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Microsoft wants to buy Metal Gear license from Konami

Definitely not console sellers at all. But the very first games from 1st party Xbox being exclusive to PS5 isn't a good look, at least compensate for the exclusivity and make it a multiplat especially that the console launched with no next gen first party games at all until now.

I agree, but in Microsoft's defense, the timed exclusivity deal was struck before Microsoft's purchase of Bethesda was announced and cleared by the various antitrust bodies.

I agree, however, that the availability of first-party games is becoming an issue for Microsoft (especially given Halo's delay), which is probably why they are trying to sweeten the deal by getting as many Day 1 GamePass games as possible.


Metal Gear would fit in with the Xbox brand well. Kinda ironic how big of a deal Splinter Cell was to the original Xbox which was a more realistic take on Metal Gear. Now, we might be getting Metal Gear as a flagship brand.

I root for this kind of stuff. Xbox seriously needs more than Gears/Halo/Forza.


And what would MS do with the IP? They would need to buy Kojima too. But all in all, I rather have Kojima working on something else than MG. Even though I could not finish MGS5 nor Death Stranding, I rather see him work on something new. I do not believe this rumor at all. If so, they would work on remasters on their BC program I do not see anyone else creating MG games and certainly not any of Microsoft Game Studios.


Is there something stopping them from just buying Konami? Konami's value is 8.3 billion.
Atrocious value considering the only console games they make nowadays are... Pro Evo.

They’d get a publisher like SEGA for less who actually still make a lot of popular games like Football Manager, Total War, Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Yakuza and Sonic.
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Is there something stopping them from just buying Konami? Konami's value is 8.3 billion.

The issues would be that Konami are very diverse... they have gyms and pachinko and bottled water and all these smaller businesses, they are also heavily involved with the Yakuza apparently.

8.3 is the basic market cap and usually companies sell for 30% or more than the market cap.
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Gold Member
The issues would be that Konami are very diverse... they have gyms and pachinko and bottled water and all these smaller businesses, they are also heavily involved with the Yakuza apparently.

8.3 is the basic market cap and usually companies sell for 30% or more than the market cap.
Not a problem for Microsoft, that's pocket change. They get the MGS IP and that's enough, I don't know how much the IP is worth though, any guess?


Better to get assets than pay tax. They can't recoup the tax, assets can gain value and make you more money, or they can depreciate and help offset other gains.

Paying money to the taxman is just money lost that can't work for you.

.. a very good point.

Naked Lunch

Metal Gear next to Metroid, Ace Combat, and Halo are my favorite gaming franchises.

This one seems too far fetched.
I dont see the value here other than to get MGS 1 and 4 in the same place as the others.
Current Xboxes already run Solid 2, 3, Peace Walker, and 5 - also the MSXs' MG1 and 2.

No one has proven they can make Metal Gear outside of Kojima - and hes said countless times hes done with the series.
Id still like to think there are some game designers out there who can do the series justice - I feel like MG still has so much to give.

Would be interesting though.


Jim Ryan would deserve it. Let playstation 5 fail spectacularly this gen. As a playstation fan, I don't care. If xbox gets the japanese focus that playstation used to have, I'm jumping ship. Playstation = japan. Couldn't care less about their mediocre western developers. Looking at you guerilla and ND.


Little boy Kojima asked to Daddy Microsoft to bring its toy back 😂
You know, that could very much be the case here. This honestly wouldn't surprise me. Maybe Kojima does want to work on MGS again and found a partner in Microsoft? I mean, right now, Microsoft seems to be very open in making investments so, they might be the people to talk to about it.

Jim Ryan would deserve it. Let playstation 5 fail spectacularly this gen. As a playstation fan, I don't care. If xbox gets the japanese focus that playstation used to have, I'm jumping ship. Playstation = japan. Couldn't care less about their mediocre western developers. Looking at you guerilla and ND.
I've tried getting into MGS but could never finish any of them (I have them all though so someday, lol). What exactly about the series is Japanese though? (Is it like the style of game play in it? I would never think Japanese simply off of what I have played of the series and seen trailerwise.)
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You know, that could very much be the case here. This honestly wouldn't surprise me. Maybe Kojima does want to work on MGS again and found a partner in Microsoft? I mean, right now, Microsoft seems to be very open in making investments so, they might be the people to talk to about it.

