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NPD Sales Results for April 2007

Kabuki Waq said:
Pretty much i hate when ppl say a game is good becuase their granny with slow reflexes and all can play the game.

And quotes likes these makes me wonder if there are people who don't want games targeted to grandpas, grandmas, non-gaming moms and dads, and young kids.

Are you one of those with the extremist viewpoints that games should be only made for males ages 15-35 with 'mature' content that will probably digust older generations and misled younger gens?


GhaleonEB said:
Random observation:

Even with the 360's low April sales, it's still doing better than the Xbox did at the same point in it's lifecycle - over 35% better (rounding since exact historical NPD figures are frowned upon). And at an average sale price of over twice what the Xbox was at the time (Elite). Lots of different factors and the comparison is less and less meaningful as time goes on, but I thought it was interesting.

Hopefully MS can help save gaming with a huge 4th quarter between a price drop and Halo 3. I expect the X360 to outsell the Wii from price drop onward. At least I hope so, if the elite didn't bump up the X360 price already. I'm not against the Wii, but I really don't want a waggle dominated future.
I am very interested to see how the following sell:

Pokemon Stadium wii
Mario Galaxy
Smash Bros.
Metroid 3
Halo 3
Too Human
Mass Effect
Heavenly Sword
any other Ps3 killer app that might come out

......it's gonna be a great year on the NPD front.


underfooter said:
You stand in a cold, dark, room by yourself my friend. It is more than 'waggling', it is accurate titling and on-screen aiming.

not really we were specifically talking about the waggle sword in Zelda and how it didn't improve anything. A lot of people agree with this along with the waggle not adding anything to Super Paper Mario
Jokeropia said:
And I don't give a **** about whether you like it or not. The plain undeniable fact is that you're in the minority.

i do matter though. i'm a gamer who has been playing since atari and has shaped the gaming industry. i actually by software for years and years. game developers and publisher care a shit ton more about me than someone who is going to buy three used first party nintendo games and let their Wii get dusty.

nobody seems to be able to grasp the perspective of the people who make and sell the software.


Golden Darkness said:
And quotes likes these makes me wonder if there are people who don't want games targeted to grandpas, grandmas, non-gaming moms and dads, and young kids.

Are you one of those with the extremist viewpoints that games should be only made for males ages 15-35 with 'mature' content that will probably digust older generations and misled younger gens?

Conversely why are there people that WANT so much for games targeting grandma and grandpa and non-gamers? Why the need to feel your hobby be so accepted? Why have so many resources set aside to develop for those groups and designed around those groups?
meltpotato said:
i do matter though. i'm a gamer who has been playing since atari and has shaped the gaming industry. i actually by software for years and years. game developers and publisher care a shit ton more about me than someone who is going to buy three used first party nintendo games and let their Wii get dusty.

nobody seems to be able to grasp the perspective of the people who make and sell the software.

Keeeeep telling yourself that.


meltpotato said:
i do matter though. i'm a gamer who has been playing since atari and has shaped the gaming industry. i actually by software for years and years. game developers and publisher care a shit ton more about me than someone who is going to buy three used first party nintendo games and let their Wii get dusty.

nobody seems to be able to grasp the perspective of the people who make and sell the software.

And i'm sorry, but that is the most naive quote I have read in a long, long time. :lol
Golden Darkness said:
And quotes likes these makes me wonder if there are people who don't want games targeted to grandpas, grandmas, non-gaming moms and dads, and young kids.

Are you one of those with the extremist viewpoints that games should be only made for males ages 15-35 with 'mature' content that will probably digust older generations and misled younger gens?

its not that. i just like games are targeted towards Gamers and not your Granny who has never played a game in her life.

I am weird like that.
GDGF said:
This thread has taught me that meltpotato and Kabuki Waq hate fun.

hey, i like plenty of Wii software and love my DS. i think there is plenty of room for coexistance.

my point is, that the publishers know i'm the one really buying the software year in and year out.

GDGF said:
And i'm sorry, but that is the most naive quote I have read in a long, long time. :lol

how is it naive?


Sony needs to do something drastic, and fast. People are calling for a price-drop but in order for a price drop to be effective they need to meet or beat the 360's price point. Considering their projected losses, thats not a viable move at this time. I say scrap the core, move the pro down to $499, throw in a free game, pray pray pray and pray some more.

