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PS4 BETA firmware 5.00 out today


There's nothing major to test.
I'm pretty sure they have done major internal changes, mostly to data handling. The performance of the menu is much better. There was an extra step during installation where the system partition was optimized. Patch download procedure seems to work a bit different for large ones. Lots of hints like that, including new bugs like missing DLC downloads (which will hopefully be fixed with Beta 4 or at least the stable version).
Sony might see that a bit different. Beta testing is very much automated these days, the importance on manual tester feedback is lower, because a lot of useful data is automatically collected.

Of course you can wish for cool new features, but IMHO reliable performance is desirable too, so I don't feel let down. Also a handful of the minor features are nice to have, too.


I understand completely, no need to be rude.

There's simply nothing major in this beta to test. They may as well have kept it closed.
That seems unfair, with the changes that are coming with v5.00 I'd imagine a lot of work has had to be done behind the scenes to allow these changes to happen. Just because there aren't a dozen new options in the settings for us doesn't mean that there isn't anything going on that we may not see the benefits of until future updates.

These things always need to be tested and even though it's been in testing for quite some time through the different beta builds it's still safe to assume that when v5.00 is released publicly that there will still be issues with it when it's out in the wild but the idea of tests like these is that as many issues are sorted out before it's out in the wild.

Although beta testers may be aware of some of the improvements from different builds we just have no idea of the changes that have been made.


aka andydumi
I'm really wondering if with 5.0s improvements to child accounts they are thinking of moving forward with cross-play with other consoles. Sort of a "limited to parent accounts" and "we gave you controls for child accounts" sort of thing.

It doesn't override their business concenrs, but it does sort of solve the issue they raised about kids being exposed to other players.


One stealth feature on 5.0 that I noticed is that they got rid of that annoying "Preparing to Download..." message when downloading game updates. It now automatically starts downloading and we get a "Copying files" at the end when it's installing which appears to take the same amount of time it used to for "Preparing to Download". Basically they inverted the process. Before everytime you decided to pause and resume a patch it would take ages to "Prepare" again.


One stealth feature on 5.0 that I noticed is that they got rid of that annoying "Preparing to Download..." message when downloading game updates. It now automatically starts downloading and we get a "Copying files" at the end when it's installing which appears to take the same amount of time it used to for "Preparing to Download". Basically they inverted the process. Before everytime you decided to pause and resume a patch download it would take ages to "Prepare" again.

This happened to me in Overwatch and I'm on a current firmware, not on 5.0.


Gold Member
How is the parental controls working? That's a huge benefit for me and my family. I'm really excited (rather my kids) for it.


The latest update also fixed the sorting of games in Library, the previous update stopped the different listing options from working. I'm pleased that's fixed as it makes it simpler to check game updates if a few have been updated at the same time.


The latest update also fixed the sorting of games in Library, the previous update stopped the different listing options from working. I'm pleased that's fixed as it makes it simpler to check game updates if a few have been updated at the same time.


Are you saying there's a way to sort games on the Library page by whether there's an update available for them?

Any kind of universal update search is one of my dream firmware additions. Cycling through a few hundred games to make sure everything is current has gotten very, very old.



Are you saying there's a way to sort games on the Library page by whether there's an update available for them?

Any kind of universal update search is one of my dream firmware additions. Cycling through a few hundred games to make sure everything is current has gotten very, very old.
No, being able to check updated games was just an example I gave.

When you go into the Library you'll have sorting options such as Name: A-Z, Install Date and Recently Used but the sorting wasn't working as of the 3rd beta. One of f the things that I used this for was when there were a few games that were updated at the same time, when this happened the newly updated games would go to the top of the page when listed as Recently Used so it was simple enough to check what the update to each game was.

It wasn't a major but I'm really glad that the option to sort software has been fixed with teh latest update.
I think I want the ability to mass clear things from notifications back. It's normally not a huge deal, but when you install something fresh to your system and have a ton of DLC items it sucks.

An option to install all items from the available/purchased DLC would be nice, too.


New bugs...
Can't download large updates anymore. Although there's like 100GB free in system storage, I can't download large updates, e.g. U4 1.28 11GB.

I had no issue with this game updated the other day. Have you submitted it in the feedback forum?


I had no issue with this game updated the other day. Have you submitted it in the feedback forum?

Yes, of course. I had also no trouble updating games on Beta 3. The update for Killing Floor 2 was also fine on Beta 4. Looks like only large updates are affected, e.g U4, FF XV, ...


Yes, of course. I had also no trouble updating games on Beta 3. The update for Killing Floor 2 was also fine on Beta 4. Looks like only large updates are affected, e.g U4, FF XV, ...

