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NPD Sales Results for April 2007


Ponn01 said:
Conversely why are there people that WANT so much for games targeting grandma and grandpa and non-gamers? Why the need to feel your hobby be so accepted? Why have so many resources set aside to develop for those groups and designed around those groups?
It's about variety. Today's console landscape is like walking into a bookstore where you can only choose between sci-fi, horror and true crime.
To the people having meltdowns over the Wii's success:

Thanks for the laughs, but there's no reason to panic. The Wii isn't going to kill your favorite games or genres. There will still be games you like, just so long as you continue to buy them. So what if they get outsold by games you don't like? Big deal. Madden outsells dozens of better games every year.

The Gamecube was my favorite system last gen. Its sales didn't stop me from enjoying its games...in fact, I now own more Gamecube games than I do for any other system (nearly 100), which still just blows my mind. The PS2 was a fairly close 2nd, the Xbox a distant third.

The Wii, despite its market success, will probably not surpass the Cube for me. But the 360 will definitely surpass the Xbox. The PS3 will do fine as well.

See my point? The market doesn't determine your enjoyment, and hardcore games aren't going anywhere, because hardcore gamers aren't going anywhere. There's room for everyone. Nintendo survived in 2nd, then 3rd place, and still made great games. So can Sony and Microsoft (for other reasons, but they can).
underfooter said:
You stand in a cold, dark, room by yourself my friend. It is more than 'waggling', it is accurate titling and on-screen aiming.
Accurate? I'd say inaccuracy and inability to maintain a signal is absolutely the #1 problem with the Wii as a system.


I see the dominant Wii sales as a product of people putting 250/400/600 on a table and saying, 'I don't play games that much, but I want something fun and varied that doesn't have such a huge startup fee'. Wii is different, fun, and cheap.

Someone playing with next-gen graphics on a standard television doesn't always feel next-gen.
Someone doing waggle on a standard def TV can feel 'next-gen' because its so different then anything else before it. Public perception considers Wii the new tech.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ponn01 said:
Conversely why are there people that WANT so much for games targeting grandma and grandpa and non-gamers? Why the need to feel your hobby be so accepted? Why have so many resources set aside to develop for those groups and designed around those groups?
broadening of the market is a good thing. it ensures that more revenue is flowing in, more projects are supported, and greater room for development is available. keeping it secluded to the dark pimple infested world of the hardcore gamer doesn't do the market any good, and given regular market atrophy will eventually shrink the market without spurred growth.

conversely it can be asked, why is it so important to you that games NOT exist that appeal to grandma and grandpa? Are you really that threatened by them playing your games with you or carrying the same interests? Does it really piss you off that your hobby is no longer exclusive and unappealing to the mass public?

Bringing these new gamers is nothing but good for the industry. Anyone expecting their favorite games to shrivel up and die has obviously ignored the movie and television industries for the past 50 years. there is room for everything out there. The difference now is that there is a system that is specifically targeting the vast majority of people who were previously not interested in video games. Aside from no longer feeling special, I don't see why this would affect any of you.

greendublin said:
Accurate? I'd say inaccuracy and inability to maintain a signal is absolutely the #1 problem with the Wii as a system.
completely making shit up doesn't make your point any more credible junior.
To the people having meltdowns over the Wii's success:

Thanks for the laughs, but there's no reason to panic. The Wii isn't going to kill your favorite games or genres. There will still be games you like, just so long as you continue to buy them. So what if they get outsold by games you don't like? Big deal. Madden outsells dozens of better games every year.

The Gamecube was my favorite system last gen. Its sales didn't stop me from enjoying its games...in fact, I now own more Gamecube games than I do for any other system (nearly 100), which still just blows my mind. The PS2 was a fairly close 2nd, the Xbox a distant third.

The Wii, despite its market success, will probably not surpass the Cube for me. But the 360 will definitely surpass the Xbox. The PS3 will do fine as well.

See my point? The market doesn't determine your enjoyment, and hardcore games aren't going anywhere, because hardcore gamers aren't going anywhere. There's room for everyone. Nintendo survived in 2nd, then 3rd place, and still made great games. So can Sony and Microsoft (for other reasons, but they can).

