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Multinational fleet gathers in Gulf region

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Wait, so wether Obama gets reelected or not actually has impact on wether these two countries go to war?

Oh my God, yes. It would be the most important issue of this election if it weren't for Obamacare, the economy, the future of American social services, the long-term viability of the GOP, and condoms.
well done on by the op for skipping the whole 'annual exercise in it's 7th year' part. we need more drive-by posts decrying the non-attack that isn't happening.


A direct war with Iran would last a few days, weeks at most if our goal didn't include taking control of the government afterwards. We could take out the large majority of all Irans military infrastructure with 1 single controlled strike. What would be left would be a fledgling army likely too scared to show up to a real battle. Deserters, and surrender in a matter of days following that.

Hell we could probably do the whole thing w/o setting foot on Iranian soil. The only blowback from a direct war with Iran would likely be a string of attacks on American interests by radicals in surrounding countries. Any country that allied with Iran would face the exact same treatment, utter destruction of their military footprint in a one two swoop.

But lets get something clear, a war with Iran would never be long term and a disaster. It would be short, precise and exactly what the American military institution has been training for for the last 50 years. See the gulf war, which lasted officially 44 days I believe but I believe presence lasted for about 7 months total. Iraq who had a sizable military was smacked around like an orca playing with its prey and reminded the world the might of the western militaries.

Iran is much larger then Iraq, has 3x the population, and a far more organized government and command and control infrastructure. An air war would be decided rather quickly, yes, but if we were ever dumb enough to put boots on the ground, it would be a hellish ordeal.


World throw down Pt. 3: Revengence.

Why do people always say stuff like this? Any war with Iran would be a one-way beatdown, that's most significant issue would be eliminating the pro-West younger class that is becoming increasingly large.

Russia and China would never intervene and Russia specifically would be pretty happy to get a pest off its border and see energy prices spike.


None of these countries can really afford a war right now. In terms of manpower, willpower, or cost. (I use afford loosely)


Iran is much larger then Iraq, has 3x the population, and a far more organized government and command and control infrastructure. An air war would be decided rather quickly, yes, but if we were ever dumb enough to put boots on the ground, it would be a hellish ordeal.


Iran's military and government would melt away in the face of a military far more powerful than it's own. If you have air dominance, then there's little the Iranians can do.

The issue would be occupation, which would be the hellish ordeal.
Iran is not iraq my friend. Seriously, a direct war with iran will have painful effects not least the GCC countries who would bear the brunt of iranian retaliatory strikes.
But at the same time a bigger military is also a bigger easier target.
Most of the US equipment will be much more effective, B2s and F22s will have a use.

Definitely don't want a war though.



Iran's military and government would melt away in the face of a military far more powerful than it's own. If you have air dominance, then there's little the Iranians can do.

The issue would be occupation, which would be the hellish ordeal.

Occupation would be effectively impossible. But if you really think a full ground assault would be easy, I don't know what to say.


Iran is much larger then Iraq, has 3x the population, and a far more organized government and command and control infrastructure. An air war would be decided rather quickly, yes, but if we were ever dumb enough to put boots on the ground, it would be a hellish ordeal.

Perhaps, ground troops are slow tangible targets for any enemy. You are probably right though, the west probably wouldn't set foot on Iranian soil. We could probably do the entire job from the air.

edit. Also, I want to make it clear.. I hope there is no war, I really hope we can avoid it. Ultimately we should just get off the oil tit and leave the region. Which brings me onto my next subject.

Wheres our hoverboards? Comeon science!


Perhaps, ground troops are slow tangible targets for any enemy. You are probably right though, the west probably wouldn't set foot on Iranian soil. We could probably do the entire job from the air.

If we were to attack Iran, that is the far more likely course of action.


They would send in troops on the ground while others are just guiding missiles on the ship It would need be a air and ground war for Iran


yeah, and I get that the timing, on the surface, looks suspect, but you can't exactly just reschedule an exercise including dozens of large vessels and countless personnel.

While the international mine countermeasures exercise is annual its usually in the spring and typically lacks the firepower now being seen in this exercise.

That's not to say we are about to go to war but there is the walk with a big stick moment going on.
While the international mine countermeasures exercise is annual its usually in the spring and typically lacks the firepower now being seen in this exercise.

That's not to say we are about to go to war but there is he walk with a big stick moment going on.
oh I don't disagree at all. I'm just pointing out that it isn't the immediate danger that a lot of the press is portraying it to be.


What would the reaciton be if Russia and China held military exercises in the Gulf of Mexico or off Cuba?


Unconfirmed Member
Living in Florida I thought you meant the Gulf of Mexico, got worried for a second. Confused also.

But hopefully this is just as they say, a practice, and nothing more. Violence and intimidation by any country will never cause peace, just delayed rebellion.


What would the reaciton be if Russia and China held military exercises in the Gulf of Mexico or off Cuba?

