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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?


Ok, I started Mega Man 3. :) I beat 5 bosses till now. It's not bad, but I think I like MM2 more. Rush and slide are great additions though.


Ok, I started Mega Man 3. :) I beat 5 bosses till now. It's not bad, but I think I like MM2 more. Rush and slide are great additions though.

I have vague memories of playing MM2 before MM3 when I was very young (3ish) but Top Man is the first Robot Master I remember getting to. Coincidently, that's probably the only time he's ever killed me.

I really need to get MM3 for Virtual Console or something, it's been too long since I've played - MM9 and 10 are sitting there so easy to play (and MM10's Wily 1 is just too much fun to play through + the music).

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I really need to get MM3 for Virtual Console or something, it's been too long since I've played - MM9 and 10 are sitting there so easy to play (and MM10's Wily 1 is just too much fun to play through + the music).
MM10's music is great and doesn't get as much credit as it should. Wily Stage 1 is totally fantastic, especially the bit after the buildup prior to the loop.

I got sick and tired of Wily Stage 3 after a while of getting my no death run a few months ago. But nah, going back and listening to it now, I like it a lot. Good channel use.
MM10 doesn't get enough credit at anything really. 9 overshadows it way too much.

Ugh, I hate that my laptop can't run 9 and 10 on Dolphin properly it makes no fucking sense. I really want to stream them damn it.


MM10's music is great and doesn't get as much credit as it should. Wily Stage 1 is totally fantastic, especially the bit after the buildup prior to the loop.

I got sick and tired of Wily Stage 3 after a while of getting my no death run a few months ago. But nah, going back and listening to it now, I like it a lot. Good channel use.

Pump Man, Sheep Man, and Blade Man really deliver as well. Actually Chill Man is pretty cool (heh) as well.

Wily Stage 3 is just amazing though. Nitro Man sounds like it would've worked better as an intro scene.


Decided to pop in Powered Up for fun and found one of my stages I made during high school. It was all Metroid-like with Zelda puzzles. Kind of wish I made a lot more stages back in high school since it's fun going back to them. I did a poor job on placing enemies, but everything else was pretty good.

It kind of gives me the urge to make some more stages. Maybe a proper standard type of stage for once.


I think that MM10's robot master tracks are weaker than 9's overall but Nitro Man trumps all of 9 and 10. That said I like 9 better than 10 but 10 is no slouch, and 10 has Ballade so it's automatically awesome.
I still wish there was some sort of 9+10 physical release with all the DLC.

Though I'm not the biggest fan of MM10, I was completely prepared to get that "Capcom Essentials" collection since it looked like 10 would be on disc at first, but it's just a download code, so I'm passing on that.


Why couldnt all region releases get this kind of boxart:


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Mega Man 2 is just superior. What other explanation does it possibly need? *crosses arm all smug*
You already know why I re-ranked it. Bad game design decisions.

If we're talking about it in terms of ambition, then it's perhaps the most ambitious of the first three since it improves on its predecessor in almost every way.

qq, you know I can't hate it since it was the video game that got me into video games, chummmmmmmmmmm.


Hm... I'm curious. Can you expand on that?
Sure. Of course, I consider all of them masterpieces, but MM2 probably wowed me the most. Fantastic bosses like Metal man and Quick Man, great levels like Air Man's and a great length. MM3 on the other hand was kinda frustating in the end. I loved Rush and slide, but some things like Doc's stages felt unnecessary. And to tell the truth I didn't like the Wily stages that much. Now, MM was a rather simple but hard game. Right to the point. The level design was somewhat bad in a few cases but other than that I loved it.


If I were to rank it, it'd be 2=3 > 1. In 3, revisiting stages and facing all of MM2's bosses was just too good, not to mention the gameplay additions.

Maybe one day I'll stop flip flopping between 2 and 3...


