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Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 |OT| Go Ninja Go Ninja Go


Spoiler Alert Just in case:

The Madara and the 5 Jinchuurki fights were Epic! But the Jinchuuriki fight was a pain in the neck!


So am I the only one with lag on the PS3 version?

I lag during team battles online and during story, when the assists come out. Smooth framerate in single battles.
I about died of laughter when white Zetzu said. "Hellllooo there" at the Kage Summit. Him speaking in Japanese made it all the better.
lol spoilers.


no, i mean what are the benefits of each console for you?

I only care about the quality of the ports, usually there is a lead platform and the game plays best on that platform. I don't give two shits about platform specific features like trophies and gamer score. I haven't seen anything to suggest there is a "best" version of this game.
I just did it now and it worked. Heh.

i have 2 now, and will get another when i pick up the game on friday, i'll give them away in this thread once i've claimed one successfully.

I only care about the quality of the ports, usually there is a lead platform and the game plays best on that platform. I don't give two shits about platform specific features like trophies and gamer score. I haven't seen anything to suggest there is a "best" version of this game.

do you have friends online that will get the game as well?
Do you play competitively online
if you have a gold account, i guess it doesn't matter though
there's a good chance the PS3 was the lead platform, they expect to sell the most on that platform in Japan.


do you have friends online that will get the game as well?
Do you play competitively online
if you have a gold account, i guess it doesn't matter though
there's a good chance the PS3 was the lead platform, they expect to sell the most on that platform in Japan.

Don't have friends that would play this online, don't have gold, have enough controllers for local multi on both systems, don't plan on doing competitive online stuff.

If PS3 is the lead I'll try to pick that version up.


Get Inside Her!
Boy let me tell you, the trophies in this game sure are tied to reasonably doable things, vs the grindy horse-shit that were the UNS2 trophies. I might actually try to get them!
I had some serious lag in story mode when facing Gaara with Sasuke.

Crap. I saw a video of an online battle on PS3 and the game was struggling a lot. I had hoped it was just because they were playing online but I guess my fears can now be confirmed.

It happens in free battle as well?
Don't have friends that would play this online, don't have gold, have enough controllers for local multi on both systems, don't plan on doing competitive online stuff.

If PS3 is the lead I'll try to pick that version up.

got ya, until then you may want to check the local threads, see if this lag is a 360 issue as well
It’s hard to believe that Naruto has been with us for well over a decade now, but thanks to CyberConnect2, the franchise has been faithfully and successfully translated into videogames over the course of this generation. While their last effort, Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, felt phoned in, it was assumed to be merely a bump along the road to the sequel many have been waiting for, Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.

This particular series has done a great job capturing the essence of the manga and anime, making the characters seem more alive and real than they do in any other medium. Unfortunately, the latest Ninja Storm blows wildly off course. There are one or two bright spots that really nail the tone and feel, but Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 is plagued by dull story progression that rivals the notorious filler arcs of the anime in terms of yawn-inducing tedium.

Pacing is by far the game’s biggest problem. It’s not that the massive bulk of this ninja chronicle ruins the experience, there’s just nothing about the storytelling that makes you want to engage the game. You’ll spend most of your time watching lengthy bouts of exposition, framed in boring, static shots that drain any sense of excitement or energy. The source material is solid, and the attention to detail is admirable, but too often Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 fails to recreate the gripping, emotional feel of the manga or anime.

It’s a terrible letdown, especially since gorgeous art design once again makes Naruto’s world look like an amazing place to explore. There’s just no interesting way to interact with anything. The beautifully rendered environments serve little purpose if all you’re going to do is run through them to the next cutscene or battle. Entertaining side-quests that helped flesh out previous games are virtually non-existent here, and the few that pop up don’t offer much in the way of motivation or payoff. Throw in lengthy load times breaking up these segments, and you have a fractured world that only gets in the way of what really matters in this game -- impressively faithful and visually explosive ninja action.

