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Retro AV Club Thread 2: Classic Gaming Done Right!

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Got a copy of TMNT1, and played it via my RGB modded AV Fami with a converter. I have been playing lots of NES games this way lately and they all look great. However, I got some mild static with this one. Wish I had a better way to describe it. Then I popped it in my NES and that went away. Took the game apart and cleaned it (was super clean to begin with), and same result.

Any known issues with this game? Or with those converters? Or with RGB boards? Like I said, never seen this with other games.



Got lucky to find of these RetroUSB NES to "Wii" adapters for 5 bucks today at a local game store, works fantastic for playing Gameboy games on the Cube. Enjoying playing classic Gameboy more with an NES controller for some reason.


Every few months I boot up my Wii then Mega Man 9 on my PVM... and sigh, then turn it off.

The lack of 240p on this game is such a crime. I really don't want to play it this way. And to this day, I've still never played it.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Also,anyone here located in Washington? If so please drop me a PM!
In my head I'm imagining a TV station in Washington relied to you because they have a dozen PVMs they want to unload for $50 and it's too far for you to drive. :lol


After my Sony CRT died, I kept an eye out for another set. I found out that some one around my neighborhood was giving their 27" CRT away, so I jumped on it without knowing anything about it. It wa a beast to lift and get in the car. I took it home and look in the back at the model number. It turns out that it was a JVC AD-32D201, a 32-incher with 800 scanlines. The image is great and I feel lucky it's in my hands now.

I took it home and look in the back at the model number. It turns out that it was a JVC AD-32D201, a 32-incher with 800 scanlines. The image is great and I feel lucky it's in my hands now.

That would be 800 TVL which is a measure of how much resolution it has across each raster; doesn't really have anything to do with scan lines but it means good horizontal resolution, far more than any 8 to 32 bit console can display. Good find!


JVC D Series are good CRTs. I've mentioned a couple times (over the span of months/years) that I had a 27" one back in the day. I really liked it then. I sold it when I bought an HDTV like many others did. I saw a couple locally for sale but I don't have space for multiple CRTs especially those enormous bastards, lol. I bought it in 2001 I think. I bought my first home theater speaker system then too...
I'm still rocking the same home theater system lol


Neo Member
My OSSC arrived over the weekend and first impressions are pretty good.

I'm using it with a Panasonic Viera from about 6 years ago (I can't recall the exact model) and it seems to run up to line triple mode for everything I've thrown at it apart from my RGB modded SNES JNR and RGB modded NES Toploader.

With those consoles the picture is incredibly juddery, and I know they are problematic for the device with some TVs. I'm hoping I can fix it by changing some settings but it's super unclear where to start.

Otherwise the picture is stunning, especially in line triple mode. The colours come through so well and I can't feel any lag.


Every few months I boot up my Wii then Mega Man 9 on my PVM... and sigh, then turn it off.

The lack of 240p on this game is such a crime. I really don't want to play it this way. And to this day, I've still never played it.
What does it run in 480i? Could you run it through an extron or something and de scale it?


How does the N64 work with the OSSC? Also, does the framemeister still trump the OSSC?

Framemeister never trumped the OSSC. One is for people who want an all in one flexible solution, the other is for people who wanted no lag, no framebuffer, and line doubling (and occasionally tripling if applicable).


How does the N64 work with the OSSC? Also, does the framemeister still trump the OSSC?

I am assuming you know what both do on the top level. I love that the Framemeister has profiles you can download, backup and share. Someone that goes by Firebrand X has done a lot to make some awesome profiles that scale really well to the size of your tv. It is 100% compatible with any HDMI TV/Monitor so you don't have to worry about that.

I know the OSSC has a sd card but i don't know if profiles can be made in the same ways as the Framemeister. It isn't hard to dial in a few settings really quick to get you up and running so I never got a SD card when I had the ossc. (takes me almost as long to dial in my settings as it does to load a profile on the Framemeister). The main issue with the OSSC is finding a monitor/tv that will accept the signal it outputs.

I would say a lot of users have a complaint about how the Framemeister handles 480p but as long as you are putting in 240p/480i it does a good job. It does add lag so if you are trying to do speed runs you might look into CRTs or the OSSC.

Lastly, the main difference between the two is that the OSSC puts out a 4:4:4 (Full 24-bit RGB no chroma sub sampling) signal while the XRGB-Mini puts out an internal 4:2:2 (YCbCr) Meaning, the OSSC has a wider color signal than the framemeister. This just means the OSSC has more accurate color processing.


Hi all. I'm trying to get my OG Xbox hooked up to my Sony PVM 20M4E.

I'm using a female to BNC cable from retro gaming cables and the original Xbox scart cable.

I've tried outputting in NTSC and pal from the console but no luck, other than the sound (unsurprisingly!). My SNES works perfectly so it's not the pvm.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Neo Member
What the best automatic SCART switcher? I saw two mentioned on the My Life in Gaming video, but both about the same price.


Neo Member
How often are they stock, as it currently not available? Not in a rush to get one, as I want to get one around when my OSSC comes in mid-October.


How often are they stock, as it currently not available? Not in a rush to get one, as I want to get one around when my OSSC comes in mid-October.

It's going to be a while. He just did a batch and hasn't even ordered parts for the next one yet. Next best thing is the Hydra on ebay. I have it and it works flawlessly.
I went over Peltz's yesterday and checked out his 20L5, now I want one!!!

It's pretty damn solid with 480p games, damn pretty.

For 240p games the screen is pretty identical to my BVM in terms of scan line characteristics.



Neo Member
It's going to be a while. He just did a batch and hasn't even ordered parts for the next one yet. Next best thing is the Hydra on ebay. I have it and it works flawlessly.

