and tutors kids!

welp sometimes crimes have consequences and I got to reiterate this again she went and had sex with a child while on bail for having sex with a child....... I don't see where she deserves any sympathy
And she went to jail for that. Her sentence should have ended when she was released and a sane probation period ended, not a lifetime one that imposes a string of burdens.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I'm not saying she should be granted a job, just that her sentence should be over and her rights restored. I doubt any schools would want to hire her, but getting off the registry might let her teach at Community Colleges.

She hasn't relapsed in 12 years, she even teaches piano and tutors kids!

people allow her around there kids? I don't want to go to deep into the gender aspects of this case but the treatment of convicted women child molesters is in start contrast to how American society treats male child molesters.

And she went to jail for that. Her sentence should have ended when she was released and a sane probation period ended, not a lifetime one that imposes a string of burdens.

I always felt it was the predatory aspect of the crime. I feel murderers should be on a registry for life as well if the circumstances have it tried as first degree.


welp sometimes crimes have consequences and I got to reiterate this again she went and had sex with a child while on bail for having sex with a child....... I don't see where she deserves any sympathy

Anyhow Its not like she can't make money in other ways
So you're saying our justice system is not about rehabilitation, it's about moral punishments and how you feel. She's been out awhile and tutor's kids and she's not raping them, but because your feels tell you it's wrong you don't care.


people allow her around there kids? I don't want to go to deep into the gender aspects of this case but the treatment of convicted women child molesters is in start contrast to how American society treats male child molesters.

That's definitely true.

In the context of this thread though, I don't see why she can't be allowed to teach again, even to kids/boys.

She's rehabilitated and has even tutored kids since then.


I think it's important that it's not that she should be allowed to teach kids necessary, but that she should be allowed to pursue that. Nobody has to give her a job and she doesn't need to be just handed a license. The registry just shouldn't be standing in her way any longer. And it's really less about her than those worse off due to the registry system, she seems to be doing alright.
people allow her around there kids? I don't want to go to deep into the gender aspects of this case but the treatment of convicted women child molesters is in start contrast to how American society treats male child molesters.
I agree on the gender point, but I imagine that at least some of the parents evaluated the situation and her and found her to not be a threat to their kids. Or not and she was just the cheapest.

I always felt it was the predatory aspect of the crime. I feel murderers should be on a registry for life as well if the circumstances have it tried as first degree.
Murderers don't tend to get out of jail very soon, especially first degree, and rarely are offered six month pleas with no registry requirements.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
So your saying our justice system is not about rehabilitation, it's about moral punishments and how you feel. She's been out awhile and tutor's kids and she's not raping them, but because your feels tell you it's wrong you don't care.

I believe in rehabilitation for most crimes but not crimes which show clear intent and planning and are violence or of a sexual nature. Crimes like those not only tend to show a clear disregard for others lives while they are being commited, they also have life long effects.

Lets look at her husband who married the woman who molested him. At 13 she was his first sexual partner and their relationship made him a teenage parent. Her lust and bad decision making has significantly altered his entire life. Why shouldn't it have the same effect on her own life as well?


I believe in rehabilitation for most crimes but not crimes which show clear intent and planning and are violence or of a sexual nature. Crimes like those not only tend to show a clear disregard for others lives while they are being commited, they also have life long effects.

Lets look at her husband who married the woman who molested him. At 13 she was his first sexual partner and their relationship made him a teenage parent. Her lust and bad decision making has significantly altered his entire life. Why shouldn't it have the same effect on her own life as well?

Well let's break this down on facts and evidence then, not what ifs or tends to's. The facts show me she is in no way a danger to any child. We have 12 years worth of data to back that up. If I could make you a data point graph, that shit would be at zero. So why should we keep punishing her? Don't answer with What ifs or maybe's either.


Lets look at her husband who married the woman who molested him. At 13 she was his first sexual partner and their relationship made him a teenage parent. Her lust and bad decision making has significantly altered his entire life. Why shouldn't it have the same effect on her own life as well?

