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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


well, do you think MS would have had that april event if sony didn't do theirs?

Yes. Microsoft will have had their own plan in place for a long time - these events take a year of planning to get right, not to mention liaising with third party partners etc. Also Xbox is leading right now and the division isn't particularly reactive, I don't see why they'd panic just because Sony announced some specifications and a few reasonable looking games. Nothing set the world on fire and specs never win console wars.

Again, all this from a commercial POV. As GAFers, of course specs are of interest.
well, do you think MS would have had that april event if sony didn't do theirs? Of course they're not going to scurry and react making them look like chimps. They did.. blink.
I dont think sony did anything to MS to cause them to make an event in April. (Is the event even real? Set in stone?) You see how much 360 sold in February? They are still on one.


Somewhat. I said earlier in the thread: the market buying the PS3 and 360 now are not the same as the market that bought the PS3 and 360 initially. And for the latter, being a suitable upgrade does matter.

The Wii U seems more and more to be fundamentally flawed for the early adopter market, beyond the Nintendo core; which is why I imagine it's collapsed completely after launch.

i think it's a conceptually confused piece of design, and it shows in the software. nintendo was too scared to rely on anything but their main franchise titles at launch, where the wii only had zelda (albeit one of the best-selling in the series).

more than that, nintendo had a pretty shitty launch with poorly-running games, a day 1 update, features missing from the system, and a lack of a message.

'how u will play next' is a poor slogan, especially compared to the previous launch. 'wii would like to play' is an inviting, friendly message, and it's accompanied by images of people sharing something. not only that, but it shows people of different ages, races, and locales giving it a shot and loving it.

'how u will play next' is nintendo telling you what to do. and then it shows people in boxes playing with tablets. because how u will play next is how u already play. that's cool.

if nintendo had everything up and pretty much running from the start, they could have had separate commercials advertising different features. one is about nintendoland or nsmbu. one is about internet features and off-screen play. one is about tvii. and actually dedicate some time to showing why it's going to be a benefit for the user.

actually the trailer from the e3 2011 reveal is a lot more coherent and entices the imagination more. i'm not saying devote 10 seconds of a 30 second ad to a person drawing link, but communicate some ideas clearly.
I hope you really enjoyed your Dead Space 3, America. I hope it went down A REAL TREAT.
Well it wasn't received well at least, not sure they'll release a sequel anytime soon. . . 2 years time I'd expect.

Ni no kuni ~ 50k this month, and better than DMC (360+PS3).
I don't think anyone expected any legs for DMC anyway. Unless that's DMC LTD.

Buy Metal Gear Rising, people!
I'll buy it used. Hope it doesn't have any multiplayer.


Yes. Microsoft will have had their own plan in place for a long time - these events take a year of planning to get right, not to mention liaising with third party partners etc. Also Xbox is leading right now and the division isn't particularly reactive, I don't see why they'd panic just because Sony announced some specifications and a few reasonable looking games. Nothing set the world on fire and specs never win console wars.

Again, all this from a commercial POV. As GAFers, of course specs are of interest.

8gb gddr5 uncharted 2

big youth

it still surprises me that manufactures aren't required to provide or comment on hardware sales. Microsoft always does because they have good news to report, but we're lucky to just get clues from Sony and Nintendo. I'd love to get specific Vita and Wii U numbers.


Really, the best thing the Wii U has going for it at the moment, is that most people don't know it exists.

That at least leaves open the possibility of Nintendo doing some sort of relaunch, if and when they figure out a reason for anyone to want to buy one.


Really, the best thing the Wii U has going for it at the moment, is that most people don't know it exists.

That at least leaves open the possibility of Nintendo doing some sort of relaunch, if and when they figure out a reason for anyone to want to buy one.

if they hadn't made it as small as possible, they could have tried a hardware revision plus a price drop with some high-profile games and a decent advertising campaign.

big youth

Really, the best thing the Wii U has going for it at the moment, is that most people don't know it exists.

That at least leaves open the possibility of Nintendo doing some sort of relaunch if and when they figure out a reason for anyone to want to buy one.
I agree 100%. Wii U would truly be in trouble if the majority of the population knew about it and was just choosing to ignore it.