Guess I will go with the Hydra then. Can the OSSC use a RGB SCART cable and a VGA cable at the same time? Mostly so I can use have the Dreamcast on the VGA cord while the others are on SCART?


I could had sworn they were.

More important question is, if they are compatible with RGsB. Some XBOX games support 720p and 1080i so I wouldn't want to limit myself by using a scart cable.

Guess I will go with the Hydra then. Can the OSSC use a RGB SCART cable and a VGA cable at the same time? Mostly so I can use have the Dreamcast on the VGA cord while the others are on SCART?
You can select what input is the video will process through so if you had a toro you could switch between vga and scart.

I want to be future proof so I'll probably wait until there's a 4k upscaler before I end up getting one.

Might be waiting a while.
Anyone tried FBX's Framemeister profiles on a 4k tv?
I just had a quick try and the 720p SNES profile was completely blurry - pixel edges not sharp and almost double imaged. Admittedly with scanlines on, the blurr made it look like a CRT, albeit a dodgy CRT! But compared to the basic "Standard" zoom setting it seems way off. Wondering if he's made a mistake with it or i've overlooked something.
Anyone tried FBX's Framemeister profiles on a 4k tv?
I just had a quick try and the 720p SNES profile was completely blurry - pixel edges not sharp and almost double imaged. Admittedly with scanlines on, the blurr made it look like a CRT, albeit a dodgy CRT! But compared to the basic "Standard" zoom setting it seems way off. Wondering if he's made a mistake with it or i've overlooked something.

I've used both FBX's and Implant games profiles on my 4K tv. So first things first, which SNES do you have? The non-1 chip ones do not have the sharpest RGB. My child hood launch SNES is pretty soft, but my RGB enabled SNES JR is pretty sharp. As far as 1 chip versions go the Version 3 and an RGB re-enabled SNES JR have the sharpest RGB out put, though its still not quite as sharp as say a Genesis. Second unless you have to have scanlines don't use 720p on a 4K set, use 1080p. Both are integer scales to 4k, but with how most 4k tvs handle scaling you'll get a slightly sharper image going with 1080p to 4k instead of 720p. (4k on the consumer side of things is 3840 x 2160, which is a 2x integer scale of 1920 x 1080 and a 3x integer scale of 1280 x 720)
I've used both FBX's and Implant games profiles on my 4K tv. So first things first, which SNES do you have? The non-1 chip ones do not have the sharpest RGB. My child hood launch SNES is pretty soft, but my RGB enabled SNES JR is pretty sharp. As far as 1 chip versions go the Version 3 and an RGB re-enabled SNES JR have the sharpest RGB out put, though its still not quite as sharp as say a Genesis. Second unless you have to have scanlines don't use 720p on a 4K set, use 1080p. Both are integer scales to 4k, but with how most 4k tvs handle scaling you'll get a slightly sharper image going with 1080p to 4k instead of 720p. (4k on the consumer side of things is 3840 x 2160, which is a 2x integer scale of 1920 x 1080 and a 3x integer scale of 1280 x 720)

I have to have scanlines :) And i got ahead of myself, FBX actually posted about the exact thing I was noticing, last week on shmups forum. I'm connected with S-Video so the Video > Manual Filter option needed to be changed from 30 (blurry as all shit) to 18 (perfect). Not that it matters much now, but this particular machine is a very early Super Famicom so unlikely a 1-chip.

That said, even with it working as intended, i don't notice a massive improvement over stock settings. The biggest changes to my eye come from adjusting the brightness/gamma etc. FBX zoom settings makes the game screen ever so slightly wider than Standard zoom setting... but if there's any sharpness improvement i find it hard to tell as i switch back and forth. What is it he's trying to correct over the Standard zoom setting exactly?


Neo Member
So do I need to get a shielded SCART cable for every single console if I get one for the Hydra Switcher? Especially since I can't seem to find a shielded PC Engine rgb cable.


I have to have scanlines :) And i got ahead of myself, FBX actually posted about the exact thing I was noticing, last week on shmups forum. I'm connected with S-Video so the Video > Manual Filter option needed to be changed from 30 (blurry as all shit) to 18 (perfect). Not that it matters much now, but this particular machine is a very early Super Famicom so unlikely a 1-chip.

That said, even with it working as intended, i don't notice a massive improvement over stock settings. The biggest changes to my eye come from adjusting the brightness/gamma etc. FBX zoom settings makes the game screen ever so slightly wider than Standard zoom setting... but if there's any sharpness improvement i find it hard to tell as i switch back and forth. What is it he's trying to correct over the Standard zoom setting exactly?

This is a silly question, but if you spent the money for a Framemeister, why have you bought a RGB Scart cable?


oh nice! give us a mini review when you get it. i'd love to hear your impressions of the latest version.

Definitely! It's a good excuse to actually unpack my retro stuff since the move. I'd previously only used my OSSC on a PC monitor so I'm looking forward to trying it out on our TVs.


You guys ever post on avs-forums.l? I'm learning some serious speaker/sound system knowledge from them.

Looks like Ima be spending more than I though on my surround sound setup lol. Its going to be sick.

If you thought this thread was a rabbit hole... well... let's just say avoid that place like the plague. There are dudes that have multiple $20k setups to cycle through depending on the source material and what the feel like hearing that day.

Batshit crazy.


You guys ever post on avs-forums.l? I'm learning some serious speaker/sound system knowledge from them.

Looks like Ima be spending more than I though on my surround sound setup lol. Its going to be sick.

AVS Forums is an even bigger rabbit hole t fall into than this thread. I've learned a lot from them, but I'd definitely watch out as it'll probably be rough on your wallet if you spend too much time there.
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