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Nintendo & Xbox potential partnership in the Fall


While SCE is building walls and betting on themselves, their competitors are joining hands and broadening the concept of gaming. :messenger_smiling: 🤞
Drugs GIF


Xcloud on Switch is the one that would make the most sense to me, though I won't fully believe it until I see it.

I do believe we'll see something Halo related ported to Switch, but to me that's not big enough to count as a full "partnership".


xcloud runs like shit though so its kinda just wasted effort.
Yeah my experience isn’t the best either, haven’t tried PS Now but compared to Stadia and Geforce Now it’s by far the worst. More latency, framerate instability, bad Xbox One versions, no big screen usage unless you sideload on Shield.


Gold Member
Also, I'll ask once more. What's the track record of this guy besides the FF7 RE on PS Plus?
Not good, he’s a known troll. I’m surprised people have forgotten about him.

Here’s an example of his recent work.

To sum it up, he claimed the Initiative were working on an episodic title that everyone would come to hate, we later learned they’re working on a new Perfect Dark.


My bet would be GamePass on Switch via a hybrid approach: Indies and "not demanding" stuff running natively, Bethesda and next-gen stuff running on Xcloud. Both party would be happy, as Microsoft would get a lot more GamePass subscribers and Nintendo would be happy because they'd have 3rd party games day-1, making the system even more attractive than already is.
Before Nintendo moved to San Francisco, they were literally across the street from each other.
Okay. I'm talking in terms of collaboration. Even though they were situated accross from each other there's never been a partnership between them until recently, and before that their goals for the industry were very different from one another.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Looks like Microsoft are going to buy Nintendo. That would be insane! Imagine, all of Nintendo's back catalogue on Gamepass for Xbox, PC and Switch (which would then be a Xbox handheld)

Absolutely insane.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Looks like Microsoft are going to buy Nintendo. That would be insane! Imagine, all of Nintendo's back catalogue on Gamepass for Xbox, PC and Switch (which would then be a Xbox handheld)

Absolutely insane.
Here for the meltdowns.
That's not my experience with xCloud.
regardless. When playing on a mobile device with a somewhat flaky wifi card such as the switch it'll kinda just be meh.

It's ok on a modern phone with decent wifi but the latency is still something you can feel and by god will you feel it on the Switch if this legit happens.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
As someone who's been rolling with both Nintendo and Xbox consoles for a while now, it's really weird seeing Microsoft and Nintendo giving each other the fuck me eyes lately.
Nintendo have given zero in this venture. It's all one-sided thus far. MS have released stuff on Switch but what Nintendo IP has gone the other way? I'm sure Nintendo would have no issue with Sony releasing their games on Switch. The other way, eh no.
Looks like Microsoft are going to buy Nintendo. That would be insane! Imagine, all of Nintendo's back catalogue on Gamepass for Xbox, PC and Switch (which would then be a Xbox handheld)

Absolutely insane.
They tried that before and Nintendo laughed at them for an hour. Nintendo would never sell up.
People need to calm their expectations. Its more likely to be something like some older Rare games being remade for the switch. Gamepass or xcloud on the switch is pretty unlikely.

Iced Arcade

been saying gamepass/xcloud was going to come to switch for a while. that whole "halo coming to another platform" kinda screamed it awhile back
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nintendo has given nothing to microsoft yet. I hate to say but nintendo is like a cheap ass brother who keeps getting money from big brother microsoft. /s


Rare Replay on Switch, DKC 1-3, Goldeneye, DK64, Starfox Adventures and Goldeneye remake added to it for both consoles.

Unlikely, but this would be a dream come true......for good measure let's throw in an actual remake/remaster of blast corps....
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regardless. When playing on a mobile device with a somewhat flaky wifi card such as the switch it'll kinda just be meh.

It's ok on a modern phone with decent wifi but the latency is still something you can feel and by god will you feel it on the Switch if this legit happens.
The might be so... but there are rumours of an upcoming Switch Pro version.


that pic is old isn't it. I think that pic was from a year ago. Maybe longer.

Also GAmepass on Nintendo would be cloud streaming. Experience is going to be much worse overall.

And price would be way higher than today's $10/mo subsidized price as well because of the cost of running games on servers in data centers and streaming them plus NIntendo's royalty cut of 30%.


All I want is Master Chief in Smash. The only other thing I could see happening is maybe a Xbox first party only XCloud Game Pass on the Switch. Man if that did happen, the fan meltdowns would be legendary.
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