This eye-for-an-eye mindset is needlessly vindictive.

She served her time in prison, and has also had her life altered.

She isn't the same person as she was when the crime was committed.

Well, I see the issue, but I also believe that people can change.


Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I hate rehabilitation and second chances.

Some crimes don't deserve them. Its not like I am advocating put her in jail for life.

However, no she doesn't deserve a right to be around children in role of authority mandated by whatever local government that runs a school. If some people wish to allow their children to be around her fine. We live in a country where some parents don't see the risk of not vaccinating their kids either. However she shouldn't be around kids of parents who aren't willing to knowlingly take that risk, and if a side effect of that is she can't teach adults either.... to bad. There are millions of people out there who don't do as a career something they want to do. Its just life

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Umm wow... I don't even know where to begin. Some crimes don't deserve rehabilitation? Are you fucking serious? So if someone decides to commit a certain crime, potentially damaging or even ending someone else's life, their life should also be ended? So now we have nothing but the end of multiple lives. Where has this gotten us exactly? Oh that's right, fucking nowhere.

where did I say it was about the death penalty or nothing else? .

I do believe rehabilitation is possible but some crimes like mass murder, serial killers, rape, child molestation, murders with clear intent and planning.... those crimes to me puts the person who committed them in a category where yeah they should be special rules on what they can do to try to limit the damage they could cause in case they decide to do it again. Even if they are released from prison. Also its not to even punish them as it is to limit the risk to the people around them who could be unknowingly harmed if those rules didn't exist.


A one time child molester or public urinator or statutory rapist or even a rape-rapist while absolutely terrible aren't on the level of a first degree murderer let alone a mass murderer or serial killer in terms of their likely threat to society. This is evident in the sentences given to them.

Say a man rapes a woman, rape-rape, he serves his time in prison and is released. Should he have his voting rights restored? Should he be allowed to move? What about after 12 years of not raping anyone or getting anything more than a traffic ticket?


A one time child molester or public urinator or statutory rapist or even a rape-rapist while absolutely terrible aren't on the level of a first degree murderer let alone a mass murderer or serial killer in terms of their likely threat to society. This is evident in the sentences given to them.

Say a man rapes a woman, rape-rape, he serves his time in prison and is released. Should he have his voting rights restored? Should he be allowed to move? What about after 12 years of not raping anyone or getting anything more than a traffic ticket?

He doesn't care, notice how he ignored me when I told him to use facts rather then feels.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Well let's break this down on facts and evidence then, not what ifs or tends to's. The facts show me she is in no way a danger to any child. We have 12 years worth of data to back that up. If I could make you a data point graph, that shit would be at zero. So why should we keep punishing her? Don't answer with What ifs or maybe's either.

He doesn't care, notice how he ignored me when I told him to use facts rather then feels.

You know how many people I am debating in this thread because I am defending an unpopular opinion? Forgive my silence but I am doing my best here and yes I am picking and choosing.

Anyhow your argument is she is a 12 years clean, my counter to that is thats great. Its good to see she hasn't relapsed, it doesn't mean she won't relapse again and allowing her to be in a situation where she could have the authority to do so would be negligent in my opinion.

The fact she had sex with a 13 year old multiple times prior is all the evidence needed to show she is capable of that crime and shouldn't be given a position of power over multiple 13 year olds ever again. The side effect that she can't teach adults does suck, but the way laws work in the real world they can't just say "welp she looks like a nice old lady, lets cut her a break".... No she has to carry that weight for her crimes regardless.

Wait, the guy for rehabilitation and second chances? The way a justice system should fucking work. Nah, sorry, I'll happily be that guy. They're now married with 2 kids for fucks sake.

However, to say she should be scott free because it happened to all work out is disingenuous a lot of these stories don't work out. A lot of these kids are scarred for life and the crime she commited shouldn't be disregarded because it worked out.

