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North Carolina GOP Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor (NYT)

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Water is not wet!
So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

You know how corporations donate to both Democrats and Republicans? Conventional wisdom says that they do this so as to exert control over both candidates. Thats not really the full extent of things. In reality if you want to push an agenda you empower your strongest supporters and support those in the opposition that are the weakest.
From my too-slow thread, this post from election expert Rick Hasen about spells it out, to me

While many people were worried about whether there would be a court-packing plan for the NC Supreme Court (about to have a majority of Democratic members) in the special session on disaster relief that NC Governor Pat McCrory had called, it seems that NC GOP legislative leaders had a different trick up their sleeve: they have called a special session to start now at the end of the session called by the governor, and the plan seems to be to propose measures to cut the power of the incoming Democratic governor Roy Cooper.

Among the bills that have now been filed is one that would move from giving the state board of elections and county election boards a majority of seats for the sitting governor, to one which would make the sessions be evenly divided on a bipartisan basis. So a partisan advantage was good enough when there was a Republican governor, but no longer.

In the meantime, NC Democrats are claiming that the call for the special session was itself unconstitutional, potentially rendering any bills from the session invalid.

And here’s the kicker: any lawsuit over these alleged rules will end up before the state Supreme Court with its new Democratic majority, unless the special session itself produces a court-packing plan, and if that happens the Court itself would have to resolve a key question about its own membership.

Democratic representative Darren Jackson on the special session: ““This is why people don’t trust us. This is why they hate us.”


It is much, much worse than it looks now that the bill is posted. The Democratic party appointees to the election board would chair in odd numbered years, and the Republican party appointees would chair in even numbered years (see page 4 of the bill), meaning that they would chair in each of the years in which there are legislative, congressional, and presidential elections.

The state supreme court would be limited in reviewing state constitutional and federal challenges, giving the power instead first to an en banc panel of intermediate appellate court judges (who of course are Republican majority) and limiting appeals as of right (see from pages 20 on in the bill).

If the bill passes in this form, I could see potential Voting Rights Act and federal constitutional challenges here, in part because the legislature would potentially be diluting minority voting power and making minority voters worse off, just at the time that their candidate of choice (Gov. Cooper) is poised to assume power.

Well, shit. What's the SOP for this type of snafu? can the mods lock this thread, or should it just be left to die on the vine?

Usually threads are merged, particularly when citing two different sources for the info since yours is citing a NC paper and mine is citing NYT. That is the best case scenario.

Just PM a mod about it, or one will eventually see it and cross the streams.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
You know how corporations donate to both Democrats and Republicans? Conventional wisdom says that they do this so as to exert control over both candidates. Thats not really the full extent of things. In reality if you want to push an agenda you empower your strongest supporters and support those in the opposition that are the weakest.

There's a Black Mirror episode of this where we end up with liberal and conservative foodstuffs and cars. In stores.
From my too-slow thread, this post from election expert Rick Hasen about spells it out, to me


Some of the info from the Raleigh paper (News and Observer) that you posted is infuriating as well.

N&O said:
Yet another provision would cut the number of employees who serve at the governor’s pleasure from 1,500 to 300, reversing an expansion approved for Republican Gov. Pat McCrory at the start of his term.

Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/po...-politics/article120832758.html#storylink=cpy

Such bullshit. Powers granted when it was a GOP governor, just to strip them when it isn't GOP.


Some of the info from the Raleigh paper (News and Observer) that you posted is infuriating as well.

Such bullshit. Powers granted when it was a GOP governor, just to strip them when it isn't GOP.

They're really desperate, on top of pursuing outright unconstitutional changes.

One thing I am unsure of, how do they see themselves holding power given the veto on their gerrymandered election that has to be redone with new, non-racial district lines? Aren't these moves (much like their attempted last mind bathroom bill) just going to blow up in their faces again?

This feels too brazen, complicit, and stupid.
And no one is saying that Democrats are paragons of virtue or anything, there's just not really any part of the Democratic base that's energized by malice

I don't know if I believe that. I think a candidate who ran on "fuck the flyover states for holding us back" would appeal to a lot of people. Just not to the extent that the GOP feeds off hate.


... what?

The NCGA made a law so that in local judicial elections, the Republican was always listed first, basically so Senator Phil Berger's son would win his election. For the state SC election, the Democrat was listed first.

