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People fear Microsoft controlling Call of Duty, but what about a potential World of Warcraft 2?


When WoW came out, everyone was talking about how MMOs are gonna take over the world.

Currently, World of Warcraft has an estimated 4-ish million subscribers, at its height it had 12 million.

This is considered the main reason why they haven't done a new game, while it's a lot less than its prime, it's still big enough to make a lot of money.

But that is a pussy argument, any real developer would want to make a new big MMO, and I am convinced most at Blizzard would love to do a WoW 2, but the leads won't let them because Overwatch blew up.

WoW 2 would make billions in its first year. There are millions of recovering WoW addicts that would go right back.


MMOs like WoW are not as popular as they once were. I’m surprised that they actually have 4 million subs. A sequel will just divide the users who loved the original and those who migrated to the new one. They’re better just making expansions and hopefully creating a whole new game.


WoW is dead and the recipe for its success has been long lost. Whoever still plays it either doesn't want wow 2 (classic players) or cares too much about their mount collection (retail players)... and hence don't want wow 2.


People have largely moved on. Recycling content isn't going to do much to pull new (and old) players in.

The gaming industry has expanded with a lot of competition and a constant changing and evolving market. As GaaS market grows, traditional MMO's shrinks.
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I’m a recovered WoW addict and yeah I’d love to see a WoW 2. For me there are no other MMO games that piqued my interest as much as WoW back in the day. I tried Guild Wars 2 but it just wasn’t the same for me.

I personally don’t think it’s a case of the market moving on. I think it’s just that no one wants to risk committing time, money and effort bringing one to market for it to underperform.


When WoW came out, everyone was talking about how MMOs are gonna take over the world.

Currently, World of Warcraft has an estimated 4-ish million subscribers, at its height it had 12 million.

This is considered the main reason why they haven't done a new game, while it's a lot less than its prime, it's still big enough to make a lot of money.

But that is a pussy argument, any real developer would want to make a new big MMO, and I am convinced most at Blizzard would love to do a WoW 2, but the leads won't let them because Overwatch blew up.

WoW 2 would make billions in its first year. There are millions of recovering WoW addicts that would go right back.
WoW is pretty bad right now what with dragons in wheelchairs. I think the bigger question is how much worse Microsoft could make a WoW2? And I think the answer is quite a bit.


King of Gaslighting
They aren't going to do a traditional WoW 2. If anything it would be a "WoW: Expanded Worlds" where the game finally comes to consoles, despite the game director saying "No" to this (why, I have no idea, given the success of, oh, every other MMO with controller support on consoles). They'd also throw some graphical upgrades to the thing to take advantage of the consoles and get a nice new stream of players.

. . .it wouldn't get me back and I doubt it would kickstart a renewed interest in the title that supports the development time, but hey - maybe.


WoW is the place where I have some of my best gaming memories but the young generations don’t care for MMOs it seems, maybe it’s too slow paced for them?

Really don’t see MS gambling on a project like that when they can push ESO and FO76 instead, much cheaper to produce and bringing revenue (ESO is in the Steam Silver tier with FIFA or FFXIV).


What time is it?
How about we get WC4 instead?
WoW isn't just my favorite MMO, but one of my favorite games of all time. The closest we've gotten to a second game is what OW originated from. There won't be anything else of that type from that universe. The next best thing we'll see is whatever Diablo 4 evolves into.
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Just speculation, but that is rather fun.. I think Microsoft would be more willing to let Blizzard work on more projects, especially smaller ones that aren't guaranteed to be megahits. I'd be more interested if we saw something like Starcraft Ghost come back perhaps.. Or a separate more scaled down version of WOW that would be more accessible to a console audience. Think Destiny, you still have dungeons and raids, but it's purpose built for controller with far less abilities to manage.

Anyway, who knows, but I get the impression that Activision wasn't willing to make bets with their studios. Only safe projects allowed. Microsoft seems to be more willing to invest in projects, so I would expect to see a liberated Blizzard.. And that's interesting to me.
WoW is dead, FF14 killed it.

Nothing can save it.
This would be a fun world to live in, but unfortunately FF14 went back down in player count after the hype died a bit after the last expansion.


WoW is still king in total players and active players for nearly 2 decades at this point. Don't get me wrong, it is slowly killing itself(as that's the only way it can die at this point), but it's way slower of a death than anyone here thinks.

If FF 17 or FF18 ends up being another new MMO, I think they could have what it takes to stay at the top spot for a few years, but Square Enix itself needs to do a ton of work to make everything easier, including the convoluted sign up process.