Obviously with the amount of people buying PS2s and Wiis people are content in waiting for a while before adopting an HD-next gen system(we saw similar with the number of people who were still buying PSones and DCs the year that the PS2 launched). So Sony just needs to get in a position where they can truly compete a year or two down the road, which is when the generation will ultimately be won IMO.
jjasper said:
not really we were specifically talking about the waggle sword in Zelda and how it didn't improve anything. A lot of people agree with this along with the waggle not adding anything to Super Paper Mario

Ya I wasn't a fan on the wii controls in SPM, but I don't know why you'd PREFER to play it on say a GCN pad. I mean, the wiimote has all of the buttons necessary to play as well as a better D-Pad. The waggle power-ups were thrown in but they didn't DETRACT from the game at all.

Zelda sword waggling or Zelda button mashing....doesn't make any difference in the long run. Real-time hookshot/bow aiming however, HUGE improvement.


Kabuki Waq said:
Sales charts have been more fun than anything on the Wii so far and you know it :p

:lol Thats not a fair comparison though, sales threads have been more fun than anything in general as of late. No qualifier needed.
meltpotato said:
hey, i like plenty of Wii software and love my DS. i think there is plenty of room for coexistance.

my point is, that the publishers know i'm the one really buying the software year in and year out.

Yes, this is why sega and other companies all hopped on bandwagons to produce their own brain ages and non-games, right? You (referring to long time gamers since atari) are in the serious minority. Also, a lot of these game companies would get more sales if the games they produced weren't complete crap.
Ponn01 said:
Conversely why are there people that WANT so much for games targeting grandma and grandpa and non-gamers? Why the need to feel your hobby be so accepted? Why have so many resources set aside to develop for those groups and designed around those groups?

You do realize that society still seems 'phobic' about video games, Jack Thompson nonwithstanding.


Kabuki Waq said:
Sword play was awful with the wiimote. Aiming was better but that was it. Everything else was better with aregular controller. All IMO ofcourse.
Swordplay was a negligible change... it doesn't affect gameplay either way (wrist flick vs button press). Aiming with the remote though made things dramatically better for portions of the Wii game, unquestionably. The Wii release definitely has the control edge overall thanks to that, it's not at all doing anything worse than the GC release.

SPM would've benefitted from a larger, squishier D-pad though... but GC controls wouldn't exactly help that either actually, given it's worse D-pad and analogs being inherently inoptimal for 2D platformers. It'd control better on Wii too if given the choice.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Nameless said:
Obviously with the amount of people buying PS2s and Wiis people are content in waiting for a while before adopting an HD-next gen system(we saw similar with the number of people who were still buying PSones and DCs the year that the PS2 launched). So Sony just needs to get in a position where they can truly compete a year or two down the road, which is when the generation will ultimately be won IMO.

Exactly the point I was trying to make, Sony would be in deep crap if the PS2 sales were down. I sometimes wonder how things would have went if sony launched this fall world wide, with more systems and a better lineup, at 399/499.
DarkMage619 said:
Nintendo once again has excellent sales of both hardware and software. Something very telling is still evident in the Nintnedo numbers. No 3rd party titles to be found selling big numbers on thier platform. There is no way that Nintendo will be the development platform of choice for 3rd party developers if 3rd party software doesn't move the same units as the other companies. Nintendo has shown for many years now that the best selling software for their systems comes from them and them alone. At least this means that 3rd party support for other consoles will still be strong.

The Dark One

Please explain to me how third party software sold so well on Nintendo consoles during the NES and SNES eras. Nintendo made great games back then, too. Some would say the best on those consoles.

Screw the clueless analyst who proudly pinched this inane theory off and just had to share it with the rest of the world, like a photo of a rancid, girthy log posted on ratemypoo.com. There is no magical force stopping third party developers from ever succeeding again on a Nintendo console. Nintendo doesn't need to be scolded for making AAA software. Third parties just have to 1) try harder to release games people want to play (meaning, not shovelware shit) and, in this case, 2) make games from the ground up specifically for the Wii (because of the unique nature of the control method).

Neither of these things have happened yet on a large scale. The most likely explanation as to why: nobody expected the Wii to sell as well as it has. It takes a long time to make and release a game. Third parties were caught with their pants down, with relatively few in-development projects to release on the new, surprise market favorite. Hence, the abundance of lazy ports we're seeing now, hurried out the door to soak of some of that loose cash while they work on their titles built from the ground up for the Wii.

This is the only explanation that makes sense. If you want to make money, you don't ignore a console forever that's this cheap to develop for and has an install base this massive (and still growing), regardless of some silly stigma attached to the brand name (which, you'll notice, Nintendo is attempting to sidestep by keeping the "Wii" name isolated from "Nintendo" in ads).

