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Microsoft wants to buy Metal Gear license from Konami


Gold Member
That's your presumption. Unlike what you believe, I'm really not a fanboy.

I have a gaming PC where I play many XGS games (Ori is one of my all-time favorites, and you can see my posts praising the game on this very forum). In the console market, I do prefer PlayStation, but I also appreciate Xbox. In fact, I'm planning to buy an XSX as soon as the retail price comes down in my country (It's around $750 at the moment; I'll buy it around $700 because I know it won't go any lower) and XGS games start rolling in.

My point is entirely about these rumors against Sony's management and creating a hive mind. It's very similar to how last year rumors against PS5 hardware and the ongoing rumors related to the Gamepass price increase.

Also, as far as MG series go, I'd rather have MS do something about it than Konami just sitting on those IPs doing nothing.
Fair enough, I agree I think Microsoft could do better with it than Konami no worries. Look its all a bit of fun but these rumours if true are not good for PS but they'll be fine.


Gold Journalism

You take this too serious. Rumors come and go and just because some of them are not in your preferred plastic toy's favor it doen't mean there is a conspiracy going on.
Not exactly. It's not like it'd be the first time. Have we already forgotten the rumors and the FUD about the PS5 hardware? It wasn't that long ago.

Baseless rumors in a coordinated effort just to damage a brand's reputation is arguably the worst thing that can happen on the internet and the gaming industry. I'd oppose it regardless of brands. If someone spreads coordinated false rumors against MS or Nintendo, just to damage their reputation, that is also a sick idea and must be condemned.

I'm not saying it is that. I can't confirm that. But it feels like that to me.

Look at how many people on this forum are on the bandwagon of "Jim Ryan is bad; Bring Layden back". But if you ask them why that is the case, they won't be able to give you any concrete points. it's just the bandwagon and the environment these rumors have created. Hating Sony/PS/management has become the new cool thing on the internet over the last couple of weeks.


Gold Journalism
Fair enough, I agree I think Microsoft could do better with it than Konami no worries. Look its all a bit of fun but these rumours if true are not good for PS but they'll be fine.
Anyone would do better than Konami right now lol. MS or PS, those IPs should be revived. There is an entire generation of gamers that haven't experienced those masterpieces yet.


This could work but only if they rebooted the entire series and gave it a fresh start. People who aren't huge fans of MGS aren't going to watch 10 hour videos explaining the storyline of past games. As someone who's skipped MGS2-4 I didn't know what was happening in a lot of the scenes in MGS5.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
It's funny that this is plausible for MS but just fanboy talk to the company making the film & heavily associated with the series & the creator
And what is it with MS rumours being copies of Playstation rumours 😂


"Oh please be true! Please be true!


It's not that I want my favorite trillion dollar corporation to attain a monopoly over the largest entertainment industry, as if that actually would end up being a good thing for me as a consumer.
No, not at all. I'm not a fanboy. Really. I'm not that stupid!

I just want to enjoy the meltdowns! Just the meltdowns..."
You're expecting too much.

It became clear over the last decade that those you speak of are not in it for the games.
Haha. That very much seems to be the case.


Basically, Xbox fanboys want Microsoft to own everything about gaming, this thread is pretty much evidence of that. But, Konami isn't going to do anything with any of their IPs so it might as well go to someone who is interested in continuing them.


Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I cant keep up with you guys. One its "lolz ps5 will sell 3:1". Then "this is a monopoly boo hoo"

This is just a rumor and already the same people are having meltdowns again. Its hilarious just reading through these threads.

OT: I hope it turns out true just for more of this. MGS 5 was a disappointment, so otherwise it makes no difference to me.


Calm your horses. This rumor can't be true simply because of the fact that I would like it way too much.

We all know Konami is going to continue to butcher beloved franchises for pachinko slot machines.


Not exactly. It's not like it'd be the first time. Have we already forgotten the rumors and the FUD about the PS5 hardware? It wasn't that long ago.

Baseless rumors in a coordinated effort just to damage a brand's reputation is arguably the worst thing that can happen on the internet and the gaming industry. I'd oppose it regardless of brands. If someone spreads coordinated false rumors against MS or Nintendo, just to damage their reputation, that is also a sick idea and must be condemned.

I'm not saying it is that. I can't confirm that. But it feels like that to me.

