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Resistance Burning Skies |OT| Extinguishing the Flames of Vitality

Does this game not use gyro aiming? Why the hell aren't devs getting the point that people love it and it should be standard for vita shooters?
The Vita has only been out for 6 months. Development cycles take longer than that. I'm sure we'll see it a lot more in the batch of games developed from this point forward.
From Nihilistic's twitter regarding multiplayer.

A patch is with SonyQA to address the MP connection issues. We apologize for the delay. Once we have an ETA from Sony we will post it.

Network problem was caused by firmware issue that was rare on test servers but is widespread on retail. Should have been caught.


Just got to the third level and it is really fun. Very simple and straightforward but it plays insanely smooth on the Vita. I dont mind the touch screen controls for the weapons. Looking foward to playing more!


Does this game not use gyro aiming? Why the hell aren't devs getting the point that people love it and it should be standard for vita shooters?

I really hate gyro aiming. I don't mind if devs offer that choice - except in cases like Uncharted where aiming is busted with just the analog sticks.

This game and Unit 13 control far better.
so far:

+controls are solid. perhaps the only time i have not only been able to accurately use high-sensitivity aiming, but enjoy it too.
+despite the sound effects not always going well with what they are assigned to (bullseye... wtf) they sound pretty damn good.
+some of the touch controls are pretty neat. the crossbow reloading helps me conserve ammo a little better than i probably would otherwise, and bullseye tagging was easier than aiming>tagging>shooting. (seeing as the bullseye tag is to solve the problem of being able to aim at certain enemies)
+little things i thought were cool here and there. hard to describe. one part i came out of a building, and anytime i went back near the door he would tell me to just go. a lot of games would have just made them sit there and ignore your presence.
+i kind of enjoy how it's almost a reimagining of the first game in a sense. it felt like it was a different team doing their take on things as they saw fit, and using NPC's. kind of refreshing.

-some of the touch controls seem too much trouble for the function they provide, and should be optional to map said functions to buttons. (axe and grenade launcher on rifle)
-chimera gib when you kill them? riiiiiiiiiight...
-dat aliasing
-fov is weird and made me pull the vita further away from my face.
-AI is silly and easy. i was covering and jumping out etc. at first because i saw chimera and expected heavy resistance. i was wrong.
-although it's nice that it's almost a reimagining, i would have much rathered insomniac have made it themselves. ONE DAY we'll get true first party games on a sony handheld...

going to continue playing, and then try MP whenever i hear it's working.

EDIT: also... why does it play the entire beginning animation again (unskippable) when i continue my SP game? and why does it fire a bullseye tag when i click to open a door? it opened the door AND fired a tag with one tap.
lol; i have to get to the bottom of whoever's writing these. sorry about that. but I'll be working with the Store team tomorrow to address this issue.

Was out most of the day, so didn't see this before. But thanks for the reply to the issue and also thanks to kassatsu for bringing it to your attention.

Anyway, just finished the game other than the kind of bad final boss I really liked it. Finally felt like a real FPS on a handheld. Hopefully the MP gets fixed soon (gotta get that last trophy :D )


I really hate gyro aiming. I don't mind if devs offer that choice - except in cases like Uncharted where aiming is busted with just the analog sticks.

This game and Unit 13 control far better.

yeah i'm with you. the aiming in uncharted ga never felt intuitive to me. i could pull off the shots i wanted, but it just felt like i was fumbling. unit 13 controlled great, but the shooting felt kind of flat. this game is by far the most enjoyable of the three for me in terms of just shooting stuff.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Played a good 30 minutes of the game and came away reasonably impressed.

It's certainly not a top shelf game by any means but I'm finding it quite playable and superior to the Insomniac games in some areas. For instance, the first person animation, aiming down sights, and camera movement are all far superior to what Insomniac delivered in the first two games. R1 and 2 were VERY stiff games and never quite felt solid to me. The gun modeling is much nicer than the first Resistance games as is their animation. This game manages to do a pretty damn good job with the "feel" aspect and that is pretty important in and of itself for a shooter.

