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Nex Machina |OT| Insert 80 Quarters

hey guys. guess this gets asked alot, but do we know of any plans for online coop?

Seen this game this week and thought it would be a perfect fit for me and my buddy (we mostly play coop online) but was dissapointet to see this only having local coop...
Is this by design or is online coop coming somtime down the line?

Apologies if this has been asked before, but:

Any chance for a disc release?

Still sad "Resogun" didn't get one.

From today's reddit:

Online co-op was considered, but we decided to spend our limited resources on polishing the core game for launch instead. If we get a chance to release more content it will be one of the first things we'll add.

I think internally we all would love to have a physical copy in our shelves!
uh. ok.

what does it mean "if we get the chance"?
Isnt this their game?

Considering they're a small team and this is their first time self publishing, I'd hazard a guess and say it most likely depends on how the game sells and if it makes financial sense to do it.

Also, could you link me to the post? reddit is vast and its search engine one of the worst ive ever seen.

uh. ok.

what does it mean "if we get the chance"?
Isnt this their game?

Also, could you link me to the post? reddit is vast and its search engine one of the worst ive ever seen.

Small team and also releasing Matterfall this year too, they may then choose where to plough resources depending on the more successful.


Finished on experienced and then went straight into Veteran. Lawd, has things sped up. Still made it to the machine city boss on my first try though. This game is perfection.
well im interessted in both but this needs online coop for it to make sense for me to buy it.

The shortness of levels (unlike Alienation) means that actually co-op isn't required at all imho. Obviously peoples tastes vary, but I do feel that the frantic nature and short levels mean that this is great as a single player game. Alienation and it's slower pace gained from co-op and is much more enjoyable with a friend, this I feel is more a single player experience.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
The shortness of levels (unlike Alienation) means that actually co-op isn't required at all imho. Obviously peoples tastes vary, but I do feel that the frantic nature and short levels mean that this is great as a single player game. Alienation and it's slower pace gained from co-op and is much more enjoyable with a friend, this I feel is more a single player experience.

nah thats not what i mean.
im traditionally playing these games together with a friend. time and availability demands that the games have online coop in order so we can play together, local is not an option most of the times unfortunately.


nah thats not what i mean.
im traditionally playing these games together with a friend. time and availability demands that the games have online coop in order so we can play together, local is not an option most of the times unfortunately.
The game is a ton of fun solo and online co-op won't be implemented until it becomes financially viable to do so. The game is balanced for single player, less so for 2 players.


Kind of off topic but what other psn games are out there similar to this aside from Housemarque games? Is Assault Android Cactus a good buy?

Velocity 2X is amazing if you're looking something challenging, frenetic, and arcade-y. It mixes SHMUP, platformer, and run-and-gun brilliantly, features a fun teleport mechanic, and everything just feels so fun once you master it. It's another game where you feel very satisfied if you can earn the platinum trophy.

Thumper is kind of the equivalent in a rhythm game. Fast and unforgiving, making merely beating it a huge accomplishment. It's also very unique in that it fosters an almost uneasy sense of anxiety - in the best possible way.

Furi is the boss rush equivalent. If you're looking for something similar to the boss fights, it's got great, varied boss battles and a fair amount of bullet hell. The soundtrack is insane too.

Assault Android Cactus, while praised by many, never really clicked with me. I think some of it simply had to do with the fact that I didn't like the art style. However, I seem to be in the minority, so it's definitely worth a look.

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is slower paced, but a weird yet enjoyable adaptation of the twin stick shooter. You and up to three other friends man various stations in your ship - the engine, shield, and various weapons - each of which can be upgraded and customized in quite a variety of ways.

If you're a PS+ member and download everything, you may already own Velocity 2X, Furi, and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime.


Master difficulty sure is a jump in difficulty. I managed to 2cc veteran (and it would have been 1cc without some silly mistakes) but I can't even reliably clear world one on master without continues. It's crazy. On the other hand, neither can most other people apparently, since clearing it put me on the 22nd spot on the leader boards.

