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Post-Starfield reviews, which game do you see doing best on the GOTY circuit this year?

Which of the following games do you see doing best on the GOTY circuit this year?

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I think most places will actually give it balders gate III for its achievement in delivering a hardcore PC rpg to the masses. Plus its something different. Tears will win plenty too.

What a year.
Baldur's Gate 3 will win the most of them (also likely win the VGA's GOTY), but I see all of them winning at least some GOTY awards among various outlets. The VGAs aren't the only GOTY that matters, I really wish people would come to learn that.


i've played totk and it deserves goty as well as other games

but despite not playing it, my heart is with Baldurs gate 3. Solely because how it somewhat has an unconvential gameplay and managed to pique interest of people all the same. that's a huge achivement

zelda had their spotlight in 2017 already. this should go to baldurs
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The only one that matters, the Laieon circuit, is looking at Hogwarts Legacy and depending on how they turn out, Spider-Man 2 and Cities Skylines 2.
Despite the scores, did enough outlets play BG3? Seems to have a lower amount of reviews.

It will probably be TotK which I think is a poor choice for GOTY because it's a complete rehash of BotW with some forgettable crafting mechanics.


BG3. What a fantastic RPG. Interesting story, exploration, deep combat, voiced dialog for nearly all NPCs and animals - I am absolutely loving my time with it. Does have a few bugs though which can be a bit annoying.

I don't think Starfield and FF are in the same league as the other games listed OP. Starfield looks anaemic like I thought it would be. I don't think Steam user reviews will very kind to it.


Gold Member
TOTK or BG3. Both are gonna get a bunch of wins, but BG3 will probably get more because it's a brand new thing while TOTK is basically an expanded version of 2017's GOTY.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Voted Zelda because I think more outlets will give it to that, but it's BG3 by a country mile.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I think it's premature to write off Starfield, it'll take a little while to see if it's got legs and for some reviews it was a 10/10. I think it's quite possible that it'll be embraced by players and could well end up being regarded higher than the metacritic average suggests.

Whatever happens, I would personally say the sensible money is on TOTK, BG3 will get a boost via console players and again it'll be interesting to see how much buzz there is after a month or so.

Imo it has to be one of those 3, Final Fantasy and Resi have no chance.


Just the critics? It'll no doubt be TOTK, because they love to give Nintendo the reach around. It should be BG3 though.
TOTK is the mainstream GOTY and probably the best game on there. Not sure about BG3 but I don’t think it will be able to best Zelda for the normalcools.


bg3 has kinda swept zelda under the rug, but might pay what i heard is a disappointing act 3 that didn't end up on the reviews because of how big the game is.

i played both and can't really decide, VERY different experiences


Still think it will be Zelda. A lot of critics have always had a bit of a Nintendo bias, and as historically relevant as Baldur's Gate is as a franchise, it's not quite Zelda.
BG3 will still get a lot of awards though, just not as many. Maybe if it had come out a bit later and was still new and fresh by the time most outlets are voting for their GOTY.


Anything but BG3 is basically robbery this year. The sheer depth in this game is ridiculous, the devs went over and beyond to the point other devs started complaining lol.
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