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PStwo - $99 this holiday?


Ken has got to be wringing his hands with glee at the negative reaction to X360 pricing. So... will Sony go to $99 on the PStwo for xmas? Or keep it at $149 to subsidise the PS3/PSP?


I'd say 129. With MS pricing X360 out so highly I don't think they need to go any lower. Hell I don't even know if Sony will drop the price now.


Frankly, I think Sony should lunge for the $99 price point to take advantage of the competition, should Microsoft's decision prove as poor as we seem to think. But it isn't that urgent; a $129 price point would also be helpful, I guess. And at least it can rest a little easier this year, since the Xbox 360 may well have priced itself out of competition with the PlayStation Portable, and God knows it needs all the help it can get.


hyperbolically metafictive
$99, or slightly more expensive than a rechargeable wireless xbox 360 controller. no, i'm still not over it.


drohne said:
$99, or slightly more expensive than a rechargeable wireless xbox 360 controller. no, i'm still not over it.

That's OK, neither am I. And I missed quite a lot this generation, so we can all use 360 money and/or time to catch up.

Deku Tree: this is probably true, but embarrassing Microsoft and further strangling the GameCube sounds appealing to me. May as well kill it dead.

Dave Long

I'd be surprised if it isn't $99.99. It's time for that price. They've still got the $80 and $50 pricepoints to hit after that. Those will come after they ship PS3 of course. They need to go to $100 to put the old Xbox into true limbo and to make the new one look super expensive. That will get plenty of potential new gamers who might consider buying the 360 to just wait and see what PS3 looks like while playing games on a new PSTwo.


I think that Sony should really go for the $99 price point. It would seriously damage console sales on the GameCube, Xbox, Xbox 360, and even DS front. If somebody picked up a PStwo during the holiday season, they'd be content to feed off budget/used PS2 titles until the Xbucks dropped in price.

Come on Sony, you're the only one that can force the 360 price drop. Do it for the kids!


Microsoft isn't trying to sell the 360 to the people who will be picking up a PS2 this holiday. They are trying to sell it to people who already have a PS2 or xbox. I don't think a price drop of the PS2 would really affect their plans.

Deku Tree

I think Sony cares more about an extra $30-$50 per console than they do about killing the already dead GC or the suicide xbox.
I'm thinking $129 and saving that $99 for a rainy day, and that rainy day meaning the ass reaming Sony is going to take getting PS3 out the door next year like they did PS2 undercost.


Queen of Denmark
I'm thinking yes, it will go to $99. This is the last U.S. holiday it will have for a chance to do so before the PS3 is out, and at that point a price drop to what will be the "old Playstation" might not be quite as effective.

Also, it'd be a great way to throw off the 360 (even if it's just a few sales), and a great way to provide Sony with guaranteed kick-ass sales until the PS3 is ready. The only downside is less profit compared to the current price, but as long as it's not too bad I think the massive increase in sales could offset the difference.

EDIT - On second thought, I'm not so sure. Skipping the $130 price point does seem like "missing out" on a whole tier of pricing, and hitting it would net them more profits than at $99, too. Hmm.

This is why I don't bet -- I always second guess myself anyway.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Flo_Evans said:
Ken has got to be wringing his hands with glee at the negative reaction to X360 pricing. So... will Sony go to $99 on the PStwo for xmas? Or keep it at $149 to subsidise the PS3/PSP?

He will be if he only reads GAF.

Jokes aside, Sony will be shitting itself if the negative reaction doesn't blow over. PS3 is going to cost more. Either you, or them.


Sony would probably think they could comfortably shift a $129 PS2, and thats $30 more a pop for them than a $99 PS2. I'm sure they don't think they can halt the X360 launch with a low-priced PS2 (or even care about trying).


Why would they go straight to $99?? They'd be missing a cash cow. The ps2 will do great this holiday season with or without a price drop. If they drop it, it will be to 129 and no less. And when the PS3 is released, $99 will be the ticket. The PS2 price drop will also have little or no effect on the X360's sales. The people that are waiting for such an enormous price drop are people who obviously don't buy 400 dollar consoles. It would just be expanding their user base to poorer little bastards. the 99 dollars ps2 will be the cash cow that supports the ass end of the ps3. mark my words.


i dont think that - sony europe for example, is really confident with their holiday line-up and it was rumored, that there would a price cut announced at the games convention. but it never happened.
Man i sure hope it's at $99.99 my launch day PS2 finally has finally run into some problems and has been running wonky lately. The machine occassionally says there's no controller plugged in even though there is and sometimes the video totally cuts out and i have to jiggle to a/v cables to get it to come back :D


Mupepe said:
Why would they go straight to $99?? They'd be missing a cash cow. The ps2 will do great this holiday season with or without a price drop. If they drop it, it will be to 129 and no less. And when the PS3 is released, $99 will be the ticket. The PS2 price drop will also have little or no effect on the X360's sales. The people that are waiting for such an enormous price drop are people who obviously don't buy 400 dollar consoles. It would just be expanding their user base to poorer little bastards. the 99 dollars ps2 will be the cash cow that supports the ass end of the ps3. mark my words.

Thats what I'm saying. PS2s are flying off the shelf at $149. They aren't competing with the xbox 360 and there has been no indication of an xbox price drop. Why would they drop the PS2 price? Its like throwing away money.


sangreal said:
Microsoft isn't trying to sell the 360 to the people who will be picking up a PS2 this holiday. They are trying to sell it to people who already have a PS2 or xbox. I don't think a price drop of the PS2 would really affect their plans.