I have to say though, the revenge bullets are much more fun then I'd thought they'd be. I thought they'd just be a lazy way to make the game harder, but instead they force you to change your game play in the best way possible. If you try to stay at a safe spot in a corner to slowly kill enemies coming at you, you die. If you stay still for more then half a second, you die. If you spam dash too much, you die since you can't dodge the constant stream of revenge bullets. It really makes the game quite a bit more interesting.


Kind of off topic but what other psn games are out there similar to this aside from Housemarque games? Is Assault Android Cactus a good buy?

Inversus is the only other twin stick game on PS4 I'd strongly recommend, and maybe Nuclear Throne. Other arcade shooters of comparable quality would be Dariusburst CS and the Battle Garegga and Darius arcade ports available only on Japanese PSN, and maybe Wild Guns or Caladrius Blaze.
Kind of off topic but what other psn games are out there similar to this aside from Housemarque games? Is Assault Android Cactus a good buy?

Most of what I like has been stated already, but Geometry Wars 3, Assault Android Cactus, Nuclear Throne, Neon Chrome (free with PS+ right now), Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate, and Velocity 2X are well worth it. If you have any interest in rogue like, Enter The Gungeon is a must buy. Nearly a perfect example of the genre. I've never been keen on Binding of Issac, due to the art style, but it has a rabid fan base.

Also Helldivers, especially if you like Alienation. It's slower paced but definitely intense.

Oops, I forgot about Ultratron. That is effectively a love letter to Robotron. Probably about as similar to Nex Machina as you can get on the PS4.
Man this is frustrating

Not having fun with random power weapons because some are not ideal

Smart bomb feels trash on third boss, and I wish The power weapons were more fixed than RNG

Can someone explain the weapons. Not sure I grasp all of them
Master difficulty sure is a jump in difficulty. I managed to 2cc veteran (and it would have been 1cc without some silly mistakes) but I can't even reliably clear world one on master without continues. It's crazy. On the other hand, neither can most other people apparently, since clearing it put me on the 22nd spot on the leader boards.

I have to say though, the revenge bullets are much more fun then I'd thought they'd be. I thought they'd just be a lazy way to make the game harder, but instead they force you to change your game play in the best way possible. If you try to stay at a safe spot in a corner to slowly kill enemies coming at you, you die. If you stay still for more then half a second, you die. If you spam dash too much, you die since you can't dodge the constant stream of revenge bullets. It really makes the game quite a bit more interesting.

Even though I haven't played too much of Master, I really enjoy it. Revenge bullets keep you on your toes and it's pretty exciting. Pain in the ass but fun, lol.

Man this is frustrating

Not having fun with random power weapons because some are not ideal

Smart bomb feels trash on third boss, and I wish The power weapons were more fixed than RNG

Can someone explain the weapons. Not sure I grasp all of them

Power weapons aren't random. They cycle through. There's a little number above each weapon, 1-6. I think it's Detonator > Laser > Powershot > Rocket Launcher > Smartbomb > Sword. Then it goes back to Detonator.

Detonator - shoot an explosive ball that you manually detonate. You can blow it up as soon as you shoot it or let it travel a distance them blow it up. It can be short or long range.

Laser - Fires a steady stream but you move slow when doing so. Hold the button down to fire.

Powershot - A charged shot that kills everything in a straight line. Hold the button down to charge.

Rocket Launcher - Nothing to say really.

Smartbomb - Small radius around you explodes

Sword - Slash enemies and kills in one hit. For better effect, use with your Dash. Can be deadly but it's the "weakest" of the weapons. Fun to play around with through.

I'm sure someone will put some more info as well.


Can someone explain the weapons. Not sure I grasp all of them

I mainly used the rocket launcher, powershot, and laser, in that order. This is how I see them (anyone correct me if wrong):

Rocket Launcher - powerful, ranged, decent cool down, good all around, allows you to stay away from the action
Powershot - penetrating beam, but requires a warm-up, also has a small blast radius when fired which can kill stuff behind you
Laser - weak, but a long constant beam, goes through obstacles, slows character movement, and changing it's angle is very slow
Smartbomb - decent blast radius, good when partnered with dash, good for defense
Detonator - basically the rocket launcher with a time detonation, requires more attention to focus on when to detonate it
Sword - like Smartbomb with smaller range but quicker cooldown, the undisputed champ for worst weapon

Destroys bullets: Smartbomb, Detonator, Sword
Doesn't: Rocket Launcher, Powershot, Laser

Penetrates/passes through enemies/obstacles: Powershot, Laser, Detonator

1 hit kill - all but Laser

With the abilities: Once you get triple dash and dash explosion, you can jump around and kill a lot with it.

