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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Just for reference, everyone remember that MP3 was on the market for 4 days.


GitarooMan said:
I think it's a combination of a good chunk of Madden fans want the good graphics and an online community to play with, and most of the rest are still on PS2/Xbox. For the vast majority of Madden fans with a 360 or PS3 and a Wii, the 360/PS3 version would win out I would think.

also it looks like a lot of multiplayer sports gamers may have picked Strikers instead, and for good reason, since the online actually works


Ryujin said:
Wait wait wait.....Two Worlds outsold Blue Dragon?? What.....the...fuck??? There is no justice in this world.

Why not? With that terrible demo, why isn't it justified that it didn't do well?


tanod said:
brain age 2 bomba??

It did over 100k. Which is around the same as the first one did in the US. + These game has, as we've all learned from m-create threads, insanely great legs.
It is amazing that Madden 360 almost outsold Madden PS2 + Madden PS3 combined. I guess it is clear which console will be the strongest for the new sports titles now.
Eric WK said:
So the margin will increase?
The 360 will pretty much take the PS3 by storm this holiday season. There's no denying it. From here on, the margin will only increase with each coming month.
what scares me is that the DS/Wii are pulling these numbers now...

we still got the holidays to go through (they better be stockpiling or else they'll miss the moneytrain)
HomShaBom said:
GIFs aren't banned people.



NPD's Anita Frazier losing faith in PS3?

"There is no doubt that the window that Sony has to turn this around and bolster their position in the marketplace is narrowing," she said. "With only 4 months left in this calendar year, November and December will be absolutely critical to them to gain more solid ground with the PS3. That said, the story is still not fully written, but it's coming much closer to being so."

seems more bullish on 360 now too:

"The price cut had a lot to do with the Xbox 360's success. Looking at the unit sales this year, 360 sales had slowed down quite a bit. From our survey of consumers' attitudes about purchasing new hardware, we know that there are a lot of consumers that do indeed wait for price cuts to make their buying decisions. It's pretty clear that the price cut stimulated sales, and in front of the Halo 3 launch, I think we'll continue to see some pretty strong results through the end of the year for the Xbox 360 platform," she explained.

more here: http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=17421


EA may want to think about making the classic controller as an option on the Madden. Seems people don't want the waggle with their Hot Madden Action.


Ryujin said:
Wait wait wait.....Two Worlds outsold Blue Dragon?? What.....the...fuck??? There is no justice in this world.

blue dragon's official release date was the 31st, although it was widely sold earlier. (i think the official ship date was still like the 28th)


but ever so delicious
Good to see Wii and DS sales are still strong. 360 sales got a boost, must be in anticipation for that game ... oh yea halo 3. Good to see the 360 sell though.

$399 or bust sony. Follow apple and just drop it already. It's nearly the holiday season.


360 Users are friggin ridiculous they pick up TWO WORLDS and TENCHU Z yet leave better games like Blue Dragon to drown...


Batteries the CRISIS!
I think it's interesting the High School Musical game for DS broke into 16th place. It really speaks to how powerful that brand is becoming.


GhaleonEB said:
360 - Up 63%, a nice bump, thought a touch below what I was expecting. 360 finally breaks away from trending close to the first Xbox.

PS3 - Uh-oh. Sales drop 18% over last month. Not a good sign.

Wii - down a touch, but still gargantuan

Rest: about as expected or in trend

Next month: 360 needs to pick up further with Halo 3, and PS3 needs to stablize. Or things get REALLY interesting.

i believer September sales will be over 400k for Xbox 360. possibly close to 500k.


Stikers is fun, and arcadey. Much different audience then Maddeen.

I think Sony needs more then games to sell their "Multimedia" system and they know it. I see a different strategy coming for the PS3. They have to, the current failed.


So for the top 20

5 360 titles
5 Wii titles
4 DS titles
3 PS2 titles
1 PS3 title
1 Xbox title
1 PSP title

of the 20, 6 are Madden versions (and the only thing that charted for PS3/XBX/PSP)
ElFly said:
Maybe Americans don't like the game?

But the most factible thing is that NOA sucks at marketing.

If it can be popular in the UK I don't understand why Americans wouldn't like it. NOA just don't seem to be marketing it all that well from what I've seen/heard.


UncleGuito said:
The 360 will pretty much take the PS3 by storm this holiday season. There's no denying it. From here on, the margin will only increase with each coming month.

Technically, the gap between 360 and PS3 has been growing all year. It's just going to grow even faster this holiday.


ElFly said:
Maybe Americans don't like the game?

But the most factible thing is that NOA sucks at marketing.

I think it's just that non-gamers who bought the original are still happy with it and don't feel the need for a second game which to them looks like the one they already have.
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