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New Dragon Quest VIII - North American localized screens


Oh Scarlet, where art thouuuuuuu???

The menus are really nice. They kind of remind me of Legend of Dragoon's for some reason.


I've never played an DQ. I'm a huge FF fan....how does DQ stack up in comparison?

Anyhow I'm not getting too excited. We in PAL land will probably have to wait forever for a shitty conversion with major slow down and big black borders....and thats if we get lucky.


Diseased Yak

Gold Member
November can't get here quick enough. All of my friends are going to think I'm nuts with a X360 sitting in the home theater room and I'm going to be a hermit sitting in my game room playing DQ8...

BTW the trailer on the official site is awesome!



Hates quality gaming
Mr_Moogle said:
I'm a huge FF fan....how does DQ stack up in comparison?
FF: Flash and dazzle, with some emo sprinkles.
DQ: Meat and potatoes. Lots and lots and lots of meat and potatoes.

Red Scarlet

Zeo said:
Oh Scarlet, where art thouuuuuuu???

Huh? Man, the top of the battle menu looks so foreign. Kinda sad they are calling 'Hell Armor'
Infernal Armor. Oh well, that's why I have the Japanese version. :D

Kukule/Angelo is a perv though.

Dragon Quest is more gameplay-based. It always has been compared to FF. Storywise, DQ isn't comparable to FF. But it is a great series for the game aspect. In Japan, IIRC, they refer to FF as a 'comic book' type game, while DQ is the gamer's game. I don't really know, as I'm not from there. But the DQ games have more oomph to them for me to play through.
But I like both equally, as I am an uber whore to collecting them.

I just hope that the "fixes" they are doing work out. Not that I care, I import anyway. But for those that don't, I hope this game does well.


dog$ said:
FF: Flash and dazzle, with some emo sprinkles.
DQ: Meat and potatoes. Lots and lots and lots of meat and potatoes.

Hey now, let's not go that far. FF has some tasty meat and potatoes.

Red Scarlet

Yeah, DQ5 had a neat story going for it. IMO about the only one with a decent story, maybe aside from the remake of 4. But overall, it isn't comparable in depth or whatever.


Red Scarlet said:
Yeah, DQ5 had a neat story going for it. IMO about the only one with a decent story, maybe aside from the remake of 4. But overall, it isn't comparable in depth or whatever.

VI had some neat stuff going on with its dream world plotline, but it takes ages to grind through the dungeons to see it at times

Red Scarlet

Haha, 6 was hell. I just played through it this past week. Cool idea, but I didn't really like the multiple worlds thing, it just got annoying. :/
Red Scarlet said:
Yeah, DQ5 had a neat story going for it. IMO about the only one with a decent story, maybe aside from the remake of 4. But overall, it isn't comparable in depth or whatever.

I'd take it over FFV. Similar depth, less faux-tension, more fun to play.

Red Scarlet

Well I meant entire series comparison.

If I am around then, Himu, I would absolutely love to. But the time period it does come out is right before finals, and I definitely need to not screw around anymore with school. Hopefully if I am able to, I would love to. If not, hopefully some of the others (well..crap..bebpo and john_tv both gave up..so I dunno who would). That's my absolute dream to be able to, though.

"Kaioken! Times 100"

Red Scarlet

God, that's so dumb that they're making him have Super Saiyajin hair for Super High Tension.

Whatever they think will garner sales, though..

Maybe Cell will pop up as a new boss monster.

AFAIK, I've heard all the spells have been given sound effect names, like 'Sizzle' for Mera/Blaze and such. It sounds kind of goofy. :/

Red Scarlet

No, in the Japanese version, the bandana around the hero's head stays intact. He just gets a pissed off look on his face (like everyone else) in that version. Like Jessica does here:


I love FF5, at one time I considered it my favorite, until I realized I thought so because it wasn't out in the US.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Yeah, well I loved 4 as well. 6 I enjoyed but not nearly as much as everybody else. But I agree with Scarlet - once you plan what you want to do with your characters, it becomes a tad more interesting. I thought 5 had the best and most balanced implementation of the job system and provided a pretty decent challenge (NeoExDeath is the hardest FF boss by far). Like a few years ago I was beginning to question why I loved it so much, thinking it was nostalgia due to FF5 being the first import I've ever played. But it turned out to not be, the game totally held up for me. But maybe that's cuz I loved FF1 so much back in the day and 5 was a successor to that game.

