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NPD Sales Results for February 2010

esc said:
It's an enhanced remake, though. GoW II first month (~800k) actually did better than Pokemon Pearl (~700k) first month.
Wait, are you just counting single SKUs?

Also, why did you just choose Pearl and not mention Diamond did 1.045 million?


OldJadedGamer said:
GoW2 did 800k on a userbase of 40 million. GoW3 has to compete with Battlefield 2 and Final Fantasy 13 as well as dealing with the smallest userbase to ever launch a GoW game to. It will do good... but #1 I'm really doubting. It will chart as #1 but only on the PS3 charts.

Yeah, BC2 will have some impressive numbers I'm sure. I bet it won a lot of the mindshare of the CoD players this time around. It also has more time to move units compared to GoW3. But I guess you never know, this is the most hype a GoW game has ever got, and it certainly has it's own "Dudebro-esque" flavor to it due to the sheer brutality and testosterone. But, it's a single platform game, vs a multiplatform game, one of which will be rabidly snapped up especially by 360 owners.
Is it fair to assume that 360K is the sales bottleneck for PS3, in light of the shortages? I mean if that's the maximum number of consoles Sony can push in a month, how can they push more consoles than the maximum in subsequent months? Barring the possibility that Sony fixes the shortage problem, PS3 will still sell around 360K units next month. I don't see this happening because PS3's biggest title since MGS4 simply cannot become victim to manufacturing problems. Here's hoping Ninty and Sony fix their probs this month.


erotic butter maelstrom
Htown said:
I don't think GT5 is gonna sell what y'all think it's gonna sell.

I think it'll do well but like I said before PS3 owners don't exactly come out in droves for their exclusives and I have some doubts about a lot of people being interested in a sim racer this gen. Didn't Forza 3 do like 175,000 in it's first month? I know GT has a bigger following but I think interest in the genre has dwindled a little bit this gen, maybe if they added guns to the cars it would be a little different though.


Snuggler said:
I think it'll do well but like I said before PS3 owners don't exactly come out in droves for their exclusives and I have some doubts about a lot of people being interested in a sim racer this gen. Didn't Forza on do like 175,000 in it's first month? I know GT has a bigger following but I think interest in the genre has dwindled a little bit this gen, maybe if they added guns to the cars it would be a little different though.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.


Htown said:
I don't think GT5 is gonna sell what y'all think it's gonna sell.

Didn't Prologue sell 4.6m units? I don't even think a prior prologue sold that much, though I could be wrong. It will sell a lot in the States, and it'll sell well in JP. EU will just be a beast of it's own, their car culture is intense over there. Not to mention Top Gear Test Track, and the inevitable publicity that Top Gear themselves will give the game.

Snuggler said:
I think it'll do well but like I said before PS3 owners don't exactly come out in droves for their exclusives and I have some doubts about a lot of people being interested in a sim racer this gen. Didn't Forza on do like 175,000 in it's first month? I know GT has a bigger following but I think interest in the genre has dwindled a little bit this gen, maybe if they added guns to the cars it would be a little different though.

Despite that E3 beating "definitive" into everyone's skull with a pink baseball bat, GT still has a far greater mindshare with the car culture. Once again, Prologues numbers confirm this.


OldJadedGamer said:
You don't know much cause the biggest game in the history of the PS3 as others have correctly pointed out is GT5.

Is GT5 being released next week? I'm a fan of GT5, but I think GOW III will still outsell it. It just appeals to a bigger audience. Besides, by the time GT5 ships, GOW III will have sold 5-7 million and still have legs.


ShockingAlberto said:
Wait, are you just counting single SKUs?

Also, why did you just choose Pearl and not mention Diamond did 1.045 million?
Why wouldn't I count single SKUs? They don't combine them on the charts. And I chose Pearl because it illustrates that it is not completely ridiculous for GoW III to chart higher than the Pokemon games, especially seeing as how these are just remakes.
Htown said:
I don't think GT5 is gonna sell what y'all think it's gonna sell.
GT5 is a strange case. Gran Turismo has a large and very dedicated base. GT has historically done insane numbers.

