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NYT: Mormons Set to Quit Church Over Policy on Gay Couples and Their Children

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Mormons Set to Quit Church Over Policy on Gay Couples and Their Children

A rally to celebrate all families, sponsored by Equality Utah and the Utah Pride Center, in Salt Lake City on Monday.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is facing a growing backlash from Mormons upset about a new policy that bars children of same-sex parents from baby-naming ceremonies and baptisms, and declares members in gay marriages to be apostates subject to excommunication.

The policies have hit hard in a church that considers family bonds central in this life and eternal in the afterlife. While church members are pouring out their pain and confusion at family dinners and on Mormon blogs, critics are planning a “mass resignation” in a park adjacent to the church’s headquarters in Salt Lake City on Saturday.

Even some local church leaders have conveyed their objections up through the hierarchy, said Benjamin R. Hertzberg, who serves in his Atlanta congregation, or ward, as second counselor to the bishop in a three-person leadership team known as a bishopric.

“I’ve heard from many, many people in wards and bishoprics who are expressing serious concerns and reservations,” said Mr. Hertzberg, a visiting professor of political science at Emory University in Atlanta. “It seems to me deeply unfair to put a barrier in the way of the children’s involvement when the children are not responsible for their parents’ choices.”

Some Mormons are not accepting their leaders’ explanations. Women are asking whether female church leaders were consulted before the decision was made, and how they are to carry out such a policy. There is an online petition asking artists to cancel their performances with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at its Christmas concert.

“Any church that wants to claim itself as a Christian organization that uses Jesus Christ the savior to somehow exclude any group of people is not anything that I want to be a part of,” said Sarah Epperson, who is among those who plan to resign at the protest in Salt Lake City on Saturday.

Ms. Epperson, who is 28 and runs a restaurant in Utah County, just south of Salt Lake City, said she had been “on the fence” about her church membership for eight years, but this recent news had pushed her over the edge. Her father, Donald Braegger, recently came out as gay and was excommunicated this year.

Mr. Braegger, 55, said his story was the same as that of many gay Mormons whose children would be affected by the new policy: Even though he knew as a young man that he was attracted to men, he married a woman because his church taught that homosexuality was sinful, and he was a faithful believer. He had seven children and spent years trying to overcome his homosexuality through prayer and reparative therapy. After 26 years, he and his wife divorced a year and a half ago.

If his children were younger than 18, they would be barred from church membership under the new policy because one parent is now openly gay.

“There’s hundreds of us, if not thousands, who have been through this same journey,” Mr. Braegger said.
“Any church that wants to claim itself as a Christian organization that uses Jesus Christ the savior to somehow exclude any group of people is not anything that I want to be a part of,”
Man if that ain't some stone cold truth.
lol I was about to tell you that you accidently fucked up because that image was sending a message opposite of what I figured you meant. Then you ninja-edited.

I thought I had read somewhere that they were being inclusive, and man oh man, was I ever wrong.

This is why you read, kids. Ninja edited as it may be, I still feel like I stepped in a pile of something and then stepped in someone's house. 'Scuse me while I get the cleaning spray.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I thought I had read somewhere that they were being inclusive, and man oh man, was I ever wrong.

This is why you read, kids. Ninja edited as it may be, I still feel like I stepped in a pile of something and then stepped in someone's house. 'Scuse me while I get the cleaning spray.

You're good man. Don't worry about it.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Didn't this religion basically say black people are the devil and wouldn't let them join them like half a century ago?

yeah. Seeds of Cain I believe was the original description.
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