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Media Create Sales 12/3 - 12/9 2007


If the trend continues, Super Mario Galaxy will hit 600k by New Year's, not bad considering its "failure" the first two weeks. After that it's anyone's guess, since I'd imagine it will continue to stick around in the top 30 for a while, surpassing Sunshine.


rakka said:
if no more heroes was a 360 game it would have a much higher chance of achieving respectable sale figures

it did far worse than LO

stop complaining

No not in a million years is this true.


DeaconKnowledge said:
In Japan? Perhaps. But why would 20K on the 360 be more of a success than 20K on the Wii?

Better tie ratio ;) Besides that, it doesnt really matter. The price for Wii and 360 games are about the same, no?


seeing the continued awful performance of brilliant non-japanese games in japan, im really curious what the response to Little Big Planet is gonna be.


Party games, non-games, training games are the new Japanese crack, period =/

I wonder how the companies will work to keep party games, and non games experience fresh, I mean what do you posible make in a party game more than compilate a bunch of wagling activities? I fear the genre is very limited to expand it, and keep it at the same time compeling and interesting, even for non gamers.


when is my burrito
Hey JJS,

Your post on the Wii beating the GC LTD numbers got picked up by "gotendo" and Kotaku this morning with a link to your game charting site.


Culex said:
If the trend continues, Super Mario Galaxy will hit 600k by New Year's, not bad considering its "failure" the first two weeks. After that it's anyone's guess, since I'd imagine it will continue to stick around in the top 30 for a while, surpassing Sunshine.
It's likely to pick up, actually. The whole 'holiday shopping spree' doesn't happen until after New Year's in Japan.


Never thought Mario & Sonic would do this well worldwide. It should be over 1m after the holidays. Is it really published by Nintendo in Japan and not by Sega btw?

I wonder if they'll market this during the olympics too. It could do some steady casual sales numbers, not Brain Training like, but it could easily do a casual 2m.


SMG back in the top ten is good news. I have a feelling that wii fit despite being number one is underdelivering according to what they must had been expecting.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Mato said:
SMG back in the top ten is good news. I have a feelling that wii fit despite being number one is underdelivering according to what they must had been expecting.

It almost sold out of its initial shipment in 2 days and is almost sold out of its second shipment as well. It literally could not be doing much if any better.


Vitet said:
Hey guys, where did you see Wii Fit is 95% sold?
Reported along with the Famitsu numbers.
Mato said:
SMG back in the top ten is good news. I have a feelling that wii fit despite being number one is underdelivering according to what they must had been expecting.
Then you'd be wrong considering that it has sold 95% of shipments so far.
TunaLover said:
Sega seems pretty confident about the performance of M&S, they said the game will top the million sales WW.
Make that 4 million. After seeing it perform in all territory I think they be lucky to hit 2 million, really depends on how much the Olympics push this games sales.


donny2112 said:
john tv said:
Remember the days when it was rare if more than one or two games from a Nintendo console made it into the top ten? Times have sure changed...
Because I was curious ...

# of Nintendo system games in Famitsu Top 30 for ~ this week each year (sales of #30):

1996: 7 (10,800)
1997: 6 (8,000)
1998: 7 (7,300)
1999: 6 (9,200)
2000: 12 (4,700)
2001: 6 (6,300)
2002: 15 (7,000)
2003: 13 (5,700)
2004: 16 (10,500)
2005: 19 (13,300)
2006: 21 (15,100)
2007: 19 (14,000)

So, I decided to take this a little further. :lol

I have near complete weekly rankings (some have questionable sales numbers, but that's irrelevant when just considering the rankings) from December 1995 and a few weekly rankings stretching back to 1991. Since December 1995, two things have never happened: 1) Nintendo having 0 games in the Top 30, 2) Nintendo having 30 games in the Top 30. They've come pretty close, though.

19970413: 1 game
19980628: 1 game

It's the same game in both, in case you're wondering. :lol

19911227: 29 games (PCE game #29)
19920327: 29 games (PCE game #26)

They likely hit 30 games before the PS1/SAT release, but the data is very spotty. Since December 1995, the best they've done is

20070722: 28 games

Between December 1995 and November 2006, Nintendo had more than 20 games in the Top 30 all of 2 times. Since the start of November 2006, they've had more than 20 games in the Top 30 40 times out of 53 Famitsu charts.

For comparison, the lowest Sony has been since December 1995 is 2 games the same week Nintendo had 28, 20070722. The highest they've had was 26 games which they hit 4 times in a 5-week span in Aug/Sep 1998. They've had more than 20 games in the Top 30 95 times since their first time in March 1997, but none since mid-September 2005.


Lightning said:
I agree, but it is sad, is it not? Mistwalker being taken down as well because Japan will NEVER embrace the 360.

I'm sure they're being paid well, and they can always move on once the contract runs out, since all Mistwalker games have had at least moderately favourable critical reception, right?


harSon said:
It's not that far of a stretch. Sure a large chunk of it has to be blamed on Microsoft (Xbox 1 failure, horrid advertisement, and suspect hardware reliability) but the system should be selling more then 2-8k a week considering it's lineup of games.

I think it's selling far above reasonable expectations, actually. The 3-digit sales week will be on us in a matter of months.
Culex said:
If the trend continues, Super Mario Galaxy will hit 600k by New Year's, not bad considering its "failure" the first two weeks. After that it's anyone's guess, since I'd imagine it will continue to stick around in the top 30 for a while, surpassing Sunshine.

Since its close to xmas/new year, a lot of parents are waiting to buy Galaxy for the holidays, rather than right at release. Expect a big sales bump in Japan the next 2-3 weeks.
Oh snap, just noticed this. Since usually for the "PS2 vs DS" figure I've used Media Create numbers, I wasn't closely following the Famitsu version. Looks like with the new leaked figures, though, this is the week Famitsu has DS passing PS2.

