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MCVDevelop UK Survey: 84% Choose PS5


but, but gabe said the xbox is better
oh wait


I dunno, i would say i "understand" it more than i believe in it. Yes, it'll make them more money. Having access to people who cant afford a PC or console is a huge bonus. Im personally not that target audience. If it were me, i would have done like sony. Release games first on console, and a few months later on PC so like that, you give people more of a reason to get a console first.

The kids in our family are all about handheld gaming and even though one of them has a PC he spends most of his time on his Iphone playing Roblox etc. The whole concept of buying a new home console could be dissolved pretty soon and they will end up being the big spenders.


I am hoping MS makes strides in South America, as it did in Mexico. Sony has been shafting us for way too long. No regional pricing and no ps now to name a few... But the brand has too many adepts... I mean customers made during the PS1 and PS2 days. Sony got all the mindshare thanks to piracy here.

Mexican here.

I agree Sony doesn't treat the LATAM market as it should but I'm not sure about the regional pricing. You can get games at good prices both in the PSN and on retail stores. Same with PC, only some publishers do regional pricing (and thank god for them). It's one of the reasons I'm not touching EGS.

But at least in my case and the people I know that are into gaming (not many), Sony is the console to go because of the games they have. I've had opportunities to buy an Xbox One S for cheap but I simply can't come up with a reason to pull the trigger. If anything the most attractive feature is the 4K Bluray player.

OG Xbox was really easy to crack (I loved the XBMC) but PS3 wasn't as easy. I've never seen a modded PS3. I have, however, seen modded 360's.
due xbox is not goodly supported by worldwide 3rd party studios especially like japan( you see those PS4/Switch even add the PC on mix...Games that current statement why Xbox is widely niche in 3rd party support)
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It will definitely do better, of that i have no doubts. Just wait until the head to heads start coming in and XSX has the advantage in 95% of them. Right now, youre still asking people used to "this generation". Once the consoles are out, its a different ball game.

And price will also be a factor. If they both cost the same, id be worried if im sony.

Xbox fans always playing the waiting game.
‘Just wait for E3’
‘Just wait for the games showcase’
‘Just wait for the head to heads’

When will you learn? We just had an entire generation of waiting and now you’re praying they win out in head to heads.

It’s alright to like Xbox but stop hoping it’s going to be something it’s not and live in the now.
Xbox fans always playing the waiting game.
‘Just wait for E3’
‘Just wait for the games showcase’
‘Just wait for the head to heads’

When will you learn? We just had an entire generation of waiting and now you’re praying they win out in head to heads.

It’s alright to like Xbox but stop hoping it’s going to be something it’s not and live in the now.

Live in the now but talk about the consoles that are not out right now? Talk about double standards to fit the narrative.


Live in the now but talk about the consoles that are not out right now? Talk about double standards to fit the narrative.

It means to be excited for what you already know about it. Wishing for things that might not pass is fruitless as has been seen this gen.


Over half of gamers intend to buy a next-gen console within three months of launch – with the PS5 the clear favourite

I’ve been saying it’s not a given that XSX will do better than its predecessor. What say you GAF?
Xbox1 launched on the back of the very popular 360. but it had a rough start and Playstation 4 took advantage and secured the majority of the mainstream. later Xbox stopped shooting themselves in foot but did nothing to rebuild a new fanbase. most of their fans today are the same committed 360 fans. on the other hand when millions more gamers joined the market their first console was a PS4.

Sony was very careful not to repeat their own mistakes with the PS3. in addition to the PS3 price and developer problems, Sony lost the big PS2 install base because there was little to tie the gamers to the platform. there was no library to take with you or an online gamer record or friend list and large world wide community that would tie the player to the platform.

from it's inception the PS4 was built to grow a players ties to the platform from games to social activities(a big reason for the share button). and transfer it all to the next generation. with the promise that everything you had will go on and even be better on the next PlayStation platform(boost mood or potential full upgrade). Sony already tested this out with the PS4Pro. millions changed seamlessly to a another PlayStation platform. the only difference is the marketing label.
Not really much of a surprise. The UK has always been PlayStation land. The popularity of the Ps1 was like a religious movement. You could find Tekken 3 arcade machines in nightclubs.

The 360 did very well here though, throughout that gen, not saying PlayStation isn’t the most popular, it is.