Like a beam of purifying light in a thread filled with fanboy nonsense.


dabbled in the jelly
jjasper said:
not really we were specifically talking about the waggle sword in Zelda and how it didn't improve anything. A lot of people agree with this along with the waggle not adding anything to Super Paper Mario
TP wasn't programmed to take advantage of the controllers capabilities. Very poor example. Wait for the next Zelda.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mr_bishiuk said:
Dont think the other Blu ray manufacturers would be too happy either, they supported blu ray because they preventy Chinease CE manufactures from making cheap blu ray players but if SOny are doing that themselves they will not be too impressed.

I've long said this. They can't go low because they will wreck Pioneer, Philips, and Samsung by doing it and they will never side with Sony for anything hardware related again. They have forsaken the Playstation 3 for Blu-Ray, but all extents and purposes, they have to ride this out, price included.


borghe said:
yes, heaven forbid the Wii gets the style of games you people are bitching about it not having...

****ing fanboys.

whatever man, I have both 360 and wii . Nintendo keeping the non-games is fine with me.


This thread is full of such ridiculous win. :p

Between NEOGaf and the PS3forums, I'm having one of my most entertaining days on the net this year. :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
jmdajr said:
whatever man, I have both 360 and wii . Nintendo keeping the non-games is fine with me.
well then I still don't get the quote.. If you have instances where wii actually adds to the game in a good way, like say Madden07, or probably shooters after just a little more trial and error, why would you want to keep it off the Wii just to stick with dual analog or HD?


borghe said:
well then I still don't get the quote.. If you have instances where wii actually adds to the game in a good way, like say Madden07, or probably shooters after just a little more trial and error, why would you want to keep it off the Wii just to stick with dual analog or HD?

All I meant is, established franchises that are already in the next gen world, don't really have a place on the wii. It's just a step back with gimmicky waggle controls for games that don't need them.

But, I have no problem with Wii coming up with entirely NEW games. Bring them.
Just keep the mgs, dmc, gta, etc on the next gen platforms.




borghe said:
well then I still don't get the quote.. If you have instances where wii actually adds to the game in a good way, like say Madden07, or probably shooters after just a little more trial and error, why would you want to keep it off the Wii just to stick with dual analog or HD?
I think this is the same as the answer to "why does Amir0x own a Wii?" Amir0x needs to share his tag with quite a few people.
speculawyer said:
Big difference there. A Wii HD would cost hundreds. A waggle game with waggle-wand included could be sold for $50 for the PS3 or 360. Want proof? . . . Wii Play. I'd be surprised if neither MSFT nor Sony do that.
Wii HD would cost hundreds, but so would any game made for the PS3 or X360. You really have to factor in the cost of the system when you make these arguments. (and it would be $60, not $50)


Why is it that every time that two people are arguing and when one makes an analogue the other claims not understanding? Are people really that stupid or fanboyish that they can't understand some basic analogues or do they like to play dumb?

Anyway all the nonsense aside the PSP just did 3k more than last month with a $30 price drop and one less week to sell. What in the world is a redesign going to do? I think if they do it they should follow through with their focus on the younger gameboy market and try that out.
Leondexter said:
To the people having meltdowns over the Wii's success:

Thanks for the laughs, but there's no reason to panic. The Wii isn't going to kill your favorite games or genres. There will still be games you like, just so long as you continue to buy them. So what if they get outsold by games you don't like? Big deal. Madden outsells dozens of better games every year.

The Gamecube was my favorite system last gen. Its sales didn't stop me from enjoying its games...in fact, I now own more Gamecube games than I do for any other system (nearly 100), which still just blows my mind. The PS2 was a fairly close 2nd, the Xbox a distant third.

The Wii, despite its market success, will probably not surpass the Cube for me. But the 360 will definitely surpass the Xbox. The PS3 will do fine as well.

See my point? The market doesn't determine your enjoyment, and hardcore games aren't going anywhere, because hardcore gamers aren't going anywhere. There's room for everyone. Nintendo survived in 2nd, then 3rd place, and still made great games. So can Sony and Microsoft (for other reasons, but they can).

Thank you. Posts such as this one make rooting through the chaff bearable.

+2 for you.

Eteric Rice

haunts said:
Huh? Wii cant handle real games (MSG4, FF13, etc) to begin with, so its a non issue.