Look at how many people on this forum are on the bandwagon of "Jim Ryan is bad; Bring Layden back". But if you ask them why that is the case, they won't be able to give you any concrete points. it's just the bandwagon and the environment these rumors have created. Hating Sony/PS/management has become the new cool thing on the internet over the last couple of weeks.
There are countless rumors regarding both. Positive and negative. I remember Sony buying timed exclusivity for GTA VI, Sony getting an exclusive Resident Evil, Sony getting an exlusive Remedy game, Sony getting exclusive Konami games, PS5 will be 13,3 TF and so on. But at the end of the day rumors are just rumors and i don't see a coordinated campaign. The "Jim is the devil" BS comes from short-sited and disappointed kids. Ryan does what's best for business and not what some fanboys want.


Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

I cant keep up with you guys. One its "lolz ps5 will sell 3:1". Then "this is a monopoly boo hoo"

This is just a rumor and already the same people are having meltdowns again. Its hilarious just reading through these threads.

OT: I hope it turns out true just for more of this. MGS 5 was a disappointment, so otherwise it makes no difference to me.
And the shoe fits! ;)

Stop being so over-dramatic. No one is having a meltdown. lol
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This is big if true.
May be part of the deal between Microsoft and Kojima Prod.


From ACG:



Also (1h10m10s):

"Who owns the IP for Metal Gear ? Konami does right ? Yeah, APPARENTLY they are..."

And now the finish move:

Best case is Microsoft get the licence, and give it to Kojima for an exclusive game. I guess fan can only be happy (rather than watching Konami destroying the saga)

Surely kojima is totally done with the series, he took the piss out of konami and went full on perfectionist mode on mgs 5 and konami had to tell him enough was enough and made him release the game when it was incomplete, i can understand if he was invovled in adding the unfinished cutscenes into mgs5 but i hope he does another new IP as mgs is totally done and finished and cant see what other storys he has with the series other then backstorys which we dont need


These rumors are now starting to sound very deliberate with a very clear objective, i.e., to discourage people from the PlayStation brand.
Although anything is possible, this all seems extremely far-fetched, and to be honest, a very deliberate attempt now (weeks and weeks of unfounded rumors against Sony, PlayStation, and PS management) to dissuade people in favor of the other brand.

This reminds me the FUD v2.0 of what we all saw last year with PS5 hardware (9.2 TF, no HW ray tracing, can't do 4K, 40-50 FPS gap vs. XSX, etc.)
The fact that Sony has made a number of bad PR moves aren't unfounded rumours, People spin off and discuss the information they have access to. This industry is full of this type of talk because it's uniquely secretive, it's not a conspiracy and has always been this way.
Sony did increase the price off all their first party titles, they did announce the closure of psp, vita and ps3 stores, they did axe the majority of japan studio, they did move SIE headquarters to California, they have made real moves to de emphasise their focus on the Japanese market and that legacy. There are obvious signs of a power struggle, yoshida was demoted, Shawn Layden did quit under strange circumstances, Jim Ryan has made tone deaf statements in the past, they have stated their aims about big budget games multiple times and they are in contradiction with prior managements statements. These are verifiable points of information that have not gone unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has made almost the exact opposite moves, they have gone from don mattrick to a guy who actually understands games, they have made a number of pro consumer moves aimed at retaining their legacy and have begun to invest in Japanese and lower budget game studios where Sony have only paid lip service that runs counter to their actions. It is no wonder people are plotting the journey of these two companies and contrast is always impossible to ignore. Before this recent explosion of possibly bullshit insider information there was real reason to be concerned about Sony and optimistic about Xbox. This narrative has been building for many years, the sudden flip in perception is entirely unsurprising for anyone who was paying attention.

That being said, until we see a line up of games only one thing is certain, Sony has really shitty PR.
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Gold Journalism
The fact that Sony has made a number of bad PR moves aren't unfounded rumours, People spin off and discuss the information they have access to. This industry is full of this type of talk because it's uniquely secretive, it's not a conspiracy and has always been this way.
Sony did increase the price off all their first party titles, they did announce the closure of psp, vita and ps3 stores, they did axe the majority of japan studio, they did move SIE headquarters to California, they have made real moves to de emphasise their focus on the Japanese market and that legacy. There are obvious signs of a power struggle, yoshida was demoted, Shawn Layden did quit under strange circumstances, Jim Ryan has made tone deaf statements in the past, they have stated their aims about big budget games multiple times and they are in contradiction with prior managements statements. These are verifiable points of information that have not gone unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has made almost the exact opposite moves, they have gone from don mattrick to a guy who actually understands games, they have made a number of pro consumer moves aimed at retaining their legacy and have begun to invest in Japanese and lower budget game studios where Sony have only paid lip service that runs counter to their actions. It is no wonder people are plotting the journey of these two companies and contrast is always impossible to ignore. Before this recent explosion of possibly bullshit insider information there was real reason to be concerned about Sony and optimistic about Xbox. This narrative has been building for many years, the sudden flip in perception is entirely unsurprising for anyone who was paying attention.