Seven baybee. Since I've gotten my other 'gushes' out of the way lately, sometime in the next few months I gotta get my Mega Man 7 gush post out there.

qq more

I still need to beat 7... it's the only mainline classic title I've yet to beat outside of 8. I loved the shit out of 7 when I've played it though. So many cool secrets and the music was tight.


I'd replay 7 again but... that last boss. Might be childhood trauma or something, but I just have issues with it.
That alone made it the hardest Classic MM for me.


I'd replay 7 again but... that last boss. Might be childhood trauma or something, but I just have issues with it.
That alone made it the hardest Classic MM for me.

It actually IS lol. It's insanely hard. It took me forever to beat it, but when I did, oh did it feel fantastic. For some reason I beat it on a casual run of the game. I remember playing 8 afterwards and feeling like the last boss was babbysauce jr ville due to MM7.


Back then I always wondered if it was one of those bosses where I was just missing something. Guess not lol
Actually might do another playthrough sometime next month. It's been so many years, but I loved the game.
They seriously overcompensated a whole fucking lot after having Wily be a joke for most of the NES games with his 7, 8, and RnF versions I mean jesus fucking christ fuck those 3.


Man, it's been a while since I started Mega Man Legends 2.
I think I'm still early on, wondering if I should restart or not...
Will probably try to clear it this week before getting Wii U.


X was so much better as a villain, though.

Just got X and Zero in Project X-Zone. Law of convenience has me shipping X with KOS-MOS and Zero w/T-elos already. I'm sorry, T-elos, that never bodes well.
Played Mega Man 1, 2, 3, (I think very briefly) 4, 9 and 10 for Classic. Played MMX and MMX6 for the X series.

I really hope Capcom makes a turnaround soon. If not, then I have a bad feeling Mega Man will be placed in the hands of a company that won't use him, thus killing him for good (and no, I don't think he is dead, at least not yet). That day will be a very sad day for me. Thinking about that possibly happening is already a depressing thought.

Regardless, Mega Man fan for life. Even if Mega Man passes on, I will stand by him for the rest of my life and I will make sure that he is never truly forgotten by gamers.


I can't help but feel that the Archie Megaman comic is darker than it needs to be, but so far it's been great, just wish the art was better. The current artist is OK, but Yardley's art just fits perfectly with Megaman-
In general or right now? Because let's also consider SAR ia dark itself already, the comic is only going into more detail.


Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I was meaning to come in to talk about Archie's Mega Man X adaptation sooner or later, lol. It's just too bad it's not going to be its own series, but I wonder what it means for the Mega Man comic, just because it's going to be done within the Mega Man comic (and thus probably shortening the amount of pages dedicated to the MM comic -- and we are a little behind in the game adaptations because of Worlds Collide).

I honestly think it should've been its own series since MMX is more story-based than OG MM.

But hey, Flynn did say that if people really want a Mega Man X series, they should really demand it or buy the issues that do have MMX in it so they could go for a separate series for it. I'd love for that to happen, just for the sake of a lot of the references that Flynn & co could add into the comics to at least bring a little bit of levity to the tone and style of MMX. So the MMX stuff starts in Issue 34. That should be out in February 2014.

You can read the interview with Ian Flynn here.

A little bit of it that should be mentioned, though:

IGN: Are there any other Capcom properties you’d like to tackle at Archie?

Flynn: I’m game for just about anything. Dead Rising? Phoenix Wright? Okami? Breath of Fire? Bring it on.

Kaminski: Mega Man X is only the beginning! Stay tuned!

IGN: Anything you want to add?

Flynn: I’m very excited to get to the X universe, and I’m hoping it will one day open the door to more Mega Man stories. But it’s all up to the fans. The more you demand, the more we can provide!

Kaminski: The response to Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide was easily the biggest tidal wave of support I've ever witnessed on either of these two comic franchises, maybe of my whole time here at Archie. You guys came out and supported us and made that storyline into the juggernaut that it became, and for that I thank you. Everyone who loved what we did on Worlds Collide is going to flip over what Ian and Spaz have in store for Mega Man X! The best is yet to come!