I also appreciate how the quick "cinematic" sequences follow the Crysis model of staying in first person.

Despite awful preview footage, the framerate actually holds up really well thus far. While nowhere near as detailed as R3, it does actually run smoother than it did.

It's visually uneven but it is doing some things that R1 and 2 did not even attempt (such as environment shadows that actually cast on players and objects). Character models are a bit flat but look reasonable on a 5" screen.

I suspect it will never offer the types of quality scenarios that the best shooters tend to deliver but it definitely feels satisfying to play. We'll see how it continues.

The main difference there is simply that this controls well. Gameloft games almost never do. I recently tried Nova 3, for instance, and found it to be almost unplayable in comparison despite some impressive visuals.

Wow, I'm surprised you of all people feel this way towards this game. I finally had the chance to dabble with it for a couple of hours today (loved MNG6!) at a friend's of mine and I think it sucks. Not a 3 out of 10, but the three levels I played I'd rate them below average, the level design was so called in to earn a facepalm pretty much constantly. What really irked me tho, was the truly horrible enemies behaviour, I mean AI out of last decade's FPSes feels more satisfiyng. Last but not least this must be one of the uber rare exception where a Vita game (or 3DS/Gamecube/Wii) looks better in (well picked) direct feed screens than in motion. How underwhelming, and it sounds like crap. I thought with Vita games we were past awfully compressed FMVs, and yet it looks no better than RE:Revolutiomsfknkn on 3DS. Ugh. The game controls super good tho, I'm kinda excited to play a competent (and possibly exclusive/specifically tailored to Vita) shooter on this thing, much, much better than a 3DS+CPP.


Neo Member
Ok so I try the demo and decide to buy the game,I pay for game but the full version has not unlocked
I'm getting c0-10935-8 error code

Wtf sony
Finally got the game! Wow, I dont know why its getting all these low scores. I'm having lots of fun with it. The controls are really great, it doesnt look as bad as people say it does and the lip/voice syncing is done well too. No way this game deserves a 2 or 5.5 or whatever. I'm super impressed how good it is. And its a dual stick FPS on a handheld! :D


yeah i'm with you. the aiming in uncharted ga never felt intuitive to me. i could pull off the shots i wanted, but it just felt like i was fumbling. unit 13 controlled great, but the shooting felt kind of flat. this game is by far the most enjoyable of the three for me in terms of just shooting stuff.

Yep, even with the janky audio, the guns feel more substantial in Resistance than any other Vita shooter I've played.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My biggest problem with the game is the sound design. The gun sounds are awful but the music is great-- why is so much of the game quiet? Such a shame.

Agent X

Gold Member
I finally got around to playing the demo today, and actually it's not bad at all. Granted, it's not outstanding, either, as it does have some issues that most people mentioned already. The controls are excellent, with great response. It makes for a convincing case that we should see more first-person shooters on the system.

I won't get the game right away, but I'd consider possibly picking it up at some point in the future.
My biggest problem with the game is the sound design. The gun sounds are awful but the music is great-- why is so much of the game quiet? Such a shame.

now that you mention it, it IS pretty damn quiet in a lot of areas. weird.

it's almost as if they focused so much of their budget on making an engine and replicating a lot of Resistance models, weapons, enemies, etc. and then scrambled to use the rest of their time to patch it all together into a game. obviously some scraps were left on the floor unused.


i have the vita earbud things and the game sounds good to me. the omission of music beyond boss battles and cutscenes is baffling. and the bullseye sounds like a motorboat. but other than that.. it sounds awful through the speakers on the vita.
Wow, the second level has some nice lighting.

Glad I'm not the only one who was impressed.

i have the vita earbud things and the game sounds good to me. the omission of music beyond boss battles and cutscenes is baffling. and the bullseye sounds like a motorboat. but other than that.. it sounds awful through the speakers on the vita.

