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Nigga and You: A Comprehensive Guide to the N-Word

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are you trying to help? because this isn't helping.

Trying to help what? Multiple fucking people gave you an answer, you shouldn't say it if you're not black.
It seems you're looking for someone to shuck and jive on in here to give you a nigga pass. Trying to help... foh

No one is actually stopping you from saying nigger. Say it as much as you like, since it seems to be eating you up inside.
Make sure you say it to some random black people though and then report back what happened.


thanks OP, I'm going to see Kanye live in a few weeks and keeping the DONT system in mind will help me greatly to avoid embarrassing myself.


Women call each other bitches and hoes.

There was a time when the word geek and nerd were only used as insults. Obviously not on the same level but it does happen.

Until now

Well one can if they don't know the Dark skinned latino/a, they can try going up to them and calling them Negrito/a, i'm very interested in the results of that experiment!
....because you said this;

You explained it away in YOUR cultural context. Your cultural context is NOT the same as everyone elses. Which is entirely my point. We get this in every thread about blackface and this very thread is the definition of what I'm getting at. This thread is about why you can't use a word; irrespective of your own cultural heritage or social surroundings. Every thread about blackface or thread about the use of the term 'nigga' people get thrown on a stake for not understanding the cultural significance of it to some people, I got a ban for pointing out why others not familiar with American history or culture may struggle to understand why it has such an impact to certain groups. They, and I consequently, got banned (and I'll probably get another for this post but I'm beyond it at this point).

My entire point is a term was used that the original poster obviously didn't understand the context of it in my particular environment, you explained the definition within your environment which happen to be similar / the same as his.

I'm pointing out that people should not be surprised that others make faux passes like this or say they don't understand what the big deal is; it maybe ignorant, but time and again I've seen people banned this sort of thing. So unless the poster who used the word 'coon' has a reprimand coming his / her way, others shouldn't be so quick to jump down others throats for not understanding something or immediately grasping the full consequence of their naivety.

LOL What don't you get that I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but how is any of that applicable to me when you you literally posted

And the context of what was posted? What is it supposed to mean?
Still waiting on the use of the word coon here.

I proceed to explain its context and you immediately jump down my throat. If you have an issue with it's use then take it up with the poster who said it, instead of lecturing my ass who was only trying to help you out.

Bruh, you're in a Black thread where posts are being made in a Black context, i mean I don't know what you expected when you clicked here. LOL


Good thread OP. I love the linguistic voice you used. Sad that it has to still be explained to people.

Going by the rules in the OP (mixed race here) I am allowed its use.

However, I pretty much only find myself using it when quoting something, such as a song or film dialogue. . When speaking to most of my male friends I typically use variations of 'bro' 'dude' 'dawg' or 'man'. I recognize the historic and current connotations. I just don't have a use for it in daily life. It's probably already been said in the thread, but context and the group you're in has a lot to do with it.

D i Z

I'm not trolling. I must've missed something in the OP and you can clear it up for me or this can keep going back and forth. I'm trying to be absolutely sure.

No. You have your answer. It's been explained to you extensively and with care for longer than I or anyone else cares to remember. You've had it in the last 50 threads about this very same subject, and you keep coming back with the same tired rap. You ARE trolling. The word is not for your use without repercussion. Get over it. Better yet. Feel free to go ahead and use it. Liberally. Stop nibbling on the edges of desire online from the safety of a keyboard, and take it with you into the living world.

Good luck.
I never understood why some white people desperately need to be able to say the word.

Just say "breh". It's infinitely superior, rolls off the tongue nicely, and everyone is allowed.

I don't think it's that hard to grasp why white people want to say the word (talking about outside of racist uses here): it's because they've been told not to all their life. When you tell a person not to do something, it makes that something more enticing. For example, the only reason I started watching South Park is years of my parents telling me not to, so eventually I tormented the first 10 seasons and snuck it on my iPod video.

Not saying it makes it right, but can you blame someone for wanting to say it?


Good thread. Not sure why the need for this argument. I understand the want and fascination by it, but all the same, just don't fucking say it haha. Not hard to understand at all.

