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Nvidia bans HardwareUnboxed from receiving review samples


Whats Nvidia's next step?
"Ban" any reviewer from getting an FE card, for calling the 3090 not worth it, because its twice the price of a 3080 but only ~15% better performance?
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Somebody else in another thread asked me how Nvidia was trying to force raytracing on everyone....well here is your answer.

Pretty disgusting stuff if you ask me.

Hardware Unboxed and Tech Deals officially my favorite tech channels on youtube.
Your favorite channels are the ones that do half jobs lol
Indeed pretty disgusting to follow these channels.

Ray-tracking is a reality.
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Good call.

Hardware Unboxed is terrible bad and biased.

It is a shame for the watchers from the channel when the owner decided by himself to omit benchmarks that doesn't fit his agenda.

Yeah biased towards the majority of his viewers. Sounds like you mad because he isn't biased towards Nvidia and wont blow on their dick just to get free stuff.


Yeah biased towards the majority of his viewers. Sounds like you mad because he isn't biased towards Nvidia and wont blow on their dick just to get free stuff.
He can start to do a non-biased job and focus in make better reviewers before I can become mad.
nVidia did right here.

BTW way before what nVidia did I already posted how his testes are biased.
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So many nvidia ass licking shills around here holy shit and this is coming from someone who only owned an nvidia card. If hardware unboxed does not want to review what is considered a marketing gimmick more than the future, at least for the current cards then they are free to do so but then again so is nvidia free to deny them the right but we know what that means. We really need a competition for nvidias dlss/rtx because this is bs. The cards we have now barely handle ray tracing and we have not even begun to scrape the surface of what ray tracing can do.

Apply that same logic go Nvidia...

If they don't want to send a free card to someone who isn't willing to do an unbiased technical review then they are free to do so.... What's so hard to understand about that?


He can start to do a non-biased job and focus in make better reviewers before I can become mad.
nVidia did right here.

BTW way before what nVidia did I already posted how his testes are biased.

His latest review advised people to get a 3060ti over a 5700xt, based on overall price/performance. Biased how?

Let's face it Nvidia wants to promote the narrative that raytracing is the end all be all of graphical performance, simply because it favors them and their products. And they have self-appointed missionaries who come on forums like this one to do the samething...brow beating anyone who doesn't go gaga over this technology and wont bow to Nvidias feet and thank them for blessing us with it. That shit is CORNY.


His latest review advised people to get a 3060ti over a 5700xt, based on overall price/performance. Biased how?

Let's face it Nvidia wants to promote the narrative that raytracing is the end all be all of graphical performance, simply because it favors them and their products. And they have self-appointed missionaries who come on forums like this one to do the samething...brow beating anyone who doesn't go gaga over this technology and wont bow to Nvidias feet and thank them for blessing us with it. That shit is CORNY.
Which option he has? 3060TI is indeed better than 5700XT and he probably didn't find a way to bias that.

Now do you believe somebody that choose the games to benchmarks instead to use all them? Why not benchmark the RT games?


I mean, they aren’t doing proper reviews. Intentionally Ignoring half your feature set just because the competition lacks it is insane.

The “reviews” are basically just trolling for clicks. Why should Nvidia be obliged to support it?
History repeats itself. a non apples to apples comparison was the norm back when it was 3dfx vs Nvidia. They didn't compare performance of 16-bit visuals (3dfx was had the visual advantage with a modified 16-bit mode) on both cards, and instead compared performance of 3dfx's modified 16-bit vs nvidia's 24-bit. Thus almost always crowning 3dfx the performance king.


But they have tested it. For Cyberpunk they told they would make another video talking about DLSS and Raytracing... They did not ignored it to me.
I remember he ignored RT bench in his videos... we talked a lot about that in the review thread and nobody disagreed.