That being said, until we see a line up of games only one thing is certain, Sony has really shitty PR.
I agree that Sony has a very shitty PR, and they just don't communicate with their users as much as they should.

But I disagree with your other points:
  • Moving the HQ to California is not a bad move. What does it matter where the HQ is? Is this even news for us?
  • Restructuring Japan Studios is not a bad move. In fact, it shows that Sony is not being complacent. When was the last time they internally created and published a game? Let alone a game that was both critically and commercially successful.
  • Price increase. I think everyone was expecting a $70 price increase; most understand it too. And Sony isn't the only one who did that.
  • The closure of legacy stores. I agree that Sony should have done a better job preserving its legacy, but it is what it is. PS3 games do not run on PS5, and PS3 came around 15 years ago.
  • Big budget games. Sony has always focused on that. Those are the games that have been the most successful for them. But it does not mean that Sony has abandoned smaller games. We just got games like Sackboy and Destruction All Stars. Sony also supported AA games like Kena, Little Devil Inside, and Godfall.
  • Yoshida. I don't think demotion is the right word here. He now has the Indies department under his control (which is very crucial). He has the budget, and look how well he has been doing: supporting indie devs, games launching on PS+ day one, exclusivity contracts, etc. He seems to even his own budget to strike these deals now.
  • Japanese market. Sony hasn't abandoned Japan as much as Japan has abandoned PlayStation (or any traditional console for that matter). They are mostly interested in mobile gaming now, as evident by data.
so this metal gear movie from sony.. why havent i heard of this before? this changes everything. i highly doubt sony are going to make a metal gear movie and than not have any new game on their console. theres something very familiar about all this. all these rumours remind me of the first half of last year where everything was doom and gloom for sony and rosy for xbox. until both of them had their shows and the roles were reversed!

you guys remember the forum and state of xbox after that show with halo infinite? it was gloomy and negative for xbox all the way up until the bethesda aquisition. i honestly cant wait for the next shows from both sony and microsoft. it will clear lot of stuff up. for all we know this new bend ip will look awesome and sony are the ones making a new metal gear solid. what if sony blow everyone away with their next games showcase? all of sudden all this negativity looks stupid and everyone quickly forgets about it before the cycle repeats itself again after a while. rumors are a slippery slope.
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Lol yeh right, konmai wont sell, and whats ms going to do with it, they struggling just to get a good halo game out the door lol, best they can do licence it for a few yaers, and kojima wants nothing to do with metal gear anymore.


Is there something stopping them from just buying Konami? Konami's value is 8.3 billion.
Yeah, that would make a little more sense and would give them more than just the MGS IP. But, is Konami Japanese? That could be why (in another thread, someone was saying they have rules against that kinda thing? But not sure.)

The shoe definitely fits indeed, thats why you took offense to what I said 😉. Thanks for proving my point.
Nah, not that easily offended. I know you are console warring so.....keep on fighting the good fight! :D
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Konami is now only a zombie, a shadow of its former 90s self.

But MGS is dead too. All the story arc is completed, how much more milk they can extract from that corpse?
Old stories in the franchise, which are infinitely better than the incoherent garbage mgs4 is.

I want next-gen Jaeger vs. Snake hand to hand combat on a minefield.

And besides, remaking every entry with ue5 and creating a Solid Snake collection like the MCC would be a ballsy move.
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I agree that Sony has a very shitty PR, and they just don't communicate with their users as much as they should.

