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Rumors: Nintendo Revolution, Tekken 5, and More...



While I have spent more time dusting off my GCN than playing it, I really think Nintendo could come out strong if this rumor holds true. Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart at launch? Throw in Smash 3 with online play, and Sony/MS will have their hands full.

Most of the Tekken 5 stuff is already known, but the mention of a tag option is killer. Tekken Tag was the best Tekken game IMO, so a new tag feature in Tekken 5 would be stellar.


Mario, Zelda, and MK for launch? I think Metroid should be there instead of Zelda. They wont have anything left unless they've got some killer games from third parties for the next year (unless they do SSB 3 and something else).

As far as it having a hard drive... With Nintendo as worried about maximizing profits as they are, I REALLY doubt we'll see that happen. The closest thing to that might be them bundling a memory card. As far as a DVD player, I think Nintendo may include it this time just so it doesn't look inferior to other systems like it did this gen.

Finally, if it isn't backwards compatible, I consider the GC pretty much dead as of 2006.


Will start substantiating his hate
Nintendo absolutely won't launch with 4 of its biggest franchises. That would be insanely stupid. They better have a new Mario ready for launch though. And a new Zelda 3-6 months after launch would pretty much guarantee great initial sales.

DJ Sl4m

Hell yeah, that's the line up Nintendo needs at launch, esp with Xbox failing to have Halo 3 ready for launch.

They could easily take a HUGE advantage over Xbox Next with this line up considering no Halo 3, and grab more of a foothold on PS3 if enough PS2 owners came to the realization that they were had by the great hype machine.


God, please let DOA: U come out this year.

Anyway, if Revolution in addition to Xenon is coming out next year, where does that leave Sony?


Funny how they mention the Revolution will have plenty of third party support, while towards the bottom the rumor is "Digital Extremes Preps for Xbox 2, PS3". It doesn't mean anything yet, but if the Revolution gets into the rut of being ignored/snubbed by western developers, it'll be in the same boat the Cube is in now.

DJ Sl4m

cybamerc said:
Nintendo absolutely won't launch with 4 of its biggest franchises. That would be insanely stupid. They better have a new Mario ready for launch though. And a new Zelda 3-6 months after launch would pretty much guarantee great initial sales.

Yea no way they'll launch with all of it's best franchises, but they certainly need a Mario game at launch, esp one that brings multiplayer gaming back like old school Super Mario Bros, one turn after the other. (which was great for getting a GF to play games)


Oh come on! How can they even post this crap. Does anybody really think Nintendo will have Mraio, Zelda and Mario Kart all ready for launch? But I really hope they'll have a Mario game ready, and if IGN is right and factor 5 are working on a next gen Pilotwings we could see both Mario and Pilotwings at launch, just like with the n64.

We have also learned that Digital Extremes is working on another super secret title called Dark Sector. The game is being made using specs for the Xbox Next and PlayStation 3. Digital Extremes won't talk publicly about the game, but we have learned that the game will be for the next generation platforms and it is also serving as a way for its R&D team to develop tools to be used to make games for the next generation hardware!

:lol No shit dude!! DE released a teaser for the game like months ago.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Inside sources reveal that a new Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart adventure will be ready to go as soon as the Revolution hits store shelves


DJ Sl4m said:
Hell yeah, that's the line up Nintendo needs at launch, esp with Xbox failing to have Halo 3 ready for launch.

They could easily take a HUGE advantage over Xbox Next with this line up considering no Halo 3, and grab more of a foothold on PS3 if enough PS2 owners came to the realization that they were had by the great hype machine.

Heh, well the Xbox might have Halo 3 ready by 2006 if Bungie begins working overdrive for Xenon after Halo 2 (which I'm guessing is what MS will make them do).

It would be a killer lineup to see MK, Mario, and Zelda (done in Zelda XII style) all at once. Zelda Revolution would probably be a system seller if it looked cool enough.

DJ Sl4m

Redbeard said:
Funny how they mention the Revolution will have plenty of third party support, while towards the bottom the rumor is "Digital Extremes Preps for Xbox 2, PS3". It doesn't mean anything yet, but if the Revolution gets into the rut of being ignored/snubbed by western developers, it'll be in the same boat the Cube is in now.

How so ? The Unreal Championship franchise doesn't carry THAT much weight yet, Xbox 2 has no Halo3 at launch, unless MSFT pulls some great mystery game from thier ass, I see the Xbox 2 being driven by a 3rd party game at launch.