I mean, go ahead, say it/scream it/sing it, but no one's gonna save your ass from catching a beatdown, a lecture or just looking like a damn fool, when you're casually tossing that word around in public.
Trying to help what? Multiple fucking people gave you an answer, you shouldn't say it if you're not black.
It seems you're looking for someone to shuck and jive on in here to give you a nigga pass. Trying to help... foh

No one is actually stopping you from saying nigger. Say it as much as you like, since it seems to be eating you up inside.
I never started in this thread giving you or anyone a fuckin attitude. If you can't continue having this conversation then it's just telling me that you don't have the patience for it. I can continue it if you want, but you're acting like you know me, and you don't.
Make sure you say it to some random black people though and then report back what happened.
I already acknowledged that this was a bad idea, now you want me to say it over and over again?

No. You have your answer. It's been explained to you extensively and with care for longer than I or anyone else cares to remember. You've had it in the last 50 threads about this very same subject, and you keep coming back with the same tired rap. You ARE trolling. The word is not for your use without repercussion. Get over it. Better yet. Feel free to go ahead and use it. Liberally. Stop nibbling on the edges of desire online from the safety of a keyboard, and take it with you into the living world.
No, I'm not fucking trolling and i'm not gonna get over it because someone on GAF who I never met who also doesn't seem to have a mutual respect is telling me to. I can continue this conversation if you wish, but not with that sort of tone. I never showed anyone here discourtesy.


I never started in this thread giving you or anyone a fuckin attitude. If you can't continue having this conversation then it's just telling me that you don't have the patience for it. I can continue it if you want, but you're acting like you know me, and you don't.I already acknowledged that this was a bad idea, now you want me to say it over and over again?

No, I'm not fucking trolling and i'm not gonna get over it because someone on GAF who I never met who also doesn't seem to have a mutual respect is telling me to. I can continue this conversation if you wish, but not with that sort of tone. I never showed anyone here discourtesy.

What conversation are we supposed to continue? You have your fucking answer, you have been given fucking answer in multiple threads and yet you're still somehow unsure? What are you looking for here?!
Also, if you think it is a bad idea to say it to random black people then that pretty much answer your question about whether or not you should say it. If you can't say it to everyone, you shouldn't say it at all.


I never started in this thread giving you or anyone a fuckin attitude. If you can't continue having this conversation then it's just telling me that you don't have the patience for it. I can continue it if you want, but you're acting like you know me, and you don't.I already acknowledged that this was a bad idea, now you want me to say it over and over again?

No, I'm not fucking trolling and i'm not gonna get over it because someone on GAF who I never met who also doesn't seem to have a mutual respect is telling me to. I can continue this conversation if you wish, but not with that sort of tone. I never showed anyone here discourtesy.
For as long as I've been on this site, yo ass has been in every thread regarding the use of the word nigga and being caught in ya feelings about how you shouldn't use. Without fucking fail. Ya trolling and need to get out.
50 year old white guy here chiming in with a personal anecdote.
I used to work in a warehouse whose workforce was probably 80 - 90 percent black. I was talking to a black guy around my age who I frequently talked about nfl football with.
I showed him the story on my sports app about Cam Newton resigning with the Panthers.
His reaction was "They're giving this nigga how much money ?!? He isnt worth that contract!"
I knew exactly what he meant and that the meaning would have been the same if he had said "They're giving this dude how much money ?!?" or "They're giving this guy how much money ?!?" instead.
If any of my conservative co-workers were around, the conversation afterward would have been "See! They can say the n-word but we cant!".


Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in NYC seemingly get a free pass to say nigger and nigga.

Lol, I was just thinking about this. Due to my observance of fighting game streams, I get to hear those guys (RayRay, Yipes, etc.) say it a lot. Pretty much anybody who's not white gets a pass. Maybe not Asians.
What conversation are we supposed to continue? You have your fucking answer, you have been given fucking answer in multiple threads and yet you're still somehow unsure? What are you looking for here?!
Alright, if you want to actually see, crystal clear why I'm still unsure about what the conclusion is, then please try to level with me and see.