So yep! I hope it's successful enough to go for more Mega Man X stuff. I just hope Flynn won't spread himself too thin since he'd then be working on four comics as opposed to just three. His writing is great, no doubt about that (like, he picked the Sonic comics up from the place they were in and put them in a better place), but I'm hoping he won't spread himself too thin by concentrating on more stuff.

I'd honestly meant to post this, but one of our (very frequent to the point of me asking him to get an account but he doesn't want one) lurkers, Bean, put the preview pages up for Mega Man #29 a while ago (give me a break, I've been busy). I haven't had a chance to read the issue yet, but apparently it felt like filler material to him? Or at least it wasn't as good as MM #28.

Anyway, issue:


I'm so happy I didn't get the variant. >.>
Well, personally I'd use the words transition and exposition rather than filler.

I don't really mind it considering how 1 and 2 felt rushed and forced to fit into 4 issues tbh.


Just noticed we have a little over 2 months until the 25th anniversary is over. Unless there's a game announcement on that before the last day, I guess all we got were comics and VC re-releases
of re-releases
. Even still, it would've been nice to get the remaining MM games like MM5-6 in US PSN and MM7 and X3 this year. lol

I guess finally getting the GB MM games wasn't too bad of a thing though.
Just noticed we have a little over 2 months until the 25th anniversary is over. Unless there's a game announcement on that before the last day, I guess all we got were comics and VC re-releases
of re-releases
. Even still, it would've been nice to get the remaining MM games like MM5-6 in US PSN and MM7 and X3 this year. lol

I guess finally getting the GB MM games wasn't too bad of a thing though.
We at least got to see Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U. It doesn't make this anniversary good, but it does keep me from completely losing faith in Capcom.

I also am expecting to see Mega Man 7 and Mega Man X3 eventually.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Nope, I've completely lost faith in Capcom, period. Breath of Fire was the last straw, but I've realized that due to numerous factors, that company does not and seems to cannot operate under the design and decision philosophies that they used to. It's interesting to me how neat they seemed to be at the beginning of the generation and happily embraced their older IPs while following the retro revival that other companies had also followed suit on. And then stuff happened which made them start playing it a little safer (which didn't seem to warrant the popularity that they thought pursuing this path would inevitably give them).

It's a shame.

I mean, they're not Konami-tier. That's a plus. I guess.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Double-post, but...

I can't help but feel that the Archie Megaman comic is darker than it needs to be, but so far it's been great, just wish the art was better. The current artist is OK, but Yardley's art just fits perfectly with Megaman-
Actually, I'd meant to correct you earlier, but...

Ben Bates drew that artwork you linked there. It was Yardley who handled Parts 5 through 8 of Worlds Collide... and those were the issues with the kinda iffy art.


MMX, eh? Mega Man must be doing fairly well if they're considering a spinoff series. Bet it gets split off within a year, or that they're already planning to do that once the plot gets up to X1.

So yep! I hope it's successful enough to go for more Mega Man X stuff. I just hope Flynn won't spread himself too thin since he'd then be working on four comics as opposed to just three. His writing is great, no doubt about that (like, he picked the Sonic comics up from the place they were in and put them in a better place), but I'm hoping he won't spread himself too thin by concentrating on more stuff.

He's already done four comics at once, when you throw in the two New Crusaders miniseries Archie's published recently. It looks like that's being taken in a different direction with a different writer, though, which is probably why they've got him focusing on this now. edit: also he's doing some amount of writing on a web comic.

I'm more concerned about where they're going to find four artists' worth of comics. Can't keep Spaz around forever.


Neo Member

Recently bought the JP versions of the five Megaman GB games and seeing that Megaman 2 (gb) is coming around the corner for the 3DS VC, I thought I'd share to you guys my basic thoughts on each game:

God Tier (MegaMan IV, MegaMan V)
Okay Tier (MegaMan, MegaMan III)
Keep away from this Mess (MegaMan2)
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