The third parties mostly phoned their contributions in during the GCN era, and for that reason, among others, third party sales were disappointing. But some third party titles did sell respectably (RE4 being the most obvious example). And yet people are so determined to believe this ghost story about the malevolent haunting of Nintendo HQ that they say, "Yeah, but what about these other obviously terrible games? Why didn't they sell? Why aren't they selling now? See, I'm right!"

Most experienced gamers are not stupid about these things. They read reviews and talk to friends. They know trash when they see it and they avoid it. If I had to make a guess (and any guess will obviously be an oversimplification of the reality of the situation), I would say: most "casuals" haven't seen many games to buy with the "mature", nonthreatening appeal of Wii Sports yet, and most "hardcore" gamers (yes, despite what you might have heard they're also buying the Wii) certainly know better than to purchase the dreck the third parties have rushed out so far.

As soon as we see more top-notch original titles being released from third party devs on the Wii, third party sales will increase. There is no Nintendo curse, and you never need to worry about your company of choice making games that are "too good".


Golden Darkness said:
You do realize that society still seems 'phobic' about video games, Jack Thompson nonwithstanding.

So you want it so people look more favorably on video games? Do you really think Wii will stop that perception and the Jack Thompsons of the world? The only way that would happen is if violent games and mods are banished forever. A world of Brain Age and crappy old mascots. Sounds like fun!
GDGF said:
:lol Thats not a fair comparison though, sales threads have been more fun than anything in general as of late. No qualifier needed.
You've got to admit that it's also the first thing that Kabuki Waq has said that's not completely retarded.
A lot of this PS3/x360 v. Wii arguing is crap. To some degree, they are not direct competitors. We all do need to acknowledge that Nintendo did miracuously broaden the videogame market.

There are senior citizens buying Wiis play Wii Sports bowling. There are 8 year-olds convincing their parents to get a Wii to play Wii tennis & boxing. (I actually know two different 8 year-old kids that got Wiis. ) Those two groups would NEVER have considered spending $460 to play Gears of War (And the $600+$60game PS3 is totally out of the picture).

So although there is some competition between the Wii & the other two, there are also pure videogame market extension sales that the 360/PS3 never had a chance at. And Nintendo deserve a hearty salute for pulling that off. Bravo!

I do not think MSFT & Sony are going to totally give up on those markets though . . . if they release waggle-wands, they might be able to get some of those sales to families interested in both waggle gaming & standard action/sports gaming.


Hail to the KING baby
Suikoguy said:
Exactly the point I was trying to make, Sony would be in deep crap if the PS2 sales were down. I sometimes wonder how things would have went if sony launched this fall world wide, with more systems and a better lineup, at 399/499.

You have to distinguish between the success of Sony as a company and PS3 as a system, though. I think most people here are discussing the latter and a good argument can be made (and has been made by several people) that continued PS2 sales actually hurt the PS3's prospects even more or, at best, it's a wash. From a financial perspective for Sony as a company, sure it's good, but it's not like it would be good for the DS if the GBA continued to sell very well but DS was getting slaughtered.
speculawyer said:
A lot of this PS3/x360 v. Wii arguing is crap. To some degree, they are not direct competitors. We all do need to acknowledge that Nintendo did miracuously broaden the videogame market.

There are senior citizens buying Wiis play Wii Sports bowling. There are 8 year-olds convincing their parents to get a Wii to play Wii tennis & boxing. (I actually know two different 8 year-old kids that got Wiis. ) Those two groups would NEVER have considered spending $460 to play Gears of War (And the $600+$60game PS3 is totally out of the picture).

They did grab the non-gamers but it was at the expense of Gamers. I dont care how much Wii Sells as long as it has games that i would play. I dont want a future filled with shallow Waggle mini games.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
speculawyer said:
A lot of this PS3/x360 v. Wii arguing is crap. To some degree, they are not direct competitors. We all do need to acknowledge that Nintendo did miracuously broaden the videogame market.

Damn, another good post.
People seem to assume that the Wii sales are taking away from PS3/360.

However, I think there is a fear that people are getting them in place of a 360/PS3 because they do not have a HDTV and do not think it is worth it.

AstroLad said:
You have to distinguish between the success of Sony as a company and PS3 as a system, though. I think most people here are discussing the latter and a good argument can be made (and has been made by several people) that continued PS2 sales actually hurt the PS3's prospects even more or, at best, it's a wash. From a financial perspective for Sony as a company, sure it's good, but it's not like it would be good for the DS if the GBA continued to sell very well but DS was getting slaughtered.