Keep in mind you can watch replays from anyone on the leaderboards as well. I looked at a few top guys the other day who were using Smartbomb very effectively.
Man this is frustrating

Not having fun with random power weapons because some are not ideal

Smart bomb feels trash on third boss, and I wish The power weapons were more fixed than RNG

Can someone explain the weapons. Not sure I grasp all of them
Smartbomb has invincibility frames after its explosion, so you can in fact use it aggressively against the third boss in conjunction with the Dash Explosion for more DPS. If uncomfortable with that, also appropriate as a defensive panic button to snuff out bullets before they hit you. You'll see it wielded to great effect (generally speaking now) in replays ranking near the top spots of the leaderboards.

They all have their niches (save for the Sword being ho-hum) and some require more practice than others. The Powershot's modus operandi for example changes completely once you're familiar with enemy spawns and know how to gauge the per-shot explosion surrounding your character:

Thanks everyone. On the 4th boss now but never haev enough lives to finish the job. This is crazy.

No wonder I need 99 lives lol. Can i save and exit? I forget the rules of These games

Im understanding the mechanics better and better though

Forgot about weapon cycling and notice I can wait for the power weapon of choice now, thanks!

And thanks for the explanations. I managed to understand the weapons thru play but wasnt sure about some of the viability.

The smart bomb giving u invincibility seems interesting
One thing Im not liking is accidentally picking up another weapon when im trying to keep the one I have

Also, it feels like If I lose lives before the boss, Im forcing myself to reset the lives which feels like a waste, but I guess part of the fun is getting by a whole boss fight without losing a life and pulling off a clutch. Still, I wonder if they could have designed that differently
Ugh IDK.

The game looks kind of ugly and harder to track my guy compared to both SSD and Resogun.

I hope DLC is better than the base game much like resogun


C-c-c-combo breaker!

1) Change the colour of your character by buying a new outfit. White is particularly fetching and should help with the visibility issues.
2) Shoot the weapon box as soon as you get in to the room so it goes away faster.
3) If you're playing on any difficulty above Rookie, it's gonna be hard for you to beat a later boss (worlds 5 and 6) without powerups. I'd advise restarting the game until you've spent long enough with the game to bring your skill to a level where you can get it done with a peashooter. It seems to be designed this way.
4) Everybody loves Smartbomb due to iframes. I could never get used to it and had to beat the game with a Rocket Launcher. The Launcher is awesome IMO. You can't shoot an enemy from across the map with the smartbomb. That's invaluable to me. Use what you're most comfortable with.
5) No DLC announced yet but I pray there's a Survival mode like there was in Reso eventually.

Play on Veteran for a while or play through the speed levels on Arena. These will improve your skills super quickly. Keep at it, you'll get it. You just need to put the time in. Eventually it'll click.
One thing Im not liking is accidentally picking up another weapon when im trying to keep the one I have

Do you know what the weapon boxes look like? You can ignore them (not destroy them) or like it was said, shoot it as soon as you get in the level so it can eventually disappear.

I was a fan of smartbomb when I first started off but I'm glad I've played around with the other weapons. Powershot is beautiful and those gifs are awesome.

Been addicted to Arena but I want to give an Experienced run a try.

Edit: They are having server issues right now. Any scores achieved will NOT be saved. Fix should happen within 24 hours.
^thanks man

Got to final boss but lost all lives. I was sooo close

Rocket Launcher feels so very powerful and I practically need it as a crutch.

I love the music and the last boss feels badass
Holy crap im on an insane run

20million after end of world 2, no continues used. Lost one life

Seems like the game is super dependent on dash, explosion dash, and shields. How do i guarantee a shield?
OH MY GOD NOOOO! MY HOUSE LOST POWER. I was on the third level, full lives, and a huge multiplier.

This is the cruelest joke ever!