Red Scarlet

I think one reason I like FF5 and FFT so much is that I played FF5 first in 1997, then FFT immediately after, and was just omg'ed by the job systems. I have a lot of fun in both when I plan ahead as to what I'm going to do with characters (same with later games like FF10).

One great thing is there are so many variable ways to play through FF5 that it can be quite a different experience each time if you are willing to try new methods of ability learning out.

I feel the exact same way with the 2nd half of FF6, commonly known as the 'bad' half, but I absolutely love the variety for where I can go and when; going straight to the Phoenix Cave with 4 or 6 party members is so much more fun for me to do than anything in the linear first half.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Not much of a fan of Toriyama's characters in this one. Then again I am not much of a fan of Toriyama, but his work on DQ5 is something special.

I wonder if it is possible to lighten up the transparency for this...



DQ6's story > FF6's story if there ever was a direct comparison of stories but that's the only one really. The other DQ games have a somewhat flimsy story overall. DQ4, DQ6, and DQ8 are the best of the bunch IMO.

And holy crap, that hair change looks fucking awful.
Brandon F said:
Not much of a fan of Toriyama's characters in this one. Then again I am not much of a fan of Toriyama, but his work on DQ5 is something special.

I wonder if it is possible to lighten up the transparency for this...


The man can do good artwork, but his character designs need to be mixed up a bit... beyond the stock characters and expressions he uses for everything.

Red Scarlet

Boo, Jessica rocks. She is an awesome character. Redhead. Pigtails. Doesn't take shit from Kukule/Angelo. Rock. Yangus is pretty "unique" for a Toriyama character that I've seen, artwise. As is Jessica. The hero falls into the Goku/Gohan/typical DQ Hero mold, and Kukule/Angelo looks like Trunks, though.

I was rather disappointed in the almost absolute lack of connection to 4 and 5's Tenkuu stuff in 6. Randomly named equipment, Master Dragon made no appearance, and the Tenkuu Shiro had no special theme. The theme song to that castle in 4 and 5 are two of my most favorite game musics of all time. Really disappointed. :/

But I walked into DQ6 with a bias against it to begin with. I'd love to chat DQ with Shouta sometime, but he's too busy.
Red Scarlet said:
Boo, Jessica rocks. She is an awesome character. Redhead. Pigtails. Doesn't take shit from Kukule/Angelo. Rock. Yangus is pretty "unique" for a Toriyama character that I've seen, artwise. As is Jessica.

Yip. Jessica is original. If you don't change her eye color and give her short black hair. It's not a big deal, it just seems the character artwork is a bit hackney. The environments and everything else is amazing though.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
ManDudeChild said:
Yip. Jessica is original. If you don't change her eye color and give her short black hair. It's not a big deal, it just seems the character artwork is a bit hackney. The environments and everything else is amazing though.

Yes, I'm really most looking forward to traipsing the endless fields.

Red Scarlet

They're not really very endless. The fields SEEM big, but they aren't really. At least you usually find a treasure chest hidden throughout, which makes it worth the trouble some of the times. Finding a neat chest is always fun.


Red Scarlet said:
I liked FF5 a lot more when I established a "plan" for the development of characters.

Yeah, V becomes a lot more enjoyable if you just focus on three or four jobs per character; if you try to grind for the super abilities right from the start or try to make your guys jack of all trades you will get bored fast. Really, Mastered Sorceror, haste2, and mastered Blue Mage with White Wind and Aero spells will get you through most of the game


Playing through DW3 after playing 1 & 2. Gonna play all the ones that have available US versions (probably not 7 as I can't seem to find it anywhere and I swore of 90+ hour RPG's after Xenogears). I can't wait for 8 though, mainly just for the world exploration actually - I love seemless and large RPG worlds - one reason I like MMORPGs even though I generally can't stand the gameplay systems used in them. :lol :D

I played FFV up to the pyramid and stopped, just got bored. If I were to play it agian I'd have to start over. I remember Monks seeming pretty overly powerful though.