Yes, but its far easier to get people to move to your next console, then it is to get people to move to another brand.
Nameless said:
Sony needs to do something drastic, and fast. People are calling for a price-drop but in order for a price drop to be effective they need to meet or beat the 360's price point....So Sony just needs to get in a position where they can truly compete a year or two down the road, which is when the generation will ultimately be won IMO.
I think a price cut is a better option than "do nothing", but I don't think that by itself will save them, even a year or two down the road. We keep coming back to the software issue; they don't just have to match 360's price point, they have to match the library along with it.

If Sony was only getting shelled in NA, but doing respectably in Japan, they could still count on more third-party support in the near future. Since both territories are a big shit sandwich for them now, however, I think beefing up their internal studios, and doing it quickly (like two months ago) teamed with a price cut, can at least net them some respectable results a year or two out. Hell, looking at some of those Gamer's Day titles, they may already have a killer app or two. But if I were Sony, I would throw as many first-party devs at that hardware as I could get my hands on, and then let the praying commence.


Ponn01 said:
So you want it so people look more favorably on video games? Do you really think Wii will stop that perception and the Jack Thompsons of the world? The only way that would happen is if violent games and mods are banished forever. A world of Brain Age and crappy old mascots. Sounds like fun!
Hey, I'd take that over more dervivative first person carnage and cinema-envy superstar borefests. I mean so long as we're blindly reducing things down like this. ;)
Well said, Speculawyer. It was the 360, and not the Wii that killed the PS3 by eating up a good deal of its market. It's just not worth it for most people to have a PS3 and a 360. But both of these are commonly overlapping with the Wii. To that extent the Wii is not their enemy.
speculawyer said:
I do not think MSFT & Sony are going to totally give up on those markets though . . . if they release waggle-wands, they might be able to get some of those sales to families interested in both waggle gaming & standard action/sports gaming.

Then we once again run into the brick wall of the price tag. Of course, it'll drop, but by that time Nintendo would more or less have cemented themselves as the console to go to. I don't think they'll attract people to any significant degree if they released their own wagglewands.

Furthermore, I believe a part of Nintendo's strategy is not only to sell to the nongamer, it's to attempt to convert them to become gamers. And with the DS, I believe there has been evidence of success with that.
speculawyer said:
A lot of this PS3/x360 v. Wii arguing is crap. To some degree, they are not direct competitors. We all do need to acknowledge that Nintendo did miracuously broaden the videogame market.

There are senior citizens buying Wiis play Wii Sports bowling. There are 8 year-olds convincing their parents to get a Wii to play Wii tennis & boxing. (I actually know two different 8 year-old kids that got Wiis. ) Those two groups would NEVER have considered spending $460 to play Gears of War (And the $600+$60game PS3 is totally out of the picture).

So although there is some competition between the Wii & the other two, there are also pure videogame market extension sales that the 360/PS3 never had a chance at. And Nintendo deserve a hearty salute for pulling that off. Bravo!

I do not think MSFT & Sony are going to totally give up on those markets though . . . if they release waggle-wands, they might be able to get some of those sales to families interested in both waggle gaming & standard action/sports gaming.

quality post!

Pureauthor said:
Then we once again run into the brick wall of the price tag. Of course, it'll drop, but by that time Nintendo would more or less have cemented themselves as the console to go to. I don't think they'll attract people to any significant degree if they released their own wagglewands.

Furthermore, I believe a part of Nintendo's strategy is not only to sell to the nongamer, it's to attempt to convert them to become gamers. And with the DS, I believe there has been evidence of success with that.

do you just not understand that gaming was a booming mulitmillion dollar industry before waggle and "inclusive" gaming?
Kabuki Waq said:
They did grab the non-gamers but it was at the expense of Gamers. I dont care how much Wii Sells as long as it has games that i would play. I dont want a future filled with shallow Waggle mini games.

Well, there are lots of us the like both & bought both. A Wii & 360 or a Wii & PS3 is a good combo.


Suikoguy said:
Exactly the point I was trying to make, Sony would be in deep crap if the PS2 sales were down. I sometimes wonder how things would have went if sony launched this fall world wide, with more systems and a better lineup, at 399/499.

I guess GCN wasnt in deep crap cause GBA sales werent down right? Right?