But Sony's never been in a position of being the outside-looking-in on the majority of the market. And, well, 13 million is nuts but it's not totally unheard of anymore.
OK so wii has been seeing somewhat of a downward spiral. Some may say its more because it's sold so well since launch that its more coming down to normal. Totally anecdotal but every older woman that i know that has bought a wii, even my own MOTHER has played it once then shelved it.

Again this may just be the wii coming back to "normal". but with that said, what if the "normal" has a bit more sinking to do? or lets say not. lets say wii sits exactly where it is now and stays that way. where does that put sony and MOVE? If and this is a huge but somewhat logical if :D everyone and they're mother has a wii then why the fuck would anyone buy a move? Has MS pulled the okie doke on Sony and Nintendo by trying something different with natal?

For the rest of the year MS has so many cards to play that its just insane. Price drop, redesign, natal, Halo. WTF is going on. This fall is going to be insane for MS.


ahh, so thats why sony came out with the supply bullshit, they saw the early figures and came out with damage control

bioshock ps3 in 11th?


Truespeed said:
Is GT5 being released next week? I'm a fan of GT5, but I think GOW III will still outsell it. It just appeals to a bigger audience. Besides, by the time GT5 ships, GOW III will have sold 5-7 million and still have legs.

There is no fucking way, no fucking way GoWIII will outsell GT5. It won't even outsell GT5:p

esc said:
Why wouldn't I count single SKUs? They don't combine them on the charts. And I chose Pearl because it illustrates that it is not completely ridiculous for GoW III to chart higher than the Pokemon games, especially seeing as how these are just remakes.

All you proved is that it has a chance of outselling a single SKU of Pokemon. Just curious, what are the numbers for Platinum?
esc said:
Why wouldn't I count single SKUs? They don't combine them on the charts. And I chose Pearl because it illustrates that it is not completely ridiculous for GoW III to chart higher than the Pokemon games, especially seeing as how these are just remakes.
Well, then you'd agree that counting GoW3 proper and not the Collector's Edition makes sense, no?
Truespeed said:
Is GT5 being released next week? I'm a fan of GT5, but I think GOW III will still outsell it. It just appeals to a bigger audience. Besides, by the time GT5 ships, GOW III will have sold 5-7 million and still have legs.
Eh. As much as I love God of War series (currently trying to get past Atropos in GoW 2 HD, Titan mode), I highly doubt GoW3 can sell more than GT5...Prologue alone sold more than 4.5m. GT5 is a craze in Europe and Japan. But now, NASCAR heads can join in on the fun too.


erotic butter maelstrom
acm2000 said:
ahh, so thats why sony came out with the supply bullshit, they saw the early figures and came out with damage control

bioshock ps3 in 11th?

Maybe you're joking but I'd suggest you'd refrain from this kind of talk, not only is it silly and pointless but it could end up with you losing your member status.


Truespeed said:
Is GT5 being released next week? I'm a fan of GT5, but I think GOW III will still outsell it. It just appeals to a bigger audience. Besides, by the time GT5 ships, GOW III will have sold 5-7 million and still have legs.
No offense, but are you fucking drunk?


Truespeed said:
It just appeals to a bigger audience

No. Not even close. GT will appeal to far greater audiences. I'm hyped for GoW3, but you have to be realistic here. GT is the biggest star Sony has.

acm2000 said:
ahh, so thats why sony came out with the supply bullshit, they saw the early figures and came out with damage control.


I have to check these threads more often.

RustyNails said:
Eh. As much as I love God of War series (currently trying to get past Atropos in GoW 2 HD, Titan mode), I highly doubt GoW3 can sell more than GT5...Prologue alone sold more than 4.5m. GT5 is a craze in Europe and Japan. But now, NASCAR heads can join in on the fun too.

As much as I smh at NASCAR, it will undoubtedly have an impact on sales here in the states. Also, you have WRC (what's left of it, but still loved) joining in the fun for the Euro's, and those that appreciate the best form of racing in the world.


Just looked it up, Pokemon Platinum, the THIRD version of a game, sold 805k the opening month.

