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[Opinion] It's the beginning of the end for NEC as we know it

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It's just not looking good for them right now. PC Engine dominated Japan, even outsold the MegaDrive, until Nintendo came out with the Super Famicom three years ago. Even then PC Engine held in there, shmup heaven. But the PC-FX is not looking like it has what it takes against the Saturn or that new "PlayStation" thing from Sony (another 3DO in the making). They don't even have 3D!! What were NEC thinking!?

I'm hoping for the best but the lineup so far just looks like a bunch of anime hentai games. Where are the shmups? Not even a new Bonk? I don't know, this thing may not survive to even '95...but at least it looks kinda badass?

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Wednesday Hump Day GIF by giphystudios2021


For people who can't read that.

"In the gaming industry, the PC Engine was initially a dominant force in Japan, even outselling the MegaDrive. However, with the introduction of the Super Famicom by Nintendo, PC Engine's position began to decline. Its latest offering, the PC-FX, is struggling to compete against the likes of the Saturn and the PlayStation, as it lacks 3D capabilities. Moreover, its current game lineup consists mainly of anime hentai games, lacking popular titles such as new Bonk or shmups. It remains uncertain whether the PC-FX will survive beyond 1995. Despite its impressive design, the system's future looks bleak."
For people who can't read that.

"In the gaming industry, the PC Engine was initially a dominant force in Japan, even outselling the MegaDrive. However, with the introduction of the Super Famicom by Nintendo, PC Engine's position began to decline. Its latest offering, the PC-FX, is struggling to compete against the likes of the Saturn and the PlayStation, as it lacks 3D capabilities. Moreover, its current game lineup consists mainly of anime hentai games, lacking popular titles such as new Bonk or shmups. It remains uncertain whether the PC-FX will survive beyond 1995. Despite its impressive design, the system's future looks bleak."
I still can’t read that, can you summarize again please? 😂


I still can’t read that, can you summarize again please? 😂
The PC Engine was a popular gaming console in Japan, even outselling the MegaDrive, but its position began to decline with the introduction of the Super Famicom by Nintendo. The latest offering from PC Engine, the PC-FX, lacks 3D capabilities and has a game lineup consisting mainly of anime hentai games, lacking popular titles such as new Bonk or shmups. As a result, the PC-FX is struggling to compete against the likes of the Saturn and the PlayStation, and its future beyond 1995 remains uncertain.
The PC Engine was a popular gaming console in Japan, even outselling the MegaDrive, but its position began to decline with the introduction of the Super Famicom by Nintendo. The latest offering from PC Engine, the PC-FX, lacks 3D capabilities and has a game lineup consisting mainly of anime hentai games, lacking popular titles such as new Bonk or shmups. As a result, the PC-FX is struggling to compete against the likes of the Saturn and the PlayStation, and its future beyond 1995 remains uncertain.
Shorter please 😂
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