Well you see this is wrong. MS certainly wants to sell a x360 to me, and while I already have a PS2 (2nd one actually) its starting to die. I never bought the network adapter for my PS2, so I either need a slim pstwo, or to track down an adpater for my old one this fall for MGS:S.

If the PStwo is $99 I'll get that. If its $129 or still $149 I'll probably get an el cheapo 3rd party net adapter and hope the PS2 holds up. If I get the el cheapo net adapter I may still get an x360.


what I am trying to say is that a $99 PStwo may not directly canabalize x360 potentail sales, it will will make people feel all good inside about waiting it out for a PS3. It sets up a precident that even if the PS3 is a bazzilion dollars, it will be affordable someday.

That said... another win-win is if sony keeps it at $149 and launches the PS3 at $299.


I think Nintendo is trying to fight of a price drop under 99 bucks with the Pokemon XD pack in package.


Queen of Denmark
Mrbob said:
I think Nintendo is trying to fight of a price drop under 99 bucks with the Pokemon XD pack in package.
Not to derail the thread, but I wonder how much a GC costs to make these days? Nintendo might be reluctant to drop it any further because they'd start losing money or breaking even on the meager amount of units they do manage to sell.
human5892 said:
I'm thinking yes, it will go to $99. This is the last U.S. holiday it will have for a chance to do so before the PS3 is out, and at that point a price drop to what will be the "old Playstation" might not be quite as effective.

It was effective to the tune of 30M units sold last time for the PSOne. The PSTwo will continue to sell quite well past the introduction of the PS3. The value conscious buyers still haven't gotten a PS2 and being out at the same time as $299-$399 next gen systems isn't going to halt that at all.

In fact, the PSOne outsold both the Xbox and Gamecube in 2001 and 2002 and finally reliquenshed that hold in 2003.


Queen of Denmark
sonycowboy said:
It was effective to the tune of 30M units sold last time for the PSOne. The PSTwo will continue to sell quite well past the introduction of the PS3. The value conscious buyers still haven't gotten a PS2 and being out at the same time as $299-$399 next gen systems isn't going to halt that at all.

In fact, the PSOne outsold both the Xbox and Gamecube in 2001 and 2002 and finally reliquenshed that hold in 2003.
When I posted that, I knew you'd come in to own me, but yet I posted anyway. :(

Seriously, yeah, I see your point and it would be silly to skip $129.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Stinkles said:
Jokes aside, Sony will be shitting itself if the negative reaction doesn't blow over. PS3 is going to cost more.

I think most people are expecting that, at least vs the core pack. I'd expect it to be at least $400. Sony has managed expectations well in this regard.

But I think value, or perceived value, is more important than the numbers. At least if you have the cash. I mean I can easily splash out $$$ for a next-gen system if I really had to, but I'd like then to know I'm getting very good value.

Anyway, this is kind of OT.

If a $129 PS2 helps Sony subsidise a lower PS3 price starting out, I think it's certainly an option they'll be weighing up.


Maybe Sony will do a $129 price point and thow in GT4 or some other title that they have over stock of. I can totally see that happening this season.

Then they'll drop the price to $99 next season just like the PSOne.


I dunno, $99 usually signifies the dying days of the console. I'm thinking $129, just for the extra capital for the PS3 and the image that it's still a hip item.


129$ - Sony is poor, and it will only get worse next year. Microsoft abandonned the Xbox and the GC is a ghost, it's not like the cheapass gamers have a choice.
Tamanon said:
I dunno, $99 usually signifies the dying days of the console. I'm thinking $129, just for the extra capital for the PS3 and the image that it's still a hip item.

40M or ~38% of Playstation sales (old grey Playstation & redesigned PSOne) were at those "dying days" :lol

60M or ~57% of Playstation sales were after the $129 price point.

Basically, the PSTwo won't be "dying" for quite a while, IMO.
sonycowboy said:
40M or ~38% of Playstation sales (old grey Playstation & redesigned PSOne) were at those "dying days" :lol

60M or ~57% of Playstation sales were after the $129 price point.

Basically, the PSTwo won't be "dying" for quite a while, IMO.

Yup, 100M+ PS2s sold is well within reach.
MassiveAttack said:
Yup, 100M+ PS2s sold is well within reach.

Hell, it'll be at 100M easily by the end of this year.

120M+ is absolutely guaranteed

130M+ is likely

140M+ is quite unlikely, but also possible if developer suppport continues as promised and things play out almost perfectly for PS2 (continued high price of next gen, a nice array of PS2 exclusives, etc).


MassiveAttack said:
Yup, 100M+ PS2s sold is well within reach.

It's almost at 100M sold right now and that is still at the system is still 149. That is truly amazing....

Sony has done a great job cushioning people for the PS3 price. Sony PR is crushing MS PR at the moment. Of course it always comes down to the games but what reason is out there to see developers jump ship off of 10 years of building a dominant platform line?
sony should do some bundles with ea this xmas

the football bundle - pstwo + madden 2006 $99
the soccer bundle - pstwo + fifa 2006 $99
the racing bundle - pstwo + need for speed most wanted $99
the action bundle - pstwo + king kong $99
the plattformer bundle - pstwo + harry potter and the goblte of fire - $99

360 am doomed

uh king kong is a ubisoft game but you get the picture -_-
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