You’ll find a decent number of traditional one-on-one fights, but the lavishly produced cinematic gameplay set pieces that frequently punctuated Ninja Storm 2 have become disappointingly rare. These striking interactive segments can deliver an experience that simply can’t be matched outside games, yet you’ll spend much more time drowning in excessively long and completely non-interactive scenes rather than actively participating in Ninja Storm’s signature cinematic events.

The game honestly seems to be working against itself. Considering what CyberConnect2 has achieved in some of its previous games, it’s tough to overlook the blundering execution here. Asura's Wrath has its shortcomings, but it plays to its strengths by focusing on intense action sequences and marrying them with well-crafted cinematics. With Ultimate Ninja Storm 3, CyberConnect2 tugs the experience in two drastically different directions, never fully realizing either vision.

Attempts to innovate also fall flat. Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 introduces a few new ideas that seem to have potential, but in practice they’re rather lackluster. The new decision making mechanic has some impact on your next fight, but the consequences are minor and the story stays the same either way. Towards the end of the game you’ll be presented with a tactical map that teases the possibility of strategic gameplay, but it’s only a façade pasted over the same old stuff we’ve seen over and over again: more repetitive battles.

Along with the disappointing story mode, local and online versus modes makes a return. There’s an impressive roster over 80 characters, but you’ll need to grind a bit unlock most of the characters before you can use them. It’s also clear the series has thrown in the towel and abandoned any notion of creating a competent or competitive fighting game. Combat is flashy with all kinds of exotic fighting techniques, but battles quickly become dull with watered down combos and simplified mechanics.
Some pretty stupid complaints.


Just beat Chapter 4....the feels :(

Also since I am completely new to this game how in the hell do you do that yellow flash thing to turn around in the middle of a combo, I suck hard at the versus mode.
Just beat Chapter 4....the feels :(

Also since I am completely new to this game how in the hell do you do that yellow flash thing to turn around in the middle of a combo, I suck hard at the versus mode.

The Extra Hit mechanic:

If you've got a support ready, you can try to land an extra hit during the middle of a combo by holding down O (PS3) or B (360). Once you flash yellow and your charge hits the opponent, a support button should prompt, then press that to have your support knock the enemy into the air. You can then tap XX or AA to dash upwards to that opponent for an air combo, and if another support is available - can land another extra hit. It's pretty satisfying to pull off.



I have to agree with some of his points. What is the use of creating an overworld, where most people would just run to point A to point B because it is so boring to explore. There is no effort put into making it interesting to explore the world. Another problem would be the awful load times. This was apparent in Storm 2 and it seems as though they haven't taken the time to address this problem.

In Storm 2, I personally disliked all the filler content between main battles. You may have high points in the boss battles, but that doesn't excuse having lows points in the game just to fatten the game's length.

You can tell the person who reviewed this game (Mike D) is a fan of the source material and he just wanted the game to be good, just like any other fan would. He even posted in Gaf in the previous Naruto threads...
I have to agree with some of his points. What is the use of creating an overworld, where most people would just run to point A to point B because it is so boring to explore. They is no effort put in to make it interesting to explore the world. Another problem would be the awful load times. This was apparent in Storm 2 and it seems as though they haven't taken the time to address this problem.

In Storm 2, I personally disliked all the filler content between main battles. You may have high points in the boss battles, but that doesn't excuse having lows points in the game just to fatten the game's length.

You can tell the person who reviewed this game (Mike D) is a fan of the show and he just wanted the game to be good, just like any other fan would. He even posted in Gaf in the previous Naruto threads...

I guess that's true. It can get kind of boring between the good story moments.
I have to agree with some of his points. What is the use of creating an overworld, where most people would just run to point A to point B because it is so boring to explore. They is no effort put in to make it interesting to explore the world. Another problem would be the awful load times. This was apparent in Storm 2 and it seems as though they haven't taken the time to address this problem.

In Storm 2, I personally disliked all the filler content between main battles. You may have high points in the boss battles, but that doesn't excuse having lows points in the game just to fatten the game's length.

