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Nintendo files patent application for stationary game console without optical disk


Junior Member
Well.....they ARE announcing a new console next year, they've said it many times, so 2018 is a pretty ridiculous suggestion.

How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.


How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.

Nintendo needs the NX to come out mroe than they need Zelda released. Besides it is easier to announce a console then release a game.

The NX will be announced next year. Bet on it.


How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.
Once at E3, which was repeated whenever the press asked at that event.
Beyond that, they said nothing until the delay announcement.

Whereas NX was re-iterated as unveiling in 2016 multiple times across multiple different events.

So yeah....
How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.
Did you think this when the Wii was first announced? Aonuma isn't exactly good at keeping things in a reasonable scope compared to the hardware side of Nintendo


What if they are selling Amiibo in the stores, the Amiibo unlocks your game for you, but if you want, you can just buy the game from the eShop without the Amiibo.

That would only work if Nintendo offered the games in perpetuity if retailers sold an amiibo "license key", so that the thing you bought at retail never became useless.
It's a doable proposition, and resolves not being able to trade and sell games while still being digital only, but I'm not sure how that would go over, either with 3rd-parties or consumers. I already exceed my data cap thanks to Netflix, adding this to the mix would be a nightmare.

I guess you guys wouldn't be down for something similar to this but with an even stronger art direction?
I'd be down for it. But you were presenting something like this as the only legit viable option, which is bullshit.
Besides, it features a child Link, so people would still take a crap all over it for that reason alone. The very small subset of people with incredibly narrow ideas of what Zelda can be aren't worth catering to.


Neo Member
How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.

Calling the NX vapourware is a misnomer, NX is not even confirmed to be the official name, all we have are rumors and a few vague statements. Something that isn't announced yet can't be vapourware by definition.


Gamenesia has posted a few more Nintendo patents including and in-game chat, adjustable power modes and sound sampling. In their article, they provide links to the actual patents. Not sure if these are new, but they certainly sound interesting.


They website posted the article yesterday, but I only know saw it through GoNintendo. And for the sake of not having to read through all the patents, I'll re-post the what GoNintendo wrote on their site.

New information. This should likely get it's own thread so others know more about it.
This patent just describes a Wii U with no optical drive and an internal hdd. The card slot is an SD memory card slot, not a game card. So nothing to do with NX, just a digital download only Wii U mini. Last year they launched Amiibo, they'll be busy trying to get their mobile initiative succeeding over this next year, I doubt they'll be able to get a new console with acceptable games out until 2017 or 2018.

They know the Wii U is dead and the idea they can go another 23-35 months with it is insane


Once at E3, which was repeated whenever the press asked at that event.
Beyond that, they said nothing until the delay announcement.

Whereas NX was re-iterated as unveiling in 2016 multiple times across multiple different events.

So yeah....
They stated that Zelda would come out in 2015 at the Game Awards as well.
I only recall 2 events in which they said they'll talk more about NX in 2016 which were at the DeNA presser and E3, what other "multiple different events" are you talking about?

I personally want them to take their sweet time with it and don't rush anything.


Gamenesia has posted a few more Nintendo patents including and in-game chat, adjustable power modes and sound sampling. In their article, they provide links to the actual patents. Not sure if these are new, but they certainly sound interesting.


They website posted the article yesterday, but I only know saw it through GoNintendo. And for the sake of not having to read through all the patents, I'll re-post the what GoNintendo wrote on their site.

Well that's interesting.
How many times did they say Zelda U was releasing in 2015? Exactly.
As it stands, NX is still vapourware and delays are not out of the question.

Thoughts are very different things, game software being delayed a year happens all the time, but hardware? I can't think of a single time when hardware has been delayed by an extra year. Plus a ton of us saw the Zelda delay coming, the only thing pointing to an NX delay is you pulling out of your ass that a company can't do two things at once.


Thoughts are very different things, game software being delayed a year happens all the time, but hardware? I can't think of a single time when hardware has been delayed by an extra year. Plus a ton of us saw the Zelda delay coming, the only thing pointing to an NX delay is you pulling out of your ass that a company can't do two things at once.

You're talking as if there was a release date when the only thing we have going for the NX is that they'll talk about it in 2016. Let's give Nintendo time and let's not interpret things that they haven't even said, please. Also, it's true that there were some people who believed that Zelda will be pushed but there were also a humongous amounts of people in GAF who believed otherwise and were very visceral about it.


They stated that Zelda would come out in 2015 at the Game Awards as well.
I only recall 2 events in which they said they'll talk more about NX in 2016 which were at the DeNA presser and E3, what other "multiple different events" are you talking about?

