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Namco release dates (Ridge Racer 6 = Fall 2005)


Mrbob said:
Amir0x st0p being such a S0ny fanb0y. :) Welcom3 chang3! :D

Only reality, my friend. This bullshit from so many people has to be fixed, it's only damaging both camps!

"Chang3" is whichever system gets the best third party support, that is the system I will adopt first.


Aimrox I agree with you both can win but, a lot players on this board seem to think M$ doesn't have a shot in hell. Well my friend hell's the target and it's about to get shot. PS3 pricing is gonna have a lot to do with how much hell freezes over.


WULFER said:
Aimrox I agree with you both can win but, a lot players on this board seem to think M$ doesn't have a shot in hell. Well my friend hell's the target and it's about to get shot. PS3 pricing is gonna have a lot to do with how much hell freezes over.

Gah, why are you spelling it "M$"... that's so annoying :p

I think the point is not to have an expectation either way, because you're bound to be disappointed. Just enjoy the games. Does Microsoft have a shot in hell to surpass Sony's PS brand? Of course. The best chance anyone has had for the past two generations, that's for damn sure. I'm just cautioning against jumping to wildly irrational conclusions based on what you wish happened rather than what has actually been announced. Plenty of Sony fans thought Sony would never lose Ridge Racer even though people hinted at it for months. Nothing is legitimately "safe" for either camp.

That is why I say - enjoy the games. Pass judgment when we actually know what's up.


I give Sony and MS about a 50/50 shot right now (as much as we know)

Sony has the Playstation and the POWERFUL force that it is.
Probably more powerful hardware.
Sony inhouse (GT4 etc.)
market know how.
Blu-ray in the box.

MS has a postive base with Xbox. (could be better)
XBOX LIVE and the #1 online service.
MS inhouse holds it's own against Sony's.
Blockbuster Movie/game in Halo.
gained more 3rd party support than Xbox this time (success there)

Each company has something better or holds it's own atleast right now.
The game won't do much in Japan as the Xbox brand is dead there IMO. I think it should have decent sales in America though.


PS3 will be number one worldwide next gen. This is a given.

MS needs to focus on doing better in Europe and Japan. North America too, but I think that is a given they will do much better in NA by launching first. If MS can double their userbase in NA and Europe and get 5 million in Japan that would be a big plus.

This would leave them around 25-27 million sold in North America
12 million sold Europe
5 million sold in Japan

They can reach 45-50 million sold with Xbox 360 I'd say that would be a great thing for MS. All these 60-70 million predictions for Xbox 360 are pie in the sky types.


WULFER said:
I give Sony and MS about a 50/50 shot right now (as much as we know)

Sony has the Playstation and the POWERFUL force that it is.
Probably more powerful hardware.
Sony inhouse (GT4 etc.)
market know how.
Blu-ray in the box.

MS has a postive base with Xbox. (could be better)
XBOX LIVE and the #1 online service.
MS inhouse holds it's own against Sony's.
Blockbuster Movie/game in Halo.
gained more 3rd party support than Xbox this time (success there)

Each company has something better or holds it's own atleast right now.

Objectively, based on only what we know, I wouldn't call it 50/50. I'd call it like 60/40. Of course this is entering subjective territory, so I hate to participate in this excersize... but what the hell.

I don't know why you mean by "MS has a positive base with Xbox. (could be better)" If it means what I think it means, this is one area where I'm really going to have to strongly disagree. The one area that Sony indisputably has a victory is in base. Nothing compares, it's not even in the same arena, league, sport. We're talkin' a 70 million console difference. Sony has mindshare, marketshare, pretty much everyshare. So in this lies Sony's biggest advantange, and the primary reason I think it's 60/40.

