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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'll say that I adore the MM1 Robot Master designs. They're so charming and colourful. Ice Man was always adorable to me. So when Powered Up came out I was so fascinated and excited by how adorable everything was.

But like Noi, I do have to say that I appreciate that the bosses were skill-based if you had to do it without weapons (even with weapons, get better at dodging and going quicker). For example, for Elec Man, even with his weakness with the Rolling Cutter... because RC is short-ranged, you still had to be careful with how you used it.

That version is my arch nemesis.
I caught your edit, you. Not our fault you weren't paying attention when ya played it and finally beat it.

qq more

my original post was just "that's even worse"

because seriously fuck mm1gb

horrible game

the worst of the classic series

never again


that was torture

qq more

i mean seriously the game is so slow and the pew pew are sooooo snail pace slow

and then the game runs like molasses and the stupid enemies gives yuou too many damage and they barely ever ggive you heal heal hp hp health thingies that make you alive so its evil

also cutman is smelly
the worst of the classic series


qq more


that game is way better

i mean id never get why ppl think its the worst when mm1gb exists

i mean yeah them usic is so horrible it killsmy ears but least the gameplay isnt torture

and you odnt have to deal with everything that made mm1gb orrible

in fact gameplay side its just too easy but it was decent enough

mm1gb is made by satan

yeah thats right i enjoyed mm2gb when it coems to gameplay

its not special but it was passable

but seriously mm1gb

kill it

kill it with evetrything


nukes pls

nuke mm1gb to hell




qq more

cutman was a bitch in mm1gb and his level was smelly and it should take a bath

mm2gb is a farb etter game stop lying to urselves

only thing mm1gb does better is the music and the superior megaman hunter

but other than that its worse in just about every conceivable way

fuk that game

qq, you're drunk

MMV is the only genuinely worthwhile GB entry anyway.

im not drunk my soul is just broken becuz all that memories of that game is haunting my soul. why wont it go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i beat the game leave me alone terrible memories omgggggggggggggggggggg

mmiv is pretty good tho, on par with mmv

but yeah those two are the only ones id call great. mm3gb was fine but omg dustmans stage aughhhhhhhh
that game is way better

i mean id never get why ppl think its the worst when mm1gb exists

i mean yeah them usic is so horrible it killsmy ears but least the gameplay isnt torture

and you odnt have to deal with everything that made mm1gb orrible

in fact gameplay side its just too easy but it was decent enough

mm1gb is made by satan

yeah thats right i enjoyed mm2gb when it coems to gameplay

its not special but it was passable

but seriously mm1gb

kill it

kill it with evetrything


nukes pls

nuke mm1gb to hell





qq stahp

But in all seriousness, III to V are the only games really worth going out of your way to play.


But like Noi, I do have to say that I appreciate that the bosses were skill-based if you had to do it without weapons (even with weapons, get better at dodging and going quicker). For example, for Elec Man, even with his weakness with the Rolling Cutter... because RC is short-ranged, you still had to be careful with how you used it.

Mmmhmm. Even with RC, it's still really easy to get blasted by Elecman, and actually aiming bombs to hit Gutsman requires a bit of practice. I sometimes rather use the buster on Gutsman just because it's easier to hit. Fireman will still completely destroy you even if you have Ice Slasher.

Iceman is the only anomaly really, and even then Thunder Beam isn't a high stock weapon. Miss a few times with it and it's done. Though it's still amusing taking out Iceman before one of his shots can even reach you.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
qq, you were better off being kawaii. You're not being very kawaii right now.

MMV is the only genuinely worthwhile GB entry anyway.
MMIV was the best one for me. Best boss select UI, introduces the shop feature, good music, Energy Balancer... lots of good stuff.

In general, IV > V > III.
MM2 GB is one of the worst experiences I had playing a Mega Man game, it was the only one I owned as a kid and even then I knew something was wrong with it. MM1 GB was okay the same way MM1 NES was okay. MM3-5 GB are all enjoyable games that I can easily recommend to this day.

Hard to say if MM4 GB or MM5 GB was better, 5 was really different and felt unique compared to other games in the series, but 4 truly captured the essence of the NES games better then most fan made games.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Don't make me start going off on the Xtreme games in here, qq.

You know how much I "love" those.

Mmmhmm. Even with RC, it's still really easy to get blasted by Elecman, and actually aiming bombs to hit Gutsman requires a bit of practice. I sometimes rather use the buster on Gutsman just because it's easier to hit. Fireman will still completely destroy you even if you have Ice Slasher.

Iceman is the only anomaly really, and even then Thunder Beam isn't a high stock weapon. Miss a few times with it and it's done. Though it's still amusing taking out Iceman before one of his shots can even reach you.
Exactly. It's not like quickly spamming a weapon is going to do you any favours because you still have to skilfully use them. In some cases where aiming is necessary, it's more efficient to use the buster and start dodging.

While Mega Man 9 has some of the best weapons in the series, it's not necessarily the case that you're using the weapons with some sort of skill in place. That's why the Metal Blade kind of bugs me in Mega Man 2. It renders almost everything a non-issue because it works against almost everything and it shoots diagonally.
Exactly. It's not like quickly spamming a weapon is going to do you any favours because you still have to skilfully use them. In some cases where aiming is necessary, it's more efficient to use the buster and start dodging.