1. I get the OP, and why no one who isn't black or have African heritage should say the word.

2. In the previous thread that we are speaking of, I had a conversation with someone else that said sometimes it is okay for other minorities to use it because they understand the struggle and go through it.

My question there is - why is it sometimes? Why is it not you can say it, or don't. I didn't get a clear answer then, but it was pretty much "it depends on the black people you're around. If they're cool with it, then it's cool. If not, then d.o.n't. - here's the thing with that though, how is that any different from a white person saying it around their black friends?

That's the point I was trying to get across, but what irks me is when threads like this are made, it's made to address white people as if they're the only people who are supposed to not say it. If NO ONE is supposed to say it, then that should be made absolutely clear from the get go (it is now, but we had to have this argument to get there).


Alright, if you want to actually see, crystal clear why I'm still unsure about what the conclusion is, then please try to level with me and see.

1. I get the OP, and why no one who isn't black or have African heritage should say the word.

2. In the previous thread that we are speaking of, I had a conversation with someone else that said sometimes it is okay for other minorities to use it because they understand the struggle and go through it.

My question there is - why is it sometimes? Why is it not you can say it, or don't. I didn't get a clear answer then, but it was pretty much "it depends on the black people you're around. If they're cool with it, then it's cool. If not, then d.o.n't. - here's the thing with that though, how is that any different from a white person saying it around their black friends?

That's the point I was trying to get across, but what irks me is when threads like this are made, it's made to address white people as if they're the only people who are supposed to not say it. If NO ONE is supposed to say it, then that should be made absolutely clear from the get go (it is now, but we had to have this argument to get there).

Multiple people have told you it wasn't okay, but that hasn't lessened your desire to say it.
Multiple people have told you it is not okay yet those two examples hold more power for you?
You are either trolling or you really want to say nigger.

D i Z

No, I'm not fucking trolling and i'm not gonna get over it because someone on GAF who I never met who also doesn't seem to have a mutual respect is telling me to. I can continue this conversation if you wish, but not with that sort of tone. I never showed anyone here discourtesy.

There is no conversation about this with someone who is fishing for specifics that do not exist. You're not going to find that semantic loop hole that allows you an in. You're not going to find the equivalent of this scenario for your own ethnic background here on Gaf. You do not get to pretend that we haven't all done this very same dance (same footsteps and all) with you time and time again.
This shit is clockwork. You should realize that you've hit a wall here.
Dominicans and Puerto Ricans in NYC seemingly get a free pass to say nigger and nigga.
I've never been called a "nigger" by another black person. I am not sure there is a free pass for that.

This sort of highlights one of the most interesting things I find about every topic like this: the staunch refusal by so many people to understand the differentiation between the two terms. English is an absolutely massive language replete with derivative words and even homophones, but somehow when it comes to nigger and nigga people scratch their heads in confusion. As if the idea that a word born from another word having a different meaning and usage is so alien a concept.

Why does this happen?
Afro latino. Seems to be just a few boat stops from African American.

Sad thing is, they can be racist as fuck towards black people; I've seen it in my own family. They'll then partake in the culture like it's nothing.

I've never been called a "nigger" by another black person. I am not sure there is a free pass for that.

This sort of highlights one of the most interesting things I find about every topic like this: the staunch refusal by so many people to understand the differentiation between the two terms. English is an absolutely massive language replete with derivative words and even homophones, but somehow when it comes to nigger and nigga people scratch their heads in confusion. As if the idea that a word born from another word having a different meaning and usage is so alien a concept.

Why does this happen?

Nigga is way more common, but I've definitely heard the other version.
For as long as I've been on this site, yo ass has been in every thread regarding the use of the word nigga and being caught in ya feelings about how you shouldn't use. Without fucking fail. Ya trolling and need to get out.
No trolling here.
Multiple people have told you it wasn't okay, but that hasn't lessened your desire to say it.
Multiple people have told you it is not okay yet those two examples hold more power for you?
You are either trolling or you really want to say nigger.
Multiple people have also said it is okay. I don't think you're trying to hear me out.
There is no conversation about this with someone who is fishing for specifics that do not exist. You're not going to find that semantic loop hole that allows you an in. You're not going to find the equivalent of this scenario for your own ethnic background here on Gaf. You do not get to pretend that we haven't all done this very same dance, same footsteps and all with you time and time again. You should realize that you've hit a wall here.
The conversation I'm speaking of didn't happen in this thread.


