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Multinational fleet gathers in Gulf region

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Russia and China might side with Iran and use EMP

EMP is such a nonexistent threat. If any country is going to detonate a nuclear device over a country it won't stop there. Not having a power grid will seem inconsequential next to the complete destruction of every major city. Once one nuke is launched they all get launched.


Occupying Iran is impossible. Destroying its nuclear facilities and most of it's naval force is relatively easy for the US.

Not saying it should be done or it won't have terrible consequences but people shouldn't immediately think it's going to be a decade-long quagmire.
If anyone bombs Isfahan, I am seriously going to start a historians jihad. Me and a swarm of octogenarian historians will attack the United States in period costume.


Occupying Iran is impossible. Destroying its nuclear facilities and most of it's naval force is relatively easy for the US.

Not saying it should be done or it won't have terrible consequences but people shouldn't immediately think it's going to be a decade-long quagmire.

Of course it would be impossible, Iran is bigger than Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Not to mention a very angry and stirred up populace with years of anti-western propaganda being drilled into them. Most likely they'll setup a puppet government and let themselves bleed needlessley.


Maybe this one will end in a nuclear holocaust and we'll be done with this shit forever.

Seriously, can we as a species just grow the fuck up already?


My Member!
Some should actually read the link. It's an exercise of 30 countries, all of which would be pissed if Iran attempted to block the strait because 35% of the world's maritime supply of petroleum goes through there. Another link:

"U.K. and France, as well as participants as varied as Japan, Yemen, Jordan, New Zealand and Estonia"


Even if Israel tries to strike them, Iran fucking with the strait is basically a nice way to get every country in the world pissed off at them and assure their naval fleet would be destroyed. This isn't just a "Oh the US has to do military shit again" thing.


Junior Member
It looks like this is simply an exercise built around the possibility of a conflict happening where forces would attempt to control the flow of oil during a major conflict in that area. An exercise that they have been doing for years now. It just so happens that it is occurring at the very moment that this particular scenario may actually play out if Israel decides to attack Iran over their nuclear program. I would not read much into it outside of that the exercise may turn into real action if Israel decides that it is time.
It looks like this is simply an exercise built around the possibility of a conflict happening where forces would attempt to control the flow of oil during a major conflict in that area. An exercise that they have been doing for years now. It just so happens that it is occurring at the very moment that this particular scenario may actually play out if Israel decides to attack Iran over their nuclear program. I would not read much into it outside of that the exercise may turn into real action if Israel decides that it is time.

Did you not see Netanyahu's statement released today, he sounds like he is itching like a crackhead to make a move. He is fuming that the US is not cooperating.


I fail to see how Iran is continued to be portrayed as a threat when it's us moving all the weaponry halfway across the world. We should stop empowering Israel like this. Maybe they'd find a more reasonable way to get along with their neighbors then. Anyway, seems like a regular training exercise. PEACE.


It looks like this is simply an exercise built around the possibility of a conflict happening where forces would attempt to control the flow of oil during a major conflict in that area. An exercise that they have been doing for years now. It just so happens that it is occurring at the very moment that this particular scenario may actually play out if Israel decides to attack Iran over their nuclear program. I would not read much into it outside of that the exercise may turn into real action if Israel decides that it is time.

Actually, I think the real point of the exercise has nothing to do with Israel at all, except indirectly. Iran has repeatedly suggested that they'd blockade the Straits of Hormuz if Israel tried anything funny, which would be economically disastrous for a lot of countries. This is just a demonstration (an annual one, because it's an ongoing issue) that there are a lot of countries who would come after Iran if they did any such thing, so it's not a good idea.


Junior Member
Did you not see Netanyahu's statement released today, he sounds like he is itching like a crackhead to make a move. He is fuming that the US is not cooperating.

No I did, I am just saying that the war games going on are something they would be doing no matter what. These several countries have been doing them annually for quite awhile now. It just so happens that Israel may start a war while they are there, and it will be quite convenient for Israel to have all that firepower in the vicinity while they do so.

While it may be a unilateral attack on Israels part, I think they know what side all of those warships in the area will fall behind if it gets real nasty. Israel is not going to try and stop shipping through that area, and it will be on the other nations to do a bit of their dirty work for them if Iran attempts to halt shipping in the area.


Junior Member
Actually, I think the real point of the exercise has nothing to do with Israel at all, except indirectly. Iran has repeatedly suggested that they'd blockade the Straits of Hormuz if Israel tried anything funny, which would be economically disastrous for a lot of countries. This is just a demonstration (an annual one, because it's an ongoing issue) that there are a lot of countries who would come after Iran if they did any such thing, so it's not a good idea.

That is exactly what I am trying to say. With the addition that Israel may take advantage of these war games.
No I did, I am just saying that the war games going on are something they would be doing no matter what. These several countries have been doing them annually for quite awhile now. It just so happens that Israel may start a war while they are there, and it will be quite convenient for Israel to have all that firepower in the vicinity while they do so.

While it may be a unilateral attack on Israels part, I think they know what side all of those warships in the area will fall behind if it gets real nasty. Israel is not going to try and stop shipping through that area, and it will be on the other nations to do a bit of their dirty work for them if Iran attempts to halt shipping in the area.

interesting prospect really... that way the West could have planned this with Isreal all along and make it look like they had no choice but help when it all goes down.


Guy's am I an anti-semite for hating Israel? I hate Israel, I hate the IDF, I consider them murderers and think they should move to another piece of land.

That said, I think what Hamas does is despicable. Shooting rockets at civilians is pretty much low as you get.

Iran is run by a bunch of crazy fucks, so I am not really a fan of them.

I just really do not like Israel and the IDF really bothers me. I have nothing against jewish people what so ever. So I am assuming I am not an anti-semite. I just feel awkward even expressing these view points because it's kind of one of those things where it might come across poorly.

Either way war with Iran will most likely happen. Feels like Israel is always using the US and other countries to do their bidding.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Is everyone ignoring the 'annual exercise' bit. Or have we decided the 'annual exercise' is a ruse?
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