Edit: Also I agree with some of the other posters about MMOs. The genre needs a shakeup. We will see what 2023 brings in as there are a lot of MMO games set to come out this year. My only problem with newer MMOs is that everyone is now fighting each other towards who can produce either the best massive action MMO or the best massive soulslike MMO experience, which means a ton more games are copying western fantasy for their art style and no one's copying anything out of the ordinary like...Phantasy Star Online for example.
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Party Gooper
This would be a fun world to live in, but unfortunately FF14 went back down in player count after the hype died a bit after the last expansion.


WoW is still king in total players and active players for nearly 2 decades at this point. Don't get me wrong, it is slowly killing itself(as that's the only way it can die at this point), but it's way slower of a death than anyone here thinks.

If FF 17 or FF18 ends up being another new MMO, I think they could have what it takes to stay at the top spot for a few years, but Square Enix itself needs to do a ton of work to make everything easier, including the convoluted sign up process.
"So, we do it based on reddit subscriber information. We track the current subscribers, active users and history of both. This helps you to choose an MMO that has the required "activity" you'd like to see, or perhaps you are just interested."

Oh wow, so much for that statistic
"So, we do it based on reddit subscriber information. We track the current subscribers, active users and history of both. This helps you to choose an MMO that has the required "activity" you'd like to see, or perhaps you are just interested."

Oh wow, so much for that statistic
You have to use google my friend. Stop fighting me and go fight google itself.




When WoW came out, everyone was talking about how MMOs are gonna take over the world.

Currently, World of Warcraft has an estimated 4-ish million subscribers, at its height it had 12 million.

This is considered the main reason why they haven't done a new game, while it's a lot less than its prime, it's still big enough to make a lot of money.

But that is a pussy argument, any real developer would want to make a new big MMO, and I am convinced most at Blizzard would love to do a WoW 2, but the leads won't let them because Overwatch blew up.

WoW 2 would make billions in its first year. There are millions of recovering WoW addicts that would go right back.
I'm a skeptic about Blizzard, but in June we'll see how Diablo iv will fare. It will sell shitloads no matter the content, since it's a well established brand, but will deffo show how much creativity is left (allowed?) in the team.

The cinematics were finally a tad bit better than previous games, but still far far behind the de facto masterpiece: D2.

Blizz knows how to glue yungstas in front of the monitor, and milk them, but that's all, nothing else that would appease sp connoisseurs. It's a soulless money making machine. And they lost it somewhere around the wotlk(blatant ripoff)/pandaren(gtfo) wow extension. They even burned Starcraft's single player to the ground.

I'm rooting for a creative recovery, but the odds are not pleasing.


FFXIV didn't kill WoW, stop with the bullshit. The only thing that could kill WoW was WoW, and people have predicated that for well over a decade. It finally happened when Blizzard kept fucking up every aspect of the game, and it got so bad that WoW's playerbase got fed up and finally decided to try other games. It just so happened that FFXIV was the easiest game to transition to because it was growing in popularity and is a great MMO to boot. It wasn't just FFXIV either. MMOs tend to have dedicated playerbases that tend to only play that one MMO. That is especially more true for WoW and the types of players it attracts. But the situation with Shadowlands was so fucked that it motivated it's playerbase to finally try out other games. That kind of damage is irreversible, because now WoW players know if they get bored with the game, they can just move on to other games until there are patch updates.

WoW is no longer the king of MMOs. It may technically have the highest player count in that particular genre, but not by a lot. Not anymore. It might find itself neck and neck with FFXIV once 7.0 drops. It doesn't matter if Dragonflight is their best expansion in years. The damage is done, and it's players know that there are other MMOs out there that they also enjoy.
Blizzards 2nd mmo died in development. It's tattered remains became Overwatch. The wow storyline has already used the the 4th war in the Battle for Azeroth expansion.. and the people who made those memories and games have long since moved on. Now they stick too the formula of copying other mmos successful formulas while adding in some bullshit lore. And recapping subs on the old versions in the classic versions.


Why would the thought of MS owning wow cause an issue? Elder scrolls.online is still on all platforms and Minecraft is on all platforms. Ms wants games for gamepass but also don't want to lose rev from other platforms.
WOW is PC only, as we know Sony only cares about console gaming, so they only complained about COD.
They never even brought up Crash or Tony Hawk, which feeds right into MS hands.
They will happily keep COD multiplatform, and then they will make everything else from Activision like Crash etc Xbox exclusive.
It's a win win for them.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
When WoW came out, everyone was talking about how MMOs are gonna take over the world.

Currently, World of Warcraft has an estimated 4-ish million subscribers, at its height it had 12 million.

This is considered the main reason why they haven't done a new game, while it's a lot less than its prime, it's still big enough to make a lot of money.

But that is a pussy argument, any real developer would want to make a new big MMO, and I am convinced most at Blizzard would love to do a WoW 2, but the leads won't let them because Overwatch blew up.

