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North Carolina GOP Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor (NYT)

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Republicans in the North Carolina legislature on Wednesday took the highly unusual step of moving to strip power from the incoming Democratic governor after a bitter election that extended years of fierce ideological battles in the state.

After calling a surprise special session, Republican lawmakers who control the General Assembly introduced measures to end the governor’s control over election boards, to require State Senate approval of the new governor’s cabinet members and to strip his power to appoint University of North Carolina trustees.

Republicans also proposed to substantially cut the number of state employees who serve at the governor’s pleasure, giving Civil Service protections to hundreds of managers in state agencies who have executed the priorities of Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican.

If the measures pass the legislature, where Republicans hold large majorities in both chambers, and Mr. McCrory signs off, they would significantly hamstring the new governor, Roy Cooper, who takes office in January. Mr. McCrory conceded the race last week after a nearly monthlong challenge of the vote, a hard-fought race that followed four years in which unified Republican control of state government brought a wave of restrictions on voting access, abortion and gay rights.

Democratic leaders accused Republicans of trying to undo the election results. “This is an unprecedented, shameful and cowardly power grab from the Republicans,’’ said Jamal Little, a spokesman for the state’s Democratic Party. “After losing the governor’s officer, the G.O.P.-controlled General Assembly is attempting to hold on to power that voters took away from them.”

Mr. Cooper rebuked Republicans in milder terms. Lawmakers “should focus on higher teacher pay, better wages for working North Carolinians and repealing H.B. 2,” he said in a Twitter message. House Bill 2 is North Carolina’s “bathroom bill” that nullified protections for gay and transgender residents

Really, the entire article should be in bold. Just a whole heaping amount of bullshit here as they are doing what they can to make sure Cooper has almost no power once he is in. We know it would be difficult for Cooper with the GOP controlling everything else in the state, but this just seems excessive and unconstitutional to remove the governor's rights because it isn't the person they wanted.

And of course, once Cooper gets nothing accomplished, the GOP will blame him and get him tossed out in a few years.

For fuck's sake, NC...


The Autumn Wind
The Republican Party is no longer about the will of the people. Only stupid people think they are.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I mean

I support democrats who try to undercut Trump's power and ability to act


I think we are reaching a point where we have to acknowledge that its okay to be supportive of some things when your team does them and opposed to others when the enemy team does them when the enemy team is actively interested in suppressing human rights and moving frighteningly towards authoritarian rule


I don't think the republicans are intrinsically bad for trying this

I think they're bad because of the reason's they're doing it for


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

They seem to think that common decency will stop republicans who do this.

It won't.


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

They don't want to play for keeps
Truth, honor and American way are lost on Republican politicians (and a large part of the consituencies). Democrat politicians should assume they will get nothing less than maximum aggression and zero respect from Republican politicians and they should act accordingly by offering Republicans no outs or comprises in language and policy.

Bipartisanship is dead


There's no way this gets through.

It will die at the State Supreme (which now leans Democrat) once Cooper challenges it if they try to actually strip him of power.

This is brazen disdain for your own voting populace on display from the GOP legislature, though.
There's no way this gets through.

It will die at the State Supreme (which now leans Democrat) once Cooper challenges it if they try to actually strip him of power.

Unless they remove that power before he takes office. Not like McCrory would stop it.
So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

If the measures pass the legislature, where Republicans hold large majorities in both chambers, and Mr. McCrory signs off, they would significantly hamstring the new governor, Roy Cooper, who takes office in January. Mr. McCrory conceded the race last week after a nearly monthlong challenge of the vote, a hard-fought race that followed four years in which unified Republican control of state government brought a wave of restrictions on voting access, abortion and gay rights.

Republicans hold large majorities in both chambers

unified Republican control of state government

restrictions on voting access

Hard to be good at a game when the other team keeps changing the rules everytime they get the ball.


The Autumn Wind
So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.
Being decent human beings sucks sometimes.


If you live in North Carolina, call your congressman and senators. If you don't, spread the news far and wide, especially to North Carolina people.