That sucks there's been quite a few large updates the last few days. I guess as a work around you could revert to the non beta firmware update the games then reinstall the beta if you want the features.


This is 5.0?

Basic quality of life features that should've been out with release of the console. lmao

definitely behind xbox in terms of updates. they should just try to copy the popular stuff lol

BUT i'm not really expecting much when we're almost 4 years into the generation.


definitely behind xbox in terms of updates. they should just try to copy the popular stuff lol

BUT i'm not really expecting much when we're almost 4 years into the generation.

Yeah really. This a weeks worth of work in a major update.


That sucks there's been quite a few large updates the last few days. I guess as a work around you could revert to the non beta firmware update the games then reinstall the beta if you want the features.

I suppose that would work, but since I'm busy with Lost Legacy I won't bother 😃
What's even more strange, I have no trouble downloading games. Even when those are way larger than the updates. Figures...


I suppose that would work, but since I'm busy with Lost Legacy I won't bother 😃
What's even more strange, I have no trouble downloading games. Even when those are way larger than the updates. Figures...

That really is an odd one. Enjoy the lost legacy. I just finished chapter 4. I'm hoping it picks up a bit as I didn't enjoy that one at all.


I'm not generating any updates since I've updated to Beta 4 - (new trophies, played a game for the first time, etc.).


New bugs...
Can't download large updates anymore. Although there's like 100GB free in system storage, I can't download large updates, e.g. U4 1.28 11GB.

Lol I have had that error for over a year, I cant even download small stuff if I go under 100gb even by 1mb it causes an error


What did update 4 add? I've noticed some icon (HDD?) that won't go away from the top of the screen. Nearly everyone of my games are patching now too.


Something I think it's new I noticed on 5.00 (not sure if it was there on Beta 3 or if it's new on Beta 4):

When you go to Settings -> System - > Backup and Restore, now you can actually choose what you want. Previously, it was always Captures, Save Data and Settings, and if you wanted, also apps/games, like here:
Now, it lets you choose if you want only some of those, and if you want to backup Apps/Games, it lets you choose which (Settings is still always checked):


I appreciate that you manage to find some minor things we can technically call upgrades or even features, but man, are we scraping the barrel here.


Junior Member
Something I think it's new I noticed on 5.00 (not sure if it was there on Beta 3 or if it's new on Beta 4):

When you go to Settings -> System - > Backup and Restore, now you can actually choose what you want. Previously, it was always Captures, Save Data and Settings, and if you wanted, also apps/games, like here:

Now, it lets you choose if you want only some of those, and if you want to backup Apps/Games, it lets you choose which (Settings is still always checked):
Nice find! This will come in handy later one for me


someone got a spare key? (EU/US)
just wanted to try, if it fixes the problem with Destiny 2 crashing on Ps4 Pro. (just saw someone on twitter saying that it fixed it)


So something weird just happened. I was watching VRV and it crashed, it then gave me an error and asked me to submit a report. I never submit reports for stuff like this so I go to back out like usual. However I cannot backout. I can't quit out of the error report or anything. I even shut down my PS4 and turned it back on and it instantly throws me back into the same error report screen.

Is this something with the firmware beta, are you forced to submit an error report or something?


He touched the black heart of a mod
So something weird just happened. I was watching VRV and it crashed, it then gave me an error and asked me to submit a report. I never submit reports for stuff like this so I go to back out like usual. However I cannot backout. I can't quit out of the error report or anything. I even shut down my PS4 and turned it back on and it instantly throws me back into the same error report screen.

Is this something with the firmware beta, are you forced to submit an error report or something?

Yes. Error reports are mandatory when in beta.
Welp, I'm turning the beta off then. That's an annoyance and there's nothing of value in this update anyways. Thanks for the quick answer, I appreciate it.
That's the whole point of a Beta. It's not a PR or rewards program for PS4 users, it's to more widely test the firmware update prior to pushing it to the entire PS4 fleet, in order to find (through our reporting) any bugs so that they can be fixed for the retail release.


Neo Member
Any hints when this is expected to go live?

The 4.50 beta went live on the 3rd of February and the GM was released on the 9th of March. So if that's any indication of how long these betas last, 5.00 should release around the last week of September or first of October, since its beta began on August 17th.

But who knows, it's Sony


just wanted to try, if it fixes the problem with Destiny 2 crashing on Ps4 Pro. (just saw someone on twitter saying that it fixed it)

Two more UK codes if anyone else wants the beta at this point.

B5LC F7N4 K877
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