So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

I don't know if I believe that. I think a candidate who ran on "fuck the flyover states for holding us back" would appeal to a lot of people.

Perhaps, but the underlying ethos of Liberal policy is to extend help to lower economic citizens, of which rural voters are a large chunk. It would require a new branding as an overtly urban and educated party. Although that may be the defacto stance ATM


Did you not watch the general election?

This is post-election and they lost. NC responded rather resoundingly against fuckery from their legislature, so more brazen and blatant fuckery would not seem like the advisable strategy.

"They caught our inhumane demonic bullshit the first time! Let's do it again while everyone is watching after a heated election for governorship where the incumbent tried to steal the election! Let's try to steal power right now!"
Yo, these people are so fucking power hungry. How can anyone possibly support these kind of people? Only a fucking idiot would. These people belong in jail. What the fuck am I reading?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Like, if you deliberately break the law in civil society and a big law, you like go to jail or have your life ruined. If you do it in politics you might actually benefit but absolutely won't be punished. That's a pretty crazy system
Like, if you deliberately break the law in civil society and a big law, you like go to jail or have your life ruined. If you do it in physics you might actually benefit but absolutely won't be punished. That's a pretty crazy system

Ignoring gravity might have adverse consequences.

We rewarded them bigly. So of course they'll feel embolden to do anything. There is no consequence to them.
Yep. They have no reason to stop what they're doing. And sadly, GOP no longer represents the people. The people represent the GOP. Shit is so backwards and fucked up how they've let those who should be speaking for them speak down to them and warp their minds.


The Autumn Wind
Give no quarter to republicans ever again is the lesson I'm taking from this year.
They're really fucking horrible. Unfortunately, we have a lot of stupid/also horrible people that keep voting for them.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This is unconstitutional as fuck.

Seriously, even and odd years? Are you kidding me?


It is much, much worse than it looks now that the bill is posted. The Democratic party appointees to the election board would chair in odd numbered years, and the Republican party appointees would chair in even numbered years (see page 4 of the bill)

Oh, for fuck's sake.


Fuck this shit, seriously, take the fucking kids gloves off.

Democrats should be trying to fuck the GOP whenever possible from here on out.

We need to stop playing the high road. There is no high or low road. Just the road.

It's just progressively gotten worse that they clamor for power and are doing everything they can to keep it more so now than ever.

I hope my political group starts meeting soon. I've got plans to show them how to go for the jugular.


Time to stop trying to reach across the aisle.

I don't fucking understand why democrats are afraid of looking overly partisan. The american right has been calling them partisan ideologues so persistently for so long that is should be a free pass to act that way once in awhile.


So why does the democratic party suck at the game of politics?

Like I feel like they've always been sucking at this stuff during my life time even if they can snag the top ticket occasionally.

It's like Washington Generals levels of losing.

It's not that they suck at it. Democrats inherently believe in the institutions of government. They want to see it work. Republicans believe government should be limited so they do everything they can to undermine government and limit its power.
I really fucking hope 2016 is a wake up call to the democrats. Stop deluding yourselves that the GOP is a rival political party.

They are the enemy. Your goal is not just to win elections, but to utterly destroy your enemy. The GOP is a hostile force. Treat them like one.


Stop deluding yourselves that the GOP is a rival political party.

Noam Chomsky: The GOP is a radical insurgency; it’s not a political party The renowned linguist says Trump isn't an anomaly in today's extremist Republican Party

It is important to bear in mind that the Republicans have long abandoned the pretense of functioning as a normal parliamentary party. Rather, they have become a “radical insurgency” that scarcely seeks to participate in normal parliamentary politics, as observed by the respected conservative political commentator Norman Ornstein of the right-wing American Enterprise Institute. Since Ronald Reagan, the leadership has plunged so far into the pockets of the very rich and the corporate sector that they can attract votes only by mobilizing sectors of the population that have not previously been an organized political force, among them extremist evangelical Christians, now probably the majority of Republican voters; remnants of the former slave-holding States; nativists who are terrified that “they” are taking our white Christian Anglo-Saxon country away from us; and others who turn the Republican primaries into spectacles remote from the mainstream of modern society—though not the mainstream of the most powerful country in world history.
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