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[Reddit] Documentary on 'TotalBiscuit' (John Bain) to coincide after one year of passing


Gold Member
RIP thread for reflection: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/rip-total-biscuit.1462624/

Now UP

Some links to bits from the video that people might like.
Some of the shots used in the trailer are actually from some of the most fun podcasts that they did as well as some non-game content posted on his wife Genna's channel.

At 1:09 perhaps one of the best moments ever. TB had flown to L.A to meet with Dodger and Jesse and do a podcast from Maker studio, except they were closed, so they bought a bunch of snacks, 3 cheap bottles of champagne and did it at Jesse's house. They had Dodger do a blind taste test of British Jaffa Cakes vs Pim's and it turned out the Jaffa Cakes were well out of date. Some great contagious laughter (and the moment seen in the trailer) is around 48mins.

At 1:27 TB spinning around in the chair like a bond villain was him doing a comedy explanation of why the Terraria series he and Jesse were filming at the time was so successful and what the formula was.

1:32 is TB on the H3H3 podcast about 6 months before he passed away, talking very frankly about his stage 4 cancerand his incredible attitude towards the chemo treatments and what kept him going. He used to schedule the fucking treatments AROUND co-optional podcast so that he could keep that going <3.

Also around 1:11 you can hear JesseCox talking about TB's effect on the people around him. I believe this is from the TB Memorial Co-optional podcast where Genna, Jesse and Dodger got together to talk about him just a couple of weeks after his passing. For months after this, any time I saw someone on reddit or in the cynicalbrit sub saying they were still sad, I strongly encouraged them to watch this episode. Far from being a sad and somber episode, it really highlighted some of the stuff he did best, included touching tributes from all three hosts, and even some assurances from Genna that in the end as he was slipping into a coma, he was still dreaming and talking about frame rates and reviewing games.
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I liked that cynical bastard. People told me to hate the guy but after watching his videos I was not feeling it.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Why is Neil Druckmann a cunt? What has he done to incur your ire?

Can you elaborate?

Dude is a regressive authoritarian type who pushes ideologically infused BS into everything he does. He has an inflated ego and openly acts antagonistic to the gaming industry unless it is to appease the far-left mindset.

Plus there is good reason to believe he was the one who pushed Amy Hennig out of Naughty Dog over differences in political/ideological views.


Stephen Colbert: “What do you think happens when we die, Keanu Reeves?”
Reeves: “I know the ones who love us will miss us.”


Define “like TB”

People celebrates artists and actors so what makes this any different exactly?

I don't recall my favourite actors/artists doing shit like this^ is the difference


get cancer is just another way to say fuck off, you're not literally wishing cancer on someone and even if you were, the universe isn't gonna respond and be like oh shit homey imma give this guy cancer now or maybe i'll check your karma at the door and give you the cancers

everyone says stupid shit, we need to learn forgiveness and provide roads to redemption for people or we're just not gonna make it

cancel culture is the real cancer


We all did or said stupid shit. He’s gone now, let it go.
How can I when people put him on a pedestal which I don't think he deserves to be on through his actions? There are a lot of TB fans in this thread and I respect that. I'm not shitting on him but I won't praise him either.
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How can I when people put him on a pedestal which I don't think he deserves to be on through his actions? There are a lot of TB fans in this thread and I respect that. I'm not shitting on him but I won't praise him either.
Then you don’t have to agree with them. As simple as that


Gold Member
How can I when people put him on a pedestal which I don't think he deserves to be on through his actions?

People do, say, and act like assholes sometimes. It's not being put on a pedestal if you're a fan and remember the good in what he did. Sure, he had some lame moments, but he's a human being. If you don't like him or don't respect him that's cool too. You don't have to celebrate him. But, I'd say maybe don't be a dick or a jerk to those that do.
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I don’t have anything against the guy as a person, but he described something I wrote as “Family Guy-style humor”, and I’ve always resented that.



I don't recall my favourite actors/artists doing shit like this^ is the difference

We even forgave Germany for the whole Nazi thing, give it a rest already, everyone deserves a second chance; especially something as silly and insignificant as a mean twit. We all growth and get better from time, don't treat everyone's social media like it is some kind of criminal records.


We even forgave Germany for the whole Nazi thing.
Err, no we never. We accept that there's a new regime in charge and we move forward in good faith but to say we forgive the nazis for the death of 6 million Jews, plus those who died in the war, is wrong.
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Gold Member
Twitter brings out the worst in people.

If I was a hiring for a job, I'd skip the resume and just ask the person to send me a link to their Twitter profile. A better judgement of character than any interview.


Err, no we never. We accept that there's a new regime in charge and we move forward in good faith but to say we forgive the nazis for the death of 6 million Jews, plus those who died in the war, is wrong.

Are you for real? You call my government a regime and the the whole of my culture Nazis? Wtf is wrong with you? Are you just spewing nonsense for the sake of confrontation or are you trying to sound smart? Because you don't sound smart....


Should individuals like TB be celebrated?

I get not liking the guy and not wanting to celebrate the man. But this question is reserved for people who actually committed heinous acts like murder and such. Here it just seems like a cheap shot. Do better.