I personally want them to take their sweet time with it and don't rush anything.
At the investor meetings after E3.


here's a novel idea: Nintendo said on multiple occasions that they will talk about NX in 2016 because they will reveal and release it during that calendar year.
Hardware ain't software. Once a release window been decided and manufacturers contracted, not much can stop it from happening. The only hardware delay I can remember was the PS3 in Europe (due to a shortage of diodes used in the Blu-ray Disc drive).
Nintendo's rethoric is consistent with a company that's releasing hardware in 2016.


here's a novel idea: Nintendo said on multiple occasions that they will talk about NX in 2016 because they will reveal and release it during that calendar year.
Oh for the love of....why are you people jumping to conclusions!? Then when shit hits the fan the same people making these assumptions go on the internet and whine that they didn't deliver what they "promised" when they never effing promised anything...
And when was the last time Nintendo unveiled a console and released it within the same year?

Edit: No, no. I'm losing my cool, i'm sorry. I gotta stop caring.
Oh for the love of....why are you people jumping to conclusions!? Then when shit hits the fan the same people making these assumptions go on the internet and whine that they didn't deliver what they "promised" when they never effing promised anything.
And when was the last time Nintendo unveiled a console and released it within the same year?

Edit: No, no. I'm losing my cool, i'm sorry. I gotta stop caring.

The only one that fits in that category is the Gamecube, and it's a stretch.

It has been said many times: It's no releasing next year, deal with it, buy the damn U to play Zelda and Bayonetta 2. Don't want to image the amount of "Nintendo, port X WiiU game to NX please!" threats in the future.


Oh for the love of....why are you people jumping to conclusions!? Then when shit hits the fan the same people making these assumptions go on the internet and whine that they didn't deliver what they "promised" when they never effing promised anything...
And when was the last time Nintendo unveiled a console and released it within the same year?

Edit: No, no. I'm losing my cool, i'm sorry. I gotta stop caring.
3DS was launched 9 months after it revealed. And that platform was originally targeting a launch 3 months earlier even.


The only one that fits in that category is the Gamecube, and it's a stretch.

That's too much of a stretch IMO.
Dolphin was announced May 1999 at E3. GameCube got its full reveal at Space World in August 2000, was released in Japan Sept. 2001 and in NA November 2001.


Oh for the love of....why are you people jumping to conclusions!? Then when shit hits the fan the same people making these assumptions go on the internet and whine that they didn't deliver what they "promised" when they never effing promised anything.
And when was the last time Nintendo unveiled a console and released it within the same year?

Edit: No, no. I'm losing my cool, i'm sorry. I gotta stop caring.

I am by no means jumping to my conclusion. It's based on comprehension.
Deeply simplified: Nintendo has explained the basic idea of the NX -> Nintendo will talk about it in 2016 -> will obviously reveal it 2016 because what else does talk mean when they've already talked about it? -> modern "hardware information diffusement" is short -> NX releases in 2016
And the last time Nintendo unveiled and released a console within a year was with the 3DS (unveiled at E3 June 2010, released in February-March 2011; 8-9 months)
This is just my basic position that I've come to via reason. Nintendo are not somehow incapable of releasing hardware and my conclusions won't reflect that.


I am by no means jumping to my conclusion. It's based on comprehension.
Deeply simplified: Nintendo has explained the basic idea of the NX -> Nintendo will talk about it in 2016 -> will obviously reveal it 2016 because what else does talk mean when they've already talked about it? -> modern "hardware information diffusement" is short -> NX releases in 2016
Would you agree with me that releasing a handheld consoles which has different models and releasing home consoles with no new model until it's "death" is different?
Would you agree with me if, hypothetically, Nintendo unveils it's new console next E3, releasing it 3/4 months later would be something that they have never done before (hardware wise)?
If you agree with me then you're basically telling me that Nintendo will do something they haven't done before (or in a long while since I don't recall everything about them) and that's fine. I personally would like them to take their time with their new project.

Last thing I want to say and this is not directly aimed at you sinxtanx : It's fine if you think that the NX will come out next year or 3 years from now, that's your personal opinion, you don't need to justify it. The one thing that i'm pushing is for people to stop interpreting statements the way they want and then to consider them as facts as the last few pages of this thread have been. People are tired and crucify the gaming press when they do it, we shouldn't do the same.
You're talking as if there was a release date when the only thing we have going for the NX is that they'll talk about it in 2016. Let's give Nintendo time and let's not interpret things that they haven't even said, please. Also, it's true that there were some people who believed that Zelda will be pushed but there were also a humongous amounts of people in GAF who believed otherwise and were very visceral about it.