Don't be apathetic, act. They get away with it because people post memes, throw up their arms, and call it a day.
One of the few bright spots for Democrats in 2016 was Roy Cooper who won a razor-thin election over professional bathroom-monitor Pat McCrory. Currently the NCGOP controls both chambers of the legislature, the Governor's office and have a majority on the state Supreme Court.

Fueled by a backlash from HB-2, a law crafted to punish and humiliate Trans North Carolinians and visitors for using bathrooms which correspond with their expressed gender, and in the face of blatant racial gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics, Democrats captured the Governor's office and took a majority on the state Supreme Court.

Expanding beyond the disaster recovery legislation the General Assembly approved Wednesday, Republican lawmakers quickly proposed sweeping changes to state government, including proposals that would diminish the governor’s authority to make appointments.

Lawmakers want to hobble the incoming Democratic governor, Roy Cooper, before he takes office Jan. 1 by making his Cabinet appointments subject to approval by the state Senate and cutting his ability to appoint members to UNC schools’ boards of trustees and the state Board of Education.

Another proposal in the mix would equally divide election boards between the two major political parties, ending control by the governor’s party.

Yet another provision would cut the number of employees who serve at the governor’s pleasure from 1,500 to 300, reversing an expansion approved for Republican Gov. Pat McCrory at the start of his term.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/po...-politics/article120832758.html#storylink=cpy

Rick Hasen, an elections expert has more on the contours of the surprise Special Session called by the Legislature, which has now become obvious as a last-minute attempt to hobble Democratic control of the Executive branch and blunt the ability of the Judicial to oversee constitutional questions.

While many people were worried about whether there would be a court-packing plan for the NC Supreme Court (about to have a majority of Democratic members) in the special session on disaster relief that NC Governor Pat McCrory had called, it seems that NC GOP legislative leaders had a different trick up their sleeve: they have called a special session to start now at the end of the session called by the governor, and the plan seems to be to propose measures to cut the power of the incoming Democratic governor Roy Cooper.

Among the bills that have now been filed is one that would move from giving the state board of elections and county election boards a majority of seats for the sitting governor, to one which would make the sessions be evenly divided on a bipartisan basis. So a partisan advantage was good enough when there was a Republican governor, but no longer.

In the meantime, NC Democrats are claiming that the call for the special session was itself unconstitutional, potentially rendering any bills from the session invalid.

And here’s the kicker: any lawsuit over these alleged rules will end up before the state Supreme Court with its new Democratic majority, unless the special session itself produces a court-packing plan, and if that happens the Court itself would have to resolve a key question about its own membership.

Democratic representative Darren Jackson on the special session: ““This is why people don’t trust us. This is why they hate us.”


It is much, much worse than it looks now that the bill is posted. The Democratic party appointees to the election board would chair in odd numbered years, and the Republican party appointees would chair in even numbered years (see page 4 of the bill), meaning that they would chair in each of the years in which there are legislative, congressional, and presidential elections.

The state supreme court would be limited in reviewing state constitutional and federal challenges, giving the power instead first to an en banc panel of intermediate appellate court judges (who of course are Republican majority) and limiting appeals as of right (see from pages 20 on in the bill).

If the bill passes in this form, I could see potential Voting Rights Act and federal constitutional challenges here, in part because the legislature would potentially be diluting minority voting power and making minority voters worse off, just at the time that their candidate of choice (Gov. Cooper) is poised to assume power.


This is a fast-moving story since this sneak-attack on representative government was sprung this afternoon. GOP and Conservative fascists in the NCGOP are witnessing some of their power recede and are attempting to subvert and dilute the power of Democrats.


[Remove my governing powers if old]
So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

They take the high road which a lot of deplorables say is the smug road.