PlayStation just had an incredible last year for PS4..... Nioh 2, TLOU2, FFVIIR, Dreams, Ghost of Tsushima. They could have held all those back and made PS5 launch just massive, they could have said 'no, all those are PS5 only', Xbox didn't release anything for the last years of 360 and now again with Xbox One they did the same.. it's obvious they held back Halo Infinite for Xsx launch.

What PlayStation earned from doing such things is customer loyalty and faith that they will deliver great games consistently.

100 hundred percent.

I can't believe that the Playstation brand is continually underplayed. They are synonymous with videogames as far as I'm concerned and I put them right up there with Nintendo.

MS is and always has been, in the fight of their lives in their competition with Sony.


I’ve been saying it’s not a given that XSX will do better than its predecessor. What say you GAF?
Not really sure why anyone thinks the XSX will do better than the XB1 honestly. This is the first generation where people will already have large digital collections going in, which is a massive blocker for people thinking of switching over unless there is zero backwards compatibility. Not to mention that the PS4 outsold the XB1 by a large margin, and the Playstation brand is far stronger worldwide than Xbox.

Like I said in another thread, it's like people expecting the next OnePlus phone to outsell or even get close to selling as many units as the iPhone 12. It's just not going to happen, that's not how consumer spending works. The only way the XSX would sell more is if it launched 12 months earlier and was $100 cheaper, and even then it would sell less every year than the PS5.
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Well that Greenberg tweet last week was a bit messy wasn't it. Basically saying that it would be up to developers whether their games would appear on Xbox One, after all the talk about their gamers not being left behind.

Basically the status of a number of games changed from being Xbox One before the show, and then changed to XSX only afterward. That's probably because those games are way off but it's really poor messaging.

Sony has really strong mindshare in the UK and the PS5 will sell gangbustershere, and I'm pretty sure this is Microsoft's second-strongest market so what does that say.


The real question is who will sell more subscriptions?
Sony, with PS Plus. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And they also have PS Now on top of that.

I'm in the US. Is this ratio pretty standard for Europe?
I'd say it's way higher than usual but yes, maybe with UK as exception PS always had way more market share of Xbox since their first generation. And well, pretty much everywhere worldwide except Mexico, USA and UK. And I'm not sure but I'd bet PS4 sold more than XBO LTD in both USA and UK.

Against the PS3 they had 1 year sales advantage, Cheaper console, that ran better 3rd party games.
As I remember in several countries was way more than 1 year. And on top of the reasons you mention, PS3 had weird alien hardware that was too complicated, so it took several years for devs to get used to that console.
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When you ask a Sony representative about a competitive service to Gamepass:

To be fair Sony has not showed off an awful lot of PS5 and its plans for the console and the generation ahead so its premature to post that gif.

Both MS and Sony still have alot to reveal leading up to launch.


Sonyland is Sonyland.

From what I understand Nintendo never really took off over there in the same way, so a lot of people's gaming there begins and ends with Sony.

Add that Sony has pretty consistently been an impressive performer over four console and two handhelds, sans the first half of the PS3,and the Vita, and it seems pretty well deserved.

Looking at Nintendo, in addition to the above factor, they've killed all their momentum twice with the GameCube and Wii U (stores actually stopped carrying the latter), and keep having to rebuild, and Microsoft, while off to a promising start with the Xbox and 360, really flushed it all down the toilet, and hasn't really come back from that, despite best efforts. Being newer and just a 'different kind of Playstation' in what they offer doesn't help either.
I mean is anyone surprised considering MS is doing everything in their power to persuade people why they DON'T need to buy the new Xbox.


Unless 50 million people suddenly became PC gamers it'll do better than this generation. A full gen with Game Pass firing out games. The more powerful option from the get go, a Halo launch, and a cheaper option(if XSS is real) guarantee it.

Xbox One released at $100 more expensive than PS4, less exclusives, and no Game Pass. Not sure how anyone can come to that conclusion. Not only will MS match Sony's price with the XSX, there is a good chance they will have a cheaper option.
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It means to be excited for what you already know about it. Wishing for things that might not pass is fruitless as has been seen this gen.

