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Polygon: Marvel’s controversial Secret Empire event is over. Was it worth it?


I feel like cape events range from "wow that was cringe worthy and boarderline offensive" to "hey that was pretty decent."

Since 2010, it's been trash with the exception of 3, Secret Wars (Marvel), Convergence (DC) and Infinity (Marvel)

Metal (DC) is already off a WAY better start.
Isn't there so much lead time and so many moving parts involved in comic publishing that they really couldn't not do the event by the time it became clear people would have issue with it?


Talk about character assassination

You think that's bad, you know how Falcon became Captain America 3 years ago? Yeah, he's been a complete punkass these last 2 years and this event made him a complete jobber.

Isn't there so much lead time and so many moving parts involved in comic publishing that they really couldn't not do the event by the time it became clear people would have issue with it?

That's the kicker, this event was built up unlike the last several events aside from Secret Wars and it still resulted in a mess. You can say the election affected things but I honestly wouldn't be shocked had the election resulted different, this book would still be a mess.


Peter is free from Doc Ock and two years ago, the Spider Man from the Ultimate Universe jumped to the main Universe. He was basically envisioned to see killing Hydra Cap but no one knew it at the time.

Don't do it, both events waste your time.

I believe that Peter Parker switched brains with Doctor Octopus and is now dead. Doctor Octopus continues to be Spider-Man but believes himself to be Peter Parker. There is also a clone of Doctor Octopus that retains the Doctor Octopus memories, but does not remember dying as Peter Parker. ;-)
Isn't there so much lead time and so many moving parts involved in comic publishing that they really couldn't not do the event by the time it became clear people would have issue with it?
People had problems with it from the moment Cap got young again. When Marvel announced Empire and had Cap become director of SHIELD on the same day Trump won they should've seen that extending it for many months more wouldn't be a good idea. They even added more issues to the event.
It seems like the whole even was just to get Sam to not he Cap anymore so.

No it was fucking worthless and like always, simply there so two or three people change costumes and the bench thins out for a couple years.


Peter is free from Doc Ock and two years ago, the Spider Man from the Ultimate Universe jumped to the main Universe. He was basically envisioned to see killing Hydra Cap but no one knew it at the time.

Don't do it, both events waste your time.

I believe that Peter Parker switched brains with Doctor Octopus and is now dead. Doctor Octopus continues to be Spider-Man but believes himself to be Peter Parker. There is also a clone of Doctor Octopus that retains the Doctor Octopus memories, but does not remember dying as Peter Parker. ;-)
If Jontron wasn't an alt-right asshole I'd put his "I get it; I don't get it" reaction gif because that's how I read all that stuff.

Still interested in how Marvel stuff works now.


No it wasn't. Just an extreme waste of time for everyone. Even letting Cap go back to being Cao came at some expense.
Well the comment here are disappointing. I've been trying to catch up to all of this and still is disappointment after disappointment after disappointment😞 will marvel ever get it right?


Real Cap is a Hydra weirdo and got beat up but he's still around and still evil.

"Good" Cap is a hard light reconstruction built out of hope and money via cosmic cube fuckery and he is also still around.

They address this in Omega. Basically, no one really knows which one is the 'true' one anymore as the Cosmic Cube is an reality-altering plot device.


I never followed any of the press or anything regarding SE, and just read it as it came out... but what did it do that seemed to rustle so many Jimmy Olsens, exactly?

It had a lot of missteps storywise for sure (Significant events happening off-panel/in tie-ins
eg. the resistance bouncing back from Hydra wiping out their base thanks to Sam Wilson becoming Cap again and leading them to a major victory, all of which we didn't get to see.
or not being explained well enough.), but on the whole I had a lot of fun reading it. I mean, it mostly held together pretty well and (Not to be understated) it all came out on time too. It wasn't as good as Secret Wars, but at the same time it wasn't offensively terrible like Civil War 2.

Was Cap turning bad for what must be the hundredth time really that much of a button pusher?

I will give you that that "Generations" set up was some forced-as-fuck shoehorned trash and Kobik is a fucking awful 'character' though.


I.e. shut up nerds you all know good cap is "real"

As I posted in the other thread, they really should have put the themes of Omega directly into Secret Empire instead of this weird nonsensical plotline.

It's literally a 'here's the author's dissection and intent of this whole event, enjoy!' writeup.


The real Captain America died in the incursions, the current Steve is a replica created by Reed Richards using the power of the Beyonders.

I believe that Peter Parker switched brains with Doctor Octopus and is now dead. Doctor Octopus continues to be Spider-Man but believes himself to be Peter Parker. There is also a clone of Doctor Octopus that retains the Doctor Octopus memories, but does not remember dying as Peter Parker. ;-)

They should have a later twist that reveals that Parker and the Doc never switched brains and that the Doc's device only brainwashed them both into believing they did.
Since 2010, it's been trash with the exception of 3, Secret Wars (Marvel), Convergence (DC) and Infinity (Marvel)

Metal (DC) is already off a WAY better start.
I don't remember anyone really liking Convergence outside of a few of the tie ins honestly. It came and went.

Joey Ravn

The real Captain America died in the incursions, the current Steve is a replica created by Reed Richards using the power of the Beyonders.

That's technically true, but wouldn't it also apply to virtually everyone in the Marvel universe, with the exception of a select few individuals?

They address this in Omega. Basically, no one really knows which one is the 'true' one anymore as the Cosmic Cube is an reality-altering plot device.

If anything, the "realest" Cap is Hydra Cap. Even if his life had been altered by the Kobik, it's his body. Good Steve is just an idea made flesh. It may be human flesh, but he's the one that separated from the other Cap, not the other way around. Of course, the editorial team will want you to believe that good Cap is real Cap...

Since 2010, it's been trash with the exception of 3, Secret Wars (Marvel), Convergence (DC) and Infinity (Marvel)

Metal (DC) is already off a WAY better start.

I can honestly give my opinion only on DC stuff, since it's 95% of what I read and I've been reading since I was a kid.

Flashpoint (2011) amounts to a what-if story, but its twist is a good betrayal of the expectations you have for an event like this one. No wonder Barry messing up the timeline has become a meme in recent years.

During The New 52, as far as big events go, I feel Forever Evil (2013) was pretty solid. And although it wasn't was involved with the rest of the world as other events, Multiversity (2016) was really good, especially if you like Grant Morrison. Multiversity and Morrison's DC work are the foundation of Metal, so it's worth checking out.

A few mini-events/crossovers have been solid too, especially during the Rebirth era:

Death of the Family (2012) was one of the highlights of Snyder's Batman run.
The Button (2017) was absolutely great.
Superman Reborn (2017) not only did the best it could with a crappy situation, but it was a terrific Superman story on its own.

Futures End (2014) was the weakest company-wide event in a while, if you ask me. It amounted to basically nothing. Let's see what Future Tim Drake's role in The Oz Effect is...

I don't remember anyone really liking Convergence outside of a few of the tie ins honestly. It came and went.

It gave us pre-Flashpoint Superman (*my* Superman!) back, at least. If anything, at least it directly affected on of the coolest and most quality eras of DC Comics in recent history.


The new Secret Wars aside, Marvel seems to do really badly at events in general. I feel DC's books seem to do much better in that area, mostly because they feel like they come along far less frequently.
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