You can tell the person who reviewed this game (Mike D) is a fan of the show and he just wanted the game to be good, just like any other fan would. He even posted in Gaf in the previous Naruto threads...

But the main points of having combos when the game clearly has established itself as not a combo heavy competitive game.
Game is closer to Powerstone than Street Fighter. Docking it for that seems stupid.
Also having to grind to unlock characters is not bad, it's called longevity & replayability.

The game is also a fighter first so focusing the review so much on the storymode seems to miss the point.


Neo Member
Non-Naruto fans: is this worth getting? Is it just a straight up fighter that realistically needs to be played multiplayer to enjoy it, or is its SP strong enough?
Is there a FAQ for the mechanics in this game?

I just fought someone ten times and lost every round. He also changed characters every single time to rub it in I guess.

I don't know what beats what, also I understand why substitution had to toned down but it's pretty useless now since people can instant yellow dash (I don't know what it's actually called or how to do it) but it hits you instantly so substituting doesn't actually let you escape anything as long as they can just do that and continue their combo.

I've also seen people do this yellow spark thing in the air so they just continue air combo'ing until they run out of chakra.

The game doesn't explain any of this.


But the main points of having combos when the game clearly has established itself as not a combo heavy competitive game.
Game is closer to Powerstone than Street Fighter. Docking it for that seems stupid.
Also having to grind to unlock characters is not bad, it's called longevity & replayability.

The game is also a fighter first so focusing the review so much on the storymode seems to miss the point.

Its not about being combo-heavy or "competitve". Its about avoiding dullness and repetitiveness, which STORM still has not done either in story mode or versus mode.
the fuck is this? I thought this game had insane boss battles like NUNS2? It started out great but after the beginning its goes downhill. I just finished the Danzo fight, I expected some cool QTEs but nope.
Is there a FAQ for the mechanics in this game?

I just fought someone ten times and lost every round. He also changed characters every single time to rub it in I guess.

I don't know what beats what, also I understand why substitution had to toned down but it's pretty useless now since people can instant yellow dash (I don't know what it's actually called or how to do it) but it hits you instantly so substituting doesn't actually let you escape anything as long as they can just do that and continue their combo.

I've also seen people do this yellow spark thing in the air so they just continue air combo'ing until they run out of chakra.

The game doesn't explain any of this.

Combo canceling by using the chakra dash technique in the middle of a combo. Instead of finishing a combo, press Y/Triangle + A/X and start another combo over. You can keep doing this until you run out of chakra.


So, initial impressions after a short stint of versus against some people who know what they're doing.

The multiplayer combat hasn't been improved at all. It feels like their answer to try and balance everything was to slow the combat down dramatically. The hitstun doesn't feel like it's been increased, it feels like the rate of resetting to a neutral state has been increased, so it simply takes longer to do basic actions. In doing so, the game becomes much more of a rock paper scissors type game than it's ever been before. This isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world, but it means that, rather than a lot of spamming (and there will be a lot of spamming) the ideal method of doing damage is psyching people out for KNJ, or using characters whose animation strings pull them out of damage range.

So...it's still not great. I'm not sure I'd consider it an improvement over NUNS:Gen, but it's only been a few hours.

But, most importantly, after a few hours play, I can confirm that more than half of the cast is useless. The people who were good in NUNS2 and Gen are still very good, and most of the new cast is terrible beyond measure.

And they didn't fix the camera for summons so a lot of strings are just mashing O and hoping for the best because neither person can actually see what's happening.

Non-Naruto fans: is this worth getting? Is it just a straight up fighter that realistically needs to be played multiplayer to enjoy it, or is its SP strong enough?

No. If you don't like Naruto and aren't interested in getting caught up with the story, there's nothing for you here.

I don't know how long I'll last in multiplayer when people change their characters EVERY SINGLE ROUND WHEN THEY WIN.

