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NPD Sales Results for February 2012 [Up 3: Kingdoms Of Amalur, Syndicate, Asura]

XIII-2 placed much higher on the charts than I would have thought. I was under the impression a lot of people weren't happy with the last game, I guess that's not accurate.


4 days. You guys are acting like it was a full month.

Launch week is usually a huge peak in system sales. It's like a default holiday month which includes preorders and early adopters that have been waiting for months for the system.
XIII-2 placed much higher on the charts than I would have thought. I was under the impression a lot of people weren't happy with the last game, I guess that's not accurate.

It sold about a million less than the previous one's first month. If sales are shitty all around placing high doesn't mean much.
4 days. You guys are acting like it was a full month.

3DS did about 400K in its first 7 days and then did less than 300K total in the next 8 weeks. Even with a big price drop it hasn't gotten to within 100K of that 7 day launch month in any other non Nov/Dec month.

These things are generally front loaded big time which is why this is potentially a really bad month. Of course, if next month is bigger than this ( or really anything above 200K) then all of a sudden this month looks a lot better in hindsight.

Going to have to wait for 5 weeks from now to really have a decent idea of how well it's actually selling in the US.


Pretty decent PS3 numbers.
Vita numbers are low though. It was expected but still disappointing as it is a great piece of hw with some great games already available. I hope sony manages to keep the system ecosystem healthy despite average sales.
While it's only 4 days or 11 days, the problem is that March will probably see even lower sales. That's the significance.

As long as I have been here, I have never seen an introductory game or system have a sales increase from the previous month whether it was only tracked for 1 day or 31 days in it's debut month. ( or week in MC threads ) I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I can't recall an occurrence of it happening
As long as I have been here, I have never seen an introductory game or system increase from the previous month whether it was only tracked for 1 day or 31 days in it's debut month.

That's been my recollection as well, and this is what many people fail to understand or don't realize.

Take the original PSP, for example. PSP = 620k (10 days of sales in debut month). Subsequent FULL month = 351k


More fuel for the THQ funeral pyre. UFC was supposed to be one of the BIG releases to bring in enough cash to get THQ through the year. They had to be hoping for better than this.

NPD 1st month:

UFC 2009 - 1,014k (12 days)
UFC 2010 - 413k (5 days)
UFC 3 - Down nearly 20% from 2010 (12 days)


Anyone that casually looks at the 20% decrease in 360 sales and instantly says, "Where's our new console?" needs to remember that February 2011 was still benefiting from the recent Kinect launch. Compared to February 2010, sales are actually up slightly.
More fuel for the THQ funeral pyre. UFC was supposed to be one of the BIG releases to bring in enough cash to get THQ through the year. They had to be hoping for better than this.

NPD 1st month:

UFC 2009 - 1,014k (12 days)
UFC 2010 - 413k (5 days)
UFC 3 - Down nearly 20% from 2010 (12 days)

THQ gave a presentation at Wedbush for investors on Wednesday and said that UFC had both shipped and sold right in line with what they had expected. Sounded like it was going to be a game that they are more concerned with the long run than initial sales, going to be getting continuous promotion throughout the year on UFC programming.

Disclaimer-I own a lot of shares of THQ, not trying to put them in a better light or anything, just mentioning what they said.
XIII-2 placed much higher on the charts than I would have thought. I was under the impression a lot of people weren't happy with the last game, I guess that's not accurate.

It's still Final fucking Fantasy, and this is a slow time of year. I mean, how badly were people expecting this to bomb? I'd say missing #1 is a huge disappointment for the game.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
THQ gave a presentation at Wedbush for investors on Wednesday and said that UFC had both shipped and sold right in line with what they had expected. Sounded like it was going to be a game that they are more concerned with the long run than initial sales, going to be getting continuous promotion throughout the year on UFC programming.

Disclaimer-I own a lot of shares of THQ, not trying to put them in a better light or anything, just mentioning what they said.

Oh, if you own shares, you must use this gif


And remember "Buy low, sell high!". That's the spirit.