While Mega Man 9 has some of the best weapons in the series, it's not necessarily the case that you're using the weapons with some sort of skill in place. That's why the Metal Blade kind of bugs me in Mega Man 2. It renders almost everything a non-issue because it works against almost everything and it shoots diagonally.

You forget that in MM1 NES bosses died stupidly fast to their weakness. You only need to land 3 rolling cutters to kill elec man, 4 bombs to kill guts man, and 2 stones to kill cut man. I don't remember the other three but I don't think any robot master takes more then 6 hits with their weakness. If you had full health there was no reason to actually dodge when you can just run forward and out damage the boss.

Edit: The only boss that doesn't work against is guts man, but that's just cause the bomb is slow arcs weird, once you get the timing down it isn't hard to use at all.


MMIV was the best one for me. Best boss select UI, introduces the shop feature, good music, Energy Balancer... lots of good stuff.

IV had some good ideas, but A. it's half an even worse version of MM4 which I'm just not fond of in the first place, and B. it still suffers from the GB series' crippling performance issues which they only sort of got a grip on in MMV.


Avatar switch. Couldn't resist. Although I guess it shows how starved I am for a new MM game, so this'll do.

As for the GB MM games, it was difficult getting myself to actually beat these games. It didn't help that the first two weren't even that great. Might give 3-5 another shot just because it's been so long.
I've never really liked the boss weakness thing. I don't think I've ever played a Mega Man game where fighting a boss with its weakness makes for a satisfying fight. I usually only exploit boss weaknesses in the rematches at the end.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Rhapsody has good taste. That's the one I would've started using if I changed my avatar for a bit since it's soooo cute.

I decided to change my twitter one to that one instead.

You forget that in MM1 NES bosses died stupidly fast to their weakness. You only need to land 3 rolling cutters to kill elec man, 4 bombs to kill guts man, and 2 stones to kill cut man. I don't remember the other three but I don't think any robot master takes more then 6 hits with their weakness. If you had full health there was no reason to actually dodge when you can just run forward and out damage the boss.

Edit: The only boss that doesn't work against is guts man, but that's just cause the bomb is slow arcs weird, once you get the timing down it isn't hard to use at all.
That's a decent point, and it's something they've come to refine in games since. Even then, you still have to take into account that sometimes positioning matters in MM1 to a degree. Though to be fair, many bosses in MM games have this tendency to die in just a few hits if you go running in headfirst by using weapons against them. Edit: I'd also neglected to consider the stun enemies have when you hit them with a weapon in the later games, when in MM1, it feels almost nonexistent.

Oh, yeah, I rebought a Wonderswan. Guess which game I might play
even though it's janky as hell and it's so... why.

IV had some good ideas, but A. it's half an even worse version of MM4 which I'm just not fond of in the first place, and B. it still suffers from the GB series' crippling performance issues which they only sort of got a grip on in MMV.
You hurt meeeee. Nah, I have that niggling complaint about IV, too. I still can't help but to like that one the most for some of the stuff it brought to the table.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ponytail, ribbon, and headphones made quite the deadly combo for me.


Though to be fair, the female protag didn't have a ribbon in her hair. >.>
This is me cracking a joke and pulling your leg. :p

Ahhh, I really like Call's design. Even more than Roll's, honestly. It probably is the long hair and ribbon for me. It's cute.


Purely coincidence.

And then I realize I guess there's a bow tie that's like a ribbon, even if it's not in the hair.

Also, nice to see Mighty No. 9 funded soon after waking up. Jumped 4k in a couple of minutes.


Replaying through MM4, skull man's stage is so well done IMO, if you know what you're doing you can do it flawless but if you're careless you get punished in seconds.

Bright man is easy because it's gimmick is worthless once you've memorized the stage.

qq more

I really want to see their version of ProtoMan and Bass

I can see their version of Zero happening because Inafune loves Zero :V

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Mega Man 10

I'm sorry, I love Mega Man 10, even with some of its ease. The level design is pretty fun, but that's mostly because I feel like they're a step-up from Mega Man 9's level design. Plus the soundtrack's great.


No, Noi, I am not doing a Mr. Perfect run. That's your job. >:O


Yeah, the majority opinion seems to be that 10 is easier than 9. I'm just going to assume I struggled with it after being rusty.

MM9 wasn't really all too hard (besides that scary look jump in Jewel Man's stage with all the spikes). MM10 I just remember getting hit a lot. I still beat the game fast like all the other ones, but I think I died slightly more often. Guess that'll be on my to do list. I only played and beat it once, so I haven't been able to properly rank it.

qq more

9 was bullshit with the Wily stages, it was the sole reason why I enjoyed 10 far more

that anti gravity level >_<

with that said, 9 is still great... just annoying sometimes


Just received the Megaman 25 Complete Works from Amazon. Really enjoying the artwork since I am a newer MM fan... Didn't own the games growing up until I picked up the collections on PS2. I think I'll have to finally beat MM4-6, the Mighty No 9 and this artbook really has me itching ti play some Megaman.

qq more

Just received the Megaman 25 Complete Works from Amazon. Really enjoying the artwork since I am a newer MM fan... Didn't own the games growing up until I picked up the collections on PS2. I think I'll have to finally beat MM4-6, the Mighty No 9 and this artbook really has me itching ti play some Megaman.

Mega Man is the best. Always good to see newer fans! (I didn't grow up with Mega Man either)
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