Thankfully that's looked down upon in other fighting games.

I could get 2/3 times more matches in if people didn't feel the need to change characters every single time to rub it in.

I haven't won a single match. I just don't understand the chakra dash. I substitute and it seems other people can do it instantly. Like, before my brain can even process the image they have already done it. Blocking doesn't seem to do much either because if you block you'll just get guard broken, if you try to substitute, the process is repeated.

If you try to do anything else, you are screwed because that dash is so fast, I can barely even see the character move before they are on me.

This game is so confusing. Blazblue can't come soon enough because this game is making me feel bad about myself for not being able to understand it.



I don't know how long I'll last in multiplayer when people change their characters EVERY SINGLE ROUND WHEN THEY WIN.

Thankfully that's looked down upon in other fighting games.

I could get 2/3 times more matches in if people didn't feel the need to change characters every single time to rub it in.

I haven't won a single match. I just don't understand the chakra dash. I substitute and it seems other people can do it instantly. Like, before my brain can even process the image they have already done it. Blocking doesn't seem to do much either because if you block you'll just get guard broken, if you try to substitute, the process is repeated.

If you try to do anything else, you are screwed because that dash is so fast, I can barely even see the character move before they are on me.

This game is so confusing. Blazblue can't come soon enough because this game is making me feel bad about myself for not being able to understand it.

It souinds like you're trying to put too much emphesis on doing damage.

IMO - the most important thing to worry about is the ability to sustain an attack string without using your KnJ. Again, this game is more like rock paper scissors than a real fighting game because it's all about figuring out in what way you trick your opponent into using up his KnJ first, so you can get big damage when they eventually run out.

Unfortunately, that places very little importance on what happens after the initial hit. You have to continue to bait your opponent into making more mistakes until they can't kawarimi anymore, and then you can use the block string of your choice.

If you play this game online the way you play in the single player, you will lose 100% of the time.

Edit: I don't see the point of destructible items in battle if you can just shoot or hit through them as if they weren't there.
It souinds like you're trying to put too much emphesis on doing damage.

IMO - the most important thing to worry about is the ability to sustain an attack string without using your KnJ. Again, this game is more like rock paper scissors than a real fighting game because it's all about figuring out in what way you trick your opponent into using up his KnJ first, so you can get big damage when they eventually run out.

Unfortunately, that places very little importance on what happens after the initial hit. You have to continue to bait your opponent into making more mistakes until they can't kawarimi anymore, and then you can use the block string of your choice.

If you play this game online the way you play in the single player, you will lose 100% of the time.

Edit: I don't see the point of destructible items in battle if you can just shoot or hit through them as if they weren't there.

I think I place too much emphasis on trying to not take damage, which ends up failing miserably as I have no idea how to deal with the instant yellow dash after I substitute.

Basically, all my matches so far have played out this way.

If I hit first > substitute> get hit> substitute > get yellow dashed > substitute > get yellow dashed/guard broken until I die.

If I get hit first > substitute > get yellow dashed > substitute > get yellow dashed/guard broken until I die.

At most I can make someone use one of their substitution things if I get the first hit, otherwise I get dashed and have all my stuff interrupted somehow.

I just can't tell what I'm doing wrong compared to something like Blazblue where it was very clear to me what was going on onscreen.


I think I place too much emphasis on trying to not take damage, which ends up failing miserably as I have no idea how to deal with the instant yellow dash after I substitute.

Basically, all my matches so far have played out this way.

If I hit first > substitute> get hit> substitute > get yellow dashed > substitute > get yellow dashed/guard broken until I die.

If I get hit first > substitute > get yellow dashed > substitute > get yellow dashed/guard broken until I die.

At most I can make someone use one of their substitution things if I get the first hit, otherwise I get dashed and have all my stuff interrupted somehow.

I just can't tell what I'm doing wrong compared to something like Blazblue where it was very clear to me what was going on onscreen.

Substitute directly into block or run, or try to bait them with a block and throw.
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