I'd agree if you were talking about a direct port from the PS3 to Wii, that can't work. But if it were built for the Wii, it'd definately be doable. Wouldn't be as pretty, though.


Bacon of Hope
Eteric Rice said:


I'd agree if you were talking about a direct port from the PS3 to Wii, that can't work. But if it were built for the Wii, it'd definately be doable. Wouldn't be as pretty, though.

I think Kojima etc have too much respect for their franchises to put them on the Wii. Metal Gear has always been about setting the bar, same for Final Fantasy.

Eteric Rice

haunts said:
I think Kojima etc have too much respect for their franchises to put them on the Wii. Metal Gear has always been about setting the bar, same for Final Fantasy.

Bars don't matter if you're not making your money back.

Anyway, I seem to remember another company saying something similar... That thier franchise would only appear on the most powerful system!

Oh, yeah, Ninja Gaiden!

*rolls eyes*


Leondexter said:
To the people having meltdowns over the Wii's success:

Thanks for the laughs, but there's no reason to panic. The Wii isn't going to kill your favorite games or genres. There will still be games you like, just so long as you continue to buy them. So what if they get outsold by games you don't like? Big deal. Madden outsells dozens of better games every year.

The Gamecube was my favorite system last gen. Its sales didn't stop me from enjoying its games...in fact, I now own more Gamecube games than I do for any other system (nearly 100), which still just blows my mind. The PS2 was a fairly close 2nd, the Xbox a distant third.

The Wii, despite its market success, will probably not surpass the Cube for me. But the 360 will definitely surpass the Xbox. The PS3 will do fine as well.

See my point? The market doesn't determine your enjoyment, and hardcore games aren't going anywhere, because hardcore gamers aren't going anywhere. There's room for everyone. Nintendo survived in 2nd, then 3rd place, and still made great games. So can Sony and Microsoft (for other reasons, but they can).

Good post. The Wii will not eat your children...
Leondexter said:
See my point? The market doesn't determine your enjoyment, and hardcore games aren't going anywhere, because hardcore gamers aren't going anywhere. There's room for everyone.

Not trying to justify any of this whining, but you're wrong. By its very nature, the "hardcore" contingent as we know it is only going to decrease over time because of their rigidified tastes, and the types of games they enjoy will decrease proportionately. They'll gradually be supplanted by a new hardcore with different inclinations molded by systems like the Wii and DS, and the market will shift towards them. And from there, of course, the cycle will continue.


borghe said:
why would you want to keep it off the Wii just to stick with dual analog or HD?

Because the Wii is sooooo underpowered that any game that appears on it will never reach its potential.

Waggle doesn't add much to the game, just a new way of pressing A. Despite what you Nintendo boys want to think.

Good for old folks, bad for gamers! But it doesnt matter, Wii will be getting lots of 3rd party mini game support. Thanks to the amazing software sales on 360, i think next gen games are ok (THANK GOD)


My favorite quote regarding this month's NPD :)

"The PlayStation 3 was obviously a little bit flat during the month. We didn't have a lot of hardware drivers out during the month, we didn't have any first-party titles," said Sony spokesman Dave Karraker.

A LITTLE BIT?!!!!!! Oh dear.
I don't personally think that this deserves its own thread, so I'll post it here:

Game publishers buffeted by Nintendo's big April

Yesterday, industry research firm NPD Funworld released its US sales figures for the April 2007 reporting period. While hardware sales increased, overall non-PC software sales were flat, slipping 1 percent. However, console software fell a sharp 20 percent, while handheld software rose 61 percent on strong sales of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.

In the wake of the report, Wall Street industry analysts staged their traditional postgame show. They were unanimous in their opinion that the success of the Wii and DS, which rely primarily on first-party games, has cut into the bottom line of third-party publishers. In April, roughly 63 percent of all Wii games and 79 percent of all DS games sold were made in-house at Nintendo.

"The shift in interest to Nintendo products has clearly stolen share from third-party games across all platforms," said Pacific Crest's Evan Wilson."This has had the greatest effect on Electronic Arts due to its size." Indeed, EA's sales slid 44.2 percent during the month to just $37.9 million, following the lackluster performance of Tiger Woods PGA Tour for the Wii (53,000 units) and Medal of Honor: Vanguard for the PlayStation 2 and Wii (56,000 units overall).

