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My two best friends aren't coming to my birthday b/c of a girl

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Today's my 20th birthday. My girlfriend invited a bunch of my friends to our pub, to celebrate it. Also invited is a girl who two of my good friends basically "hate" because one was rejected by her and the other friend was made out to be a jerk after he cut things loose with her. And now they're not coming tonight. Is this wrong? Are they being little bitches?

It sure doesn't make me feel too great.
You own a pub at 20 years old? If so, cool shit.

And yea, I'd be pretty pissed about that. If I were them, I'd just suck it up and spend time with my best friend on his birthday.
Why don't you just uninvite the girl? She's a friend of your girlfriend, so technically your friends should have precedence over her. I'm sure your girlfriend meant well, but it is your birthday, so shouldn't she have ran by the list of people she wanted to invite before she did so?

But yeah it's still pretty dick that they'd shaft you on your birthday.
If I invited Resurrected John Wilkes Booth and Resurrected Abraham Lincoln to my party, I wouldn't be surprised if either chose not to come.

I don't see why people shouldn't be able to avoid those they have issues with. If these guys are good friends of Fatalah's, it's not like they won't have other chances to hang out.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
JoshuaJSlone said:
I don't see why people shouldn't be able to avoid those they have issues with. If these guys are good friends of Fatalah's, it's not like they won't have other chances to hang out.


also, your avatar makes me twitch.
JoshuaJSlone said:
I don't see why people shouldn't be able to avoid those they have issues with. If these guys are good friends of Fatalah's, it's not like they won't have other chances to hang out.

One doesn't want to go because he was rejected by her. BECAUSE HE WAS REJECTED. How is that a good reason to avoid a good friend's birthday party? The other doesn't want to go because she made him out to be a jerk. I don't know about you, but if I was him, I'd love to see her at the party and get my version of events out to people instead of hiding under a rock.

They are dumb reasons not to go. People are saying "Bros before hos" Alright. Why aren't they going to their bro's birthday party because some stupid ho is there?

Bros before hos my ass.
eXxy said:
Whoopidy doo! Perhaps I just place a lower emphasis on the importance of putting all other considerations aside for the pleasure of the birthday person than others here?

I've been in situations where I've hung out with friends who aren't on good terms with each other, and I found it pretty awkward.

also, you're avatar makes me twitch.
I too twitch in anticipation of Pikmin 2.
The Shadow said:
One doesn't want to go because he was rejected by her. BECAUSE HE WAS REJECTED. How is that a good reason to avoid a good friend's birthday party?

I agree that seems like a silly reason to have a "hate" relationship, but that's the way it was described in the initial post.

The other doesn't want to go because she made him out to be a jerk. I don't know about you, but if I was him, I'd love to see her at the party and get my version of events out to people instead of hiding under a rock.
I for one wouldn't enjoy having friends who are at odds use my birthday party as a place to argue and gain support for their side of the story.
JoshuaJSlone said:
I for one wouldn't enjoy having friends who are at odds use my birthday party as a place to argue and gain support for their side of the story.

I was coming from the friend who doesn't want to go.

If I was the birthday boy, I'd think that's a pretty dumb and trivial reason not to go, which it is.

They're both acting like they're 12. Do you really think adults should act that way?


For something like YOUR TWENTIETH BIRTHDAY, they should just suck it up and come on down. They can at least be civil, right? It's not like they have to hang around with that girl or anything. I've gone to parties where I've disliked the people there, but the occassion was far greater than some little personal spat.
Eh, sounds pretty similar to something I've done several times before. Expcept my circumstances were worse, but still. If there's some bitch you just cannot possibly be around... There are just some things you can't make yourself suffer through. Leave your friends alone. Don't be selfish and demand that they be at your party, because that's just a raw deal all around.


yeah well.. it's not my fault. It's his birthday he wants to celebrate with a lot of people. Simple as that. It really isn't that hard to act like your 20 and not 10 for one night.
As everyone else said, they're being little pussies. I have some friends like this, and the amount of faux drama they cause is incredibly irritating. It's your time to have fun, and if they wanna be little bitches, then tell them to fuck off.


Unconfirmed Member
The Shadow said:
They are dumb reasons not to go. People are saying "Bros before hos" Alright. Why aren't they going to their bro's birthday party because some stupid ho is there?

Bros before hos my ass.
Wouldn't "bros before hos" be the exact reason why they SHOULD go?


To sum up the experience of last night, here's what happened. Me and my girlfriend (pinkbunny) got to the pub, spent a little while with my older brother and other friend who waited a half hour alone in his car just to buy me a drink and wish me a happy birthday. He didn't stay because he had previous arrangements, but that right there is class.

My third best friend then came with his girlfriend, he's the one that first broke the news to me about how the other two weren't coming. My third best friend also told me the other two were coaxing HIM into not coming, which is total bullshit because friend #3 doesn't have any problem with the problem-girl.