Incredulousness that they magically developed AVENGERS comicbook style flying aircraft carriers so as to fly their fleets over land to get across Mexico.

Unless you mean they took the long route and didn't get noticed by every single Asian, African and European country during the many weeks of travel.


Russia's navy spends most of its time sinking at its moorings and china has very little deep blue fleet it wouldn't pose any real issue.

Doubtful, considering the US freaked out and criticized China because one of its subs made surface a few miles from one of its carriers... in the China sea.

Incredulousness that they magically developed AVENGERS comicbook style flying aircraft carriers so as to fly their fleets over land to get across Mexico.

Unless you mean they took the long route and didn't get noticed by every single Asian, African and European country during the many weeks of travel.

Like the US' fleet? Do they magically fly too? Or do they have a special pass that allows everyone to look elsewhere?
A direct war with Iran would last a few days, weeks at most if our goal didn't include taking control of the government afterwards. We could take out the large majority of all Irans military infrastructure with 1 single controlled strike. What would be left would be a fledgling army likely too scared to show up to a real battle. Deserters, and surrender in a matter of days following that.

Hell we could probably do the whole thing w/o setting foot on Iranian soil. The only blowback from a direct war with Iran would likely be a string of attacks on American interests by radicals in surrounding countries. Any country that allied with Iran would face the exact same treatment, utter destruction of their military footprint in a one two swoop.

But lets get something clear, a war with Iran would never be long term and a disaster. It would be short, precise and exactly what the American military institution has been training for for the last 50 years. See the gulf war, which lasted officially 44 days I believe but I believe presence lasted for about 7 months total. Iraq who had a sizable military was smacked around like an orca playing with its prey and reminded the world the might of the western militaries.
Well. If that isn't the dumbest thing I've read all week.
All this shit we do just to still be dependent upon oil...but still down alternatives.

Yeah, remember when Romney joked about cars not being able to run on windmills and when Gingrich joked about algae powered cars? (Which is extra stupid since fossil fuels ARE the remains of organisms like plankton and algae)
Yeah, remember when Romney joked about cars not being able to run on windmills and when Gingrich joked about algae powered cars? (Which is extra stupid since fossil fuels ARE the remains of organisms like plankton and algae)

I would feel even more stupid if I believed that windmills or algae were even worth speaking of as an energy source....


Ah ok so Russia or China just need to put up bases in South America. That will be fine then I guess?


I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but it's not exactly like Starcraft where a Military Base goes up in a few hours.

Several people are trying to get the point across to you that it would be impossible for China or Russia to get a fleet that close to US waters without multiple detections over the course of the journey.


2003 called. It wants its foolhardy optimism about war in the Middle East back.

The amount of ignorance in alphanoid's post is absolutely incredible. Like, I can't even process it.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, or something like that.
I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but it's not exactly like Starcraft where a Military Base goes up in a few hours.

Several people are trying to get the point across to you that it would be impossible for China or Russia to get a fleet that close to US waters without multiple detections over the course of the journey.

Not if they use a mothership to cloak the army, duh.
The amount of ignorance in alphanoid's post is absolutely incredible. Like, I can't even process it.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, or something like that.

You guys seem to be mixing the success of military operations with the failures of occupation. These aren't the same thing, and he wasn't saying they were.


You guys seem to be mixing the success of military operations with the failures of occupation. These aren't the same thing, and he wasn't saying they were.

He said "a direct war in Iran." A war isn't a single isolated military operation, unless you're suggesting that we bomb Iran's infrastructure, destroy their army, and then turn around and leave. I would like to hope neither of you are suggesting that, since it would probably be the single stupidest military decision of the last two thousand years or so.
He said "a direct war in Iran." A war isn't a single isolated military operation, unless you're suggesting that we bomb Iran's infrastructure, destroy their army, and then turn around and leave. I would like to hope neither of you are suggesting that, since it would probably be the single stupidest military decision of the last two thousand years or so.

I'm not sure what you're even trying to say here. And I wasn't suggesting anything, let alone that. I was explaining the other guy's point, since you seem to have completely missed it.


Who will refuel Israel's jets in midair?

This is from some defense analysts.



This is from some defense analysts.


This doesn't explain who will do the refueling, and it's clear Israel can't do the mission on its own. Why would Iraq accept to refuel for example? It means the Americans automatically have to participate if Israel wants to go forward with their operation.


This doesn't explain who will do the refueling, and it's clear Israel can't do the mission on its own. Why would Iraq accept to refuel for example? It means the Americans automatically have to participate if Israel wants to go forward with their operation.

In that they refuel in Turkey.


Good luck with that.

Iran has that much land to ship capability in the region... They miss one launch site and the whole thing is a waste of time.

I'm sure GAF will just dismiss this as saber rattling lol...

This is your usual sabre rattling, the US knows it to be the case and Iran knows it has time until at least the end of the election.

If Israel does something now, it will damage its relations with the rest of the world even further. Not that I expect logic of either state.
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