PS2 succes has litle or nothing to do with PS3 success. Or Future success.. other than Sonys profit margin.
speculawyer said:
There are senior citizens buying Wiis play Wii Sports bowling. There are 8 year-olds convincing their parents to get a Wii to play Wii tennis & boxing. (I actually know two different 8 year-old kids that got Wiis. ) Those two groups would NEVER have considered spending $460 to play Gears of War (And the $600+$60game PS3 is totally out of the picture).

neither of those 2 groups are gonna pay $600 +$60 + $700-1000 on a HDTV and the same with the 360 just to play one game or two.


Hail to the KING baby
Suikoguy said:
Yes, but its far easier to get people to move to your next console, then it is to get people to move to another brand.

And it's also harder to get people to move up to your new console when they just bought the old one last week instead. This is one of those "arguments that PS2 sales hurt/don't help PS3" that I was referring to.
Kabuki Waq said:
They did grab the non-gamers but it was at the expense of Gamers. I dont care how much Wii Sells as long as it has games that i would play. I dont want a future filled with shallow Waggle mini games.

Look around the threads here on GAF. Lots of "hardcore" gamers have bought Wiis. Lots of them are still looking to buy one.

The success of Nintendo this gen will not cause traditional console gaming to disappear. There are lots of people out there who want to play the titles they can only get on a higher-end system like the 360 or the PS3, and because of that one of the two is going to remain profitable.
Pureauthor said:
Then we once again run into the brick wall of the price tag. Of course, it'll drop, but by that time Nintendo would more or less have cemented themselves as the console to go to. I don't think they'll attract people to any significant degree if they released their own wagglewands.

Some! I even bolded it to get the point across. There will be families with a 17 year old kid that wants to play GTA 4 and an 8 year old kid that wants to play Wii Sports . . . the only want to satisfy both would be a PS3/360 with an add-on waggle-wand solding with a Wii sports clone.

Seriously, some of you people really need to take off your fanboy glasses. There are numerous amount of reasons the Wii is selling and you guys are coming up with the dumbest excuses.

First of all, the wii isn't only selling to old people and casuals. You want proof, look at super paper mario and Zelda sales. There are MANY hardcore Nintendo gamers out there and many have been around since the NES days.

Secondly, there are tons of great games on the Wii. Zelda is one of the best games ever, Wii sports is the biggest thing to happen to the sport genre since NHL 94. Super Paper Mario is awesome. Godfather reinvents the sandbox genre. Wario ware, Excite Truck and Trauma Center show that the remote can enhance gameplay. The Virtual Console is getting more and more saturated with quality titles.

Thirdly, where are all the "non-games" everyone keeps mentioning? I see them on the DS, but the wii has none in north america. I see mini games but i don't see any non-games.

Then we got the price. The console is fully equiped, comes with a game, has wifi built right in and is only a fraction of the cost of the 360 and ps3.

And finally, the wiimote is the biggest controller innovation since the analog stick. The pointer is fantastic, the two handed motion controls work great and the having both hands liberated is pretty damn cool in my book.

I love this post so much. <3

So, from what I can tell, SPM's wii controls were terrible. I would like to argue that they weren't. I thought using the pointer as Tippy was excellent, and the simple button set up was great. I don't see how the GC controller would have been an improvement.

I have yet to play Zelda, so I can't really make an argument here. Only thing I will say is: "Did waggling detract from the fun?"

As for "waggle sux lol mature gaming ftw!" I'd like to point you towards Trauma Center. It is as hardcore gaming as hardcore can get in terms of difficulty and gameplay, it is really possible only on Wii. I'd like to see Trauma Center's gameplay faithfully represented on the PS3 or 360. It is a extremely tough game that makes extensive and awesome use of the Wiimote.

I actually like Trauma Center more than I do SPM at this point.

About "games for grannies," I do believe this creates much profit and revenue for companies who want to publish more games on that platform. Besides, if my mom and dad can enjoy my hobby and look it with without scorn in their eyes, well, then, thanks Nintendo!

Some of you don't seem to realize that videogaming is seen as anti-social, undesirable and a detriment to our society. Of course it isn't, but that's the current perception and the Wii is changing that. I see that as a good thing.


Kabuki Waq said:
cant disagree with this either. But right now Nintendo is leading the charge against real gaming with thier shallow Gimmicky 15 minutes of fun type games.

I brought this up before, but I'll bring it up again.

Treasure Hunter Z (or whatever Capcom renamed it to) is an adventure game where you have to use your brain to solve puzzles and advance. Old-school. Traditional.

Uncharted is an action-adventure game where in the Gametrailers.com developer interview he talked about not wanting puzzles. About making it more of an arcade game with an occasional light puzzle (See the glowing thing and hit square?).