So let's break it down based on your criteria

PlayStation brand/base vs. Xbox brand/base - Winner Sony (1)

PlayStation 3 Power vs. Xbox 360 Power - Winner Sony (but will it be a big enough gap, will consumers be able to tell? I think not until the VERY end of next gen, which will be too late to make a difference). (1)

PlayStation 3 Online vs. Xbox 360 online - Winner Microsoft (no doubt. There's cavernous distances between Microsoft's plan and Sony's.) (1)

Sony First Party vs. Microsoft First Party - Winner Sony (this was a difficult one. For big franchises, it's Halo vs. Gran Turismo. I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that Halo edges out GT. I think where Sony wins is in its large array of other first/second party titles, which Microsoft really can't compete with yet.) (1)

Sony Marketing vs. Microsoft Marketing - Winner Tie (this was trouble for me. For one, Microsoft has more money. For another, Microsoft proved with Halo 2 they can turn something into a phenomenon with the right touch. Sony has had success, obviously, but I think often they rest on the power of their brand as opposed to the sort of in your face marketing that Microsoft has. Still, it worked so far...) (1-1)

Sony Launch vs. Microsoft Launch - Winner Microsoft (MS has first mover advantage. People seem to like to discredit this by saying it's a Dreamcast type event, but they ignore so many aspects of the reality of the situation. Launching first, I believe, will do wonders for the Xbox brand) (1)

Sony Price vs. Microsoft Price - Winner Undecided (We don't know the price of 360, we don't know the price of PS3. My GUT says PS3 is going to be way more expensive, though. Still, don't want to jump to conclusions) (0-0)

Sony Third Party vs. Microsoft Third Party - Winner Undecided (We simply don't know who has the edge until all the cards are on the table. Sony easily won this gen and last, but will the trend continue? Microsoft has money, will they spend even more to cement its position? Will Sony make sure it continues to forge critical partnerships to lead the brand into the future? Time will tell...)

Sony Territories vs. Microsoft Territories - Winner Sony (This is the big one, the hard one Microsoft has to overcome. Europe and Japan are overwhelmingly Sony territory with no indication that is changing. North America is the one Microsoft has to win. If they cannot win NA, it'll be impossible to even consider them winning Japan and Europe. And I think in NA, especially with first mover advantage, they have a great chance. Will it be enough to outsell Sony worldwide? I don't know, I doubt it. But does it REALLY matter who sells the most? Games, people!) (1)

I think what really gives Microsoft the 60/40 chance is the persistence. They are no mere SEGA, they have tons of money and they proved last gen they are willing to lose a fuckton just to stay competitive. This Thanksgiving will be an insane marketing rush, and it's important they maintain it into the PS3 hype rush. It's going to be an interesting race.


Atleast your fair Amirox and I agree with you on your points so maybe it is 60/40 now until we learn the prices. I was giving Sony the edge on brand name and saying Ms needs to do better. I do think MS will spend more money in other areas since it didn't try to go insane on the hardware.


We all know in Japan, its a given Sony will win there, but what I didn't know is that in Europe, the PlayStation brand is just as strong as in Japan...

I mean, in EU its 30M PSOnes and 25M PS2s sold vs. 5.5M Xboxen???

Sony owns Japan and Europe....

Of course, US is the one place MS could challange Sony but even here, Sony outsells MS too..

I think there is a 100% chance Sony will outsell MS in Japan and EU and a 75% chance Sony will outsell MS in the US next gen too...



"Hi horny PS3'ers!

I'm going to eat this sumptuous X360 Ridge metaphor cake right now...

your cake of unknown quality _might_ be delivered at some as of yet undetermined future date. You may end up with NO CAKE.

at which time, I'll be eating an even BETTER cake.


Honey Hotpants Xgirl"


DCharlie said:

"Hi horny PS3'ers!

I'm going to eat this sumptuous X360 Ridge metaphor cake right now...

your cake of unknown quality _might_ be delivered at some as of yet undetermined future date. You may end up with NO CAKE.

at which time, I'll be eating an even BETTER cake.


Honey Hotpants Xgirl"



Gas Guzzler
Unless Sony fucks up, they'll win this generation. But if MS handles things right and doesn't fuck up, they can narrow the gap. MS doesn't need to be #1 this gen, they just have to be a viable alternative for both consumers and developers in every major market.