Great Vita numbers for 4 days on market.

Golden Abyss's supposed attach rate of over 50% is out of this world.

Considering Vita game digital downloads are relatively strong compared to PS3, PSP games (going by PSN user ratings), I w'd really love to see the Vita games sales ratio between retail and DD.


Great Vita numbers for 4 days on market.
Nah, those numbers are crap cos it includes anyone that pre-ordered one in the weeks/months leading up to its release. That's why, as people have said above, the numbers will almost certainly be even lower for March even though it will include a full month's sales.


Great Vita numbers for 4 days on market.

Golden Abyss's supposed attach rate of over 50% is out of this world.

Considering Vita game digital downloads are relatively strong compared to PS3, PSP games (going by PSN user ratings), I w'd really love to see the Vita games sales ratio between retail and DD.

Source? And define "relatively strong"

edit: Wait, you meant you thought the OFFERINGS were stronger on the Vita than on the PS3. if THAT is what you meant rather than a comment on the relative sales then nevermind. I'll agree with surly though that Vita's sales were not great at all.
Oh, if you own shares, you must use this gif


And remember "Buy low, sell high!". That's the spirit.


Don't worry, if they are able to turn the business around the stock price will jump up 10x and I'll be posting that gif in every single thread that has anything to do with THQ. Unlike our GAME friend though, I realize it's a long shot and the odds of losing it all is greater than actually making money.


Source? And define "relatively strong"

edit: Wait, you meant you thought the OFFERINGS were stronger on the Vita than on the PS3. if THAT is what you meant rather than a comment on the relative sales then nevermind. I'll agree with surly though that Vita's sales were not great at all.

Or that Vita games get more ratings than PS3 games which means more people are probably downloading them. (That is my take on his post)


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!

Don't worry, if they are able to turn the business around the stock price will jump up 10x and I'll be posting that gif in every single thread that has anything to do with THQ. Unlike our GAME friend though, I realize it's a long shot and the odds of losing it all is greater than actually making money.

I know you're not like Brera, don't worry :D


THQ gave a presentation at Wedbush for investors on Wednesday and said that UFC had both shipped and sold right in line with what they had expected. Sounded like it was going to be a game that they are more concerned with the long run than initial sales, going to be getting continuous promotion throughout the year on UFC programming.
Except that they had already lowered their expectations for the game to 1.5M for the quarter. And from the very rough back of the napkin calculations that we were doing in a previous thread a while ago, they needed this game to sell a lot more than this to have enough cash to cover their expected burn rate for the year. They're basically getting to the point where they'll need a white knight investor to ride in and save them.


More fuel for the THQ funeral pyre. UFC was supposed to be one of the BIG releases to bring in enough cash to get THQ through the year. They had to be hoping for better than this.

NPD 1st month:

UFC 2009 - 1,014k (12 days)
UFC 2010 - 413k (5 days)
UFC 3 - Down nearly 20% from 2010 (12 days)

So UFC3 did ~330k?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I just hope RE:R has legs. An easy recommendation to anyone looking for an action/adventure game on the system. I just don't want Capcom to turn around and blame 3DS owners given their own actions and lack of actions.

Aside Revelations, which I think it'll do one million in the long run, Capcom can be pretty happy with 3DS, especially due to Monster Hunter 3G.


Ah, that's to bad about Revelations. I'm curious about what kind of sales it will achieve in a year. Handheld games tend to sell under the radar.
Except that they had already lowered their expectations for the game to 1.5M for the quarter. And from the very rough back of the napkin calculations that we were doing in a previous thread a while ago, they needed this game to sell a lot more than this to have enough cash to cover their expected burn rate for the year. They're basically getting to the point where they'll need a white knight investor to ride in and save them.

They still have credit to tap into and are still earning money from SR sales and SR DLC along with UFC. They still have at least through the launch of Darksiders II before they need to be worried about not continuing on.
Exceptional hardware sales for the PSVita? Really Sony?

That they cannot provide a number for the the US market (which the NPD covers) and they have to use a worldwide number...that says everything.