Prison without rehabilitation = Life being ended. Let's not ignore this basic truth please.

I don't buy that. Your equation ignores people who stay in jail do their bid our released and commit the crime again. I am not advocating the death penalty but I have no problem with life in prison terms and life on parole terms either. Anyhow she has a life, and seems happy for the most part and hasn't relapsed in 12 years. Good for her nobody is begrudging her that.

A one time child molester or public urinator or statutory rapist or even a rape-rapist while absolutely terrible aren't on the level of a first degree murderer let alone a mass murderer or serial killer in terms of their likely threat to society. This is evident in the sentences given to them.

Say a man rapes a woman, rape-rape, he serves his time in prison and is released. Should he have his voting rights restored? Should he be allowed to move? What about after 12 years of not raping anyone or getting anything more than a traffic ticket?

I am very iffy about voting rights, I do think that is petty since its not really saving anyone or mitigating the chance of a repeat episode of a crime being commited. Moving no I don't think they should be allowed to move anywhere they want without prior notice to the government and the people in the community.

As for the 12 years I told Darkflow my opinion. I am not saying they deserve to drug tested but yes those people are always dangerous in my mind. Somewhere in their thought pattern in their past they felt justified to commit a certain crime. In this case it was to molest a 13 year old (even when she was on bail I might add).

So no 12 years of her being clean doesn't mean she can't relapse. People have the capacity for change sure but people also have the capacity to wait 12 years and molest again. There is no cut off date on the willingness to rape


So no 12 years of her being clean doesn't mean she can't relapse. People have the capacity for change sure but people also have the capacity to wait 12 years and molest again. There is no cut off date on the willingness to rape
Then why shouldn't she still be in prison?


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Was it statutory rape? That isn't nearly as bad as forced rape, even if it is still really weird in this situation.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Then why shouldn't she still be in prison?

In a way she still is, parole is a limitations on your freedom. She deserves a chance to live her life. I find what she did disgusting but I won't begrudge her the happiness she found. With that said I feel it would be negligent to ignore what happened and allow her to be in a position to do it again.

Maybe you should take that as a sign.

Yeah I am being the devils advocate by saying what I believe.... I hope I don't get in trouble for it. But I don't think I need to walk anything I said back as being wrong either.


In a way she still is, parole is a limitations on your freedom. She deserves a chance to live her life. I find what she did disgusting but I won't begrudge her the happiness she found. With that said I feel it would be negligent to ignore what happened and allow her to be in a position to do it again.
Isn't she in such a position? She just can't do it as a teacher.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Isn't she in such a position? She just can't do it as a teacher.

Yes and that is the parents of those children's decision. Its there right to do that and take that risk.

Being a teacher however, means she is in a school full of children whose parent if they don't want to take that risk are then inconvenienced to either move their children to another school or be forced to leave their children in a school where a child molester is a teacher. As I said before she committed the crime and should bear the weight of it. Not the community around her


But no one is saying she should be made a teacher, merely that her sentence be ended. And one result of that is that she can pursue, and probably fail, at becoming a teacher again.


She want's a job as a teacher again? Good luck.

Once your license is revoked, especially for issues concerning these she will never get a chance.

This woman has issues.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
But no one is saying she should be made a teacher, merely that her sentence be ended. And one result of that is that she can pursue, and probably fail, at becoming a teacher again.

I am arguing against the possibility of "could she be a teacher" and that the sentence be maintained to deny her that right. I don't think anyone here is advocating should she be one. However, I feel she gave up her right to even attempt to fill that role due to her prior actions. I mean she is already tutoring children and made it known she would want to teach again. That already is pushing the envelope in my mind.


Sorry to bump this, but out of curiosity, I'm wondering if there are teenage boys who had sex with older women (whatever they were teachers or not), & how many manage to successfully keep it secretive to prevent the women from getting in trouble.
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