DCharlie said:

"Hi horny PS3'ers!

I'm going to eat this sumptuous X360 Ridge metaphor cake right now...

your cake of unknown quality _might_ be delivered at some as of yet undetermined future date. You may end up with NO CAKE.

at which time, I'll be eating an even BETTER cake.


Honey Hotpants Xgirl"

Funny, but if when the RR360 is released (X360's launch it seams) there's still no word of a Ridge for the PS3, any waiting PS3'er that loves Ridge will run and buy X360+RR IMO even if that means no real food in 2 weeks ^_^ That is if the RRcake is delicious, ofcourse.

Btw, Amir0x, I'm sure almost someone has seen the


thanks to your fantastic posts :)


Amir0x said:
So basically, half your post is speculation and the other half is jumping to conclusions.

GTA is on no system yet, neither PS3 or 360. Whoever gets it will have a huge win, possibly gamemaker.

FFXI is not "an FF title and that's all that matters." You think Japanese consumers are that dumb? Well, they're not. FFXI is a win no matter what for Microsoft, but it's still a port of a several year old game and any effect it would have had is significantly diminished. FFXI is a signal that SquareEnix is supporting 360, and that's all. When they announce other projects we'll be able to correctly gauge how "big" it is. Because if it isn't FFXIII/FFXIV/FFXV, if it isn't Kingdom Hearts, if it isn't Dragon Quest, hell if it isn't even Grandia... what's the point?

Metal Gear Solid 4 was announced for PS3 - exclusively. Metal Gear Solid 2 came to Xbox and PS2, but Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence and MGS3 are not even releasing for Xbox. There is no even hint of a Silicon Knights-esque affiliation to create a remake. No hint of an Ac!d type game. So what's the dig? Hoping and dreaming? It doesn't make a compelling case.

Ridge Racer is a big win, especially symbolically. No doubt about that.

As to what PS3 has, we still don't know - because it's early. We know they have Devil May Cry 4. We know they have Gran Turismo, one of the absolute biggest franchises this gen and a billion times bigger than Forza (perceived quality aside). They have, as established, MGS4. They have Tekken, they have Final Fantasy (and if they have true FF, they have DQ).

What else will they have? Well, that's the point of this whole mini-rant. We don't know! It's too early! All the trouble you (and others lately) are going through to try to pass judgment on ANY systems lineup is pointless, because we simply cannot know how the cards are going to fall. PS3 is further away than 360, there's plenty of inevitable game announcements we haven't heard. Likewise, 360 still has TGS and X05 and Game Convention to shock us with secrets. Revolution has barely revealed anything.

What's most disappointing is that people, in their rush to pass judgment, act like the franchises THEY have are the only ones that matter. This goes for Sony fans, this goes for Microsoft fans. Because to them, it's an "either/or" proposition. It's either Microsoft, or it's Sony. Either Sony wins, or Microsoft does. It's impossible to perceive a world where they both succeed to the specific audience that adopts them. This is the thought process. How can you, in your bullshit, establish which franchises are more important? Almost every one of the things you listed for the Xbox were outsold by PlayStation franchises. Does that mean only PlayStation franchises matter? Or will they matter if they land on Xbox? The same goes for Sony fans. I bet if Knights of the Republic or Ninja Gaiden was announced for PS3, they'd all suddenly "remember" how awesome they were. And, naturally, they'd be the most important franchises of all!

Anyway, that's all. Think before you type.

and dont understimate the powerb of new franchises,gta got bigger this gen,im sure some new games will go in that way


In all honesty the biggest game Microsoft has going for them is Halo 3. People keep forgetting that next to GTA it sold more copies than any other game this generation. People get so excited about games like Ridge Racer and who knows what else, but this is Microsoft's biggest gun in the US and Europe. Ridge Racer 6 is just a franchise "filler". And it doesn't necessarily mean MS dished out truck loads of cash because it wasn't even announced for sure as an exclusive. I mean Capcom is bringing one of their biggest franchises to the 360 in RE5(which imo is bigger than RR) so Namco had to have put something on the 360. The PS3 is getting Tekken, Ace Combat is a given, so they had to put something nice on the 360. All this means is that OVERALL the 360 is getting more developer support, especially from Japan. But in my opinion, if Halo 3 comes out before GTA comes out for the PS3, it's going to help it out in Europe and US more than any other PS2 franchise released for it. Including FF.
I didn't know RR6 was coming to X360.