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.
A large portion of their base actually acts against their best interests by ridiculing any attempt at "playing politics." When Republicans stack the game and force money into politics, many of the liberal base said "if you use money in politics, you are corrupt." So Democrats have to somehow overcome a huge money disadvantage -OR- play the game and lose base support whereas Republican voters don't give a shit and just vote for their team. When Republicans obstruct the government for almost a decade and pull off every dirty trick in the book (formerly limited to political tricks like gerrymandering, but now accepting the aid of foreign hackers), Democrats cry that doing something like appointing a Supreme Court Justice during the recess will lose us 2018 (as if that's not already lost, let's be real).
Rumors bubbled after the election of Mr. Cooper, the attorney general, that Republicans in Raleigh would add seats to the State Supreme Court. The court gained a 4-to-3 Democratic majority after the election last month of Judge Mike Morgan. Republicans denied a “court-packing” plan, and no such bill was introduced. But a bill was filed to add party labels in State Supreme Court elections. It was seen as a response to the election of Mr. Morgan, who some observers thought won because voters mistakenly thought he was a Republican.

... what?


Eliminating governorship means eliminating the state right? And if Trump and his crew gets their way, they'll eliminate the federal government. We return to a collection of city-states. That'll be one way to work things out for liberals.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
A large portion of their base actually acts against their best interests by ridiculing any attempt at "playing politics." When Republicans stack the game and force money into politics, many of the liberal base said "if you use money in politics, you are corrupt." So Democrats have to somehow overcome a huge money disadvantage -OR- play the game and lose base support whereas Republican voters don't give a shit and just vote for their team. When Republicans obstruct the government for almost a decade and pull off every dirty trick in the book (formerly limited to political tricks like gerrymandering, but now accepting the aid of foreign hackers), Democrats cry that doing something like appointing a Supreme Court Justice during the recess will lose us 2018 (as if that's not already lost, let's be real).
Also most Democrats don't see the Republican base as inhuman, just shitty people, and at least tend to want to try and not actively fuck them over for political gain

Many Republicans have just proven that they are completely willing to dehumanize huge swathes of the Democratic base and so have absolutely no moral hangups about making it hard for black people to vote or strongarming anti-LGBT measures through by skirting or violating procedure


How do I stop myself from becoming numb to this constant barrage of shit that the GOP/Trump is regularly up to?

Unless you live in North Carolina, this does not affect you, let the voters in NC deals with it. If they don't act, they deserved to get screw over by GOP in the first place.
This is fucking outrageous.


Fuuuuck NCGOP, I hate this state. Democracy is dead.

Still nothing worse than gerrymandering, I don't get how districts aren't just divided up population by a computer program that factors in population per representative, period

it's laughable to trust anyone to fucking draw the districts themselves


A large portion of their base actually acts against their best interests by ridiculing any attempt at "playing politics." When Republicans stack the game and force money into politics, many of the liberal base said "if you use money in politics, you are corrupt." So Democrats have to somehow overcome a huge money disadvantage -OR- play the game and lose base support whereas Republican voters don't give a shit and just vote for their team. When Republicans obstruct the government for almost a decade and pull off every dirty trick in the book (formerly limited to political tricks like gerrymandering, but now accepting the aid of foreign hackers), Democrats cry that doing something like appointing a Supreme Court Justice during the recess will lose us 2018 (as if that's not already lost, let's be real).

seems like... dems are in a pickle eh?


Reading that series of tweets, the NCGOP is trying to do some nefarious shit. I don't see how it could at all be legal for them to do it. Like, this is an enemy of the state level bullshit.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And no one is saying that Democrats are paragons of virtue or anything, there's just not really any part of the Democratic base that's energized by malice


They're also trying to, apparently, stuff the Supreme Court with two Republican Judges after they lost the court as well.

Their gerrymander districts were also ruled unconstitutional last year and were vetoed and the entire legislature needs to be re-voted (I think I understood that right?), they are trying to destroy everything that may oppose them.
Fuck this shit, seriously, take the fucking kids gloves off.

Democrats should be trying to fuck the GOP whenever possible from here on out.

We need to stop playing the high road. There is no high or low road. Just the road.
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