Edit: Sorry for the 3 part spam.
4) Everybody loves Smartbomb due to iframes. I could never get used to it and had to beat the game with a Rocket Launcher. The Launcher is awesome IMO. You can't shoot an enemy from across the map with the smartbomb. That's invaluable to me. Use what you're most comfortable with.
The Powershot's piercing blasts do an even better job of maintaining the long-range game too, barring on the less spacious floors where rockets prematurely hitting an unintended target (which is easy) doesn't matter as much. That said, the Rocket Launcher (as well as the Laser) is head-and-shoulders above the Powershot in terms of raw damage versus bosses, so swapping accordingly is the way to go once you're in that comfort zone.

Holy crap im on an insane run

20million after end of world 2, no continues used. Lost one life

Seems like the game is super dependent on dash, explosion dash, and shields. How do i guarantee a shield?
Wouldn't say outright dependant, but they're big boons all the same. Any drop is random-ish initially, although a shield will drop every time (should you lose it) once you've collected all of them. When exactly a power-up will appear is based on the bar in the bottom-left corner, which fills up as you kill enemies.


I picked this up cause it was on sale on Steam and I love me some Smash TV.

2 hours clocked in before my first clear on Experienced. Spent about 50 continues doing it. I hope to one day reach the true final boss. I'm not looking forward to going up the difficulty scale. I already thought the game was hard as balls on Experienced.

The third boss (I think) gave me the most trouble outside of the last boss. I don't remember it's name but its the one that dashes around the arena with what appears to be random bullet spam. I would constantly dodge away from the bullet only to end up in the path of its next dash.

Local co-op is a blast on Rookie and really captures the Smash TV feel without destroying your wallet.

Also is the soundtrack available for purchase? I really want to jam out to the boss tracks at the gym.


I love this game so much but I have some problems seeing stuff.

I wish I could adjust the hue of the pink lasers. Just to make them a little darker it would help me so much.


Thanks! when I clicked the link in the OP I guess the page failed to load. It was just white background black text saying it was on iTunes and Spotify.


Game was patched on PC and now includes HDR support on NV GPUs:
We released a hotfix which fixes server stability issues, window handling issues and some achievement issues.

We also added initial HDR support for Nvidia GPUs.

Looking forward to release more fixes next week!

v1.04 0035.005 - June 29th, 2017
Hotfix 3

* Fixed issues with the server and leaderboards

* Crash fixes
* Added initial HDR support for Nvidia GPUs
* Added info pop up for "SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 capable CPU not detected"
* Fixed window handling issues
* Fixed borderless window
* Fixed window resolution changing from graphics options menu
* Fixed display option in graphics menu when using ALT+ENTER

* Fixed some "Steam Init Failure" issues
* Fixed issue where game couldn't be started from game's install folder

* Fixed platinum achievement
* Fixed challenger achievement unlock logic
* Fixed player 2 achievement unlocking in local co-op (PS4 only)

* Added "reset to default" button to control mapping screen
* Fixed Challenge Over screen layout
* Fixed wrong friends filter button if "Friends only" was enabled last time
* Fixed some missing Chinese characters

* All v1.04 (Steam, GOG.com, HumbleStore and PS4) builds are identical regarding gameplay / content (check the version number from game's main menu)
* This build was released on Steam and GOG.com. Also HumbleStore sells Steam keys.
The Powershot's piercing blasts do an even better job of maintaining the long-range game too, barring on the less spacious floors where rockets prematurely hitting an unintended target (which is easy) doesn't matter as much. That said, the Rocket Launcher (as well as the Laser) is head-and-shoulders above the Powershot in terms of raw damage versus bosses, so swapping accordingly is the way to go once you're in that comfort zone.

Wouldn't say outright dependant, but they're big boons all the same. Any drop is random-ish initially, although a shield will drop every time (should you lose it) once you've collected all of them. When exactly a power-up will appear is based on the bar in the bottom-left corner, which fills up as you kill enemies.

Oh nice! So the power ups are at least consistent.

You know, Ive been going back to this game and I actually am liking it now that Im warmed up to it and getting better.

Im kicking ass at the first level, and then pretty decent at level 2....