I've tried getting into MGS but could never finish any of them (I have them all though so someday, lol). What exactly about the series is Japanese though? (Is it like the style of game play in it? I would never think Japanese simply off of what I have played of the game and seen trailerwise.)
It is developed by Kojima, and has the storytelling focus that typically only Japanese games have. Also the cinematic flare and many gameplay design decisions in the series are quintessentially japanese.


It is developed by Kojima, and has the storytelling focus that typically only Japanese games have. Also the cinematic flare and many gameplay design decisions in the series are quintessentially japanese.
Ah gotcha. I probably would have picked up on that if I spent more time with the games (or maybe I don't associate gameplay as being Japanese or American). The only one I think I spent more time on was MGS4.
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It doesn't make sense.

As I remember Konami was doing great with their financials in the recent years. Why would they want to sell IPs when they don't need to do it?
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Because without Kojima MGS is dead IP, with no future.
Not true. They will get a ton of money of the upcoming MGS movie.

And as an example, they can make that MGS collection, remasters or remakes without him. And also mobile games, pachinkos or jogging machines for their gyms. More movies and tv series. They also could hire Platinum to make MGR2. All these things would work without Kojima.

True , but big companies have big wallets... and that’s MS.
Konami also has a big wallet, and if they don't want to sell doesn't matter how big is the wallet of MS or Sony.
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Gold Member
At this rate theyll be no multi platform games just exclusives and I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing whatever platform people play on.


I hope it's true. Doubt that Kojima himself would work on it outside of maybe being a producer, cause he wants to do new things, but MS owning the license sounds better than fucking EA or Ubisoft getting it.
In the context of your post, there’s really no difference.
You implied Microsoft was on it’s way to becoming a Monopoly, or at least wanting to become one. Someone pointing out that they are further from that then Sony does pretty much negate your comment. Looks like you are trying to back out of it, from layman perspective.)
Because Sony does not go out and outright buy large 3rd party developers like MS has done and is continually trying to do, Sony is nowhere close to becoming a monopoly because "timed exclusive" is not monopolizing anything as compared to outright buying the company.
I think the early Nintendo games getting an entire remake would be interesting or maybe a couple games from Liquid Snake’s perspective?
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Yall, before this takes off, if you read the tweets and replies he says its just for fun.
Yeah, it's just him fantasy drafting the MGS Vi team. I don't think Kojima wants to touch MGS Vi with a barge pole, I also rather him do a horror game.
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In hand? Or that they are able to raise?
Cash on hand... I know they have a bit over 130 billion. I'm just kinda astounded with how people think 20 billion is 'pocket change' even to MSFT. I guarantee them that the board and stockholders value that 20 billion and would not want to see it spent unwisely.


Don't believe, but I want to believe

Also, why not buy Konami itself?!
Don't think its true but might be easier to license the ip's than deal with buying a Japanese company. Might not want to have to deal with selling off the non gaming parts of Konami.


Gold Member
Not gonna happen, dont konami have a bunch of mgs pachinkos etc that bring in huge money?

Up there with the stupidity of the sega rumor


Not gonna happen, dont konami have a bunch of mgs pachinkos etc that bring in huge money?

Up there with the stupidity of the sega rumor
It wouldn't be hard to conceive they could strike up a deal that allows Microsoft to take the game publishing rights for MGS and leaves Konami with the rights to the license for their fucking pachinko machines.

The bottom line is that MGS is a hugely valuable video game IP that is currently sitting around collecting dust. It's more valuable than anything in SEGA's catalog. It's not unreasonable to think Microsoft would make a play for it.


Gold Member
IP or Konami? It's easy to sell a IP for a specific medium so I don't think that's a big blocker
I just really dont see what upside konami has getting rid of the ip, even if its for a specific medium (but thats the only thing that makes sense if there where a deal), just feel that there is so many strange rumours, like the sega buyout rumour that was utterly stupid.
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I don't know how anyone gets tired of Metal Gear Solid. Sure the story doesn't always pull through, but each game in the series both unique from one another, as well as having deep and often innovative mechanics.
Because Sony does not go out and outright buy large 3rd party developers like MS has done and is continually trying to do, Sony is nowhere close to becoming a monopoly because "timed exclusive" is not monopolizing anything as compared to outright buying the company.
I think that’s a good point, but it feels like a backtrack on your previous comment, even so. Either way, they don’t seem anywhere near having a monopoly, so I don’t understand the idea that they are trying to become one by buying Bethesda, especially after all the crud they have rightfully taken for having no games.
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