Lightning said:
That nobody wants? I mean, what's the use of putting hours and hours of hard work into a game only to have the public throw it back in your face? Sakaguchi went from creating FFVII and selling 10million and being loved alround the world to selling less then a million and who's name is starting to mean nothing. But hey, who cares about creating games that are successful when Microsoft's money is involved....
Well, the main reason to sell more copies of a game is to make money on it. If they can do that without selling so many copies because Microsoft is desperate, more power to them. I'd be interested in seeing a Mistwalker Wii game as well, but my reason for doing so isn't being altruistic to Mistwalker employees.
tanod said:
Hey JJS,

Your post on the Wii beating the GC LTD numbers got picked up by "gotendo" and Kotaku this morning with a link to your game charting site.
Yeah, I heard this from someone else earlier. Nice to see real numbers reported on. :)
donny2112 said:
19970413: 1 game
19980628: 1 game

It's the same game in both, in case you're wondering. :lol
Pokémon, I presume?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
BishopLamont said:
Make that 4 million. After seeing it perform in all territory I think they be lucky to hit 2 million, really depends on how much the Olympics push this games sales.

Well, the 4M was between both versions. I think they definitely have a shot.
Xisiqomelir said:
I'm sure they're being paid well, and they can always move on once the contract runs out

Move on to... where? Nintendo, who don't care about RPGs and didn't bother to market their DS title at all? Or Sony, who already have a pretty solid investment in other AAA RPG exclusives, all of which sell a hell of a lot better than Mistwalker's titles?

EDIT: This is kind of the same boat Tales is in with Innocence's performance. Sure, you can say "Oh, well, DS is a lost cause, move out" but... to where?
charlequin said:
Or Sony, who already have a pretty solid investment in other AAA RPG exclusives, all of which sell a hell of a lot better than Mistwalker's titles?
Who is to say what Mistwalker's games could have done on a platform that isn't actively ridiculed in Japan?


justjohn said:
i just popped in to say ''lol odyssey''
It still did better than Uncharted. Didn't someone in last week's thread claim UC will sell well because AC placed in the top 10? There's your lol.


XiaNaphryz said:
It still did better than Uncharted. Didn't someone in last week's thread claim UC will sell well because AC placed in the top 10? There's your lol.
people are so tense on gaf these days, relax


justjohn said:
people are so tense on gaf these days, relax
Ah, so hit-and-run trolling is fine as long as you follow it up with a "lol relax d00d wtf" comment sometime later. Good to know.


Can anyone in Japan confirm if Mario Galaxy had a 20% price cut? A few are saying that it did.

That would explain the rise in sales if true.


XiaNaphryz said:
Ah, so hit-and-run trolling is fine as long as you follow it up with a "lol relax d00d wtf" comment sometime later. Good to know.
dude it was a fucking joke. stop catching feelings


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Lightning said:
Can anyone in Japan confirm if Mario Galaxy had a 20% price cut? A few are saying that it did.

That would explain the rise in sales if true.

I think only Vinnk reported that- and that was for one store.
Psychotext said:
Who is to say what Mistwalker's games could have done on a platform that isn't actively ridiculed in Japan?

What they could have done if, say, Sakaguchi had paired with Sony from the start is something we'll never know. In the reality of today, though, there's little to suggest that MW's games could become breakout hits on the PS3, so... why would Sony pick them up?


Psychotext said:
Who is to say what Mistwalker's games could have done on a platform that isn't actively ridiculed in Japan?
well with all due respect if lol, i mean if lost odyssey had debuted on the ps3 it would have done way better than 55k. no?


JoshuaJSlone said:
Pokémon, I presume?

You have chosen... wisely.



ethelred said:
Like, what, Folklore?

Afaik, Folklore isnt exactly the same type of game as LO, so i wouldnt compare those up to eachother salewise. I think LO would have broken 100k the first week if it was for PS3.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Oh snap, just noticed this. Since usually for the "PS2 vs DS" figure I've used Media Create numbers, I wasn't closely following the Famitsu version. Looks like with the new leaked figures, though, this is the week Famitsu has DS passing PS2.

Wowzers. I wonder how many million units more it will go on to sell in Japan? DS will, no doubt, go on to be the best selling system in history worldwide. Just mind boggling.


test_account said:
Afaik, Folklore isnt exactly the same type of game as LO, so i wouldnt compare those up to eachother salewise. I think LO would have broken 100k the first week if it was for PS3.

Not a chance.
test_account said:
Better tie ratio ;) Besides that, it doesnt really matter. The price for Wii and 360 games are about the same, no?

Wii games are cheaper to make. So even if they sell the same amount, the Wii version will generate more profit.


justjohn said:
well with all due respect if lol, i mean if lost odyssey had debuted on the ps3 it would have done way better than 55k. no?

Microsoft completely funded the development of Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon, without Microsoft, Mistwalker would not exist as we currently know it. Neither Sony or Nintendo would have been willing to fund two $20 million games, so stop speculating as if they would have.
ComputerNerd said:
Wii games are cheaper to make. So even if they sell the same amount, the Wii version will generate more profit.
Horrible generalization. I'm sure this generalization has been picked over to death enough to the point where at least some part of the populace knows this isn't always true.
The Abominable Snowman said:
Horrible generalization. I'm sure this generalization has been picked over to death enough to the point where at least some part of the populace knows this isn't always true.
There are cases where making a Wii version of a game instead of an X360 version of a game are more expensive? Other than, say, a PS3 port where the Wii version would need to be more of a remake.
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