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Russian parliament give preliminary approval to decriminalizing domestic violence

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On Wednesday, the Russian parliament gave preliminary approval to a bill decriminalizing domestic violence. It's part of President Vladimir Putin's push for a return to traditional family values.

In the summer of 2016, Russia got its first law specifically directed at domestic violence. The parliament introduced the notion of "close ones" to Article 116 of the criminal code, which deals with battery. That group includes the suspect's children, spouse, parents, siblings and other relatives. Beating them without any consequences to their health became punishable with a jail term of up to two years. Many in Russia saw this as a necessary measure: according to women's rights activists, 10,000 Russian women a year die as a result of domestic violence. Official statistics say 40 percent of all serious violent crime takes place in the home.

At his annual press conference in December, Putin perhaps all-too-conveniently received a question from a journalist representing a little-known site that specializes in bashing juvenile justice. Would the Russian leader to get rid of the law that "allows a father to be sent away for two years for spanking a child who deserves it, purely as a traditional Russian educational measure"?

On the surface, Russian traditionalists are practically libertarians. Their rallying cry is resisting juvenile justice, a concept introduced to Russia by the European Social Charter and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of a Child: They argue it destroys the concept of family by legitimizing government interference in the home. But their tolerance for domestic violence -- only in the mildest forms, they claim, the rare but necessary spank or slap -- is descended from a medieval literary work called Domostroi (Homebuilding), known in a 16th-century version edited by Ivan the Terrible's confessor. The book has a chapter on "how to teach children and save them with fear" that tells parents: "Do not weaken when hitting a babe: If you punish him with a staff, he shall not die but will be healthier since, by beating his body, you will save his soul from death." Another chapter instructing husbands on how properly to beat their wives: Never in anger, not on the face or chest, not with a stick -- and no kicking!

No one, of course, accepts those instructions as valid today. An official Russian Orthodox Church site carries an article saying Domostroi is not a canonical text and beating family members is not Christian behavior. But traditionalists say it's no biggie in moderation.

Arguing against the domestic violence law, Yelena Mizulina, the legislator responsible for Russia's laws against discussing homosexuality in the media, recalled a specific case. A 17-year-old girl frittered away some family cash put aside to pay off the mortgage. When her mother discovered it, she slapped the young woman, who then went to the police. Even after the mother and daughter patched it up, it was too late to roll back the prosecution, and now the mother risks losing custody of a younger child. Mizulina also argued the law unfairly punished a parent more harshly than a stranger for spanking a child.

Mizulina introduced legislation, but it did not become a priority until an intervention by the ultimate arbiter of family values in Russia: Vladimir Putin.

In 2015, the German public-service broadcaster ZDF aired a documentary about Putin that cited a "Western intelligence dossier" that said Putin drank and beat his wife, Ludmila, during his service as a KGB officer in East Germany. The couple is now divorced, but Putin claims allegiance to traditional family values, with all the baggage that notion carries in Russia.

International experience proves that aggressive legislation against domestic violence tends to reduce its incidence. As a result of the legislative change, Russian rules will be among the most lax in Europe: The first reported instance of battery against a spouse or a child that doesn't result in injuries will only be punishable by a fine as an administrative transgression, although subsequent instances or heavy beatings will remain crimes.

The problem with that approach is that violence becomes permissible in small doses. Nothing will stop some "traditionalists" from getting carried away.
Putin's public execution in a few years after the Russia people rise up is gonna be pretty fucking sweet.

As someone who has friends who suffer PTSD from domestic violence, the Russia government members should be punched in the dick over and over and over again until they can't breed.


Well, traditional values is that the family is a property of the man of the house and what happens in the home stays in the home


I asked this before but don't think I got a definite response.

Do we gave any GAFers that live in Russia? or is the internet locked down enough there that it wouldn't be possible?
Beating them without any consequences to their health

I wonder how they know if it had consequences to their health, how big the bruise has to be, can there be bleeding? Im genuinely curious about how the yare going to enforce this.


The pro-Corbyn zealots will just insist that this is a CIA plot designed to overthrow the Russian government.
I asked this before but don't think I got a definite response.

Do we gave any GAFers that live in Russia? or is the internet locked down enough there that it wouldn't be possible?

Their internet is not that locked down at all if you're thinking in the mold of China. I'm pretty sure we have several folks from Russia.
So the rationale for abolishing legislation against domestic violence is 1) hey, look at these isolated incidents where a parent reported for physically attacking their child may lose custody of said child. How tragic for that parent! and 2) hooo boy, do you know what our kids need and what is missing from everyday Russian traditional family morality? Some good old fear!

I mean, even if the legislation as it stands seems flawed and could/have culminate(d) in isolated incidents where the punishment seems disproportionate, really? Wholesale decriminalising domestic violence in a single stroke? Christ.
You mean the same ilk who morphed from beardneck, racist, misogynist gamergate trolls to ardent Putin and Trump supporters? You think they'll have a problem with this?

Oh, I know they don't have a problem. It's fun to see the mental gymnastics they pull for their dear Russian god king.
I mean... I don't know if I agree that a mother should lose custody of a child because she slapped an older child who wasted their money (assuming nothing is being left out of that story; considering the person saying it, I'd be skeptical).

But even still, that's not a basis for rolling back domestic violence protection wholesale. Really, this is just shitty men pining for the days when they could go around hitting women and children without repercussion. Fuck them.

I'd hate to be the wife or girlfriend of a football hooligan over there.

I'm gonna guess Russian mail-order bride is a thing for a reason.


Back to the good old days of slapping around your significant other or kids if they got out of line. Pow right the kisser, Алиса!


This is rooted in (extremist imo) religion. In their view you should be able to run your own household as you see fit without police interfering etc. Back in the good old day, dad used to be able to whip out the belt and spank his kids. I'm Polish and I heard stories from my grandparents of kids being made to kneel on a pile of frozen peas for hour(s). "Traditional" values lol.

I've read of similar arguments against Obamacare. Basically if you're sick/dying the church should help you not the government(only if you're worthy of course).

Also this is a devious of lowering crime statistics.

Look crime is way down! Praise Putin!


I mean... I don't know if I agree that a mother should lose custody of a child because she slapped an older child who wasted their money (assuming nothing is being left out of that story; considering the person saying it, I'd be skeptical).

I could maybe, maybe see an argument for spanking very young children (although IIRC even that is counterintuitively counterproductive). But if you're slapping a 17 year old, that's not discipline, that's anger-fueled violence aimed at your own fucking child. That's not okay.
This is rooted in (extremist imo) religion. In their view you should be able to run your own household as you see fit without police interfering etc. Back in the good old dad used to be able to whip out the belt and spank his kids. I'm Polish and I heard stories from my grandparents of kids being made to kneel on a pile of frozen pees for hour(s). "Traditional" values lol.

I've read of similar arguments against Obamacare. Basically if you're sick/dying the church should help you not the government(only if you're worthy of course).

I think you meant "back in the good old day," but that is a perfectly appropriate typo.
Over/under on the amount of time it will take for Trump and the Republican Congress to attempt to enact something like this in the US?

They're already going to take the Supreme Court and push to repeal Rowe v. Wade, and Planned Parenthood is on the chopping block. Might as well just take away every right that women have, including the right not to get punched in the mouth by their shithead husbands.

Edit: Wow, I am a goddamn savant at having my post be the last one on the page. Not that I have anything important to say, but I just seem to do this a lot.
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