There is no release date, but announcement in 2016 and release in 2018 would be the longest console announcement to release in Nintendo history. It's nuts to think it would happen.


Well if you're counting the investors meeting than that goes on par with Zelda during the 2014 meeting. I was expecting more than one example when you said "multiple different events".

They've also reiterated it in the Japanese press.
And to my knowledge, the Zelda release date was not reiterated at investor meetings beyond its addition to the release schedule, which is wildly subject to change and always has been.

Would you agree with me that releasing a handheld consoles which has different models and releasing home consoles with no new model until it's "death" is different?
Would you agree with me if, hypothetically, Nintendo unveils it's new console next E3, releasing it 3/4 months later would be something that they have never done before (hardware wise)?
If you agree with me then you're basically telling me that Nintendo will do something they haven't done before (or in a long while since I don't recall everything about them) and that's fine. I personally would like them to take their time with their new project.

Last thing I want to say and this is not directly aimed at you sinxtanx : It's fine if you think that the NX will come out next year or 3 years from now, that's your personal opinion, you don't need to justify it. The one thing that i'm pushing is for people to stop interpreting statements the way they want and then to consider them as facts as the last few pages of this thread have been. People are tired and crucify the gaming press when they do it, we shouldn't do the same.

They're already contracting manufacturing partners and secured an AMD contract that is listed as deploying next year.

NX signifies a lot of things Nintendo has "never done before" just by virtue of what little we know about it, and all the data lines up for at least one of NX's hardware SKUs to be released next year.


Would you agree with me if, hypothetically, Nintendo unveils it's new console next E3, releasing it 3/4 months later would be something that they have never done before (hardware wise)?
What if they talk about, or even almost fully reveal NX in early 2016 (jan/feb) instead, targeting a late CY launch?

And besides that, I don't think we should assume too much based on what Nintendo did, or did not do in the past, considering they're arguably through one of the most difficult periods of their whole history --> so they might actually want to act differently: just think about what their home consoles looked like before the Wii, tech-wise...


The Wii u was announced in april? 2011 (I believe) and released holiday of the next year.

Technically the NX was announced earlier the year... So why does anyone think the obvious target wouldnt be Holiday 2016? ...especially considering Wii U sales and game drought.


The Wii u was announced in april? 2011 (I believe) and released holiday of the next year.

Technically the NX was announced earlier the year... So why does anyone think the obvious target wouldnt be Holiday 2016? ...especially considering Wii U sales and game drought.

actually i think it's obvious it's hitting holiday 2016 because of the wii u sales and game drought.

nintendo wants it gone. the 3ds is also old. the game drought is a side effect of having cut budgets put towards wii titles and moving stuff to next gen.


I'd give you good odds that the NX reveal->release will correspond tightly to the PS4/Xbone reveals->releases in 2013

reveal Feb/Mar (leaning March for Nintendo)
games at E3
release at least one hardware November


Do you think that the game developers already have dev kits. Hope so or there want be any launch games.
I bet close partners (ie: Game Freak, HAL, etc) and big JP publishers (SE, Capcom, etc) have preliminary kits/target hardware. Western pubs don't we'd have had a big Ubileak by now.

Eddie Nash

Neo Member
I'm not sure if anyone suggested that already, but I was wondering something. What if the home console combined with the portable one to to add its processing power to its own? That would raise the capabilities of the console and it would be cheaper, since they would be two parts of a single sistem and you would still be able to play the portable device. Of course, that would also mean that the portable console would't be the controller for the home console, unless it's for game that don't require that much processing power.
I just thought that would be a great idea. What do you guys think?

Ps.: This is my first post. I just got approved after one month waiting. I guess I kinda got lucky there.
I'm not sure if anyone suggested that already, but I was wondering something. What if the home console combined with the portable one to to add its processing power to its own? That would raise the capabilities of the console and it would be cheaper, since they would be two parts of a single sistem and you would still be able to play the portable device. Of course, that would also mean that the portable console would't be the controller for the home console, unless it's for game that don't require that much processing power.
I just thought that would be a great idea. What do you guys think?

Ps.: This is my first post. I just got approved after one month waiting. I guess I kinda got lucky there.

Guess I'll be less of an arsehole than normal and actually reply to the new junior them.

It would be an interesting idea, but probably impractical to truly take advantage off, or develop for, given the low number of people that would own both versions of the system. It is an interesting idea though, and if the unified OS concept behind the NX works, could be implemented through a kind of modular hybrid varient down the line. One with the handheld built in and detachable to take the same games in the go, kind of like that new Windows Surface notebook Microsoft announced recently.

