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Phantasy Star (offline)

I just got Phantasy Star Collection for GBA and am playing the original Phantasy Star for the first time. This game is really hard, almost cruel. I can see why they later dumped the 3D dungeons...it's impossible to tell where you're going or where you've been! But I do like the game, maybe because it reminds me so much of the original Dragon Warrior.

What are the sequels like? Is it worth finishing Phantasy Star before I get into II or III? (All three games are on this cartridge.)


all the Phantasy Star RPGs are wonderful experiences. even the much disliked PSIII.

yeah I would definitally finish PSI first before moving on to the sequels. that's how I did it.
well, I bought II, III, and IV when they originally came out (1990, 1991, 1995 respectively)

I miss the PS RPGs :(


Phantasy Star II is one of the best RPGs ever IMO. It's also one of the hardest. Without the huge player guide that came with it in it's original Genesis release, I could see it being very intimidating.


I heard on the old board that the Sega Ages remakes of Phantasy Star I, II and IV are coming to North America in a compilation. Is this still true?

I've played each PS except I, but I can never get far in any of them because of time contraints, newer games, or just apathy (could never get into III).


yeah, supposedly (pretty much confirmed by you never know) Phantasy Star Trilogy will be released for the U.S. PS2 in Q1 or Q2 2005. remakes of PS I, II, IV. I can't wait to see II and IV. I hope the art style is different than that of PS I remake. I loved the style of the original Genesis PS II....


PS1 and II are bloody nightmares to get through, but their stories and characters were light years ahead of what similar fare was offering way back then.
The first one seems to be not so difficult if you just plan to spend an hour leveling up after every major event. I don't mind it, but after years of easy RPGs, going through that ritual no longer comes naturally. I actually enjoy leveling up in some games; depends on the battle system and the degree of satisfaction the game offers.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Quick note...

In the GBA PS Collection, the originally Phantasy Star is running under an emulated Sega Master System. PSII and III are ports, but the first is the original game.

Interesting, eh?


Definitly play thru 1 before moving on - the game kicks ass, and you'll miss those 3-D dungeons when hitting the rest of the series.

I remember being pissed when PS2 came out and the dungeons were top down. But all was forgiven after playing it - easily my all time favorite RPG. 3 was a little bit of a letdown, and 4 was just as great as 2.


The graphic whore in me is making me wait for the Sega Ages version of these games.

I've never gotten the chance to play any of this series,except for PSO, so I'm really looking forward to that.


The dungeons in PSI are very cruel. But overall a very good game. I don't know if I would have the patience to finish PSI before starting on the second today.
Oh wow, I was thinking picking this up later today. So it's pretty good eh? I'm interested in PS storyline and never really got a chance play any of the offline titles. Some questions though... are there any visual errors or bugs in the game? Also, I know there's the save bug in PS1, is it terribly damaging?

Ill Saint

PS III is brilliant. I really don't understand why it's so disliked. It's a big stylistic change for the series, but the game is gigantic, with a great story and characters. Massive replayability.

I much prefered it to IV, whch was too easy and short (but still great).

That said, I and II are still brilliant.
I really have to start playing PSI again. I have the Collection as well, but haven't touched it in a while. Drawing maps for the dungeons was fun.


I remember reading a preview of Phantasy Star III in the old multi console Game Players magazine. I was so excited when I read: "you'll learn the name of the awesome weapon that can destroy Dark Force forever".. or something like that. PS III was a good game, even if not the best of the 16-Bit Phantasy Stars.


Heh, and people say Nintendo fans are driven by blind nostalgia. The old Phantasy Stars are borderline uplayable today imo, 3-4 are okay but still way behind other RPGs from the same period. Meanwhile RPGs like Dragon Warrior 3-4, Final Fantasy 2-3 (US) or Lunar 1-2 are still pretty enjoyable in terms of gameplay...
jarrod said:
Heh, and people say Nintendo fans are driven by blind nostalgia. The old Phantasy Stars are borderline uplayable today imo, 3-4 are okay but still way behind other RPGs from the same period. Meanwhile RPGs like Dragon Warrior 3-4, Final Fantasy 2-3 (US) or Lunar 1-2 are still pretty enjoyable in terms of gameplay...

Why only list up to DQ4? I'm playing through DQ5 right now, I haven't had this much fun with an RPG in a long time.


