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Poke-freaks (CVX, etc.): couple questions for j00

john tv

I'm currently addicted to the US version of Pokemon Emerald, and I've got a couple of quick questions for you hardcore Poke-mans:

1. Is it possible to safely trade Pokemon between Japanese and US versions? If you do, what happens? I have a 58-hour save file on the Japanese Leaf Green, so I was wondering if there's any way to trade over some of my crew to my US Emerald cart.

2. Why did they take the arasuji feature out of Emerald? (I dunno what it was called in the US version -- it's the bit in FR/LG where it tells you the last five things you did every time you start up.) That feature was brilliant! Now, every time I turn on Emerald, I have to strain my brain to remember what it was I did last or what I'm supposed to do next...

3. Was there ever any "official" word from Nintendo as to why they stopped doing the 24-hour time thing from G/S/C in the GBA versions? That was the series' best feature ever, IMO, and I've never got a solid answer as to why they stopped incorporating it. It's easy to try and guess (parents complained of kids staying up too late?), but I'd love to hear some official info...

That's all. Thank you, Poke-friends!


john tv said:
I'm currently addicted to the US version of Pokemon Emerald, and I've got a couple of quick questions for you hardcore Poke-mans:

1. Is it possible to safely trade Pokemon between Japanese and US versions? If you do, what happens? I have a 58-hour save file on the Japanese Leaf Green, so I was wondering if there's any way to trade over some of my crew to my US Emerald cart.

2. Why did they take the arasuji feature out of Emerald? (I dunno what it was called in the US version -- it's the bit in FR/LG where it tells you the last five things you did every time you start up.) That feature was brilliant! Now, every time I turn on Emerald, I have to strain my brain to remember what it was I did last or what I'm supposed to do next...

3. Was there ever any "official" word from Nintendo as to why they stopped doing the 24-hour time thing from G/S/C in the GBA versions? That was the series' best feature ever, IMO, and I've never got a solid answer as to why they stopped incorporating it. It's easy to try and guess (parents complained of kids staying up too late?), but I'd love to hear some official info...

That's all. Thank you, Poke-friends!

1. I'm 99% sure that's a no. The games' programming are too different between regions.

2. Haven't a clue, though I liked it too.

3. Time constraints? I know the game does have an in-game clock, but as far as I know it wasn't really used for anything. That leads me to believe that they just didn't have the time to implement time-based elements. It was indeed the best part of the GSC games though, I'll give you that.

EDIT - Silly me, there were small events in the GAB games, like growing berries and the NPCs that give you a random berry every day. Perhaps someone would like to expand on that?


jman2050 said:
3. Time constraints? I know the game does have an in-game clock, but as far as I know it wasn't really used for anything. That leads me to believe that they just didn't have the time to implement time-based elements. It was indeed the best part of the GSC games though, I'll give you that.

EDIT - Silly me, there were small events in the GAB games, like growing berries and the NPCs that give you a random berry every day. Perhaps someone would like to expand on that?

Some pokemon, like hoot-hoot, only appeared during the evening and night. At least, that's what I always believed... BELIEVE!
Someone whom I know that is probably the biggest Pokénerd on the face of the planet wanted to convey this response:

OMG This Guy is a Pokénerd said:
1. There were screenshots of pokemon with JPN names and ENG names on the same team. Dunno if that counts as trading across regions or just a hack, but most likely the latter.

2. No idea though to some people (like me) it was more of a hindrance than a helpful feature (especially if you already beat the game and are currenly raising your best possible team). Afterall, it only tells you the last few things you did in your quest so you can beat the game and not something more helpful like you raised your Magikarp from lvl 3 to lvl85 or something like that (at least that's what I think :p ). That and it's annoying to have when you're trying to get female one-off monsters.
It's probably the same reason GAMEFREAKS decided to just recycle all the R/S art for Emerald instead of redrawing all the art to reflect the better (IMO) sprites of FR/LG, they were just lazy. :p

3. The 24 hour thing is still there but the day period don't change visually and doesn't (technically) effect monster placement like it does in Pokemon G/S/C.
Things that the 24 hour clock effect:
Berry Growing
Old Man in Pacificlog Town gives you Return or Frustration (depending on your lead monster). This happens every 7 days.
Rising and lowering of tides in Shoal Cave. (Mornings it'll be high tide and evenings it'll be low tides. When the tide is low, it gives you access to the underground caves where you can catch Snorunt and get the second half of the ingredients to make a Shell Bell. High tide gives you the first half of Shell Bell ingredients)
Trading an Eevee from FR/LG to R/S/E will make it evolve to Espeon or Umbreon after and before 6 pm time. Trade back to return it.
Vitamin sales (half off stat boosting items) and special item sales (located on top of Lilycove mall) are announced (watch TV to find out).

And I'm sure there are a few more things that the clock effect but that's the majority of them (and the ones that actually matter).

And yeah, in G/S/C, in the day time Spearow, Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle and their cacoon forms show up in grassy areas. In the night time Hoot-hoot, Venonat, and others appear in the dark while the daytime monsters will be asleep when you battle them (by using Headbutt on trees). Nighttime monsters will be asleep during the day obviously. This happens mainly in the early game as I don't remember any significant monster differences in the latter part.

Hope that helps. :p

Remember: this is the guy that has boxes upon boxes of unhatched identical eggs and can't remember which Pokémon of the lot is "the one".


Dragona Akehi said:
Remember: this is the guy that has boxes upon boxes of unhatched identical eggs and can't remember which Pokémon of the lot is "the one".

Sounds like my brother. He's on a neverending quest to reach pokemon team nirvana. Still looking for the perfect Chansey last I heard :)
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