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Nintendogs IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well that about wraps it up playaz.

9.0 Presentation
Though the whole "virtual pet" thing has been done before, it's never been so embellished upon as it has been in Nintendogs.
9.5 Graphics
The artists keep a stylized look for the environments in favor of making the dogs look and move as real as possible. The game really does look stunning on the DS.
9.0 Sound
Dogs bark realistically with varying pitches for the different breeds. The game also uses the DS audio for custom player samples that can be transmitted to other systems.
8.5 Gameplay
Adorable and inventive virtual pet game that will melt all but the most rockhard of hearts. There's a cap on the variety of things you can do, but within those limitations is a lot of fun to be had.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Unless you take advantage of the "bark mode" function, Nintendogs peters out quickly since there's only a finite amount of things to experience.
(out of 10 / not an average)


I was guessing 8's for this game. I hate to admit it.. but I played the demo the other day and had a lot of fun. =/


one of the major sites/magazines will give it a 9. it's not the kind of thing that appeals as much in the west as it does in japan, but it will sell better than it scores. it's easy to market to girls. it's like the sims with a dog. My little sister wants a DS so she can play it. They just need to make sure and get some good advertising out there.


The scores for the game are trivial because we know that it IS enjoyable. What's important for Nintendo is its selling power in NA.... and scores often don't have much of affect on that.


Something funny happened the other day, in this store I go to, the staff are massively bigging up the PSP, wearing things round their necks, asking random people if they want to test the cool PSP they have etc.

Well no one pays much attention to the PSP besides the horny staff members, but then this 12 yr old girl wearing pink and looking slightly nervous like she's never been in a smelly game shop before - strollls up to the counter and asks "Excuse me? When is Nintendogs coming out?"

The staff all went silent and one guy was like "Well we don't really know, sometime in October maybe"

I was pretty impressed that this girl knew about Nintendogs because Nintendo have so little presence in the UK right now, there certainly hasnt been any kind of promotion for it. Wanted to tell her "just import it from america"
Shao said:
Something funny happened the other day, in this store I go to, the staff are massively bigging up the PSP, wearing things round their necks, asking random people if they want to test the cool PSP they have etc.

Well no one pays much attention to the PSP besides the horny staff members, but then this 12 yr old girl wearing pink and looking slightly nervous like she's never been in a smelly game shop before - strollls up to the counter and asks "Excuse me? When is Nintendogs coming out?"

The staff all went silent and one guy was like "Well we don't really know, sometime in October maybe"

I was pretty impressed that this girl knew about Nintendogs because Nintendo have so little presence in the UK right now, there certainly hasnt been any kind of promotion for it. Wanted to tell her "just import it from america"
So, when does Nintendogs come out in the UK?


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Oktober the 7th ^^.
I think GameSpot's score is OK, it isn't the typical game, but it's quite good at doing what it does.
i think i'll go play with my virtual puppy now and play with my reality pipi later!! touching is gooooood!

IGN is a joke. Who takes their reviews seriously? The whole point of each site is to promote the respective consoles. MS, Sony, and Nintendo should pay IGN for all the advertising they give them.
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