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Now that E3 is dead. What was the single greatest E3 event?

The wildest E3 was easily the one where Microsoft first announced their DRM-ridden, always-online no disc sharing insanely anti-consumer Xbox One that left everyone shocked and in complete disarray and fearful for Sony, only for them to step up and absolutely annihilate Microsoft by basically telling how fucking retarded their ideas were and Sony wasn't having none of that.

The adrenaline was insane. Plus I live in Europe so that Microsoft show was from 10 pm to 12am, then there was EA and Ubisoft and Sony show was at 4am. Absolutely wild night.

Never forget how they tried to fuck everyone up the ass with that Xbone.
Yea that was a truly incredible moment. And it was absolutely hilarious how hard Sony slammed them for that.


I still laugh about the 2006 Sony conference. Giant enemy crab, massive damage, Ridge Racer, janky Sixaxis Warhawk, and then the gasps at 599 US dollars.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
E3 was crucial for gaming, now everything is speculative, we knew E3 was coming, now separate conferences are prioritized.


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E3 2013 for me, by far. What an insane moment.
So many of my biggest gaming dreams were shown there, I've never been that excited again during a gaming event.

Note that I'm only talking about the trailers / announcements, the emotion they created when I saw these, not the final games themselves, so let's not get into how this or this game was disappointing etc. As a E3 experience, this was fantastic.

That Mirror's Edge trailer is fire, too bad the game wasn't all that...


4-Time GIF/Meme God
As a whole, 2010
- Nintendo revealed Kirby, Donkey Kong, GoldenEye Remake, Epic Mickey, the 3DS
- Sony have the best speech with Kevil Butler, there was Killzone, Dead Space and InFamous
- Microsoft had Metal Gear Rising, Halo Reach, and for better or worse the Kinect

And of course, the guilty please that is Konami doing whatever was that conference


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
The most eventful to me was 2006. Nintendo unveiled the Wii and Sony fell off a cliff. It was like a tectonic shift. Very exciting.


I was in attendance for the 2015 Xbox conference. The moment they announced 360 compatibility, the crowd arrupted into such thunderous applause you could literally feel it. There was a journalist sitting next to me who was taken aback at how hyped the crowd was.

The Xbox crowd hadn't had such positive news in quite awhile, and it was almost like a release of the frustrations that many Xbox users have had over the past couple of years. This by no means is objectively the greatest E3 moment, but the greatest E3 moment that I have ever been apart of.
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Gold Member
The E3 Bear no doubt!




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Gold Member
The Jamie Kennedy event is pretty infamous.

I loved the “my body is ready” Wii fit e3 or Ravi drums.
I’m so happy I got to go to E3 before they started letting the general public in. My best friends brother worked for Bungie at the time and got us in. I was one of the first people to play on a PS4 and Xbox One before they released.
That's why if E3 does come back they need to make it only for journalist again. Screw anyone else.


Sony 2013/2015/2016 are the top three

The others were all kinda bad at E3 tbh

I guess there was a Nintendo one that was good, they showed off RE4, a Metroid shooter, and a AAA Zelda game at that.


Gold Member
My personal favorite was the announcement of Phantom Dust Reboot. Though it was cancelled I was never excited more for an announcement.


A little moment that always come to mind when thinking about E3 is Reggie Fils-Aimé saying "It's beyond online, it's no line" when revealing that the Nintendo DS has Wifi.
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A little moment that always come to mind when thinking about E3 is Reggie Fils-Aimé saying "It's beyond online, it's no line" when revealing that the Nintendo DS has Wifi.
To be fair, playing Dragon Quest IX with other people on DS was fucking awesome.


The one where they announced FF7 Remake, Last Guardian and Shen Mue 3.
Followed by the God of War with the Orchestra and reveal
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That was a good video but when Sony release all digital consoles next gen it will be even funnier.
tbf the people in charge of PS4 and marketing were nuked and by the time PS6 comes out, this video will be 15-20 years old. Still gonna be sad for someone like me who's riding out physical until the end.
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e3 97 because it was the only E3 show I was able to attend. One of the Alanta shows, debut of Metal Gear Solid and Pokémon!

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