Even his viewers questioned him and had to make a public response lol
See what the point we reached... he had to give excuses why he did not test RT in his reviews lol

No matter how many games exists... he should cover all sides in his reviews.
That is why he is a bad and biased channel.
You are there to be professional and not choose what makes you feel better.
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Which option he has? 3060TI is indeed better than 5700XT and he probably didn't find a way to bias that.

Now do you believe somebody that choose the games to benchmarks instead to use all them? Why not benchmark the RT games?

I have seen him benchmark games with RT multiple times. It's right there in his review for the 6800XT, where he calls it's RT performance UNDERWHELMING:

Simply put, he is a reviewer, not an advertiser of Nvidia products. Nvidia has the right to stop giving him samples, and his channel is big enough to deal with that. But it shows and proves what Nvidia is trying to do.


Whats Nvidia's next step?
"Ban" any reviewer from getting an FE card, for calling the 3090 not worth it, because its twice the price of a 3080 but only ~15% better performance?

No? A ton of reviewers have called that out, Nvidia knows what their product is. The issue is when people completely ignore half the feature set of the card, RT and ML.


I keep seeing this narrative emerging that HU didn't test with RT or DLSS on reviews of Nvidia cards. But that is simply not true.

3080 Review timestamped to RT section:

Here is their 3060 review timestamped to RT section:

So to say they didn't show the cards with RT or DLSS is simply false. They also showed some RT comparisons in their 6800XT/6900XT reviews too.

What Nvidia/their fanboys are annoyed about is HU not spending huge amounts of their reviews focusing solely on RT performance and not hailing it as the second coming. The fact that people in this thread are actually cheering for this as if Nvidia or any other company have the right to dictate the content/opinion of a review is laughable.

Not to mention Harware Unboxed did an entire video examining just Ray Tracing and DLSS with the 3080 vs 2080ti.

The 3080 review you linked literally covered ray tracing for 30 seconds in one title... Did you hope no one would bother watching and you could just slip that in there?


I have seen him benchmark games with RT multiple times. It's right there in his review for the 6800XT, where he calls it's RT performance UNDERWHELMING:

Simply put, he is a reviewer, not an advertiser of Nvidia products. Nvidia has the right to stop giving him samples, and his channel is big enough to deal with that. But it shows and proves what Hardware Unboxed is trying to do.


Edit - Quoted the wrong guy ol
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CP looks overall better without RT though, because RT pretty much requires aggressive DLSS even on the beastliest of machines and DLSS may look really close to native res up close but distant elements get distorted and unpleasant compared to non-RT/non DLSS.

Maybe if in 3 years you can run native high res with RT and maintain high fps so that motion resolution is high like the actual resolution it'll look better but until then it's not worth it, as impressive as the small interior in the part right after my timestamp is.

Dunno if anyone else mentioned, but like 10 seconds later he's drooling over RTX, soo. Are you ignoring the stuff that doesn't fit your narrative?
The 3080 review you linked literally covered ray tracing for 30 seconds in one title... Did you hope no one would bother watching and you could just slip that in there?

Yes I'm aware, I linked and timestamped the video for people to see. Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy here or something that you are unearthing? Take it back a notch please.

The point was that people claimed that HU did not show/talk about or use the RT features on any 3000 series cards. This is objectively not true.

In addition to that a few days later they released the bottom video I linked which is solely about Ray Tracing and DLSS for the 3080. Did you bother to watch that one?



So do you understand what the channel did now?
That is why HU is being called out even by his viewers... nVidia did the right.
He can now get rid of the bias and do a better job next time.

Nvidia did the right thing in that I don't think ANY reviewers should be getting sent free samples, because they end up turning into bribes....which is the sole reason they get sent cards in the first place.


You guys are really making it hard to have logical discussion.

How many path traced games are there? How many games have ray tracing with meaningful gains?

How many DLSS titles?

The average person doesn't care according to steam stats. There's just not enough data and tools for ray traced benchmarks in games to test. So when you look at the entire selection of pc games and ones being played. It makes sense to test the ones most popular.