No trolling here.

Multiple people have also said it is okay. I don't think you're trying to hear me out.
The conversation I'm speaking of didn't happen in this thread.

You gave two examples and there have been far more people telling you not to say it.
There is nothing to hear out. If you think it is a bad idea to say it to random black people then maybe, just maybe you shouldn't say it at all. If you can't say it to all of us, you shouldn't say it to any of us.
I am done with your nonsense after this post. If not being able to say nigger is killing you inside, then I think you should let your racism flag fly.
No trolling here.

Multiple people have also said it is okay. I don't think you're trying to hear me out.
The conversation I'm speaking of didn't happen in this thread.

I guess I don't understand what you're looking for then? Unanimous agreement? You're never going to get that out of this topic. You know this. I know this. So what do you want people to say?

It will literally boil down to, people will make a judgement call. Do you just want everyone to admit that?
Sad thing is, they can be racist as fuck towards black people; I've seen it in my own family. They'll then partake in the culture like it's nothing.

Nigga is way more common, but I've definitely heard the other version.
You've heard black people in America calling each other "niggers" in a positive context? Fascinating. I can't say that I have after almost three decades of being surrounded by other black people, or seen it in used that way in our media.


Make sure you always assume that that pass applies to every other black person you meet. Nothing will ever go wrong.
"between us"?

You can, just don't do it with/around other people you don't know or who aren't also comfortable with it.
I wouldn't. Again, "between us"
Even if you're allowed to say it, it hurts other people indirectly, even if you two are alone.
Can you elaborate on this?
A black friend of mine didn't care if I said it around him but I still didn't. Just didn't feel right to say.
Yeah I get this a little.
You're an adult. You can do whatever you want with or without anyones permission. So what are you actually asking?
Not sure what you mean.
You gave two examples and there have been far more people telling you not to say it.
There is nothing to here out. If you think it is a bad idea to say it to random black people then maybe, just maybe you shouldn't say it at all. If you can't say it to all of us, you shouldn't say it to any of us.
In this thread everyone says not to say it, I meant the overall divide on a consensus that I got after asking people personally.
I am done with your nonsense after this post. If not being able to say nigger is killing you inside, then I think you should let your racism flag fly.[/QUOTE]
If I shouldn't say it, I won't say it. That's a misconception.
I guess I don't understand what you're looking for then? Unanimous agreement? You're never going to get that out of this topic. You know this. I know this. So what do you want people to say?

It will literally boil down to, people will make a judgement call. Do you just want everyone to admit that?
I get that, but what I am saying is when a conversation like this starts, it shouldn't be black vs white, it should be black vs non white. If the OP had non-black written instead of white, I may not have even asked about brown people.

I wasn't the one throwing accusations at anyone.
I hate dumbass white people not appreciating the cultural context of the various forms of the word, and I despise it being used ignorantly or unironcially to refer to people, but dammit if OP doesn't make me wanna say it to fucking assert myself. Telling people they aren't allowed to say a word because of who they are seems like a dumb way to teach empathy.
"between us"?

I wouldn't. Again, "between us"

Can you elaborate on this?

Yeah I get this a little.

Not sure what you mean.

What can't talk to you about what you can and can't do. We can only give you context about why its harmful and or can be taken poorly. We aren't cosigning authority.


I'm confused- is it not common knowledge that the word is offensive in the wrong tone/hands?

The OP feels patronizing.
I hate dumbass white people not appreciating the cultural context of the various forms of the word, and I despise it being used ignorantly or unironcially to refer to people, but dammit if OP doesn't make me wanna say it to fucking assert myself. Telling people they aren't allowed to say a word because of who they are seems like a dumb way to teach empathy.
Nah, son you always wanted to say it and are looking for an excuse. White people have "asserted themselves" for centuries and waved nigger around like a stick to keep black people down. Now that you aren't holding the stick, you get antsy and worried that you might not be able to stay in control.
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