Golden Abyss's supposed attach rate of over 50% is out of this world.

Impressive, ignoring what that 50% represents.


They still have credit to tap into and are still earning money from SR sales and SR DLC along with UFC. They still have at least through the launch of Darksiders II before they need to be worried about not continuing on.
Yeah - I'm talking more about making it to the end of the year.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I don't think you have to believe the PSV was going to do well to point out this is a bad number for it. Frankly my expectations for Vita were fairly low. I said, months ago well before it was out in Japan I expected it ultimately to do no better than the PSP but probably in the ball park. However, the first year I saw no real compelling reason for any optimism on it's sales. I didn't see that one piece of software I thought would be a big sales mover. I thought the PSP spent too much time acting like a console and with games geared to that mind set and I thought the Vita exacerbated this problem.

Frankly I didn't really know what to expect from the Vita, but I guess I though MINIMUM 250k, maybe 300k for launch would be a sign of hope for the system that the audience was still there for the product and found it more appealing than I personally did.

For me it's very problematic that the launch window, especially first day sales are a big peak for most systems. if 225k truly represents a peak for the Vita then the system really IS in deep trouble heading into the slow selling spring and summer months. How many months has the PSP exceeded what it did in it's launch month outside of November/December sales?


Why would you expect the Vita to Outsell the PSP?
Two thumbsticks?
Yeah - I'm talking more about making it to the end of the year.

No doubt about that, odds of them going bankrupt before the end of the year have to be higher than them not going bankrupt

Was kind of funny during the presentation someone asked what they would do if a game exceeded expectations by a few million units and they had an extra 50-100 million laying around. CEO stammered a bit and you could tell that having extra cash laying around was something that hadn't really entered their minds.

Edit- That burn rate from the other thread isn't correct. They said that they expect to be profitable next FY if they make half the revenue of the current FY which ends this month. That would put their expenses at about 30-35 million a month.


340K combined for FF XIII-2? Dehehe
Now I can't wait to see how much SE declare to have shipped to retailers worldwide...

I expected better Vita numbers, but I haven't been keeping up with it.
Well PSP had a bursting launch 7 years ago ( so strong it was quickly catching up the DS LTD in US).
PSV opening sales aren't that good and are likely to fall next month considering the frontloaded nature of hardware launch...


They are, and considering both of them are selling (bundles) at a cost similar or higher than that of the PSVita...it disproves the 'PSVita is expensive' notion.

I dont think thats a fair comparison. I expect the consumer thinks his getting a lot more for his money with a console over a handheld.


At least Vita had a better software lunch than 3DS; compared to the hardware sold, much better I would say

Relative to hardware sales - yeah, Vita software had a much better 1st month than 3DS software. Not even close. But because Vita had more launch titles, the average Vita title only sold about 3/4 of the average 3DS title.

Fun fact for launch month (since this stat is almost always reversed for Nintendo):

3rd party average sales per title: 3DS > 2 x Vita
1st party average sales per title: Vita > 3DS

Oh, and for the only brand comparisons available:
Rayman 3D > Rayman Origins
Asphalt 3DS > Asphalt Vita


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Relative to hardware sales - yeah, Vita software had a much better 1st month than 3DS software. Not even close. But because Vita had so many more launch titles, the average Vita title only sold about half of the average 3DS title.

Fun fact for launch month (since this stat is almost always reversed for Nintendo):

3rd party average sales per title: 3DS > 3 x Vita
1st party average sales per title: Vita ~ 1.5 x 3DS

Oh, and for the only brand comparison available: Rayman 3D > Rayman Origins

WHERE. You sure? :O

However, Vita's problem isn't that it costs 250 Dollars. Because it costs more than that with also the memory.


Hm...looks like XIII-2 pretty much bombed in the US, 350k-ish is a huge drop from XIII.

PS3-360 gap is quite a bit smaller than i expected.

I dunno...I think the brand itself is damaged greatly now, not just the poisonous XIII name (which Versus better shed as soon as possible).

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