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New pics of Mario in SSX4


Oh boo hoo, cry about it. You don't have to get it if you don't like having an optional secret character in it.

I got SSX on PS2, Tricky on GC, SSX 3 on PS2 (thanks to online play), and I'll be getting it on PS2 again this time for the same reason. Online play > Mario, but stop bitching.


Why do you guys care? It's not like Mario in SSX4 means no "real" Mario game.

And, no, I don't think it "cheapens" the Mario IP. IP is meant to be exploited.


fugimax said:
Why do you guys care? It's not like Mario in SSX4 means no "real" Mario game.
Well, you do start to wonder as Nintendo has only released one original Mario platformer in the past 9-10 years, while there have been dozens of other games Mario featured in. :(


Zeo said:
Oh boo hoo, cry about it. You don't have to get it if you don't like having an optional secret character in it.

I got SSX on PS2, Tricky on GC, SSX 3 on PS2 (thanks to online play), and I'll be getting it on PS2 again this time for the same reason. Online play > Mario, but stop bitching.

Well excuse me for seeing my favourite childhood gaming icon being whored out in to every fucking game. It's so insulting (and, sadly true) that putting Mario in a game means it'll sell more. Things like this just don't appeal to me

I'll get the Xbox version for 5.1 sound and (I hope) custom soundtracks and online play


Lionheart said:
Well, you do start to wonder as Nintendo has only released one original Mario platformer in the past 9-10 years, while there have been dozens of other games Mario featured in. :(

I'd like to think that they're trying really hard to make a great NEW Mario and just going "hey, if you wanna use him, whatever, might give us more sales". If that bothers anyone, DON'T BUY IT. It's been proven to work and fail for Nintendo, so why not?

.. And uh, yeah, I forgot about how they're taking out online play from the PS2 version. Looks like I'll be getting this on GC then.


AgentCooper said:
There's no online at all in any version of SSX4. Then again, with the GC version you'll have to use the goddamn Z button. Bleh.

Really? That sucks...I was expecting online play by default by this stage. Fuck off EA, no sale.

Musashi Wins!

No online play in any version?!? #$%@#$%@#$@#$%!

Why? why? Why not upgrade this from last year? At least the PS2 version had a sucky online mode. DAMN YOU EA. This is one of my favorite series and I just took it for granted that we would see this evolution.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
fuck mario rules. hes just so rad. shutup haters.


So Mario and Luigi are snowboarders in this, and Peach is a skiier. OK.

No buy on principle. This + no online = sorry EA.
nubbe said:
No onlineplay, so Gamecube has the ultimate SKU

Not if you have an Xbox with the proper setup (i.e 480p and 5.1 sound)

And seriously, did this kind of milking even work for NBA Street V3 (I mean, did the sales numbers reflect at all that people bought the GC version over the PS2/Xbox version) I would doubt it.


EA guy that we like
Musashi Wins! said:
No online play in any version?!? #$%@#$%@#$@#$%!

Why? why? Why not upgrade this from last year? At least the PS2 version had a sucky online mode. DAMN YOU EA. This is one of my favorite series and I just took it for granted that we would see this evolution.
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, played SSX 3 online. Their average max PSU was something like 45, compared to, say, 1200 for NCAA. It costs resources to implement online (yes, even to port it over), so why spend 10% of your dev resources on something that is used by less than 2% of your audience? Doesn't make sense. SSX4 is still going to be awesome, but now it will be awesome without an online ghost town attached.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Not if you have an Xbox with the proper setup (i.e 480p and 5.1 sound)
SSX3 supported prog scan on all three platforms, and had DPL2 on GC and DTS on PS2, no reason not to be the same on this one. Xbox version actually lacked at least one nice visual effect.
Tch, Mario should have been a Mercenaries character in RE4.

That way there is no way the PS2 version would be superior!!! hardy har har! :lol

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Mario looks neat in this game, btw. It may not really fit the game's grungy look, but it's model is nicely done and looks nice on the track.

Musashi Wins!

Galaron said:
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, played SSX 3 online. Their average max PSU was something like 45, compared to, say, 1200 for NCAA. It costs resources to implement online (yes, even to port it over), so why spend 10% of your dev resources on something that is used by less than 2% of your audience? Doesn't make sense. SSX4 is still going to be awesome, but now it will be awesome without an online ghost town attached.

yea, a bit of a cart before the horse, but I guarantee that if the online portion wasn't lousy there would have been more people on. I played it, but it was obviously a logistical nightmare and very bare bones. Put it on LIVE and it would be heavenly. It will also hurt sales on the Xbox version that it is not live enabled...guaranteed.



Today we can give up an exclusive nieuwtje concerning SSX On tour: Mario, Peach and Luigi will retrieve be in the GameCube version of SSX On tour! Both Mario and Luigi will do the mount on a snowboard to, whereas Peach can only move on themselves on ski's. But that is not yet everything. There is, as it happens, also heuse "Nintendo detect Village" on the mount, full objects which you will remind from those good old Nintendo time.



They could have at least equipped them with gear... I mean wouldn't they be cold on top of a mountain in their typical garb?


(more a nerd than a geek)
Bah. I still have to get cheap used copies of EA's silly boxing game for Super Punch-Out!! and NBA Street/whatever for Mario, Luigi, and Peach... the annoying collector side has won out. Of course, I'm not paying more than $10 for any of 'em, but still...


posting on contract only
AgentCooper said:
There's no online at all in any version of SSX4. Then again, with the GC version you'll have to use the goddamn Z button. Bleh.
I think that was his point.
Galaron said:
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, played SSX 3 online. Their average max PSU was something like 45, compared to, say, 1200 for NCAA. It costs resources to implement online (yes, even to port it over), so why spend 10% of your dev resources on something that is used by less than 2% of your audience? Doesn't make sense. SSX4 is still going to be awesome, but now it will be awesome without an online ghost town attached.

But its possible to consider that noone played it because it was implemented and performed so poorly no? Though, I have no idea how most of EA's games perform online.


I'm surprised more people aren't up in arms over the ever-more apparent buddy-buddy relationship between Nintendo the source of all that is good in this world and EA the evil empire.

Anyway, I think it's cool.


Dont blame little Mario. He's being whored out by his neglectful parents at the Nintendo board of directors.

I'm so sick of seing Mario used in so many games. It cheapens the Mario franchise. I'm a Nintendo fan but I couldnt care less about anything Mario.

The Donkey Kong franchise also needs another good traditional adventure game.

What about reviving old franchises like Excite Bike, Kid Icarus..etc

Its gotta be better than Mario over and over and over.... :\

Ranger X

Is that a new TRC rule i don't know about to put some Nintendo character in EVERY FUCKING SINGLE MULTICONSOLE TITLE to land on Gamecube?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Is SSX4 still using the same controls? if so, I gotta make sure to order the superior PS2 version (for the 4th time)


Wario64 said:
Is SSX4 still using the same controls? if so, I gotta make sure to order the superior PS2 version (for the 4th time)

XBox 360 system + 360 controller + Xbox version of SSX4 = winner
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