What I think it's more likely that that extra processing could do however, is make up for a lack of the dedicated hardware needed for offscreen play with the WiiU, utilising the handhelds power to allow full BC for WiiU titles that wouldn't work without the tea tray of poorly thought out ideas.

Assuming Nintendo Nintendo aren't dumb enough to double down on the WiiU's flaws of course.

Eddie Nash

Neo Member
Guess I'll be less of an arsehole than normal and actually reply to the new junior them.

It would be an interesting idea, but probably impractical to truly take advantage off, or develop for, given the low number of people that would own both versions of the system. It is an interesting idea though, and if the unified OS concept behind the NX works, could be implemented through a kind of modular hybrid varient down the line. One with the handheld built in and detachable to take the same games in the go, kind of like that new Windows Surface notebook Microsoft announced recently.

What I think it's more likely that that extra processing could do however, is make up for a lack of the dedicated hardware needed for offscreen play with the WiiU, utilising the handhelds power to allow full BC for WiiU titles that wouldn't work without the tea tray of poorly thought out ideas.

Assuming Nintendo Nintendo aren't dumb enough to double down on the WiiU's flaws of course.

Well, they could sell it together. I can see your point though. It would probably be hard to develop games that used its full combined capabilities. That would be very bad for Nintendo. It would be kinda like the Atari Jaguar, which had a weird combination of hardware that failed to impress, given how hard it was to develop for it, specially using its full capabilities.

K' Dash

Gold Member
I'm afraid this thing will be like the Nomad, sounded cool as hell on paper to have your home console games on the go, but we know how that went.

I guess the price will make or break this.



Digitimes Article:

"Nintendo's new game console is scheduled to enter mass production at the end of the first quarter 2016 and despite the fact that the Japan-based company is targeting to ship 20 million units in 2016, the device's upstream component suppliers expect shipments to only reach around 10-12 million units. The new console is estimated to enter mass shipments in the second quarter."

Note: Digitimes is a well respected publication, but they publish both factual and rumor type stories. This is clearly a RUMOR story.


Production volumes of NX in second quarter 2016 would allow Nintendo to stockpile enough units for a Fall or Holiday 2016 launch, so at least from the hardware side things look to be on track. The bigger challenge for Nintendo will be getting the OS and games ready for launch. If, as many suspect, NX has a new architecture vs. Wii/Wii U then the software will be a significant challenge and probably the gating item for product launch.


I'm afraid this thing will be like the Nomad, sounded cool as hell on paper to have your home console games on the go, but we know how that went.

I guess the price will make or break this.
Nomad was just a console shrunk down (inefficiently) to a handheld. Like TG16/Express or somewhat like SMS/Game Gear.

I think NX will be the opposite, it'll be a handheld design scaled up for the console. In the sense of playing handheld games at home it'll be more like Super Game Boy or GB Player.

Digitimes Article:

"Nintendo's new game console is scheduled to enter mass production at the end of the first quarter 2016 and despite the fact that the Japan-based company is targeting to ship 20 million units in 2016, the device's upstream component suppliers expect shipments to only reach around 10-12 million units. The new console is estimated to enter mass shipments in the second quarter."

Note: Digitimes is a well respected publication, but they publish both factual and rumor type stories. This is clearly a RUMOR story.


Production volumes of NX in second quarter 2016 would allow Nintendo to stockpile enough units for a Fall or Holiday 2016 launch, so at least from the hardware side things look to be on track. The bigger challenge for Nintendo will be getting the OS and games ready for launch. If, as many suspect, NX has a new architecture vs. Wii/Wii U then the software will be a significant challenge and probably the gating item for product launch.

Huh, looks like Digitimes are sticking to their report of a July time frame if mass production is starting around April 2016. I still am not sure whether to believe Digitimes, however.

Honestly, those high sales estimates still make me wonder what Nintendo have up their sleaves. One way to make sense of the 20 million goal is if the initial "NX" is a watch or other wearable that works in conjunction w/ Nintendo's different hardware. They could even release it first and include some type of basic 3DS/Wii U functionality before really unleashing its potential w/ a console launch in November.

Edit:They could be referring to the financial quarter as well, as mentioned below.


I don't understand whether digitimes refers to business/financial year quarter or civil year quarter.

To be honest, a financial quarter reference (i.e. mass shipments in jul-sep, as they talk about Q2 and Nintendo's FY starts in april) seems more reasonable, if we assume they are targeting a fall/holiday 2016 launch, that is.

EDIT @Fourth Storm, I can't see how NX would be a watch given that late Iwata explicitly referred to it as a dedicated game platform. Unless you meant QoS...
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