Well, congrats, Microsoft, you sold me on the new Xbox.

Give yourself a pat on the back.

Edit: I'm also looking forward to the Namco Battle Museum for PSP coming out this month. Can't wait.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
In all honesty the biggest game Microsoft has going for them is Halo 3. People keep forgetting that next to GTA it sold more copies than any other game this generation. People get so excited about games like Ridge Racer and who knows what else, but this is Microsoft's biggest gun in the US and Europe.
You make it sound as if our biggest concern is sales. :)


Mindshare is king.

MS to consumers: "Look! A Playstation game on our console. You don't need a PS3 now, do you?"

Sony to consumers: "..."

MS : Sony
1 : 0


Borys said:
Mindshare is king.

MS to consumers: "Look! A Playstation game on our console. You don't need a PS3 now, do you?"

Sony to consumers: "..."

MS : Sony
1 : 0

i doubt its that easy :)


Borys said:
Mindshare is king.

MS to consumers: "Look! A Playstation game on our console. You don't need a PS3 now, do you?"

Sony to consumers: "..."

MS : Sony
1 : 0

It sure worked for the Nintendo 64...oh wait.


Borys said:
Mindshare is king.

MS to consumers: "Look! A Playstation game on our console. You don't need a PS3 now, do you?"

Sony to consumers: "..."

MS : Sony
1 : 0
didnt work with resident evil or dead or alive so i doubt people will jump ship over this. :D


Borys said:
Mindshare is king.

MS to consumers: "Look! A Playstation game on our console. You don't need a PS3 now, do you?"

Sony to consumers: "..."

MS : Sony
1 : 0

I agree with this sentiment in general, but it is going to take a bigger franchise than Ridge Racer.
Exactly, RR appeals to a dedicated fanbase and not TEH MASSES. So I don't get why MS is FUCKING WITH TRADITION here. ARGH. *shakes fist*


Mrbob said:
I agree with this sentiment in general, but it is going to take a bigger franchise than Ridge Racer.

IF ms want to impress me better go for the big cake...grand theft auto series,that will be a blow to sony


BTW i dont get why MS has had to have PAID namco for RR or anything else for that matter. what if its just the simple fact that they'd like to make some money before 2007?


Barnimal said:
BTW i dont get why MS has had to have PAID namco for RR or anything else for that matter. what if its just the simple fact that they'd like to make some money before 2007?

OH snippity snap!

Enjoy your PS3s Sony fanboys....IN 2007!!!


Tag of Excellence
Barnimal said:
did someone say...chang3???
I don't know, let's double check!



EDIT: OH right, I should type something relevant, let's see...
Games I wish to purchase (and probably shall):

PlayStation 2 Lineup
* We Love Katamari - September
* Soul Calibur III - October 25

Xbox Lineup
* Namco Museum 50th Anniversary - August 30

Xbox 360 Lineup
* Ridge Racer 6 - Fall

Nintendo DS Lineup
* Pac 'n Roll - August 23
* Dig Dug Digging Strike - October

PSP Lineup
* Namco Museum Battle Collection - August

Game Boy Advance Lineup
* Sigma Star Saga - August 16
* Rebelstar: Tactical Command - September
Where the hell is my Namco Classic Compilation? The one with Klonoa and the other Playstation games!


jett said:
It sure worked for the Nintendo 64...oh wait.
Sure, but RR64 released the same year as RR5. :/

Solid said:
didnt work with resident evil or dead or alive so i doubt people will jump ship over this. :D
Those games have been multiplatform since the very first installments. Hell, DOA didn't even debut on PlayStations for any of their releases.
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