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Sekiro could be coming to gamepass or PS+


Gold Member


This guy seems to have an up and down record but has predicted FFVII Remake on Plus and Ubi games on GamePass

I think it's more likely to arrive on PlayStation myself, if any? But then Phil Spencer did have the Sekiro box in his recent interview so who knows. Would this make you happy GAF? Or niche game for niche audience?
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Hmm, if the rumors of Xbox having an exclusive From software game coming as well, then maybe adding Sekiro to GP or games with Gold would be a great marketing idea



1. Guy is an xbox fanboy;

2. MS has marketing partnership with next From game.


1. Improved a lot with the offerings this year;

2. Although guy is an xfanboy, he talked the same way month ago about FFVII remake;

3. Buying games is still a thing for the Playstation community.

Maybe the game will come to both services, but in differents periods ofc.


yeah no people say fuck me when buying a game full price a week before it goes on psnow or gamepass. Tweet is just a head up bro. People that REALLY wanted that game already have it

Well here's the thing, most people who are looking to buy a game, especially one that's been out as long as Sekiro, will probably be doing so while it's on sale and because they 100% know it's something they want.

I've never once been annoyed to see something I've bought become annoyed if it's then on PS+/gamepass/EA play or any other service that I'm subscribed to (or can subscribe to). If I'm buying something it's because I want to play/try it at the time and because I've decided it's worth being I'm my library.

Something like Sekiro isn't some shitty throwaway experience that isn't worthy of a purchase under normal circumstances.


Let's just step out of this tiring bullshit construct that is the console warz now with an extra source to extrapolate the childishness from which are these subscription services and instead be happy that people can experience a masterpiece of a game that is niche enough alot of people skipped out on it.


Well here's the thing, most people who are looking to buy a game, especially one that's been out as long as Sekiro, will probably be doing so while it's on sale and because they 100% know it's something they want.

I've never once been annoyed to see something I've bought become annoyed if it's then on PS+/gamepass/EA play or any other service that I'm subscribed to (or can subscribe to). If I'm buying something it's because I want to play/try it at the time and because I've decided it's worth being I'm my library.

Something like Sekiro isn't some shitty throwaway experience that isn't worthy of a purchase under normal circumstances.

Yeah I get you bro, for me it's the same way, I mean that sincerely. Maybe it hurts a little but in the end I'm cool with it. Where I was coming from is mostly where there are games I think I like but am on the fence about it you know, should I or should I not.. And i think a lot of people have that with lots of games. So in those cases these subscription services are a good way to see what's up. A little heads up doenst hurt right

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Yeah, I've been following Ed for a while. He was right on PS+ for FFVIIR, so I'm inclined this to be the same result.

I'd like to give Sekiro another go. I retired from it early. I think going to 60fps this time around might give me a better edge on timing attacks for example.
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Issue is if you buy it on Playstation you have zero chance of getting your money back if you downloaded it, MS will give you a refund.


Hmm, if the rumors of Xbox having an exclusive From software game coming as well, then maybe adding Sekiro to GP or games with Gold would be a great marketing idea

Actually if Sekiro is on Gamepass it will be proof that the rumor was really about this.
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The *issue* lol is that people are maybe (I don't really give a shit) getting a good game to play. Perhaps be fucking happy for them instead of playing this fucking subtext game. Not personal <3 Mr.ODST Mr.ODST sorry fucked up the quote
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I really should go back and finish it. Game is hard af though lol.

OT: It'd be ok but makes no difference to me since I own it.
Sorry, didn't want to offend anyone or fuel console wars. 🤝 I just had a feeling that after all the bad news for Playstation customers a little gift like Sekiro would support the healing process. 🤕 Then again, it's probably coming Gamepass. 😐
You put too much faith in bethesda games and microsoft acquisitions. The results can be different from what you expect, and reality will hit hard :goog_injured:


You put too much faith in bethesda games and microsoft acquisitions. The results can be different from what you expect, and reality will hit hard :goog_injured:
It already has. The dust settled and the first 2 exclusives and only games with release dates are PS5 games. But this thread should be about the thread title. The zeni news has to get as much play as possible because that’s all there is
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Gold Member
Sounds fishy tbh, the game is still full price on Steam and MS store (not sure PS store but expect the same?) and it would make more sense for Bamco to drop sth like Dark Souls 3 to build momentum for Elden Ring...
Great news for everyone if true, absolutely incredible game especially now in 60fps on consoles. I'm fine with getting a reason to re-100% it on the XsX if that's the case


Holy sh*t, how?
I spent 80+ hours and just finished it once.
Platinum require ate lwast 2 playthroughs and a lot of skill point grind.
Am I not gud enough?
Some people are very good at these games and Sekiro isn't a very long game if you're not spending a lot of time farming and repeating boss fights.

I remember struggling to advance in Sekiro and spending hours on the hardest bosses while a buddy of mine who's a Souls veteran stormed through most of the story without major complaints.
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Ask me about my Stream Deck
Sorry, didn't want to offend anyone or fuel console wars. 🤝 I just had a feeling that after all the bad news for Playstation customers a little gift like Sekiro would support the healing process. 🤕 Then again, it's probably coming Gamepass. 😐
What bad news?


What bad news?

Studio Japan being shut down, God of War und Gran Turismo postponed (probably Horizon too) and no more Bethesda games for Playstation plattforms.

Don't know much about that tech stuff. But the aftermath of the infamous PS5 die shot with several "analysts" publicly burning themselves was worrisome too. 😐
There’s a lot I love about Sekiro, but I hate the block mechanic and being locked into the gear when the upgrade system takes forever to unlock the moves that give the game its depth.

Good game to give a toss.
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