WoW 2 would make billions in its first year. There are millions of recovering WoW addicts that would go right back.
Unlike COD, WoW(and the Starcraft franchise) has been exclusive to PC.
😆😆😆😆 To dream must be nice

MS can barely produce their own games. and blizzard is in creative turmoil.

Rocky times ahead.
It must really hurt to spend all your day dreaming and doomposting in a gaming forum. What are you afraid of ChorizoPicozo ChorizoPicozo ?


This would be a fun world to live in, but unfortunately FF14 went back down in player count after the hype died a bit after the last expansion.

the number fall is might due to the gap of patch release. based on the patch schedule, it is not suprising if there is falling down of player number since there is no new big content and the devs also increased the gap between patches. there might be longer dry patch period too. last patch 6.2 launch at august last year so there is atleast around 4 month of no new content period. based on how they move the gap period between patch, new expansion is estimated to launch around middle of next year. so there gonna be considerable more than 2 years long gap, longer than their usual schedule as they usually release next expansion each 2 years.

worth to mention that the game also bit different, as it not actually the type where concurent number is not really reliable measurement as the playerbase tend to only resub when new big patch landed and stopped resub once they felt they done everything. even the director encourage players to just stop sub if there is nothing else available to do. so in the period of where no new patch content, no new expansion, it is not suprising users number fall down for a bit as there not much major stuff coming out.

but, new patch 6.3 just launched 2 days ago and 6.35 also scheduled later around next month so in this upcoming week there gonna be increased of players number until, next new patch depend of how long the gap and how 'big' the patch gonna be. it might fall or rise. it depend.

WoW is different beast though. even the director Naoki Yoshida agreed that there is no way to achieve what WoW did back in the day where they has 12M sub. he even dislike that people talking down to that game and it irritating him when people claim FFXIV 'surpassed' that game.
"Blizzard is definitely aware of this, but without World of Warcraft, A Realm Reborn wouldn't exist,"

"WoW was the game we constantly looked up to."

- Naoki Yoshida

also worth to mention and dont get me wrong, im not defending any mmo here. just want to stated that afaik the mmo population not really accurate.
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Gold Member
Don’t think there’s much to fear for anyone with MS owning WoW as it has never been on consoles and isn’t a major game on any platforms other than PC.

If MS buying Blizzard results in them actually making a sequel (and a good one at that) it just sounds like a positive to me.


Off-Site Inflammatory Member
Or they could make a Starcraft MMO

God, what I would do for a really good Starcraft MMO.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
We've been saying WoW is dead for about a decade now. It isn't. It's just not nearly as popular as it was in Wrath.

For what it's worth every single person I know playing it who played all the expansions says that Dragonflight is the best it's been since Legion. Low bar maybe, but still. £50 per expansion, a £10 sub fee, people only subbed to play Classic, a legit way to buy gold, Blizzard making buckets of sub cash from letting Classic bots run rampant, and countless store cosmetics? Subscriber count isn't everything and you're missing the forest for the trees if you think WoW is "dead". It makes a buttload of money. WoW isn't ever going to shut down. People don't seem to understand that even fucking Everquest of all things is still going almost 24 years later with progression servers.

I think they're going to roll WoW subs into Game Pass but I can still see them charging for each expansion, because the dedicated base will pay it time and time again. Look at streamers like Preach who declared they were no longer going to cover WoW. Lasted what, a whole year? It's just unstoppable. A WoW2 would be a neat idea but I've changed my mind on it being worth doing.


Gold Member
They aren't going to do a traditional WoW 2. If anything it would be a "WoW: Expanded Worlds" where the game finally comes to consoles, despite the game director saying "No" to this (why, I have no idea, given the success of, oh, every other MMO with controller support on consoles). They'd also throw some graphical upgrades to the thing to take advantage of the consoles and get a nice new stream of players.

. . .it wouldn't get me back and I doubt it would kickstart a renewed interest in the title that supports the development time, but hey - maybe.

Actually pretty obvious. The game doesn't even function well without add ons. In fact it's pretty much mandatory in raids.


If we had the same Blizzard team creating this that created the first one, I'd be excited. This is not that team. Blizzard have fucked up so many new launches, expansions, patches recently that it is nothing more than a money printer for Bobby Cocklips greedy ass. They destroyed the Lore with Shadowlands, butchered it, for what? A BDSM robot with issues. Come on. I have like some parts of Dragonflight, there have been some really good stories in game but Blizzard is long dead and gone.


WoW is dead, FF14 killed it.

Nothing can save it.
i tried it a few diff times and didnt like it either. I played WoW from vanilla to Cata and then after that dipped into expansions for about 3 weeks at launch. the formula is just so old hat and boring. Combat got old. I honestly dont know what they could do.
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