Two of EA's archrivals also had a bumpy April. Take-Two Interactive saw its monthly sales plummet 54.5 percent to $19.8 million, despite MLB 2K7 selling a decent 177,000 units. THQ, which had no major releases during the month, suffered a less drastic decline, falling 27.6 percent to 13.4 million--significantly below analyst expectations.

Besides being a short-term issue, the success of first-party games could pose long-term problems for third parties. "A key to the successes of many publishers during the last console cycle was market share gains at the expense of first-party publishers," UBS analyst Benjamin A. Schachter pointed out. "We are concerned that this cycle may revert somewhat back to greater share gains for the first-party players, particularly as Nintendo rebounds and Microsoft focuses on and improves its AAA titles."

Microsoft Game Studios' Gears of War has been an ongoing success story since its release last November, and the company has two more heavyweight Xbox 360 exclusives--Halo 3 and Mass Effect--slated to ship later this year. The most popular game on the PlayStation 3 to date has also been a first-party title, Resistance: Fall of Man.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
miguel_c_hammer said:
Not trying to justify any of this whining, but you're wrong. By its very nature, the "hardcore" contingent as we know it is only going to decrease over time because of their rigidified tastes, and the types of games they enjoy will decrease proportionately. They'll gradually be supplanted by a new hardcore with different inclinations molded by systems like the Wii and DS, and the market will shift towards them. And from there, of course, the cycle will continue.
umm.. in reference to the bolded part... who the **** cares? the art house movies decreased proportionately with the birth of the summer movie. dominant musical genres decreased proportionately to newer succeeding genres.. yet fans of each of these always had new releases to look forward to and arguably all that "went away" was a bunch of crap mixed with a little good stuff... to argue that current hardcore games will go away is like arguing that metal will go away because hiphop has become more dominant.

Prine said:
Because the Wii is sooooo underpowered that any game that appears on it will never reach its potential.
riiiiighhhtt.. just like games last gen could never reach their full potential. and games this gen can never reach their full potential. and games next-gen will never be able to reach their full potential. Did you read what you typed before you hit Submit? If games reached their potential on PS2 and XBox, how the hell couldn't they on Wii? And if they were graphically limited on PS2 and XBox, in theory as DX10 hardware makes its way to store shelves PS3 an 360 will never allow games to reach their full potential compared to the superior hardware of nvidia 8xxx and R600.

As for the remote not adding anything but an A press, this is truly coming from someone who has never experienced 1:1 controls or pointing on the system.
Maxrpg said:
OLDD and

Quote of the thread. This is exactly what is happening in America. HD gaming simply is not ready for the masses yet. The Wii provides innovative gameplay plus 480p resolution so while it's not exactly beautiful, it's good enough for most everyone.

Handhelds continue to boom as they are easier than consoles to maintain during other activities - you can easily just hibernate your PSP or DS and get onto the computer and play WoW, or resume your DS game while you're in transit along with family to a family dinner, then pick up later that night in your bed. Plus Nintendo's marketing appeal to everyone boosts the numbers wider than hardcore purchases like 360 and PS3 allow.

This is the future, folks. And Nintendo saw it first.

Sony saw it first, in the mid-nineties. They just lost their focus.

Eteric Rice

Prine said:
Because the Wii is sooooo underpowered that any game that appears on it will never reach its potential.

Waggle doesn't add much to the game, just a new way of pressing A. Despite what you Nintendo boys want to think.

Good for old folks, bad for gamers! But it doesnt matter, Wii will be getting lots of 3rd party mini game support. Tahnks to the amazing software sales on 360 (THANK GOD)

Great for gamers that WON'T spend $400 - $600 on a game system.

And waggle is nice, and I bet the pointer function will add a lot more later on in the years.


Prine said:
Because the Wii is sooooo underpowered that any game that appears on it will never reach its potential.

Waggle doesn't add much to the game, just a new way of pressing A. Despite what you Nintendo boys want to think.

Good for old folks, bad for gamers! But it doesnt matter, Wii will be getting lots of 3rd party mini game support. Thanks to the amazing software sales on 360, i think next gen games are ok (THANK GOD)

Still in the Denial Step i see. Eventually its acceptance.
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