So then problem-girl came with a friend, and we just talked and had a good time with everybody there. Although we didn't have 20 people there for me...or even 10....I was glad those few people that came did. At around 1:30 I just thought it would be good to wrap things up. Standing outside the bar we were getting ready to split and then came best friend #1 and #2.

they shouldn't have come at all. when i saw them, i feeling came over me....i wasn't greatful that they came, i was more letdown. "you guys already leaving?", one said. "uh...yeah."

one talked about how they just saw 'garden state' and how it was good...a movie i first told them about... i can't believe i was being spoken to about a movie like there was no problem.

didn't know how to react, one of the friends game me an extra long hug when he said hello, but i didn't want one. i didn't push them away, i didn't give them a dirty look, i just was dazed. they left after about 10 minutes, back to their car. they ignored the problem-girl, didn't say hello, didn't acknowledge her with any eye contact or anything. my girlfriend, also not given much acknowledgement.

as they entered their car, my girlfriend exploded with emotion, and ran towards their car and asked "how could you do this to your best friend on his birthday?!" and then best friend closed the car door saying 'fuck this".

thats bullshit.

i'm glad in a way, that all of this happened. no one can expect anything from me in the near future, which leaves me feeling disconnected and kinda revitalized.


force push the doodoo rock
Man, sounds like theres probably more to it than that girl.

oh well, youll get along without em.
as they entered their car, my girlfriend exploded with emotion, and ran towards their car and asked "how could you do this to your best friend on his birthday?!" and then best friend closed the car door saying 'fuck this".

thats bullshit.

Did I miss something? Your friends came, wished you a happy birthday, engaged in a little smalltalk, then your girlfriend freaked out? What did they do wrong?


they came too late. everybody came at 10. THEY were there at 1:30. we were leaving at 1:30. they went to see a movie.

i mean, it would have been better off for them to not come at all. did they come just because they felt bad? then come at 11, not 1:30.

my girlfriend ran after them because she, being the one that planned my birthday, was so pissed off at them. i mean, i didn't even yell at them because i'm not good with confrontation. i feel good, about her doing that. they must have figured out that their actions would result in some sort of pissed-off-ment from her.


You two friends are frigging retards. If they act like 10 years old dipshits like that and if they are over 20, words lack me for their lack of maturity.

I wouldnt miss on a friend's birthday become some broad i dont like will be there.

how frigging retarded. Ditch those two retards.


alot of things are about respect. its about being respected. you'll see how much you like it when it happens to you.

the last thing i asked for on my birthday was drama. but its been a week full of drama. with being told to uninvite problem-girl, having them try to set up a new party even though they wouldn't have even thought about throwing me anything if they weren't doing it to avoid problem-girl.

life sucks. i guess this is the year where everybody gets my resentment of my birthday.
alot of things are about respect. its about being respected. you'll see how much you like it when it happens to you.

Dude, it's your 20th birthday party. It's not important at all. If it happened to me, I wouldn't care, because it's NOT IMPORTANT AT ALL. Your friends don't want to hang around a chick they don't like, so they don't. Instead of blowing it off all together, though, they come to wish you a happy birthday, and don't cause any problems with the problem chick.

Respect? What the hell? Your friends were late for a freaking birthday party. If you're this high strung all the time, you won't have to worry about problems with friends coming to your parties.


asking dangerous questions
Those 2 friends of yours suck.
Totally immature. Did they at least appologize for showing up late?

Some people make a big deal out of birthdays (especially big ones like 20) - some people don't. But, either way, that was really rude of them to show up more than 3 hours late and pretend like nothing happened.


nintendo ate my children has a point. its not really all that big of a deal, i can see how you'd feel bad about it and relate to it, but this is no reason to end your friendship with them or anything. they probably didnt even view it as all that important, doesnt mean they dont think you arent important, more like, they didnt think not coming to a party where they'd feel uncomfortable would end your friendhsip.


if anybody lives in the Queens NY area, i'd like to go out for a drink or two. itd be fun, we'll have a great time. a great one! you'll see, it'll be fun!


Junior Member
I just agree with the popular opinion. What kinda of friend in their 20s really give a shit about being close to a girl he doesn't like while celebrating YOUR b-day? They don't have to say a word to her. Don't have to look at her. Don't have to be close or next to her. They can ignore her and focus on the better things of life, like vodka, beer, liquor shots, other girl's titties.
Christ Almighty, there is way too much importance being put into this whole thing. Don't be selfish and want what's in your best interests, want what is best for the whole situation. It's your 20th birthday... SO THE FUCK WHAT. A lasting friendship is better than having the fucked up situation that your two friends went through, and ended up causing more problems. Yeah, I get that they went to a movie, and they showed up way late, which I wouldn't have done. I would have politely said that I wasn't going to be able to attend and be done with it, but that's it. I don't know the exact details of the situation, but from what I can see, the only thing that's deserving of questioning their maturity, is not that they did not want to be there, but the fact that they could have been more tactful in their bowing out of the engagement.


They called up and told me they weren't coming an hour before they were supposed to be there.

Secondly, them not coming proves to me the selfishness THEY have. Fuck this man and their behavior man.
I don't see the big deal. Honestly if I were them I would be pissed at YOU because you could have avoided this whole thing because the problem girl obviously means jack to you and they mean something. The fact that she was invited over them irrespective of their feelings suggests to me that YOU are the friend without respect. Fact is I think they showed a lot of respect. They wanted to come, but didn't want to be around that girl. You denied that so they did not attend, but came to wish happy birthday later as it was ending anyway. Sounds to me like they are decent and you didn't get exactly what you want so you are have a hissy fit. Things aren't always perfect. Man up.


I'm actually not going to my best friends birthday party tonight oddly enough :/ There will be too many people there that i don't get along with. She is bummed I'm not going to be there but it would be disrespectful if things happend there and ruined her birthday and i really don't want to get caught up in something tonight :(
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