SolidSnakex said:
Why only list up to DQ4? I'm playing through DQ5 right now, I haven't had this much fun with an RPG in a long time.
DQ5-6 (and DQ3R) are excellent but I was focusing on US releases. Games that aren't simply held up by a nostalgic appreciation alone. :)
jarrod said:
DQ5-6 (and DQ3R) are excellent but I was focusing on US releases. Games that aren't simply held up by a nostalgic appreciation alone. :)

After playing through a few older DQ's recently it actually seems like they stand up better than any other RPG series. Horii always seems to push the gameplay forward so even if the graphics don't look that great the gameplay is still high quality, even today.


Unconfirmed Member
I detest the Phantasy Star battle system. Actually I've never been able to get anywhere in PS II on any of the numerous attempts I've made to play the game. I just can't warm up to it at all.

Phantasy Star is one of those series that I always forget that I really don't like (outside of the PSO games, which are awesome albeit totally played out now).
PSII is a really, really rough ride. It's one of the most unforgiving RPGs I've played: dungeons are long and difficult and save points are rare. I first played it a few years ago, without a guide, and since anyone who played the game back in the day would have had use of the included guide, I can see how it would have been more enjoyable. I'm still looking forward to trying the original when the Sega Ages version comes out here, short music loops and all.


i take it you never got the recorder in psII?? You caould save anywhere you wanted in psII with the recorder and it is mandatory to get so it looks like you didn't get very far in the game before giving up.
btrboyev said:
i take it you never got the recorder in psII?? You caould save anywhere you wanted in psII with the recorder and it is mandatory to get so it looks like you didn't get very far in the game before giving up.

This is the sort of thing the guide would have been useful for. I had no idea any such thing existed when I played it, and yeah, I made it to the second dungeon or so. I knew I didn't want to spend much more time on the game after that first dungeon. Call me soft, or whatever. :p


The save bug in PS1 got me quite a few times while playing. Pretty much to the point where I'd cringe while saving in anticipation of the game freaking out and crashing.

Enjoyed 2 and 3 though, no bad bugs bothered me through either one. I just ended up getting my PS1 fix over again through the original Master System cart I have. The only Master System cart I own.
I've already been bitten twice by the PS1 save bug. :-( It's psychologically devastating when playing an RPG, to know that your progress might be lost so easily.

Edit: Ack, spelling.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've played through all of PS1 on PSC on the GBA and never encounted a save bug. Is it fatal? What happens?


I've already been bitten twice by the PS1 save bug. :-( It's psychologically devistating when playing an RPG, to know that your progress might be lost so easily.

if it makes you feel any better..... back in January 1990, over winter break, I got Phantasy Star.. after playing for 5, 6 or 7 days, i hastily and stupidly SAVED OVER my progress. I was completely crushed. devastated like you mentioned. I almost wanted to cry. but there was nothing i could do. after a few hours...or perhaps even the next day... I started a new quest and was up and running much faster and smoother than the first time. i had learned so much. it was my first true RPG. it was still enjoyable even though i had to start from scratch. dont feel too bad man.


ff3 (US) is a pretty recent game though and i think PS4 is definitely as playable. it just doesnt look anywhere near as good. the older PS games are hard to play however due to the dated battle system. if you are new to the series, i'd suggest starting with PS4 or perhaps wait for the remakes (hopefully they updated the battle systems of the older games).
Mejilan said:
I've played through all of PS1 on PSC on the GBA and never encounted a save bug. Is it fatal? What happens?

I would assume it's only present in the GBA version, surely... When the game brings up the "Saving, please do not turn off your GBA" screen, sometimes it goes instead to a solid light blue screen and freezes there. The save doesn't go through, and you can't unfreeze it, so you lose your progress since the last successful save.


Jonnyboy117 said:
I would assume it's only present in the GBA version, surely... When the game brings up the "Saving, please do not turn off your GBA" screen, sometimes it goes instead to a solid light blue screen and freezes there. The save doesn't go through, and you can't unfreeze it, so you lose your progress since the last successful save.

Yeah, I've had that happen to me a few times. So far I've only played through PS1. 1 was a charming game, but I couldn't get into 2. I'll probably give it a go later, seeing as how it seems to be the favorite.


btw, my saved games on my U.S. Master System Phantasy Star lasted from 1990 to 2003-or beginning of 2004. the battery lasted 14 years! omfg


PS4 is still playable, easily. A few enhancements that are common in RPGs from that era should've been in there but it still is a playable game. Actually, it's my favorite PS game overall.


Lost Weekend said:
Phantasy Star II is one of the best RPGs ever IMO. It's also one of the hardest. Without the huge player guide that came with it in it's original Genesis release, I could see it being very intimidating.