Since we are disussing the stories in DQ games, what about the one in DQ7 ?

I have the game but it is siting deep beneath my pile of backlog. Maybe I can shift it in position if it got an exellent story.


Wow. Didn't see a trailer for this game before looking at the trailer on DragonQuest8 website. Game looks phenomenal. Great animation. The enviroments are massive and you traverse all that in real time? Wowszers. Glad to see this series leave its 1987 roots in looks. Can't wait to play it. This may be the best video game releated item to come out in November! :D

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Red Scarlet said:
They're not really very endless. The fields SEEM big, but they aren't really. At least you usually find a treasure chest hidden throughout, which makes it worth the trouble some of the times. Finding a neat chest is always fun.

Figured as much, but didja have to pull back the curtain on us? :)

Mareg said:
Since we are disussing the stories in DQ games, what about the one in DQ7 ?

I have the game but it is siting deep beneath my pile of backlog. Maybe I can shift it in position if it got an exellent story.

DQ7 isn't bad, but the story is completely forgettable. Of the DQ games I have played, this ranks completely average. The episodic nature of the progression did touch a lot of gamers though, but the payoff was pretty meh.

Red Scarlet

Sorry Brandon, I'm kinda.."off" at the moment. I would've used spoiler tags otherwise.

As for 7, it has a couple of neat ministories (Dharma Shrine was really well done, IMO), but the grand scheme story isn't that spectacular. If Dharma Shrine was the common, and not the exception, part 7 would have had some really cool things going on storywise. But unfortunately, it didn't. And then after Dharma, you are introduced to the oh so wonderful job system. :|


As long as they're as large as the average FFXI zone I'm fine with it. Proper zone design can make even the smallest area feel large and expansive.

Red Scarlet

Never played FF11. There are lots of places to explore, but you won't be overwhelmed, at least until you get the ship (as is typical of the DQ games).


Am I the only person who thinks it's awesome that they're going to start calling it Dragon "Quest" now in NA? It adds authenticity to the games. Maybe it’ll be like when FF “corrected” to the true numbering system and revitalise the RPG genre in NA.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Ive never played a DQ game either, so what exactly should I expect he game looks very good so far. Apart from graphics, are gameplay and storyline for DQ games good aswell?

Red Scarlet

I started importing DQ games in 99, so it being called DQ in North America now has little impact on me.

The gameplay in the DQ games have remained pretty faithful throughout the series. Get to an area, buy new stuff and fight around, or try your luck against badguys with weaker stuff (which is fun, IMO).

Generally, you "need" to fight around for a bit to become able to withstand fighting the enemies in new areas, but once you are familiar with the game, you don't generally have to, and it is IMO much more fun to go at it while weaker.

I grew up with DQ and FF, so I can't really make an unbiased assertation to the gameplay of the series. I'm more than used to fighting around for a bit to buy a weapon or amor that makes survivability easier. You can go gung-ho, but usually only to a certain point. Even still, you may get lucky and bust your way through. IMO that is a nice little reward; getting to an area at a much lower level than you "should" be at to fight better monsters.

It very much depends on what you look for in gameplay with these games. I am an absolute kleptomaniac and item-seeker, so I have a grand old time finding items by snooping through various houses in towns and robbing people of treasure chests. The early useful item via a drop is always fun for me.

The combat in the games remains my favorite for RPG's. Not even blackace can say "hold down X" for these games, you will get your ass kicked (unless you level up insanely at the first areas to like level 40). One of the big charms to me in the series is that the badguys usually stay tough throughout the game; strategy pays off quite a bit. Simply attacking your way through can work sometimes, but other times it will beat you down.

Storywise, you shouldn't expect a jaw-dropping experience. The DQ games are very simple in their stories compared to what else is out there.


I can't believe I'm looking forward to a japanese RPG for once! Probably cause I kinda like Toriyama's artwork (as opposed to totally loathing artwork in some others). It being more focused on gameplay (like all games should be) is a major major plus to me too.


The only DQ games I've played is Dragon Warrior III on GBC. I quite enjoyed it so even though I don't have much experience with the series I'm really looking foward to this game.
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