But I disagree with your other points:
  • Moving the HQ to California is not a bad move. What does it matter where the HQ is? Is this even news for us?
  • Restructuring Japan Studios is not a bad move. In fact, it shows that Sony is not being complacent. When was the last time they internally created and published a game? Let alone a game that was both critically and commercially successful.
  • Price increase. I think everyone was expecting a $70 price increase; most understand it too. And Sony isn't the only one who did that.
  • The closure of legacy stores. I agree that Sony should have done a better job preserving its legacy, but it is what it is. PS3 games do not run on PS5, and PS3 came around 15 years ago.
  • Big budget games. Sony has always focused on that. Those are the games that have been the most successful for them. But it does not mean that Sony has abandoned smaller games. We just got games like Sackboy and Destruction All Stars. Sony also supported AA games like Kena, Little Devil Inside, and Godfall.
  • Yoshida. I don't think demotion is the right word here. He now has the Indies department under his control (which is very crucial). He has the budget, and look how well he has been doing: supporting indie devs, games launching on PS+ day one, exclusivity contracts, etc. He seems to even his own budget to strike these deals now.
  • Japanese market. Sony hasn't abandoned Japan as much as Japan has abandoned PlayStation (or any traditional console for that matter). They are mostly interested in mobile gaming now, as evident by data.
  • I doesn't matter if the move to Cali was a good business move or not, It is perceived as a bad move by many who are fans of Japanese games and Sony's legacy, they have done nothing but confirm everyone's worst fears so far.
  • Without Japan studio there would be no bloodborne, the director of demons souls remake was from japan studio, they have made system sellers for all prior systems (including hand helds) and gravity rush was far more interesting to me than anything released by their other studios (except maybe media molecule). To me there is more evidence that they have been mismanaged by Sony than there being a lack of ability to create good shit (due to sonys lack of belief in games with a recognisably Japanese flavour).
  • Microsoft has not charged $70 unanimously for their games, this is who they are being measured against. It looks extra shitty in contrast to gamepass (I'm not even a fan of gamepass)
  • Sony has not always been about AAA+ games, as someone who is unimpressed by production values and is tired of stale, formulaic games the ps4 generation was the worst yet, closing down one of their most experimental studios means things aren't looking to improve. Their support for indies would be either a result of prior leadership or yoshida, obviously I like the guy and almost everyone was more optimistic when he had greater control.
  • head of indies is absolutely a demotion from head of World wide studios unless you are trying to claim they spend more on helping indies than all first party development combined. I wouldn't be surprised if he quits in the near future. When you hear him speak about games the shit he says is in direct conflict with leadership.
  • for the ps4, Japan was still the 2nd largest single market behind the USA, sure they are dwarfed by the two western continents but the appeal of those games stretches beyond the domestic market. Home console games that are unapologetically japanese do exist, I'm not interested in a company that turns their back on them because they don't make AS much money as their mass market AAA games. The mere existence of ATLUS is proof that a market still exists and if someone was in charge who gave a shit (like maybe the prior leadership who explicitly stated they were) they would try everything they could to maintain it.
Never would have imagined it.

Why dontcha slip Snatcher into the deal while you're there, Phil.

Buy Castlevania too!
And Suikoden!
And Dance Dance Revolution!
And Vandal Hearts!
And ZOE!
And Tokimeki Memorial!
And Contra!
And Silent Hill!
And Rocket Knight Adventures!
And Rumble Roses!

These are the best posts in the thread, bar none.

Microsoft needs to buy Konami, announce a sequel/new Castlevania SotN-style game (or hell—why not 4K remakes of all of the GBA/DS titles in a compilation?) and people will be throwing their wallets at Microsoft.


Sony funds an MGS remake/remaster to be made by Konami/Kojima, MS buys the rights to also have it on Gamepass.

That would make both rumours true


I don't believe it.

But the idea of Kojima making his own original Xbox game while overseeing a Bluepoint remake of Metal Gear Solid sounds incredible.

Can't imagine the meltdowns it'd cause though.
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Ideally, these games would be available on all platforms: PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

However, if it comes to only one console (+ PC), you can't deny that Metal Gear would sell more on PlayStation, because (1) PlayStation has a bigger user base, and (2) more MG series players are likely on PlayStation than any other console.
so by now it is approved that the exclusive playstations will also be released on pc now? my calculation was obviously given only by the PlayStation vs Xbox + pc userbase
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So kojima didn't want to keep making metal gear so leaves.

MS will spend a billion buying a franchise that always sold best on PlayStation and kojima will develop it. I mean if you like losing money then go for it.
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