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New Oblivion interview



Choice quotes.
TCW: "Is there any new word on whether or not user made mods for Oblivion will be available for download via xbox live? At the time of your Gamespy interview it sounded like a "No".

Pete Hines: "Right now we know for sure that we plan to offer downloadable content for Oblivion. Beyond that nothing has been determined yet. We still have some ideas of things we’d like to do and are talking to Microsoft about if and how we might be able to do them. We work hard at managing expectations and part of that is trying not to promise anything we can’t be sure we’ll deliver."
TCW: "Do you have any PS3 development kits and what did you think of them compared to the XBOX360 kits? What are the key differences? Do you have a favorite?

Pete Hines: "Right now we’re focused on PC and Xbox 360 for this holiday season. We aren’t talking about or announcing any other platforms for the foreseeable future."
TCW: " Do you plan on translating the more than 50 hours of spoken dialog and many books worth of game content for the over sea's launch? And if so how soon after a US launch do you expect to launch in other countries?"

Pete Hines: "We do have plans to fully localize the game in a couple of countries. Definitely Germany and France. The amount of dialog and text we have means that we can’t just do it for every and any country we want. You need a volume of sales to justify doing it, otherwise you can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to sell a few extra copies. Not smart."
TCW: "Will the 360 version of Oblivion be equal or superior to the PC version?"

Pete Hines: "That’s a tough question because “PC” can mean an almost infinite number of things. What video card? Sound card? How much RAM? Are the right drivers installed? The list goes on and on. All these things determine performance on a PC. The advantage of the Xbox 360 is that it’s designed to run our game, period. You know if you have a 360 it will look as good as it can possibly look. If you have the latest, greatest PC with the best video card, etc., it will probably look the same as the Xbox 360 version. Anything else will probably lag behind.

When people ask us whether or not to do a major PC upgrade or get the console version of one of our games, we always recommend the console version. Our games tend to push the limits of technology pretty hard, so it’s much easier to predict performance on a closed box than one with thousands of possible configurations."
Pete Hines: "The two mini-games are the persuasion mini-game and the lockpicking mini-game. They were good opportunities to do something a little fun, a little different, without fundamentally altering the balance of the game or the impact your character, and his/her stats, have on the game. The lockpicking one is kinduv addicting."

I hadn't heard of the Persuasion mini-game yet. Is there any info about what its like?

C'mon Steve spill the beans!


Tag of Excellence
Pete Hines said:
You know if you have a 360 it will look as good as it can possibly look. If you have the latest, greatest PC with the best video card, etc., it will probably look the same as the Xbox 360 version. Anything else will probably lag behind.
Really interesting, I wonder how accurate that statement is.


TekunoRobby said:
Really interesting, I wonder how accurate that statement is.

Yeah when I read a statement like that I'm thinking 60FPS locked, too. Not sure if it is or not....


The question I want to know is will Obvliion require a harddrive? This game is pretty much the reason I'm buying a X360 this year and it would suck if I bought the $299 package and couldn't play the fuckin game.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Nameless said:
The question I want to know is will Obvliion require a harddrive? This game is pretty much the reason I'm buying a X360 this year and it would suck if I bought the $299 package and couldn't play the fuckin game.

It doesn't require it, but it may help. It's unconfirmed what if any difference there'll be, but you'll be able to play it without the HDD.
gofreak said:
It doesn't require it, but it may help. It's unconfirmed what if any difference there'll be, but you'll be able to play it without the HDD.
quote from the Bethesda guy said they "strongly recommend it." It will be interesting to see how much it makes a difference.


I'll probably go with the Harddrive 360 anyway. I litearlly have like 70 some-odd Morrowind saves...So I'll probably need it..
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