Eh? unlikely, Nintendo won't go for the money shot straight away... what does that leave them with for the rest of the gen? they'll space them out over the console life, like they have with all their previous consoles.


o boy o boy o boy more mario and more zelda, everybody loves mario and zelda right? How can they possibly lose?

Mario is playing tennis!
Mario is having a party!
Mario is playing golf!
Mario is riding a go kart!

Creatively bankrupt.


Will start substantiating his hate
DJ Sl4m:

> ... unless MSFT pulls some great mystery game from thier ass, I see the Xbox 2 being
> driven by a 3rd party game at launch.

I think you're right that M$ will rely on 3. party software as has been the case this gen but I think they will have a few big exclusives. I'm thinking a reworked PD0 (forget the X02 Joanna Dark art) and perhaps Project Gotham 3.


Buck said:
o boy o boy o boy more mario and more zelda, everybody loves mario and zelda right? How can they possibly lose?

Mario is playing tennis!
Mario is having a party!
Mario is playing golf!
Mario is riding a go kart!

Creatively bankrupt.

Everyone of those games is one of the BEST. The gameply is flawless. How the hell is that creatively bankrupt?


5{o boy o boy o boy more mario and more zelda, everybody loves mario and zelda right? How can they possibly lose?

Mario is playing tennis!
Mario is having a party!
Mario is playing golf!
Mario is riding a go kart!

Creatively bankrupt.[/QUOTE]

You forgot Mario is role playing.
Mario is kicking your ass.


So Sequels of old games at launch are the REVOLUTION Nintendo is talking about?

A revolution is a relatively sudden and absolutely drastic change. This may be a change in the social or political institutions over a relatively short period of time, or a major change in its culture or economy. Some revolutions are led by the majority of the populace of a nation, others by a small band of revolutionaries.

Does "another Mario and Zelda game" fit in there? Yeah yeah, I'm expecting too much based on the word "revolution" - I should drop the "r" and then it will fit.


FriScho said:
So Sequels of old games at launch are the REVOLUTION Nintendo is talking about?

A revolution is a relatively sudden and absolutely drastic change. This may be a change in the social or political institutions over a relatively short period of time, or a major change in its culture or economy. Some revolutions are led by the majority of the populace of a nation, others by a small band of revolutionaries.

Does "another Mario and Zelda game" fit in there? Yeah yeah, I'm expecting too much based on the word "revolution" - I should drop the "r" and then it will fit.

Yes. If the gameplay is something new and introduces a sudden change in gaming, then yes it will be a REVOLUTION.


Trevelyon said:
Eh? unlikely, Nintendo won't go for the money shot straight away... what does that leave them with for the rest of the gen? they'll space them out over the console life, like they have with all their previous consoles.
Yeah, I think they only need one game as SSB: M showed.


DJ Sl4m said:
How so ? The Unreal Championship franchise doesn't carry THAT much weight yet, Xbox 2 has no Halo3 at launch, unless MSFT pulls some great mystery game from thier ass, I see the Xbox 2 being driven by a 3rd party game at launch.

Well, I didn't mean DE specifically, just in general how the Cube is considered an afterthought or outright dismissed from many western developers. How many games are being released for PC/PS2/Xbox with no Cube version? Unless these developers are going to start with a clean slate so to speak, and support all platforms equally from the start, Nintendo could be in the position of not getting enough western support to begin with.


I think It should be called Evolution, instead of Revolution. It's not a sudden change to gameplay, but rather improvements added to their games.


tenchir said:
I think It should be called Evolution, instead of Revolution. It's not a sudden change to gameplay, but rather improvements added to their games.

I think we should wait to see what Nintendo's console has to offer first. ;)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Buck said:
o boy o boy o boy more mario and more zelda, everybody loves mario and zelda right? How can they possibly lose?

Mario is playing tennis!
Mario is having a party!
Mario is playing golf!
Mario is riding a go kart!

Creatively bankrupt.

You gotta love it when people who reuse other people's troll atempts instead of coming up with their own use the term 'creatively bankrupt'.

Anyway, its more like:

Nintendo is making money!
Nintendo is making money!
Nintendo is making money!
Nintendo is making money!