I struggled hard at the last boss fight and lost like 50 lives to him. I just dont know how I feel about losing everything and never gaining it back for the boss stage. It feels a bit hellish and I sort of wish I could just redo a few levels to gain the meter back up.

I cant imagine playing this on harder difficulties. I like the arena mode offers some variety, and I truly hope they are planning Resogun-like DLC.
Did an Experienced run a few moments ago. Ended up in 14th place.

I messed up so bad in World 6. I died once, got frustrated that I died and died again lol. This happened about 4 times. Still did a 1cc but I could have placed so much higher.

I have World 1 and 2 down in terms of all the secrets. The other Worlds are what I need to work on.

So much memorization but the more you play, the more it becomes second nature.

What I like about this game is that even a lower difficulty like Experienced is still very fun to play. Action right from the beginning.
Up to 54% trophies. Going to be concentrating on the Experienced 1CC run this weekend, plus the 50 human chain and 50x multiplier trophies.

Currently fearing the "Veteran: Complete Arcade mode on Veteran difficulty" trophy the most. Want the plat pretty bad.
Oh nice! So the power ups are at least consistent.

You know, Ive been going back to this game and I actually am liking it now that Im warmed up to it and getting better.

Im kicking ass at the first level, and then pretty decent at level 2....

I struggled hard at the last boss fight and lost like 50 lives to him. I just dont know how I feel about losing everything and never gaining it back for the boss stage. It feels a bit hellish and I sort of wish I could just redo a few levels to gain the meter back up.

I cant imagine playing this on harder difficulties. I like the arena mode offers some variety, and I truly hope they are planning Resogun-like DLC.
To be fair, the overall challenge does ramp down a fair bit once you have every power-up under your belt, so spending that much continues even on 'just' Experienced largely stems from not having everything in your repertoire. Game is still winnable without the extra options, as you do start with nothing in Single World playthroughs, but it's certainly an uphill battle despite the underlying enemy designs being fair and predictable. The same holds true for Veteran and up, although the real difficulty at that point lies in chaining everything together and not dying for maximum points potential.
To be fair, the overall challenge does ramp down a fair bit once you have every power-up under your belt, so spending that much continues even on 'just' Experienced largely stems from not having everything in your repertoire. Game is still winnable without the extra options, as you do start with nothing in Single World playthroughs, but it's certainly an uphill battle despite the underlying enemy designs being fair and predictable. The same holds true for Veteran and up, although the real difficulty at that point lies in chaining everything together and not dying for maximum points potential.

Fair enough. I just have to git gud with the boss fights.

Only marks the second time I've beaten the true final boss, so even with a couple of deaths there it felt particularly gratifying to pull it off. A score of 1 billion is certainly within my grasp due to the fact I accidentally missed some humans (read: underestimated room length) and dropping their combo chain on occasion, so once that's accomplished I'll move up the Veteran / Master ladder. Curious to see how the Powershot will stack up on the higher difficulties.


Fair enough. I just have to git gud with the boss fights.

Once you go thorough everything and learn it once, you'll find everything easier. I spent 40 continues to get to the last boss on Experienced, had a real tough time, and luckily finished with only 9 continues left. The platinum trophy didn't even seem attainable at that point.

Days later I had the platinum.

Avoiding the continue screen and practicing trouble spots help immensely.

Only marks the second time I've beaten the true final boss, so even with a couple of deaths there it felt particularly gratifying to pull it off. A score of 1 billion is certainly within my grasp due to the fact I accidentally missed some humans (read: underestimated room length) and dropping their combo chain on occasion, so once that's accomplished I'll move up the Veteran / Master ladder. Curious to see how the Powershot will stack up on the higher difficulties.

Awesome work! I still need to beat the TLB. Haven't figured out the patterns yet since I don't survive long lol
Awesome work! I still need to beat the TLB. Haven't figured out the patterns yet since I don't survive long lol
It's arguably the most precise boss fight in terms of positioning, so I still struggle with her too. I did notice that Nex Machina's most difficult patterns are frontloaded however, so once you get past "Prepare to die" (which favors sticking to the left) you're essentially out of the woodworks. The second time I beat her wasn't too long after the first, so it'll stick once you have her figured out.
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