With headphones on you can hear the ambient noise much better, but it's still mixed way too low.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
How's the framerate in the final game? The early videos looked like a mess.

I had one instance of slowdown, lasted maybe a second or two tops, and I am the majority of the way through the game. Framerates pretty damn solid.

So yeah, dunno why this game is getting bad scores. Aside from the lack of punchy sounds and underwhelming (for the most part) graphics, the game is pretty damned good.

Definitely worth a full price purchase. This coming from someone who is not the biggest Resistance fan (Haven't even played R3). Enjoying it more than R2.


I'm about an hour in now. The game is not bad at all. Tight gunplay. Good framerate. Good graphics. My main problems are the bad sound, video compression, and the feeling that the menus were not well thought-out. The menus make it feel like an absolute budget game, and I wish they would change them via a patch.


i have the vita earbud things and the game sounds good to me. the omission of music beyond boss battles and cutscenes is baffling. and the bullseye sounds like a motorboat. but other than that.. it sounds awful through the speakers on the vita.

I have the same earbuds, and, while they're good for the money (esp. considering they include a mic), their drivers definitely have too much treble and sound very tinny. I actually found myself enjoying the gunfire sounds more when not using the headphones.

Also, anyone else notice that this game really saps the battery? I have almost all the launch games, and none of them burn through the battery at the rate that this game does.


Gyro aiming would make the controls perfect. Right now they're good once you learn to work the smaller sticks but I would really appreciate the fine tuning of gyro aiming.
Gyro aiming would make the controls perfect. Right now they're good once you learn to work the smaller sticks but I would really appreciate the fine tuning of gyro aiming.

The sticks work well for the game, it's the rear touch pad, crotch button and lack of running/jump that pissed me off the most.


The last boss is bullshit omg. Actually this whole level sucks ass. Kill room after kill room after kill room after kill room after...
The last boss is bullshit omg. Actually this whole level sucks ass. Kill room after kill room after kill room after kill room after...

Yep, one of the worst levels I ever played in gaming. It's like the developers just didn't give a fuck and turned it into a hard and annoying shooting gallery.

Did you have trouble shooting the heat thingy on the last boss' left shoulder? It took me like 4 times, was getting so pissed


The last boss is bullshit omg. Actually this whole level sucks ass. Kill room after kill room after kill room after kill room after...

Some tips
Just stand by the door in the first part of the fight, and dodge his attacks on the second by moving left and right (again, as far back as possible). Use your machine gun.

The last level gives you plenty ammo for the most powerful weapons, sticking with the Bullseye/Carbine is a recipe for frustration.


Not an asshole.
This is the sort of game that I wouldn't play even if it were free, simply because of the time commitment. Every moment is horribly bland and boring.


Yep, one of the worst levels I ever played in gaming. It's like the developers just didn't give a fuck and turned it into a hard and annoying shooting gallery.

Did you have trouble shooting the heat thingy on the last boss' left shoulder? It took me like 4 times, was getting so pissed

Didn't have too much trouble with it. For some retarded reason my shooting goes to shit right after the mini cutscene happens and you have 3 left to shoot. WTF?

Some tips
Just stand by the door in the first part of the fight, and dodge his attacks on the second by moving left and right (again, as far back as possible). Use your machine gun.

The last level gives you plenty ammo for the most powerful weapons, sticking with the Bullseye/Carbine is a recipe for frustration.

Thanks for the tips, I've been using the Carbine for the 20 times I've tried to beat this piece of shit boss. You mean use the gatling gun?


Unimpressed with the demo's visuals. Especially the seams all over the place.

It played pretty well though.
Aiming was responsive and the touch controls weren't that bad.


Well, just beat the game. It was okay I guess. Very safe and by the book. The only good thing I can say about it was that it controlled excellently. I wasn't bothered by the graphics either, like some were. I thought generally it looked pretty damn good. Every other category is just full of fail, though. Sound, length, story, actual design of the game, encounters.

Hoping I can try multiplayer soon.
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