ShockingAlberto said:
Platinum debuted at 805k.

Thanks for grabbing the information anyways. If Platinum can do that, I'm very confident in saying that HGSS will open very close, especially with all the nostalgia going with it.


Gravijah said:
All you proved is that it has a chance of outselling a single SKU of Pokemon. Just curious, what are the numbers for Platinum?
It's around 800k. I wasn't trying to prove anything. I was just trying to understand why people think it's a foregone conclusion that GoW III cannot chart at 1. :p

ShockingAlberto said:
Well, then you'd agree that counting GoW3 proper and not the Collector's Edition makes sense, no?
The number NPD Group put out in March 2007 was 800k. I don't know how their system works now; do they separate out the Collector's Edition for all new releases? If that's the case then yeah I guess GoW III has no chance.


Truespeed said:
Does one Bacardi Breezer count? Dude, the numbers are speaking to me.
Are you sure it's sure one beer? lol
Seriously though, GoW3 has no chance of doing half of GT5. The loves of cars is far greater than the hate of Gods. In Europe alone GT5 will outsell the LTD of GoW3, mark my words lol.

Enjoy your beer :p


Truespeed said:
Is GT5 being released next week? I'm a fan of GT5, but I think GOW III will still outsell it. It just appeals to a bigger audience. Besides, by the time GT5 ships, GOW III will have sold 5-7 million and still have legs.

Someone needs a reality check.
AniHawk said:
GT5 has zero chance of being bigger than GoW3 in the US. Beyond Zero. Like, a zero with a little zero inside of it.

Gravijah said:
Uhhh God of War people, please reel in your expectations. It's not going to be an astronomically huge game. It'll be big, yes, but... bigger than FFXIII?

The only real hesistation I have in saying that is that MS seems to be throwing it's full force behind it and they've been batting 1.000 lately as far as what games to get behind. I think it's more that they don't have much else to go to though. It's... weird that they picked FF over BC2.


I just want to get this off my chest: I've never gotten why people argue against the combining of SKUs for something like Pokemon when arguing sales, as if somehow it soils the achievement. They've basically found a way to split the game into two and sell even more than they normally would.


Gravijah said:
I just want to get this off my chest: I've never gotten why people argue against the combining of SKUs for something like Pokemon when arguing sales, as if somehow it soils the achievement. They've basically found a way to split the game into two and sell even more than they normally would.
Err, if you are referring to me, I was simply talking about in the context of NPD sales charts. Everyone in this thread is also talking about these games in the context of sales charts. I don't think even the biggest of idiots would argue that GoW III will outsell Pokemon combined.
Gravijah said:
Uhhh God of War people, please reel in your expectations. It's not going to be an astronomically huge game. It'll be big, yes, but... bigger than FFXIII?

After a great deal of consideration, I'm extremely certain that it'll outsell both individual versions of FFXIII. GoW3 ought to chart somewhere in the range from 600k - 1m and FF is quite unlikely to get above that range combined. The only situation I can see where PS3 FFXIII beats GoW3 is if like GoW majorly underperforms while FF both improves on XII's performance while also selling quite lopsidedly on the PS3 side -- I think that's a pretty unlikely situation.

Arsenic said:
No offense, but are you fucking drunk?

:lol I was going to put it a lot more delicately than that.


esc said:
Err, if you are referring to me, I was simply talking about in the context of NPD sales charts. Everyone in this thread is also talking about these games in the context of sales charts. I don't think even the biggest of idiots would argue that GoW III will outsell Pokemon combined.

No no, not directed squarely at you. Inspired a bit of thinking towards it, though.

charlequin said:
After a great deal of consideration, I'm extremely certain that it'll outsell both individual versions of FFXIII. GoW3 ought to chart somewhere in the range from 600k - 1m and FF is quite unlikely to get above that range combined. The only situation I can see where PS3 FFXIII beats GoW3 is if like GoW majorly underperforms while FF both improves on XII's performance while also selling quite lopsidedly on the PS3 side -- I think that's a pretty unlikely situation.