It's not like they didn't give u an average of what to expect with ray tracing.

But there's literally only a handful of titles, and a lot of them take huge performance hits. So you would require DLSS just to run them at higher resolution.

They are right and backed by tech jesus himself who honestly does the best in depth analysis on youtube.
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God damn thought all the corporate ass kissers moved to era, I can't imagine myself shilling for a billion dollar company but it's a free world I guess and a free internet so have at it. Disagree with NV stance entirely that shit reads like a polite strong arm.


You guys are really making it hard to have logical discussion.

How many path traced games are there? How many games have ray tracing with meaningful gains?

How many DLSS titles?

The average person doesn't care according to steam stats. There's just not enough data and tools love me ray traced benchmarks in games to test. So when you look at the entire selection of pc games and ones being played. It makes sense to test the ones most popular.

It's not like they didn't give u an average of what to expect with ray tracing.

But there's literally only a handful of titles, and a lot of them take huge performance hits. So you would require DLSS just to run them at higher resolution.

They are right and backed by tech jesus himself who honestly does the best in depth analysis on youtube.
Most of new games have RT and DLSS.
Unless you focus on old games... review RT games is not a issue at all unless you choose not do to it.
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Yes I'm aware, I linked and timestamped the video for people to see. Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy here or something that you are unearthing? Take it back a notch please.

The point was that people claimed that HU did not show/talk about or use the RT features on any 3000 series cards. This is objectively not true.

In addition to that a few days later they released the bottom video I linked which is solely about Ray Tracing and DLSS for the 3080. Did you bother to watch that one?

It's pointless trying to reason with fanboys that lack any. Already hilariously convinced themselves that HB don't review RT & DLSS despite the contrary


Most of new games have RT and DLSS.
Unless you focus on old games... review RT games is not a issue at all unless you choose not do to it.

There are not enough good implementations currently. Which is the entire point. Also there are not much for analysis tools for ray/path traced.

Even cyberpunk isn't anything to write about with ray tracing. And can't even play at 4k with DLSS at stable 60fps. So would it not be best to test pure rasterization?


Aren't HU benchmarks also the outliers people use to show that AMD on average is faster than Nvidia in raster? While majority of the benchmarks from other reviewers show a different picture.


God damn thought all the corporate ass kissers moved to era, I can't imagine myself shilling for a billion dollar company but it's a free world I guess and a free internet so have at it. Disagree with NV stance entirely that shit reads like a polite strong arm.

So I should just side with the youtuber getting free shit regardless of logic because Nvidia is a billion dollar company? Would they just be automatically wrong in every scenario by virtue of succeeding? Who is the shill here exactly?


There are not enough good implementations currently. Which is the entire point. Also there are not much for analysis tools for ray/path traced.

Even cyberpunk isn't anything to write about with ray tracing. And can't even play at 4k with DLSS at stable 60fps. So would it not be best to test pure rasterization?
I'm not talking about not test pure rasterization.
I'm talking about being professional and test all features without any bias.
Having good or bad implementation doesn't matter... he can talk about his opinion about the implementation since he review it right... it is new tech and it will probably improve in future titles... that doesn't mean you need to ignore it.

BTW the HU issues are more than just not reviewing RT and DLSS... they too have weird results in rasterizations different from all other outlets reviews and even actual games youtube results.
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I mean, they aren’t doing proper reviews. Intentionally Ignoring half your feature set just because the competition lacks it is insane.
In order for a benchmark to be useful all cards you test need to support all tests. AMD cards do not support RT to the same degree, therefore testing RT performance in the context of trying to compare all available products against each other is worthless. Either AMD cards just wouldn't have any data, or AMD cards would have an unfair advantage in performance because NVIDIA would be bogged down by having RTX on and AMD wouldn't; you wouldn't be comparing apples to apples.