And as far as the sentiment in this thread that launching with a ton of franchises is bad is concerned.... I'll never understand it. If someone really wants a game but they can't afford several of them at launch they will just save up and get it later. People (especially Nintendo people) don't as easily forget about Nintendo games like they do with some other stuff. Furthermore, the sooner the games come out the sooner they can drop in price and become Player's Choice games... which opens up a whole new market which will broaden Revolution's appeal and attract more people. The games are going to keep attracting people to the system for months and years after they are released. It's better to have them out working for you than to hold them back and reduce the amount of time that they can be on the market...imo. Also, it's very important that Nintendo makes a good first impression next time around. The Gamecube launch was very weak and that really hurt it from the early going. I still think the launch affects the Gamecube to this day. I think that launching with some of their key franchises and like 1 new franchise would be a good way to immediately satisfy their fan base while still giving them the opportunity to seek new fans. In other words, they should get everything that people immediately identify with Nintendo out of the way quickly so that they have the bulk of the console's life cycle to work on developing new content to attract new people.


Didn't Nintendo said that their next-gen machine would be backwards compatible with the GC? I remember reading it before the E3...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Alright, so nintendo launches with mario, zelda, and mario kart. What does that leave them? That leaves them with Smash Bros (let's say online, 3 months after release). Then in the next year you can get F-Zero, Mario Tennis, and MArio Golf (all online). The year after that you can have Pikmin, Animal Crossing, pokemon (mmorpg?) and paper mario 3. Throw in 5 or so original titles (yes, nintendo DID develop original titles this gen and are likely to do at least a few next gen) and the system could be set. I didn't even mention things like Monkey Ball.

Point is, saying that they're spent after mario, zelda, and mario kart is just stupid.


When the guy mixes in his own beliefs with "someone elses" rumors then he probably made up the rumors himself. It'd be near impossible for Nintendo to have out a new Mario, Mario Kart & Zelda at launch! He then goes on to say that Nintendo somehow hinted that the "Revolution" won't be BC 'cos Nintendo wants to support GAMECUBE after "Revolution" launches? No...Mr. Iwata has already stated that they'll have BC in GAMECUBE and it's not like it wouldn't be too hard to implement having the same technology partners again next generation.

In short: BS!


I hope the next Zelda game for Revolution is cel shaded again. Something in vain of Okami from Capcom, but using Revolution's power.


AssMan said:
I hope the next Zelda game for Revolution is cel shaded again. Something in vain of Okami from Capcom, but using Revolution's power.

A Zelda game with the DQVIII graphic engine would look nice:)


In the nintendo financial reports we always hear about "devaluation". Is that the next console? hehe....j/k guys. Nintendo Devaluation wont take the place of the cube, it will sit right next to it. We promise


I hope the next Zelda game for Revolution is cel shaded again. Something in vain of Okami from Capcom, but using Revolution's power.

If Nintendo decides to do a cel shaded Zelda on Revolution, the only cel shaded style I could tolerate
would be a sort of "CG cel shading" ....something along the lines of:



the GCN Soul Calubur 2 Link intro sequence


DrDogg said:
Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart at launch? Throw in Smash 3 with online play

No on Zelda it will come out a year after the system or so Zelda games never come out that quick.
Yes on Mario this looks to be where Mario 128 is heading.
Mario Kart could happen.
Smash Brothers 3 with online play is almost a lock (well the game not the online part) it doesn't take this long to make a sequel to the best seller Cube game unless they are making it for the next system.


It doesn't make any sense having a Zelda for launch with revolution since current Gamecube Zelda is set for a Summer, Fall, Winter 2005 release. No way they work on a revolution Zelda at the same time as the GC Zelda since Zelda is a game that takes ALOT of resources for Nintendo to create.

Add a Zelda for GBA and DS coming, and I cannot see this unless they postpone the current Gamecube Zelda for the revolution (which I hope NOT)


I don't think Nintendo would be wise to put out Zelda AND Mario at launch. I'd think they would at least hold on to one of those games for a while. Nobody would want Revolution to launch with a bucketful of awesome AAA games and then get nothing for a year. A better plan would be to launch with, say, Metroid, Smash Bros, & Mario Party, or some other small but (relatively) varied and popular selection of games.
There's no reason to put them all out at launch. No Nintendo system has done that, even the really successful ones. Why should they blow their load all at once? It would be better if it was put out in intervals of a few months. As soon as one game dies down, here comes the next of Nintendo's major franchises. Even if they could release them all at once, I'd rather they didn't. Nintendo's current problem is really that many major releases are quite far apart... if they were moved a bit closer, I think it'd be just fine.


Unconfirmed Member
GigaDrive said:
If Nintendo decides to do a cel shaded Zelda on Revolution, the only cel shaded style I could tolerate
would be a sort of "CG cel shading" ....something along the lines of:
Uggh are you that guy that made and bimped 18 different zelda threads before the last board crashed?

Oh, and I certainly wouldn't consider the SCII intro to be "cel shaded".
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