In so many words Iwata has basically said they will be relaunching the console when big games come out. and by relaunch I mean substantial advertising campaigns


I agree 100%. Wii U would truly be in trouble if the majority of the population knew about it and was just choosing to ignore it.

In so many words Iwata has basically said they will be relaunching the console when big games come out. and by relaunch I mean substantial advertising campaigns

to be fair, this has worked in the past. it was a long time ago- the sega genesis in particular. sonic bundle + price drop and heavy advertising did the trick. plus, the system had been out for two years at that point and had built up a library.
Really, the best thing the Wii U has going for it at the moment, is that most people don't know it exists.

That at least leaves open the possibility of Nintendo doing some sort of relaunch, if and when they figure out a reason for anyone to want to buy one.
I agree with you. Its not unreasonable to think this way.


Serious question, lets say Nintendo buys exclusive (lifetime) rights to Call of Duty and Battlefied franchises, they also throw out enough money to get GTA lifetime exclusive as well. Would these franchises players switch to Nintendo's consoles or would those franchises die a slow death? Would the pro typical Microsoft and Sony crowd even give a shit? If the answer to that is second question is no, then Nintendo is truly and properly fucked.
Must be pretty scary for Nintendo that their Brain Age/Training and possibly Wii sports gamers have turned to android and ios gaming.

Surely Nintendo has a backup plan just incase those games wouldnt sell as much as their Wii counterparts right?


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, here it is.

Orange = Wii
Green = 360
Purple = PS3
Blue = GameCube
Red = Wii U

The PS3's software drought + insanely high price caused an incredible slowdown throughout most of 2007. Also, keep in mind that the PS3 + 360 + Wii had to suffer through lots of supply issues.


In that case I can't figure out what the march bump for the Gamecube was. The June bump was the May 21st price drop and September was the August 26 Mario Sunshine + September 15th Animal Crossing, but I can't figure out march.

It doesn't look like it's a seasonal bump, since Wii and PS3 didn't get one, and 360 that month had Crackdown (and the Halo 3 demo that came with it) and GRAW2 (which is forgettable now but had a lot of graphics hype at the time).

Or maybe it is just a seasonal bump and supply constraints are messing up the data, but 2012 had sales drops across the board from Feb to March too, dispite the 5 week advantage March has.

EDIT: Apparently i got dates mixed up and looked at 2007 instead of 2006 for 360, March 2006 in 360 news was Oblivion.


Serious question, lets say Nintendo buys exclusive (lifetime) rights to Call of Duty and Battlefied franchises, they also throw out enough money to get GTA lifetime exclusive as well. Would these franchises players switch to Nintendo's consoles or would those franchises die a slow death? Would the pro typical Microsoft and Sony crowd even give a shit? If the answer to that is second question is no, then Nintendo is truly and properly fucked.

There would be a certain jump but the money nintendo needs to pay would be astronomical and before that activisin or ea wont do it. And no they are not fucked if they cant get the sony, ms crowd. They can get succesful without them too. They need the software though
Really, the best thing the Wii U has going for it at the moment, is that most people don't know it exists.

That at least leaves open the possibility of Nintendo doing some sort of relaunch, if and when they figure out a reason for anyone to want to buy one.

It's nice to talk about these things, I mean we need something to do for hundreds of posts on this message board, but I personally dont think Wii U has any realistic hope no matter the scenario.

Doesn't matter if they "relaunch" (whatever that would even mean), doesn't matter if games x y and z release, doesn't matter if they price drop, doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter.

I hate to even bring it up, but it always gets back imo to they didn't put enough grunt in the system. That and the controller now actually seems to be an active detriment. Their only hope was to get casuals, and clearly they didn't. This has absolutely no chance with the core gamers, who are completely rejecting it. So when the casuals didn't bite, the only sales hope was to go back to the core gamers. And the core laughed at Wii U. So you end up with numbers like 66k sales.

I suppose I can sort of see what Nintendo was trying to do, even if I vehemently disagreed with and predicted Wii U death from the outset. But it hasn't even met what you would call the most modest success.

big youth

Serious question, lets say Nintendo buys exclusive (lifetime) rights to Call of Duty and Battlefied franchises, they also throw out enough money to get GTA lifetime exclusive as well. Would these franchises players switch to Nintendo's consoles or would those franchises die a slow death? Would the pro typical Microsoft and Sony crowd even give a shit? If the answer to that is second question is no, then Nintendo is truly and properly fucked.