:lol I was going to put it a lot more delicately than that.

You know way more than me and I trust your views, just for some reason when I add it all up I don't see GoWIII going over FFXIII combined.


Chrange said:
224k first month, then under 100k and out of the top 20 the next month. Worldwide sales are nice, but what do they have to do with an NPD thread?

I should have put more into that, I was just using it as an example that the sim market is far from dead in the US when a demo can pull the numbers it has.


erotic butter maelstrom
Karma said:
When was Bad Company 2 released?

It was March 2nd, which will also help it get a significant advantage for the March charts. Almost a full month to build up sales.
Gravijah said:
I just want to get this off my chest: I've never gotten why people argue against the combining of SKUs for something like Pokemon when arguing sales, as if somehow it soils the achievement. They've basically found a way to split the game into two and sell even more than they normally would.
I don't think that exploiting people's neurosis should be applauded. Or even acknowledged.
Gravijah said:
You know way more than me and I trust your views, just for some reason when I add it all up I don't see GoWIII going over FFXIII combined.

I do think there's a pretty good chance that FFXIII (360 + PS3) will be > GoW3 -- I'd probably bet on it, but I wouldn't bet a lot. :lol But I think best-cast scenario for FFXIII is something like 600k PS3, 400k 360 vs. 800ishk GoW3, where the total is greater but each individual SKU is lower.
savor100 said:
360 beating Wii? Whoa!

And I can't believe BioShock 2 for PS3 didn't make the top 10. It should have taken that 10th spot instead of Heavy Rain (disappointment of the year so far imo).
The 360 version is at no.1 whilst the ps3 version doesn't even chart - the polar opposite of sales performance is just wow and out of the left field. PS3 version would've at least charted I think.
Looks like some of the people who besmirched me last month repented on their Heavy Rain comments and will be relieved of facing my wraith. Plus, I don't really want to go through lst month's NPD and find everyone who was ignorant on the issue.

But let it be said, great job by me last month with the Heavy Rain guarantee. You can't say enough good things about me right now.
If its any indication for next month, I was at 2 best buys today and both were sold out of the 360 version of FF13, but had plenty of copys of the ps3 version. It was pretty bizarre to see.


Snuggler said:
I think it'll do well but like I said before PS3 owners don't exactly come out in droves for their exclusives and I have some doubts about a lot of people being interested in a sim racer this gen. Didn't Forza 3 do like 175,000 in it's first month? I know GT has a bigger following but I think interest in the genre has dwindled a little bit this gen, maybe if they added guns to the cars it would be a little different though.

I guess GT5 will sell 400-500k in US first month, and probably around double that in Euro-territory, and 600k in Japan, and another half million in other territories :-/
It will have much bigger legs aswell.

Not sure about US, but GT5 will probably sell double the amount of copies than GoW3 everywhere else.


erotic butter maelstrom
NeoGIF said:
Can't wait to see the Final Fantasy XIII sales comparison in next month's data.

Again, I could be wrong, but I don't think it'll be as lop sided as some people expect. More 3-2 at most not 3-1 or whatever it is that people are expecting. Even if the PS3 version is unquestionably better you can't underestimate the 360's ability to sell software vs. the PS3. You have to consider that there are probably more 360 only people than 360 and PS3 owners so I expect the 360 version to do a lot better than most of us would expect. If both of the versions were equal in quality I'd choose the 360 version over the PS3 one but since that's not the case it might be a little different. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up being very close between each version, like under 100K difference.
I don't know people even interpret sales in the context of NPD. I remember Uncharted 2 doing around 800K in the first two months in the US and shortly after that Sony were attributing a figure of 3million to the game. It didn't exactly dominate European sales looking at the UK sales charts but clearly PAL as a region (outside Europe) is something amazing for Sony, something that we don't have the ability to measure.

Similarly, EA announced that Mass Effect 2 had done a million worldwide on the day of it's European launch. There is a common perception that everyone other than Sony talks games sold to retail. I don't even have a common on that. But one thing is for sure, there seem to be different set of rules depending on the platform/publisher.
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