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Portal 2 getting in-game editor early 2012



In Portal 2, players were made to complete a series of devious and deadly tests constructed by the sadistic GLaDOS. Players will soon be able to put themselves in the AI antagonist metaphorical shoes, as developer Valve today announced that it is working on an in-game editor that will allow users to create and share their own single-player and cooperative mode test chambers. The update is set for release early next year.

Think you can make a level better than Valve? Prove it.

The editor will be the second add-on for Portal, following up on the Peer Review update released earlier this month. That addition continued the cooperative adventures of multiplayer characters P-Body and Atlas, and featured a Challenge mode playable both in single-player and co-op, as well as leaderboard support. The Peer Review pack was released for free on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Valve did not specify a cost or platforms for the in-game editor update, and had not responded to GameSpot's request for clarification as of press time.

Portal 2--which has shipped 2 million units--is the continuation of the 2007 Orange Box pack-in Portal. The single-player portion of the new title continues the travails of human lab rat Chell, who in the original game used a portal gun to create interdimensional openings on ceilings, walls, and floors in an effort to escape the Aperture Science labs and thwart the diabolical GLaDOS.

Valve time..


Eyebrow raised. Might this coincide with the elusive new Source editing tools Valve has alluded to?

Angry Fork

This is the kinda thing that needs to be in the game at launch. Not complaining but it just seems obvious. Hardcore fans are the ones that are going to use this but they've already figured out how to make maps other ways.

Maybe I'm just bitter/annoyed that Valve keeps doing everything except HL3.


Early 2012 = June/July 2012.

I hope it's free (99.9% sure it will be) and available on all platforms again (unclear if Xbox will get the shaft, probably not)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Angry Fork said:
This is the kinda thing that needs to be in the game at launch. Not complaining but it just seems obvious. Hardcore fans are the ones that are going to use this but they've already figured out how to make maps other ways.

Maybe I'm just bitter/annoyed that Valve keeps doing everything except HL3.

They didn't begin prototyping much less actually working on the simplified editor until after the game released. "Hindsight is 20/20" and all that. :p


Angry Fork said:
This is the kinda thing that needs to be in the game at launch. Not complaining but it just seems obvious. Hardcore fans are the ones that are going to use this but they've already figured out how to make maps other ways.

Maybe I'm just bitter/annoyed that Valve keeps doing everything except HL3.

Valve can do no wrong, and if you believe that valve can do wrong then you can do wrong and you are currently doing wrong.


Can't wait to see what people come up with. I hope there's like a filter or rating system to seperate the good maps from the bad.


Reminds me of that time Valve brought a class in to their studios and taught them how to make levels in Portal 2 to tie in with the physics the kids were doing. They really seem to be into making Portal 2 an easy way to learn.


Makes sense, throwing together portal maps in Hammer is already pretty fool proof considering how modular everything is.


Wild. Nice. The very best maps will be made in Hammer, I'm sure, but I'm always curious when it comes to how games with in-game editors work.



- No additional SP content is planned.
- They are discussing adding a personality to the editor, a voice (but not GLaDOS?) that comments on what you are building.
Oh, and here's the press release:

Valve Announces Portal 2 Update Featuring In-Game Editor

October 21, 2011 - Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress, and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the second game add-on for the year's highest rated multiplatform game, Portal 2, is in development and targeted for release early next year.

This major update will feature an easy-to-use in-game map editor that will let users design, build and share their own single-player and co-op test chambers with the community, who will be able to view, play and vote on them with a simple click.

Portal 2 was released April 19, and currently holds a Metacritic score of 95%, making it the top-rated multiplatform game of 2011. Its first content update, "Peer Review", came out two weeks ago.

A hilariously mind-bending adventure that challenges you to use wits over weaponry in a funhouse of diabolical science, Portal 2 features expansive single and cooperative multiplayer game modes. For more information on Portal 2 and its downloadable content, please visit http://www.thinkwithportals.com.


Unconfirmed Member
Saw this on giantbomb this morning. Looks brilliant. If it's as simple to make maps as it looks I'll be all over this. I'm so rubbish at using hammer.
I think this is a year too late, honestly. It's especially awkward with Hammer already existing. I'm not sure who they're trying to appeal to, or what exactly is intended to be accomplished with this.

I loved Portal 2, but going back to it (over?) a year later? It's not especially compelling with all the other great cames that are coming out this holiday season and will be releasing next year (3 Blizzard games in one year?!?! At least 2 is confirmed.)
NBtoaster said:
Why wouldn't it? Valve gives the Source SDK for free with their other games.

And I don't expect them to charge for tools that are designed to help grow the community but you know.. expect the worst, hope for the best!


angular graphics said:

- No additional SP content is planned.
- They are discussing adding a personality to the editor, a voice (but not GLaDOS?) that comments on what you are building.


Love the style of the editor, matches the one of the pre-release videos. It's great for allowing everyone to try their hand at making a level w\o having to master Hammer and the other stuff.

And i guess this will allow 360\PS3 players to download custom made maps for the game.
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