But it's an action-ADVENTURE game? No. It's an action game that stylistically looks like an adventure game (like a movie). This way any retard and their 5 year old can play and not get stuck. Cause the bigger the budget, the lower the common denominator needs to be. You want sales from all corners.

This isn't an assault to you? It doesn't alienate you that they feel if they make it pretty enough, people will be blinded to the fact they're walking on a rail (In an adventure game)?

Which is really the bigger assault? Crap ass graphics or an action/adventure game (that at first sight gives off Tomb Raider vibes) without any adventure aspects?

I'm not saying Uncharted won't turn out great. And I don't want a word without a next-gen system. But I think people are kind of being blinded to some pretty disturbing trends that are happening on the HD side. Hollywoodization is a much bigger threat than mini-games.
speculawyer said:
Some! I even bolded it to get the point across. There will be families with a 17 year old kid that wants to play GTA 4 and an 8 year old kid that wants to play Wii Sports . . . the only want to satisfy both would be a PS3/360 with an add-on waggle-wand solding with a Wii sports clone.

And then the kid kicks screams and bitches cuz he got a CRAPPY game so the family ends up getting a wii in addition anyway.
DefectiveReject said:
neither of those 2 groups are gonna pay $600 +$60 + $700-1000 on a HDTV and the same with the 360 just to play one game or two.

Wow . . . here comes the DefectiveReject with his amazingly weird arguments.

I'm not sure if you are aware of this . . . but it is possible to watch television on HDTV. If fact many families have purchased HDTVs largely to watch things like HDTV network programming (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS), football, anamorphic DVDs, etc.

I suggest you try watching HDTV. It is very enjoyable.

Eteric Rice

Even if Wii dominates, normal games won't dissapear. That arguement is retarded, and if it were true, everything on the DS would be a damn brain training game.

Anyway, I doubt HD is going to hurt the Wii much at all. Considering Japan has the highest HD penetration, and they don't seem to be slowing down with the Wii should tell you something.
speculawyer said:
Wow . . . here comes the DefectiveReject with his amazingly weird arguments.

I'm not sure if you are aware of this . . . but it is possible to watch television on HDTV. If fact many families have purchased HDTVs largely to watch things like HDTV network programming (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS), football, anamorphic DVDs, etc.

I suggest you try watching HDTV. It is very enjoyable.

you see here in Europe (Potentially the biggest market this new generation) HDTV broadcasting is new and you have to pay for it (£299 for a box ($600) and a £10 ($20) a month subscription so no i won't.
I have a HDTV and a PS3 but then again i have a high joint income


Strap on your hooker ...
Ponn01 said:
Conversely why are there people that WANT so much for games targeting grandma and grandpa and non-gamers? Why the need to feel your hobby be so accepted? Why have so many resources set aside to develop for those groups and designed around those groups?
I have no problem with games targeting those demographics, but that's not even the argument here. Someone's kid just liked to swing something around and see the guy on the screen do the same when it happened... he had no real comprehension of the game at large. It's neither here nor there on whether the control is worthwhile. If Halo 3 had a pheripheral that made Master Chief fart every time you waggled it or whatever, kids would get a kick out of messing with it... Does that make it a worthwhile gameplay addition to Halo? It's expanding the demographic omg!
Shig said:
I have no problem with games targeting those demographics, but that's not even the argument here. Someone's kid just liked to swing something around and see the guy on the screen do the same when it happened... he had no real comprehension of the game at large. It's neither here nor there on whether the control is worthwhile. If Halo 3 had a pheripheral that made Master Chief fart every time you waggled it or whatever, kids would get a kick out of messing with it... Does that make it a worthwhile gameplay addition to Halo? It's expanding the demographic omg!
Oh please! what bullshit.
Is it necessary for Master Chief to fart in Halo? no.
Is it necessary for Link to swing a sword in Zelda? YES.
The closest we can get to swinging our characters sword for real is to swing our controller. I cannot understand how some of you think there is something wrong with this!


This thread is legendary. There are so many people who are going to be eating crow when the PS4 comes out and it's slightly more powerful than the PS3 and has full waggle control with a pointer.

Eteric Rice

koam said:
This thread is legendary. There are so many people who are going to be eating crow when the PS4 comes out and it's slightly more powerful than the PS3 and has full waggle control with a pointer.

Yup, and the denial is strong.

I mean, we're up to "wait two years and you'll see!" for shit's sake. :lol
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