It's an impossible hypothetical, but yes I think CoD and GTA's crowd would mostly migrate over. Wii U isn't like the Wii in that it's SD and ridiculously underpowered. fans of these franchises would be fine making the jump.


There would be a certain jump but the money nintendo needs to pay would be astronomical and before that activisin or ea wont do it.

Of course, I was speaking in hypothetical. I'm trying to prove a point, I do not think they can do anything steal that crowd away from Sony and Microsoft. The casual market is no longer there. How do they remain relevant when their own crowd keeps dwindling? I see a bleak future for the company. Nintendo will not be content to only be a niche player. I'm just at a loss how they can turn the fortunes around (I've always bought all consoles, but Nintendo has always been my favorite, so I hate to see them go away). If they were on the same technological scale as Sony and Microsoft I think they'd get far more 3rd party games, but they do think so (atleast Iwata doesn't). Sorry, it's 4am here, I'm probably rambling


Do the Lego games still chart? I thought they were pretty popular two years ago, until the market got flooded with Lego releases.

The fact that people are are getting excited about a Lego game as a major release is more indicative of problems with the platform than the quality of the Lego game.


The fact that people are are getting excited about a Lego game as a major release is more indicative of problems with the platform than the quality of the Lego game.

people have been into the lego game since its reveal though. i don't understand it myself.
people have been into the lego game since its reveal though. i don't understand it myself.

It's an exclusive so it will get people singing it's praises based solely on that. Remember Haze, Lair and other such atrocities? Lego might be great for what it is but forum excitement over any exclusive will always be askew from any reality.
it still surprises me that manufactures aren't required to provide or comment on hardware sales. Microsoft always does because they have good news to report, but we're lucky to just get clues from Sony and Nintendo. I'd love to get specific Vita and Wii U numbers.

Remember these NPD numbers are not for the general public, so why would they be required to respond to something the general public is not supposed to see?


I can't see any convincing argument about the poor performance of WiiU other than market apathy towards it as a product. Its always going to be grounded in a realm people where people are now feeling fatigued, and comes off as an extension of current gen than a fresh start. combined with lack of confidence in the system.

Its not what the market wants, and people are waiting for PS4/720 for next gen to start


The Dreamcast had an amazing software library from day 1 tho.
Dreamcast launched almost a year later in US and Europe compared to Japan.
In those territories the hardware discontinuation announcement came just 14 months after the actual launch of the system.
That's some decent sales for Fire Emblem, even though Nintendo completely botched the distribution. 3DS sales really need a boost though. Let's hope Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing provide it.




I do agree that people are probably not rejecting the Wii U because of the simple fact they don't even know it exists.

From all of my friends, I can't think of more than 3 that knew Wii U existed before I told them. And if I mention to anyone besides those same 3 people that the PS4 has already been announced, I bet they wouldn't know that as well.

What I also believe is that there is no way Sony is going to have a marketing campaign as ineffective as Nintendo's one. So, at least people will be aware when PS4 comes out, and because of the numbered name there will be no confusion like the mess the "Wii U" name caused.


Consumers might not be aware of the Wii U. But the developers sure are.

In my personal experience, people know that the Wii U exists. But they just don't care (yet)


it's fair to day the wiiu is in serious and very deep trouble.

not sure how they can turn it around no all eyes are on next gen?

if e3 comes and goes and they look like they're about another year from having a solid solution, the system's done. if they start fighting for hype against microsoft's and sony's unveilings they might have a chance if a lineup is there. they really blew their head start. nintendo would be fortunate to have 5 million wii u owners when the other consoles hit.
if e3 comes and goes and they look like they're about another year from having a solid solution, the system's done. if they start fighting for hype against microsoft's and sony's unveilings they might have a chance if a lineup is there. they really blew their head start. nintendo would be fortunate to have 5 million wii u owners when the other consoles hit.

Totally agree.

They also need to sort the performance so people don't grimace at the speed when you show them (as I have found). At the moment it just doesn't come across well at all.
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