I already know The Medium, Halo, The Ascent, Scorn, Avowed, Fable, Crossfire X, and Horizon 4 with XSX improvements(among others) are coming. Not only that, most if not all of that will be on Game Pass. A launch that usually costs me 900 dollars(extra controller and games) will cost me whatever the console costs instead, and that's it. People talk about a console making it or not by how much it costs, well, this will be my cheapest launch buy in a long time. Plenty of reason to be excited for myself and other fans. The more powerful console would just be the cherry on top.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
It will definitely do better, of that i have no doubts. Just wait until the head to heads start coming in and XSX has the advantage in 95% of them. Right now, youre still asking people used to "this generation". Once the consoles are out, its a different ball game.

And price will also be a factor. If they both cost the same, id be worried if im sony.
I think a lot of people will learn that a minor power advantage won't do much and that Sony's mindshare is stronger than they perceived

Only time will tell


The truth is we haven't seen much of both consoles. Sony is heading into next gen with a lot of momentum while MS is hungry and willing to shake the status quo.
Imo August is going to be a big month for both to show us their cards. Enough of the trailers and teasing.

Hell yeah. And I will be showered with great gaming experiences from both. It's nice not being a fanboy.
Seems a lot of gamers are getting tired of always waiting for Xbox to prove itself. Six years and it's still, "Well, wait for the next event." I think the lackluster Halo showcase has sealed the deal with quite a few, as well.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The cloud to me is a cherry on the top. Not the whole pie. Its a "nice to have". Nothing more. But when 5G hits phones, that xcloud will be useful in those console-less markets. It may not sell consoles, but it'll grow the user numbers.

About 5G... mmmh, now that is a overhyped tech that is bound to underperform in the crowded urban environments it is sold for...


Gold Member
The cloud to me is a cherry on the top. Not the whole pie. Its a "nice to have". Nothing more. But when 5G hits phones, that xcloud will be useful in those console-less markets. It may not sell consoles, but it'll grow the user numbers.

5g relies both on infrastructure and the devices that can receive the signal, both of which are expensive.

Which market that doesn't have consoles (or where there isn't a huge market for consoles) is going to suddenly become a hotbed for xcloud?


5g relies both on infrastructure and the devices that can receive the signal, both of which are expensive.

Which market that doesn't have consoles (or where there isn't a huge market for consoles) is going to suddenly become a hotbed for xcloud?

I would never use my phone for it regularly. For me, the huge reason it is awesome is because I have a desk job with A LOT of down time. GE Force Now has been amazing in my case. Xcloud would be even better since I own more Xbox games and I don't have to worry about games losing support like I do with GFN and I will also have access to Game Pass on top. I think most people will use Xcloud in a browser or a windows 10 app depending on how MS releases it.
Not really much of a surprise. The UK has always been PlayStation land. The popularity of the Ps1 was like a religious movement. You could find Tekken 3 arcade machines in nightclubs.

This is not true at all. Comparatively, Xbox is more popular here than anywhere outside of NA (and Brazil?). It still gets outsold but not at the 2.2:1 ratio WW.

And what has Tekken arcade machines in nightclubs got to do with anything lol?
3,000 people isnt exactly definitive for the UK. Living here id say yes playstation is more popular but the xbox has a huge hardcore fanbase and i personally know more people with xbox 1’s than ps4. In particular the xbox one s.
So if microsoft do come out with lockhart, and its aggressively priced, i can see them selling a shit load here. The big fight seems to be over the pond in america where microsoft really need to make headway. But i do feel gamepass is this juggernaut thats just gonna gather pace and have a snowball effect. I can see sony responding to gamepass within 1st year of ps5 release. I have no idea what form that will take but they cant allow microsoft free reign on a netflix style gaming service.
Shits gonna be interesting and more so than current gen.

I agree with the point you're making in that most people I know around me have both consoles but many are XBOX first and foremost for multiplayer experiences. But I also know many people upgraded to an XBOX One S and sold their originally XBO. Nearly everyone I know who has a One S did that so thinking on it, that's probably inflated Microsoft's numbers a good chunk. Whereas I know far less people who upgraded to a pro or slim. If Microsoft release the series X as a final product if you will then sales data I guess win be more accurate and won't account for people who upgraded their current console for something smaller, quieter, less power hungry etc.


Do people actually think Sony could outsell Microsoft by 8:1? This gen Microsoft made every mistake possible and we are at 2,x:1
The launch prices will be interesting. If Microsoft goes all in with a 199 Lockheart, i think some people could be very surprised how well it will sell.
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