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NBA2K6 (360) screens


Junior Member
From 360 version according to Poop-France





More here: http://www.jeux-france.com/news11899_nba-2k6.html


IGN, Gamespot (and other sites) added these to their xbox section the other day.

Considering the 4:3 low-res shots, I'm inclined to bellieve them.

Not that the 360 version looks much better. It does have self-shadowing though, which these shots don't.

I'm curious why JF calls these 360 shots.


works for Gamestop (lol)
nextgeneration said:
This is really getting old now. Yet another batch of underwhelming pics of a 360 game. Interest in 360 dropping like a rock now...

Yep, who wants to play Xbox games on a X360 that looks like...an Xbox game?!

+1 retard pack

-1 Backwards compataibilty!!


sangreal said:
IGN, Gamespot (and other sites) added these to their xbox section the other day.

Considering the 4:3 low-res shots, I'm inclined to bellieve them.

Not that the 360 version looks much better. It does have self-shadowing though, which these shots don't.

I'm curious why JF calls these 360 shots.
link please


works for Gamestop (lol)
Sysgen said:
To clarify:

Still, even if they are Xbox 1 screens the 360 price sucks.

Priceholders. Next gen games are $49.99, some 3rd party games might be higher though. I'm sure all games will be $49.99 though


Gold Member
I'm getting a 360 and all that, but damn it's frightening that there is constant confusion about which screenshots are from Xbox and which from Xbox 360. Didn't see this in the NES>SuperNES or PS1>PS2 jumps. I blame tripple core.
but damn it's frightening that there is constant confusion about which screenshots are from Xbox and which from Xbox 360. Didn't see this in the NES>SuperNES or PS1>PS2 jumps.

Yup, and this is what's alarming right now. There really should be NO confusion, yet this is supposed to be next generation.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
nextgeneration said:
Yup, and this is what's alarming right now. There really should be NO confusion, yet this is supposed to be next generation.

There isn't anything alarming about this. They haven't shown anything since E3 on this game for the 360. People and their female bitchin tendencies. If this shit still looks bad or average in October, then I'll worry, as of now. I have no to elaborate on
There isn't anything alarming about this. They haven't shown anything since E3 on this game for the 360. People and their female bitchin tendencies. If this shit still looks bad or average in October, then I'll worry, as of now. I have no to elaborate on

I hope you're right. It's getting harder and harder to be optimistic about this system right now.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Chittagong said:
I'm getting a 360 and all that, but damn it's frightening that there is constant confusion about which screenshots are from Xbox and which from Xbox 360. Didn't see this in the NES>SuperNES or PS1>PS2 jumps. I blame tripple core.

the confusion stems from lazy publishers and developers more than anything. Companies like activision are basically saying that they're just porting their current gen games to the next gen, rather than developing them from the ground up for the new systems. It's really just a waste. Hopefully this will stop when PS3 hits.
Nerevar said:
the confusion stems from lazy publishers and developers more than anything. Companies like activision are basically saying that they're just porting their current gen games to the next gen, rather than developing them from the ground up for the new systems. It's really just a waste. Hopefully this will stop when PS3 hits.

yea, went thru the same thing with (activision) on the dc, altho those were the best playing tony hawk games (back when draw distance and fps, and filtering werent the almost solid they are standard now).


nextgeneration said:
Yup, and this is what's alarming right now. There really should be NO confusion, yet this is supposed to be next generation.
The facts though are that 3d tech is very mature so the main difference we'll see is higher poly and texture res. which is alot less noticeable then the move from 2d to 3d or the introduction of bilinear filtering. I don't think people would be that impressed with killzone if we only saw it screenshots. Hopefully they will get all the unique animations etc. in the final game.


Sad man. What's the point of showing that awesome clip of shaq in the E3 trailer and give us something like this?
u_neek said:
In the teaser trailer the x360 version looked like this:


the actual ingame footage did NOT look like that. That was obviously some kind of CG or concept render, unless you want to believe the sillyass theory that Microsoft put regular Xbox NBA footage in the 360 trailer montage to "show how improved it was".


force push the doodoo rock
can we stop posting obviously not next gen shots as next gen shots please.

use your brain moran
Why do people keep "mislabelling" shots that are obviously for current-gen consoles and posting tme as next-gen shots?

Between the crazy expectations people had for next-gen (FF:TSW quality graphics at 60fps for less than $300US), Microsoft's botched PR machine (MTV, Perfect Dark, letting people run wild with pricing expectations that equate to giving away hardware), Sony uping the ante with their E3 showing, 360 pricing, and the steady diet of mislabelled screenshots we're getting....

With all this confusion and misinformation how can the moderate to hardcore game fan be anything but slightly to greatly dissapointed and how can the casual be anything but confused?

Maybe it's just me, does anyone else feel this way?


Ninja Scooter said:
the actual ingame footage did NOT look like that. That was obviously some kind of CG or concept render, unless you want to believe the sillyass theory that Microsoft put regular Xbox NBA footage in the 360 trailer montage to "show how improved it was".

That was hilarious during E3 :lol


ddkawaii said:
Why do people keep "mislabelling" shots that are obviously for current-gen consoles and posting tme as next-gen shots?

Between the crazy expectations people had for next-gen (FF:TSW quality graphics at 60fps for less than $300US), Microsoft's botched PR machine (MTV, Perfect Dark, letting people run wild with pricing expectations that equate to giving away hardware), Sony uping the ante with their E3 showing, 360 pricing, and the steady diet of mislabelled screenshots we're getting....

With all this confusion and misinformation how can the moderate to hardcore game fan be anything but slightly to greatly dissapointed and how can the casual be anything but confused?

Maybe it's just me, does anyone else feel this way?

Frankly, I keep thinking that none of this really matters. The console is still three months away, and if you have a misgiving or bad impression now, it really doesn't have to be corrected until around launch time. If everyone sees an NBA game at that point that is definitely next-gen, then the fact that three months ago you were saying "Xbox 1.5" really doesn't matter.

I really don't think a botched PR campaign on MTV that happened seven months before launch is going to negatively affect the console in any way. Why? Assuming games actually look decent at that point, no one is going to care that Perfect Dark 0 looked like shit seven months ago. Did anyone not buy Halo because at a previous E3 it didn't look so hot?

The time to be disappointed is at launch, not now, and not based on the MTV presentation, or the fact that these screens were mislabelled, and some people were confused. If you think about it, we really haven't seen many next gen screens, and it's still kind of unclear what to expect.

...So anyways, now I sound like a huge Xbox fanboy, and this isn't specifically directed at the quote above, but I think it's a little early to be predicting failure and shaking your heads with dissapointment.


I got all excited to come in here... and what do I get... X-Box screens...

This title should be changed... come on u-neek, you probably knew they were X-Box and just wanted to create a stir...


On a serious note, when do you think 2K Sports will FINALLY show off any X-Box 360 information?
Wario64 said:
Priceholders. Next gen games are $49.99, some 3rd party games might be higher though. I'm sure all games will be $49.99 though

:lol :lol

Inside knowledge or desperate hopes? Certainly, EA, Activision, & Take-Two will be looking to $59.99 being the standard price, just as they're trying to do $49.99 for PSP games.

Cheap ass gamers am cry. Although, I didn't know that the 2k games were going back up in price even for current generation.


JeuxxFranx says it is the xbox version.. read the box on the right

Autres Versions mean Other Versions in english.. maybe he read that first
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