God damn thought all the corporate ass kissers moved to era, I can't imagine myself shilling for a billion dollar company but it's a free world I guess and a free internet so have at it. Disagree with NV stance entirely that shit reads like a polite strong arm.

Btw go check out the thread over at era and then show me ONE person defending Nvidia... You'd fit right in over there.


In order for a benchmark to be useful all cards you test need to support all tests. AMD cards do not support RT to the same degree, therefore testing RT performance in the context of trying to compare all available products against each other is worthless. Either AMD cards just wouldn't have any data, or AMD cards would have an unfair advantage in performance because NVIDIA would be bogged down by having RTX on and AMD wouldn't; you wouldn't be comparing apples to apples.
A product needs to be compared in all its features.
If one product lacks or doesn't do well some feature it is a product issue and an advantage from the competion.

You can't ignore a clear advantage.

Imagine reviewing two cars and one of them has electronic steering and the other not... you will just not review how the car handle because one of the cars did lack a feature? In fact the electronic steering is a clear advantage for one of the car.

You can't just close your eyes.
It is up to AMD to offer similar or better feature... not the reviewer decide that.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!

Nvida can do whatever they want. Its their product.


Gold Member
In order for a benchmark to be useful all cards you test need to support all tests. AMD cards do not support RT to the same degree, therefore testing RT performance in the context of trying to compare all available products against each other is worthless. Either AMD cards just wouldn't have any data, or AMD cards would have an unfair advantage in performance because NVIDIA would be bogged down by having RTX on and AMD wouldn't; you wouldn't be comparing apples to apples.

If AMD cards don't support ray tracing as well then AMD numbers should reflect that in benchmark tests. If This is the reason they are ignoring the features then I understand why nvidia is upset. It misleads consumers who are comparing products and unfairly levels AMD.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Dunno if anyone else mentioned, but like 10 seconds later he's drooling over RTX, soo. Are you ignoring the stuff that doesn't fit your narrative?
No, you just apparently ignored I wrote in your own damn quote "as impressive as the small interior in the part right after my timestamp is" because you wanted to say your bs accusations anyway, lol. I posted that timestamp to show what I meant in practice, not cos Linus' word is gospel. Duh.
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nvidia can fuck right off.
it is def time for another player on the market
I strong believe nVidia is entering the CPU market with ARM + GeForce APUs.
The adoption of ARM in at least in perf/watt products shows that... even Apple is following that trend.

That fix a big nVidia issues for several years... not having the licences to make x86 CPUs.

And being fair in the perf/watt market ARM eats any x86 CPU.
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Yes I'm aware, I linked and timestamped the video for people to see. Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy here or something that you are unearthing? Take it back a notch please.

The point was that people claimed that HU did not show/talk about or use the RT features on any 3000 series cards. This is objectively not true.

In addition to that a few days later they released the bottom video I linked which is solely about Ray Tracing and DLSS for the 3080. Did you bother to watch that one?

I get what you're saying but my perspective is giving a major feature in a new flagship gpu review 30 seconds is ridiculous and shows a clear bias.


always chasing the next thrill
I strong believe nVidia is entering the CPU market with ARM + GeForce APUs.
The adoption of ARM in at least in perf/watt products shows that... even Apple is following that trend.

That fix a big nVidia issues for several years... not having the licences to make x86 CPUs.

And being fair in the perf/watt market ARM eats any x86 CPU.
I am all in with the apple m1
still nvidia is so anti consumer man it worries me a bit


Yes I'm aware, I linked and timestamped the video for people to see. Do you think there is some kind of conspiracy here or something that you are unearthing? Take it back a notch please.

The point was that people claimed that HU did not show/talk about or use the RT features on any 3000 series cards. This is objectively not true.

In addition to that a few days later they released the bottom video I linked which is solely about Ray Tracing and DLSS for the 3080. Did you bother to watch that one?

This is the problem with his review



He paints a warped reality that isn't the actual reality and then comes to the conclusion the 6000 series is more than it actually is.
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