Gold Member
Why is Neil Druckmann a cunt? What has he done to incur your ire?

Can you elaborate?
I don't hate Druckmann (don't care enough about him to hate him) but in some interviews, he comes across as a pretentious dude. I remember him saying that they "don't use the word "fun", they rather use the word "engaging"" and I was rolling my eyes pretty hard. He sometimes sounds like he would love to make movies but is stuck with this "game dev gig" for the forseeable future. But maybe that's just me. For me, I want my video games to be fun. And it didn't help that I was disapponted by both The Last of Us and Uncharted 4, both of which he directed. But I don't think they are bad games. There are many people who like them very much and that's OK. They're just not for me.


The guy pursued his dream and put up one hell of a fight against cancer, he gets my respect for those.

I would have liked to hear his take on some of the more recent gaming news, Anthem, Sony's censorship policy, that Diablo mobile announcement etc.


Gold Member
Should individuals like TB be celebrated?


How is it 'celebrating' him?
Why does it have to be about the individual? Why can't it just be about documenting the impact he had on the gaming industry - What about the good work he did for Abbey games, Warframe, LoL and highlighting many other issues like pre-order scamming and net neutrality?

You're already prejudiced so it's not even a conversation really. What you're really doing is wagging your finger at people saying I think this guy was/is 'awful' and did 'this bad thing' and you shouldn't be advocating any body of work that potentially has anything positive to say about him. I'm not his greatest fan and have by no means followed all his content but seen and listened to a fair amount. Sure, he had a persona when doing his video's - most big content creators do (AngryJoe, Destiny for example), but the guy was 33 years old. His net contribution has been overwhelmingly positive during that explosive era of youtube coverage. Moreso than some of these journalists and developers deliberately causing division amongst the userbase by pursuing personal agenda's in their pieces of entertainment.

If anything this documentary is probably exactly right for people like you, who reduce him down to a boogeyman (sorry, gooberman is it?), based on snippets of imgur screencaps, old tweets and a manufactured feeding frenzy. Maybe it will give you some perspective why so many people are prepared to still remember the actual good he did.

Why don't you try voicing your own opinion, if you have one. Why don't you be brave and open yourself up to being questioned in the way you seem to be questioning everyone else. Why don't you tell us in more than four words why his fans shouldn't put him on a pedestal. Why do you feel the bad outweighs the good. What ratio and quantifiers are you applying. Why do you say you won't shit on him but an unseen video is 'celebrating him' and he shouldn't be? Can you do this without the same old 5/6 screencaps that float round these threads all the time.

Err, no we never. We accept that there's a new regime in charge and we move forward in good faith but to say we forgive the nazis for the death of 6 million Jews, plus those who died in the war, is wrong.

They said Germany, not Nazi's. The Nazi's are not 'Germany'. After Yalta we crippled their industry. If we were holding 'Germany' accountable for the rise of nationalism they would not have been allowed in the EU. If we were holding 'Germany' accountable we would have repeated the same mistake that led to WWII, namely the crippling reparations.


I don't understand how some people can hold on to this hatred for a complete stranger a full year after his death. I mean, even if I knew someone personally and they had really fucked me over (for example, by scamming me out of tens of thousands on some business deal), even then I'm sure I would let go of any anger once I found out they had died a long, agonising death from bowel cancer.

Most of the hate mongers seem to hate him for what, because he once sent out a tweet or two that they didn't like? Well, he already died...at just 33 years old...of bowel cancer (surely one of the worst ways to go)...leaving a young kid behind. How vindictive of a person do you have to be for even that kind of bad karma to not be enough to satisfy your hate boner?
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I'll watch this, met him at a barcraft in Newcastle in 2012, was a great guy with real passion for the stuff he covered.

Can't believe it's almost a year
fuck cancer
that is happening when we eat crap with chemicals,in the moment we don't consider it ,but 80-90% that is in our food today is poison,so it depends how your body reacts to it and how resistant will be,as we can see the age when we die lowered a lot,to 50-60 ,and every time is because of some kind of disease,and that's because of what we are eating
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I had a different opinion than him on some subjects, but I'm definitely missing him for the 'WTF is' videos he was making. I found out about quite a lot of cool smaller games I would've normally missed.


Err, no we never. We accept that there's a new regime in charge and we move forward in good faith but to say we forgive the nazis for the death of 6 million Jews, plus those who died in the war, is wrong.
Are you jewish?
Requesting some context.
I worked on a game as a writer. When TB covered it, he was not a fan of the humor. He said it had “Family Guy-style humor”, which hurt me deeply, on a personal level. You guys know me. I’m way funnier than Family Guy. I might not reach the lofty heights of the Simpson’s or the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie, but the Family Guy hurdle, I clear easily and with great prejudice.


Err, no we never. We accept that there's a new regime in charge and we move forward in good faith but to say we forgive the nazis for the death of 6 million Jews, plus those who died in the war, is wrong.
So you're calling me a Nazi? Because of what my grandgrandparents did? Yeah you can go you know what.
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