The dungeons later in the game, especially. The first few are tough enough with the multiple levels and such, but that one dungeon about 3/4 of the way through where you've got to climb up and then drop down to levels via the black holes... sheesh.

As far as PSIII goes, someone asked what the differences are between it and PSII. For me personally, it's the dungeons... PSIII has a very linear feel to its dungeons, and there aren't any that are really "hard." PSII made you work for your ending with tough enemies and dungeon mazes that actually felt like mazes, and with PSIII it just seemed to be a matter of how long you could tolerate that horrid battle music.

Though, to give PSIII its credit, I liked the way the story played out, and I thought there were some really cool and imaginative enemies. It's hard for me to cut down a PS game, because I like them all.


Running off of Custom Firmware
PS4 fucking owns if only for the macro system. It's essentially PS2 in overdrive, and I'm happy about that. (Mechanics-wise.)

In character and stories, I think PS2 takes the cake. And the ending STILL fucks with me everytime I boot up my Mother Brain fight save file and replay it.

Thanks for clearing up the GBA PS1 save bug. Never got it. But it doesn't ERASE your PS1 save file, just crashes sometime through the save, before it starts writing? What I mean, is if it crashes, you can reboot the system and reload the same file from where you left off last successful save?

Sounds like an easy system to beat, just save often. (Which is what I do everytime a game allows me to do so, as PS1 does.)
Mejilan said:
What I mean, is if it crashes, you can reboot the system and reload the same file from where you left off last successful save?

Sounds like an easy system to beat, just save often. (Which is what I do everytime a game allows me to do so, as PS1 does.)

Yes, that's what it does, and yes, that's the only thing to do about it.
Yep, I miss the regular ol' Phantasy Star RPGs... PSII is my second favorite RPG ever...behind Wasteland, of course. The themes and many story- and game-play elements of this series were well ahead of their time, as far as console RPGs go. PSI, II, and IV are fucking great.

It's best to play them in order...that way, you get maximum enjoyment out of all the allusions to the previous games that each successive sequels offers. It makes it a hell of a lot more interesting and really attaches you to the universe.


I think one of the reasons that made (and make) the PS RPGs stand out from the crowd is basically the genre. They leave behind almost all the typical fantasy-inspired elements from RPGs such as FF and DQ, and created a universe all of its own with a sci-fi theme. Interplanetary travel, guns, robots and androids, aliens and vehicles.. PS just went into a whole different direction opposed to most other RPGs of the time.

My personal favourite is probably PS4, the only one I actually managed to finish all by myself (I had my father and older brother helping me out on the others). It was still a pretty challenging game, but not as relentless as the others, esp. PS II. Aaaah PS II...I still have the cartridge and I still have the save point right before the battle against Mother Brain.... and I never managed to beat her/it :( The guide was essential !!! I can't imagine playing PS II withouth regulary checking where you were supposed to go, because any single random encounter could decimate your entire party !

I really love PS1 too... such a revolutionary game way back when.. And the great scenes : the nightmare sequence on Motavia, Miau getting wings, finding Odin, the creepy dungeons... brilliant game if you ask me :)
AssMan said:
Sega Ages are remaking this game? Are there any pics?







That's the only SegaAges PS that's been shown so far.


Volt said:
I think one of the reasons that made (and make) the PS RPGs stand out from the crowd is basically the genre. They leave behind almost all the typical fantasy-inspired elements from RPGs such as FF and DQ, and created a universe all of its own with a sci-fi theme. Interplanetary travel, guns, robots and androids, aliens and vehicles.. PS just went into a whole different direction opposed to most other RPGs of the time.

thats why i like the PS games so much. it has its own sci-fi universe, actual sci-fi elements as opposed to the typical fantasy themes. there is a huge lack of sci-fi rpgs IMO. for sci-fi fans thats a big letdown in general.
also the stories themselves were always paced and told nicely, not too much cheese.
wow, that PS1 remake looks pretty good...hopefully they updated the battle system, i'll wait for these remakes and see how they turn out.


Good lord, those screens look sweet. Wonder how the music is?

And I realized too that PS is pretty much the only pure Sci-fi J-RPG out there (aside from stuff like Lagrange Point.) Star Ocean dares to comes close, but they drop the science for generic Dragon Quest-ish bullshit pretty early in (maybe the upcoming one fixes this, I'd have to play it and see.) Wonder why they haven't made too many?
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